Chapter 756
"It's all right, Rudolph, I had a great chat with the prince."

The guard heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the voice of shredded radish coming from inside, but he didn't notice any sadness on his eyebrows.

Standing outside the door is this handsome, tall and mighty man with a dignified appearance... Well, the above praise must be based on the perspective of the Bimon people. After all, from the perspective of normal people, they almost all look the same. It is not clear whether "handsome" and "handsome" are judged by the pair of raised long fangs, or the completely layered folds on the face.

This may be a mystery.

And everyone is not interested in solving this mystery, so let it be a mystery.

In short, this Rudolph is young and promising. There are currently six Kim Beamons in the Orc Clan, and he is the youngest one.He was the son of an old comrade-in-arms of King Behemoth. The family of that comrade-in-arms died. As an orphan, he was adopted by King Behemoth and arranged to be his youngest daughter's bodyguard.The two were about the same age, and they were basically childhood sweethearts. King Behemoth also took good care of him and gave him many resources.

According to his current status and strength, he would not disagree with King Bimeng if he wanted to join forces with the princess.It's just that this guy is a bit stupid and loyal, he treats the princess and King Beamon as masters and dare not think about such things.Princess Naihe is interesting, but Princess Tangtang has no reason to let her pursue her own guards, this matter is just dragging on.

The Beamons are all guys who don't pay much attention to details, and they don't do things so delicately. King Beamon would not think too much about whether this couple is interesting or not. Maybe Rudolph is like his son in his heart, and he and Luosi are like brothers and sisters.And if it's interesting, it should have been brought up long ago, and if I didn't mention it, I didn't think about it.

Then, on a whim, he thought of intermarrying his daughter with the only offspring of that old ghost, the emperor of the demon clan, which would have innumerable benefits to the orc clan.My daughter will be the future Queen of the Demon Race, and I will not wrong my daughter.

He did it when he thought of it, and he discussed it with Lu Kaiser.That day, Lu Kaiser tactfully rejected him more than 20 times. Lu Kaiser was also depressed to death. He had just formed an alliance with Lu Kaiser, and it was difficult to tear his face, so he kept tactfully rejecting him, because if he provoked a war again, the demons who were strong outside but middle-ranked would probably be taken care of by dogs.With the IQ of the Beamon family, nine out of ten they would not be able to understand the tactful words, so they thought it was a deal.

But considering the IQ of the Beamon family, this matter was evaded several times by Lu Kaiser, and after a long time, it was forgotten by him to an unknown corner.Originally, when things had developed to this point, this marriage contract could basically become a historical dust silently... Lucia slammed into the door herself, and when King Beamon heard that Prince Lucia came to ask for someone, he touched the forgotten The dust is gone, so the dust is flying again: Oh, and there is a marriage contract!
Just happened to do it!
When the wedding is over, I personally take them to Luca Caesar and ask Luca Caesar: Surprised or not?Is it surprising?We are married!Years of grievances finally turned into a happy event!

Just imagining King Behemoth in that picture is very interesting.

Of course, that was just the wishful thinking of King Beamon. According to the thinking of Lucia and others, that day would be a catastrophic day when only one of these two people would die.And it is more likely than King Meng to be more ominous. After all, Lu Kaiser has already stepped into the high-level level of the four-winged fallen angel. Measured by the level of Star Luo Continent, he is a character of the first level of God of War. Void's ability to step into the demon world and continue to practice is no problem at all if he is said to be the number one peerless master in the mortal world.

This is why Lucia is worried that Lucia has not cultivated the fallen angel wings. At this level, the power struggles in the mortal world have made him feel naive, and his pursuit can no longer be given to him by the mortal world. I want to go to a wider world.However, the future successor of the Demon Race has been unable to meet the standard, which made him unable to leave with peace of mind.Lu Kaiser's true strength has only just broken through, and it is still a secret. If it is spread out and discovered by the angels in the heavens who claim to maintain the stability of the mortal world, they will definitely intervene. This is how Bimon came to be. Wang also took seriously the fact that he only lost a point in a one-on-one match with Lu Kaiser back then, so he must not be afraid of Lu Kaiser's tone.

