Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 759 BUG Caused by Super Abnormality

Chapter 759 BUG Caused by Super Abnormality
It's just that Yuan Feiwu has that leisurely heart, and at this time, he still remembers to pretend to be intimate with Radish Shreds, and shout "dear dear".

Everyone was taken aback by Yuan Feiwu, and at this moment they could hear the faint sound of "Dididi".Rudolph was most concerned about the safety of the shredded radish, so he reacted the fastest, grabbed the shredded radish and flew back immediately.

Baluru and the others didn't dare to be sloppy anymore, they flew backwards at the fastest speed, and looked at Yuan Feiwu worriedly.

But of course there was a reason why Yuan Feiwu was so anxious. Since this thing was triggered, even he couldn't stop it.

Where Yuan Feiwu was standing, a dazzling yellow-white light suddenly appeared, and a small mushroom cloud rose into the air.

The huge explosion power brought up a large wave of air, and the exaggerated momentum actually lifted Baluru and the others who had the strength of a sword master into the air. They tumbled for hundreds of meters before controlling their figures!

Before they had time to care about Yuan Feiwu's life and death, they had already seen a group of elite men they had brought over groaning in pain on the ground in disarray.They are actually very far apart, but the aftermath of the helpless explosion is also full of impact, and the internal organs of these slightly weaker subordinates may be injured by the impact.

The Beamon giants are doing pretty well, and their defense power has always been abnormally high with thick skin and thick flesh.

"Damn!" Baluru roared angrily, and hurriedly flew towards Yuan Feiwu.

He knew that he had made a mistake, and he blamed himself for misestimating the opponent's attack distance!
But it was also the first time he saw such a strange attack method of the other party, directly blowing them away!Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu told them to run away first. Although they didn't run very far, they still avoided the power of the explosion center, otherwise they would have been blown to pieces even if they had fighting spirit protection!
"Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" The others finally came to their senses, suppressing their churning blood and flying away one after another.

The dust from the center of the explosion was still falling, but when they flew over, they only saw a deep pit on the ground, not even Yuanwu's flying hair.

"Fuck!" Jerez couldn't take it anymore when he saw this situation, he chopped the ground fiercely, and roared like a tiger.

Everyone had a good chat last night, and today they came here full of hope, but before they got to the attacking range, they f*cked up a reinforcement, so f*cking frustrating!

"Yuan Feiwu..." Luo Bosi couldn't believe it, this fake prince who planned to help her was actually blown to pieces in the war-torn land of the orcs, and felt a pang of pain in her heart.

Although the Bimon people are relatively dull, when you are friends, you will definitely be sincere to each other.Moreover, Yuan Feiwu was blown to ashes because of their orc clan. Without his warning before he died, they might all die here, and there was a feeling of admiration in his heart.

"It's a weight sensor plus an object sensor device. Everyone is fine, it's a blessing among misfortunes." There was a faint voice in the air.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment before looking up.The mushroom cloud slowly turned into dust and dispersed. A black-haired boy spread a pair of black wings and floated down with a faint smile that could melt an iceberg.Except for the Beamon who had inconsistent aesthetics, everyone in Baluru was bloodied by the handsomeness of this fallen angel.

"You're not fucking dead! I'm scared to death! Did your little body get blown up to the sky?" Seeing that Yuan Feiwu didn't have any injuries other than his dirty body, Jaris laughed happily.

"If I don't use the momentum to charge upwards, I will be blown into mud." Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

"Your wings... let's rest for a while to recover." Moses frowned and said, "If you come back in two days, anyway, it has been delayed for more than half a month, and we are not short of these two days."

Yuan Feiwu fell back to the ground, and everyone realized that Yuan Feiwu's body was not damaged, but the wings on his back were riddled with holes.

Wings are extremely important to fallen angels. It is estimated that Yuan Feiwu used his wings to resist the power of the explosion just now in order to protect himself, but the damage to the wings has dealt a heavy blow to the fallen angel's body and mind.

But Yuan Feiwu is not an orthodox fallen angel, so naturally he will not be so proud of his wings. For him, it is more appropriate for him to use dark element magic energy as his highest level of energy in the mortal world, and it will not violate the mortal world. The rules of the world, and will not accidentally break through the world by mistake.With his physical strength and the amount of divine power in his body, even if his wings were broken, he wouldn't be able to do much damage.However, the wings of the fallen angel's strongest defense were instantly blown away, and the damage of this explosion can also be seen.

It's unreasonable to restore the wings immediately, and he doesn't regard wings as a status symbol, so Yuan Feiwu just took them back, patted the dust on his body and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I will leave the battle to you in a while Well, the situation here is quite special, and it may not be easy to solve it by letting you attack, but fortunately, I will come over."

