Chapter 758
This embarrassment is not only the embarrassment of Moses, but the embarrassment of all of them!

After all, after fighting for so long, not a single prisoner was caught, so it is not something to be proud of.

"Then what are the characteristics of the enemy? Let's hear it. No intelligence means black eyes, which is very unfavorable." Yuan Feiwu had no choice but to settle for second-hand information.

"Didn't you say you know what they are!" Jeris muttered.

"I only know that they come from other dimensions, but I don't know all of them!" Yuan Feiwu said confidently, making Jerez roll his eyes.

"Let me tell you something. In the beginning, they were hidden in a huge iron lump, which suddenly fell from the sky half a month ago. The strange thing is that the omen that did not break through the sky came very suddenly. If they come from other dimensions as you said, It's possible, but isn't the only space we connect to is the heaven and the devil? According to the information of the survivors, the arrival of this iron lump directly crushed our two villages, causing heavy casualties... When the news spread to all During the big tribe, the nearby villages were all slaughtered by the creatures that came down from it. When we arrived, the huge iron lump had curled up into a small pile of scrap iron, and we couldn’t find anything of value. and they hid in a hill full of boulders, erratic. The way they use energy is very strange, you can penetrate your body silently before you even get close to them, our They can be easily blocked by fighting spirit attacks, but they can't detect the energy fluctuations of fighting spirit or magic at all, which is very strange! What's even more strange is that their bodies are of different sizes, and they don't look like creatures of the same race at all. And it seems that there is a quite unique method of shielding the air machine, our air machine can't explore the giant stone forest."

This time, Baluru came to introduce the enemy's information, because the main tribe of the wolf tribe was relatively close, so he rushed over to fight the opponent first, and knew more.

Those who came from behind, like Moses and Jerez, were basically invisible to people, and they were attacked and beaten to the ground when they approached the boulders.

Over the past few days, Moses has organized sneak attacks, lurking, and storming. No matter what kind of attack or attack from which direction, the opponent seems to have received the news in advance.After several times of heavy casualties, they had no choice but to camp far away.

But the other party saw them camping outside, so they didn't dare to run out to play wild anymore. At most, they walked out of the boulders and looked around, which could be regarded as restraining them here.

"There is too little information!" Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

Baluru scratched his face foolishly, a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, he is one of the best masters of the orc clan, and Baluru, known as the pride of the orc clan who dared to confront Lukaiser and Lulikai, this time he fought here for more than half a month, and even the opponent used it. It's a shame that I didn't understand any of the tricks.

"However, it can also be inferred that the opponent's long-range attack ability is extremely strong, but the possibility of short-range combat ability is relatively weak, otherwise it should have launched a surprise attack on your encirclement. But seeing that they have not moved for a long time, this kind of calm It looks like it is accumulating energy, and we must find out the situation tomorrow morning, and things will change later."

"As soon as you said that, I thought, we have never fought in close combat! But the opponent can advance and retreat freely and doesn't seem to be afraid of us, so we didn't think too much about it! It turns out that they are afraid of close combat!"

With such little information from Baluru, Yuan Feiwu can also analyze such a key enemy's weakness. Baluru and Jerez were stunned.

I'm afraid the opponent is afraid of close combat, so he hid in the boulders!

Then in the worst case, they can also choose to fight into the boulder forest regardless of damage, forcing them to fight with themselves!The big deal is to sacrifice more, no one among the bloody men of the orc race is afraid of bleeding!

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, you are a new generation of generals cultivated by the demons, right? Why haven't I heard of your name before? The demons are really lucky to have you!" Moses sighed.

In his head, he could only think that there was no way to attack, so he passively guarded outside the boulder forest. If the opponent attacked, he could try to counterattack with defense instead of offense.It never occurred to him that combining the details of the previous battle, he could deduce the possibility that the opponent's melee strength might be a weak point.

"It's just possible, but the information is limited and we can't give a definite answer. It may also be that the opponent has enough long-range strike strength and doesn't want to reduce the number of people in close combat with you. It may also be that the opponent hasn't figured out your combat ability and doesn't want to rush to fight with you." You start fighting head-on. If it is the latter two possibilities, then the opponent will be much more difficult." Yuan Feiwu added, rational analysis belongs to rational analysis, the facts are still variable, I don't want them to underestimate their opponents and it will be bad luck.