Getting back to the topic, Rudolph was relieved when he heard the princess inside saying that he was fine, and the door suddenly opened.

Luo Bosi walked out side by side with the prince of the Demon Race, talking and laughing, leaving Rudolph stunned for a while.

The princess told herself just now that the prince of the demon clan is so ugly, is it very annoying?How can you adapt so quickly!
Doubts are doubts, but Rudolph still dutifully followed behind shredded radish every step of the way.

It's just that this one followed directly to the border of the orcs, which made Rudolph still haven't figured it out.

That day they went to find King Bimon, saying that they had to go out to experience some hardships in order to cultivate their relationship, and they told the Mozu prince about the situation at Sanyong of the Luobosi Beast Clan, and they all felt that it might be suitable for them to temper themselves.

As a natural fighting race, the Behemoth King, of course, was very supportive when he heard such words. How can one become a real warrior without going through hardships!
Although Rudolph didn't understand the relationship between becoming a real warrior and getting married, King Beamon was worried about the safety of the princess, and he was also worried that the prince would run away from marriage if he didn't pay attention, so Rudolph was appointed to lead a team. The Behemoth giant elite followed them to the camp where the three warriors of the orc race were currently stationed.

Sanyong of the Beast Race saw Yuan Feiwu bringing a group of Beamon elite soldiers, as well as Princess Luobosi and Beamon master Rudolph, they were stunned together as if they had seen a ghost.

I thought that there would be no chance to see each other in a short time a few days ago, even if they held a wedding banquet, they probably didn't have time to arrive, and the things here might not be completed for a while.

Who knew that Yuan Feiwu would bring shredded radish, the lead actress of the frothy engagement drama that they all wanted to gossip about, to the borderlands.

What kind of plot development is this?Male No. [-] and Female No. [-] elope and fly away?So what does it mean that Rudolph is escorted by a team of Beamon elite soldiers?
And what is the meaning of coming to this eventful place?

"Please call me His Royal Highness."

Just as Baluru wanted to ask about the situation, Yuan Feiwu interrupted him, and then looked at Moses.

Moses nodded slightly after being taken aback for a moment.

Yuan Feiwu also smiled and nodded.Moshido deserves to be Moshido, and he understood what he meant with just one sentence.

Moses is in a complicated mood. This guy intends to pretend to be the demon prince and princess to marry. He is really loyal and not afraid of sacrifice!

Moshiduo's dead sheep eyes revealed incomparable respect, as if expressing a speech to a martyr who had just died: "Your Royal Highness, Your Highness Princess, did the two of you choose this place for your honeymoon? It's really ingenious, congratulations."

"No!" Yuan Feiwu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it seemed that there was something wrong with Moses Duo's brain circuit!
"Huh? Isn't it?"

Moshiduo's dead sheep eyes were unwavering, and even if he guessed wrong, he remained calm. This calmness alone made Baluru and Jerez next to him amazed.

Of course, he kept his composure, because Yuan Feiwu was communicating with him through sound transmission, and the admiration of Baluru and Jerez might have been tricked this time.

The simple meeting between the two sides quickly proceeded normally, but Moshido, who knew the inside story, and Baluru Geris, who didn't know the inside story, behaved in two extremes next!

In the middle of the journey, Yuan Feiwu and Princess Luobosi used all kinds of strange nicknames and physical contact, which made Baluru and Jaris' stomachs churn, and their souls were greatly impacted. Return!Moses was much calmer, and kindly asked how many people the princess brought to support this time, and explained the situation here, as if those disgusting human and ghost-like human and animal loves did not exist at all.

This indifference made Baluru and Jerez sigh and admire again.

Speaking of which, there seems to be no intermarriage between the Beamon and other tribes in the orc tribe. It is no wonder that the two super masters who are used to strong winds and waves cannot adapt.

(End of this chapter)

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