Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 755 Questioning the love business ability of Lord Demon King is actually an instinct

Chapter 755 It's an instinct to question Lord Demon King's love business ability

Luo Bosi was sulking in her princess room, her father wanted to marry her off without any prior notice, it was too much!
"His Royal Highness, the Prince of the Demon Race seeks an audience." A Behemoth giant knocked on the door and shouted.

"No! Tell him to go!"

Yuan Feiwu couldn't help smiling as he stood in the main hall of the Beamon tribe admiring the architectural culture of the orc tribe.The sound insulation in the palace is of course the highest level in the area. Even here, Princess Luobosi can be heard yelling, which shows how much Luobosi dislikes him!
Only the Bimon people, who can do whatever they think of, can be so "informal", and they are not afraid that the guests will feel embarrassed when they hear their refusal.

"His Royal Highness, after all, he is the prospective son-in-law. If he goes to the king's side to complain, I'm afraid the king will not let the princess feel better." The Bimon guard outside the door said frankly.

"Makes sense. It's annoying! Bring him here!"

When the Bimon guard came to the main hall, Yuan Feiwu was already standing at the door waiting for him with a smile, as if he could leave at any time.

Of course, their conversation was like thunder in the palace. It is estimated that even King Beamon heard it. Can he not make preparations in advance.

The carefree nature of the Bimon people doesn't shy away from any differences between men and women, so they directly bring Yuan Feiwu to Luo Bosi's boudoir.

As soon as Yuan Feiwu came, Luo Bosi immediately put on a bad face, but unfortunately, Yuan Feiwu couldn't see the other party's bad face, after all, that animal face seemed to be full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy to ordinary people. the same.

"What did you come to see me for? I'll just tell you like this. If I die, I'll despise you!" Seeing Yuan Feiwu, Luo Bosi just stood there smiling and didn't speak. I had no choice but to speak first, to cut to the chase so as not to get upset.

"Princess Radish is so resistant to this marriage that is beneficial to both parties. I think there must be a reason for it. Apart from not accepting the appearance of our demons, let me guess what is the reason?" Fei Wu laughed.

"Haha, it's funny, there is no reason..."

"Perhaps Princess Luobosi already has a sweetheart, so she especially rejects this engagement..."

"To shut up!"

Luo Bosi jumped up from the reclining chair, but her huge body was more flexible than a monkey. She quickly rushed to the door and closed it forcefully, almost throwing the head of the guard who had been standing at the door to her face.


"You have such a big reaction, I guess it's pretty close..."

"Don't say any more!" Luo Bosi leaned over to the animal face, his fangs were almost poking into Yuan Feiwu's face, and said in a low voice, "Besides, I'll strangle you to death right now!"

It turns out that if you really want to lower the volume, the Behemoth giants can do it.

Like the sentence behind shredded radish, it is almost like a mosquito.

"Actually, I came here to look for you because I was dissatisfied with this hastily arranged marriage. We need to unite to have a chance to get rid of this marriage contract."

"It's hard for me to believe what you demons said." Luo Bosi sneered, "Don't try to get close to me, I won't do it!"

Although the Bimons are blunt-minded, they are not fools, and they can be convinced by just a few words from others.

"If I'm really interested in the marriage contract, why should I bother to talk nonsense to Her Highness the Princess? I should be looking for King Beamon, and if I urge him to get married quickly, it's over?"

Radish shreds stood up straight, thought for a while, and felt that this made sense.

"So you came to me because you really want to get rid of this engagement?"

"Of course. And maybe I can help you match you and your sweetheart. Who is your sweetheart?"

"Why are you asking so directly!" Luo Bosi was a little shy, but she felt a little close to this demon prince who thought the same as her, "Here, the one who brought you here just now, my close friend The guard, the youngest gold-ranked Behemoth, is handsome..."

"Oh, it's another classic story about a princess who doesn't love a prince and falls in love with a knight. He's a good match for you, he's a man and woman." Yuan Feiwu burst into an extremely bright smile.

Whenever a particularly bright smiling face appears, there must be something that I want to understate.

Yuan Feiwu was worried about Luo Bosi and asked why he was so talented and beautiful!

