Chapter 757
After simply getting to know each other, this small meeting is over.

But Moshiduo stopped them who were about to go to rest elsewhere: "Your Highness, please stop, there are some things I want to know from you."

"Oh? Do you have any other special relationship with the demon prince?" Rudolph asked quickly, looking wary.

Although the Beamon tribe is the ruling regime of the Orc tribe, all tribes still control themselves, which is the bottom line for them to let the Beamon tribe rule.Because the management rights of various ethnic tribes have not been gathered in their hands, the Bimon people still have a lot of precautions against other ethnic groups, which is a necessary defense to consolidate their supreme regime.

Just like the strange riots that happened on the border of the Orcs recently, only the warriors of their tribe participated in the trip of the three warriors of the Orcs, and the masters of the Beamon tribe did not move a single one.

However, Sanyong of the Beast Clan was still willing to go. Firstly, he didn't want to confront the Bimeng. Secondly, as the ruling regime, the Bimeng did not usually oppress the tribes harshly. All ethnic groups respected the Bimeng.Moreover, this riot took place at the border, so it had no effect on the Beamon who lived in the center of the orcs. Their actions could be regarded as eliminating harm for other orcs.

So Sanyong of the Beast Race went here without saying a word, and it was a coincidence that the nearby village was attacked by bandits and rushed here. Otherwise, how could it be possible that Sanyong of the Beast Race needed to rush to a small village on the border.

Gathering the three warriors of the orc clan is already considered a considerable force in the orc clan, but I didn't expect that things here are quite difficult. The three warriors of the orc clan were dragged here for many days and failed to settle the chaos. No one thought of it.

Because the Beamon people left this matter to them to solve the problem by themselves and did not intend to waste the power of the Beamon people, so when Moses saw the princess and Rudolph bringing the Beamon team over, his first reaction was not to support, but to come to honeymoon.

"It's nothing special. I'm very interested in his conspiracy to lure the princess here." Moses sneered.

Radish Rudolph, Baruru and the others were taken aback, looking at Moses in surprise.

"Oh, what do you guys want to do to my dear!" Shun Luobo was a little flustered, why the atmosphere suddenly became a little strange,
"It's okay, I'll be back soon, dear." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled.

Because he and Luo Bosi had three chapters of agreement before, and everything was subject to his arrangement, Luo Bosi had no choice but to agree to leave when Yuan Feiwu said so.

"I'm waiting outside. The three warriors call me anytime they need it!" Rudolph also glanced at Yuan Feiwu, and nodded emphatically at Moses.

In fact, he had been wondering about this matter for a long time in his heart, but he didn't expect to agree with Moshiduo's opinion!

But he is the princess' bodyguard, and the demon prince is the prospective son-in-law, so it is difficult for him to go beyond the rules to review this matter.It happened to be handed over to the well-known wise man Moses of the orcs for interrogation. It couldn't be better!

The shredded radish walked, but he still went back and forth with Yuan Feiwu and "dear" to "dear" a few times, as if he was going through some kind of life and death, which made people feel goose bumps all over his body.

Enough is enough, drag her out quickly!Baluru and Gerris are roaring in their hearts!

If these two people continue to be so tired, they will not be able to bear it!Don't blame us for throwing vomit straight in your face!

Fortunately, they finally left. The tent door was not designed to allow the Beamon giants to enter and exit. Luo Bosi took such a slow step and turned around, almost tearing the tent door a few big holes.

"I'm going to wait here for my dear!" After walking out of the tent, shredded carrot refused to leave.

Rudolph had no choice but to follow her.I don't know what drug the demon prince gave the princess to make Luo Bosi suddenly give up on him. Judging from this situation, Rudolph was even more worried.

After those people had left, Baluru and Jaris patted Moses on the shoulder together: "This move is brilliant! If you put it that way, they will definitely not misunderstand that we have some conspiracy, and they can help Yuan Feiwu Mr. panic..."