"I'm more worried about the last point Mr. Yuan Feiwu said. The other party is not in a hurry, and neither wants to attack nor retreat. If he just spends with us like this, there may be a problem." Moses said worriedly.

"It's been more than half a month, and if the other party has any preparations, I'm afraid it's almost done. If you find a way tomorrow, it's best to make a quick decision." Yuan Feiwu said to Moses.

"That's right." Moshido is now much less wary of Yuan Feiwu. If he doesn't really want to help them, he doesn't need to put forward so many practical opinions. He thinks that he should give something back here, so he said, "You and Whatever assistance the princess needs, we will provide it as long as the relationship between us and the Beamon tribe is not damaged."

"Okay, thank you." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, with that simple and flat tone again, as if the matter on the other side was not a problem at all, which made the blood of Baluru and Jerez boil for a while, "I first Go back and see you tomorrow morning."

The three warriors of the orc clan sent Yuan Feiwu out, Moshido pretended to still have deep doubts about Yuan Feiwu, and told Rudolph that nothing was found during the interrogation, but please pay more attention to Rudolph.With such a statement, at least it will not push his group into a direction that Rudolph does not trust.As for Yuan Feiwu, he must be suspected, and not explaining to him is equivalent to helping him.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu leave together greasy and crookedly with radish, the three of them felt like a flower stuck in cow dung.Moreover, the cow dung was a particularly large size of cow dung, which made her feel a little weird.

"But I still have a strong sense of uneasiness." Jerez said suddenly, looking at the backs of them leaving.

"What? He can't be trusted?" Baluru asked quickly, because he was persuaded by Yuan Feiwu, and he didn't see any flaws in Yuan Feiwu at all.

"It's not about that. There seems to be a beast-like intuition in the dark, telling me that it is very unreliable for Princess Radishes to ask him to solve her relationship problems." Jerez rubbed his head and smiled.

"That's what I was talking about. What a coincidence, I am too..." Baluru and Moses echoed in unison.

This kind of beastly intuition usually occurs when there is extreme danger, and it is natural sensitivity to danger.It's actually reflected fiercely in this kind of place, which shows how terrible it is to have Yuan Feiwu as a relationship consultant...

Early the next morning, Rudolph led a team of Beamon elite soldiers to escort Luo Bosi and Yuan Feiwu to the gathering place.

The few people met without talking nonsense, and walked towards the direction of the giant stone forest together.

Rudolph and the ten-man team, Baluru, did not expect them to follow their command, so there was no need to explain many things in detail. It is only suggested that he take Princess Radishes and stand far away.Of course, if you can't see it and come to help, that would be great.

But if Rudolph can persuade Rudolph to go further away, then her trip will be meaningless.She is here to completely contradict him!Seeing him having headaches for himself, although it hurts a bit, but the bottom of my heart is still warm!

"A further 200 meters will be within the range of the opponent's attack." Baluru is familiar with the combat situation here, and when he walked nearby, he quickly reminded Yuan Feiwu, and by the way told some of his subordinates to stop advancing. "Don't come any closer when you're out of attack range."

There are still thousands of meters away from the boulder forest, which makes Baluru and others very afraid, which shows that the opponent's long-distance attack seems to be no small matter.

At this time, Rudolph tried to dissuade shredded radish again, but shredded radish stuck to Yuan Feiwu even more.

In the end, after walking a few steps, Yuan Feiwu suddenly stopped, and of course Radish also stopped, looking at Yuan Feiwu strangely.

Baluru and the others walked a few steps forward, only to realize that Yuan Feiwu had not left and was lagging behind, and turned back suspiciously.

"You can still walk 200 meters, you're scared so soon?" Baluru didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Rudolph even looked at Yuan Feiwu with contempt, if he wasn't the prospective son-in-law, he would have laughed out loud.

"Honey, go away! Everyone, go a little farther behind me, go as far as you can!" Yuan Feiwuping stretched out his hands and didn't dare to move his body. He pushed the shredded radish away a little, telling them to hurry up Retreat, "Baluru, your information is wrong, who said you haven't entered their attack range yet! Withdraw quickly!"

Yuan Feiwu was even more dumbfounded than Baluru, and suffered from insufficient information so quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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