Because it is the same as the face blindness of the Behemoths when they look at them. Simply use the naked eye to see that every Behemoth giant looks the same. I can admit it.They all look the same, can they not match each other, can they not look good? !
"I think so too, but he has a stupid mind. He only knows how to work without looking at me. Are you angry? Do you really have a way to cancel our engagement and bring us together? He must take the initiative or I will But I can’t afford to lose face, he’s a piece of wood!” When Luo Bosi talked about her girlish thoughts, even though she looked like a gorilla, she couldn’t help showing the shyness that a girl should have.

"Try hard. I already have a plan in mind, let me tell you about it."

Shredded radish leaned close to Yuan Feiwu's ear, hearing Yuan Feiwu talk about his uncomplicated plan, his eyes lit up after hearing it!
"But I want to make it clear to you. First, I am not the real Prince of the Demon Race, but the one who is locked in the house, and I pretended to be the Prince to help him end this marriage contract that he did not want. Part [-] Two, I also have a personal purpose when I bring you together, that is, I want to find evidence that can convince you that the chaos that your beast clan is currently encountering is not just your beast clan’s chaos.”

Luo Bosi was taken aback, this person suddenly told him that he was not the real prince, and expressed that he had other plans, which was too strange.

"I don't understand what you mean! You don't need to tell me these secrets, and do all this without telling me." Luo Bosi couldn't understand what this person was doing.

"Telling you the facts is to express my sincerity. I really want to become a partner with you, so as not to hurt people's hearts by misunderstanding."

"Okay, I don't feel your guilty conscience, so I accept your sincerity! Anyway, if you lie to me, I will crush you to death, nothing to be afraid of!" Luo Bosi seemed to understand something, walked over and patted She patted the shoulders that were too thin for her, but with that strength, an ordinary person might be patted like a meatloaf, "Just explain clearly if you have misunderstandings with others, don't be sad, work harder!"

Yuan Feiwu couldn't help being taken aback for not expecting to hear such reasonable words from Luobosi's mouth.

"Where can you tell that I'm sad?" Yuan Feiwu smiled perfectly, as if everything in the world could be eclipsed by this smile and it's not worth mentioning.

"Now! Don't you keep crying now? Don't be sad, you are so sincere to me. From today on, you will be my brother. If something happens, I will support you!"

Yuan Feiwu was helpless, he had forgotten, he couldn't see the other party's emotions, how could the other party see his own?

What the eyes see may not be as real as what the instinct perceives...

"Your Highness, I haven't heard anything for a long time, so I'm sorry to bother you, are you okay?" The guard's worried voice suddenly came from outside.

Luo Bosi was about to reply, Yuan Feiwu hurriedly made a motion to silence him and stopped him, and said in a low voice: "The plan has started now, I heard his tone was quite worried, there should be some drama."

"Really?" Ruth asked softly in surprise.

"Of course, I have a good sense of smell when it comes to love and fate." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

If the best friend in Xingluo Continent was here, they would definitely swear on the spot.But Yuan Feiwu really didn't lie, he has a very keen sense of smell about other people's affairs, but his slow reaction to the emotional entanglement that happened to him is really scary.In the romantic atmosphere where the background music that is obviously a perfect match between a man and a woman can make a mess, sometimes they are so anxious that they want to pry open source flying to see if there is a muscle missing.

"So you are very experienced?" Shredded Radish asked.

"It doesn't count, but there is an A-level fraudster who claims to be a killer in love, and he has told me a lot. I think it is no problem to deal with the current situation." Yuan Feiwu said confidently.

"Fraud, a scammer? Why do I feel a little unreliable?" Luo Bosi immediately wondered if she trusted the wrong person.

"Sense? You also have a very keen sixth sense?"

Yuan Feiwu thought of Lucia, and from time to time he could see through the Lucia in his heart for no reason. He didn't know when he got used to Lucia who was running around in the farmland with him.

"No, I think I have a beast-like intuition..." Luo Bosi said honestly, "It seems that there is a voice in my head that keeps saying: 'This person is quite unreliable in this aspect'."

"Well, although what you say is very graphic, I don't feel happy at all..." Yuan Feiwu sighed with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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