Baluru nodded quickly, this brother is good enough, even if he hurt his wings, he is still willing to help them. Baluru and others have a better impression of Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu wasn't exaggerating at all, without him coming, I'm afraid the orcs would have absolutely no way to deal with these enemies, it's so special!

Of course it is special, because people here have never seen the attack method just now!

This kind of attack is neither fighting spirit nor magic, nor even the gathering of energy of all things in the world in the same way.

This is technology, a hydrogen-bomb-level landmine that is not much bigger than dust!

According to the actual encounter just now, Yuan Feiwu can be sure that there are two trigger methods for this landmine, one is object sensing, and the other is weight sensing.

After Yuan Feiwu has practiced Wuying Body Technique, he can walk silently and lightly, coupled with the dark element magic energy from another world, the two are combined into one, Yuan Feiwu walks without any weight.So when Yuan Feiwu triggered a landmine, he immediately judged that it was triggered by an object sensor.

Yuan Feiwu suddenly sensed the sound triggered by the extremely subtle thing under his feet, and reacted very quickly at that moment. He guessed that there might be something triggered by a sensing object underground, and immediately pushed down quietly to see if he could fool it.After all, in addition to object sensing, there should be accurate error recognition. He just wants to challenge the misunderstanding of whether this thing has error recognition.

These reactions are just a gamble of luck, if the thing below is just an induction alarm device, it will be fine, but if it is a powerful mechanism, then I am afraid that Yuan Feiwu will have to use his divine power immediately to save the lives of several people.If you don't want to use divine power, try to stop it first.

His luck turned out to be bad, but not too bad.This thing is very unlucky, it is a land mine with unimaginable power that can't be compared with its volume ratio at all, and Yuan Feiwu can only judge the power when it explodes. Others must use divine power.But fortunately, this thing is triggered by dual sensors. His perverted reaction nerves quietly applied a little force when the object sensor was triggered, and at the same time activated the weight trigger, but the force given by the weight is extremely small, intended to deceive it The induction made it misunderstand that it was just a small stone.

I didn't expect this kind of action to be really effective. The triggers of the two inductions contradict each other. One judgment is about to explode and the other judgment is just a pebble. This kind of judgment that two items are triggered at the same time but has two completely different results has never appeared before. , data conflicts require a brief analysis, which resulted in a short time for Yuan Feiwu to let everyone run away.And he didn't know how long this process would take, so he continued to give the weight equivalent to a small stone to deceive the mines, as long as he could deceive.

But to make landmines so delicate and precise, of course, the precise procedures inside cannot be so easily crashed.The item of judging the explosion is set higher than any other decision, so the analysis of the data generated inside the mine only delays it for a short two seconds.

Two seconds is enough for those people to fly an objective distance.

It wasn't until the mine exploded that Yuan Feiwu realized that the power of the explosion was barely controllable, so he quickly spread his wings to absorb a lot of the impact for the others.If you don't do this, the others are still closer, and you will be disabled if you are not killed by the bomb.And he also paid a pair of wings as the price, but the powerful body of the ancient demon god level does not take such physical attacks seriously, and if he does not launch excessive energy to compete with the power of the mines, at most he will be defeated by the explosive force. Just blast into the sky.

Others don't know what kind of perverted things Yuan Feiwu did in such an instant. He can immediately apply gravity to trigger the weight sensor while triggering the object sensor with an instant response, and it is still controlled within a contradictory value range. This is nothing like a miracle. The strange behavior did not even make settings for the above possibility when making this excellent mine, so there was such a BUG that I don't know if it can be regarded as a BUG.

Judgment, reaction, and precise control are all indispensable. If it were someone else, they would be blown to pieces as early as the moment they were triggered.

Even Yuan Feiwu was a little embarrassed, not to mention that people here who have absolutely never seen "technology" would die miserably when encountering such a thing.

It is difficult to judge the strength of this type of enemy in the foreign world, because their power does not lie in themselves, but in knowledge.

Yuan Feiwu made a space guide to guide the minions of the Lord of Chaos that floated one after another to the Demon Realm, so as to protect the Mortal Realm.Yuan Feiwu would not single-handedly be their patron in the battle that belonged to Mortal Realm, so he also made an explanation with Lucifer, and would let them fall into Mortal Realm with their strength within the range of Mortal Realm's ability.

This kind of enemy who uses technology as a weapon has no energy fluctuations at all. According to his own space guidance, he must treat them as the most trash-level opponents and let them fall into the mortal world, right?

But this kind of enemy is the most difficult for the mortal world.

(End of this chapter)

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