"Gao Ming... Tell me, what kind of conspiracy do you have in bringing them here?" Moshi locked his eyes on Yuan Feiwu, his words could be said to be smoke bombs, but they were exactly what he was suspicious of.

Even if Yuan Feiwu wanted to help the demon prince get rid of his marriage, he shouldn't have come to them.It is impossible to do so without a specific reason.

It is necessary to figure out Yuan Feiwu's purpose, otherwise, no matter whether he wants to harm the princess or make trouble for them, it will not be a good thing.The most frightening thing is to harm the princess to them and stir up the trust between them and King Beamon, that would be a catastrophe.No matter what you say, this person is also from the Demon Race. Even if the conversation was enjoyable before, he will not let go of his guard.

"Here to support you." Yuan Feiwu said with a harmless smile.

"The internal affairs of our orc clan can be resolved by ourselves, without the intervention of outsiders." Moses lowered his voice.

Of course the sound insulation of the tent where they gathered was good, but he still lowered his voice, expressing that no matter whether Yuan Feiwu had a conspiracy or not, he had already given him face and did not involve the Bhimon people outside, hoping that he would be more honest.

"Do you know that your reasoning is the same as rejecting the Super Goldfinger..." Yuan Feiwu rarely sighed when Moshiduo was so decisive, "But I'm afraid this is not a problem within your orc clan, and I happen to know them Where do you come from, and even an expert who handles this convenience, can give you a lot of help."

"Do you know who they are from?" Baluru frowned and interjected. This person actually knows the question that has troubled him for so long?
The three of them rushed over with their men and fought for half a month. Their own people suffered heavy casualties, but they still didn't understand what they were fighting with.

At first they thought it might be the Mozu's spies doing things here, but they quickly ruled it out. The Mozu's fighting style couldn't be so special.

"These are not creatures from the mortal world, but invaders from other places. Their target is not just the Orc Continent, but the entire mortal world, so don't say that this is an internal matter of the Orc."

"Evidence." When Baluru and Jaris were stunned by Yuan Feiwu's words, Moses remained calm.

"After defeating them, there will be a lot of evidence." Yuan Feiwu came here after untold hardships, isn't it just for this!

Baluru and Jaris have always felt that the guard next to Prince Lucia is a bit weak, but Yuan Feiwu's last sentence was said in a flat tone, as if killing the other party is as simple as a gesture, which shows that they don't take the other party seriously Domineering!This kind of domineering is very appetizing to Baluru and Jerez, and the impression of Yuan Feiwu has been greatly improved!

"If what you're telling the truth, you'd quite plan to bring the princess to play a show to match them up to help Prince Lucia get rid of the engagement, and even tricked a master and a team of Beamon troops to come over and say that they might be able to send them Useful." Moses opened his dead sheep eyes wide, and he no longer looked lifeless.

Moses accepted Yuan Feiwu's remarks, but he still held a certain degree of skepticism, so he used "if" at the beginning of his speech.However, whether it is true or not, Moses was quite surprised by this one-to-one approach.The mixing of several purposes is not only not confusing, but also mutually beneficial. It is not something that an ordinary person can think of and can do. This kid is not simple.

"Then we'll set off tomorrow and see what you can do to deal with those guys!" Jerez saw that Moshido also recognized Yuan Feiwu's support, and his impatience immediately surfaced.

Recently, they had had enough of these "foreign invaders" that Yuan Feiwu said, and they were even beaten to the point where they didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, holding back their boss's resentment.

"Have you caught any prisoners? If you want to make a move in everything, you must know yourself and the enemy before you can fight." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Moses was surprised again, and gave a rare chuckle.

It seems that this helper who jumped out of nowhere is really capable!There are too many rough and reckless people in the orc clan, and he is the only one in this group who is better at using his brain, but many times he still has enough heart and power.It may be more useful to have a strategist to help you than a thousand troops!

After laughing, Moses said happily, "There is not a single prisoner."

It is rare to hear Moses laughing more like a sheep!
But there is no prisoner, you are so happy to laugh like a sister!
Baluru and Gerris covered their faces and wanted to cry.

What a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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