Chapter 760 Wild?I like!
"You're fine!"

Radish shreds suddenly hugged Yuan Feiwu in a bear hug, and that scene really made people feel more distressed than Yuan Feiwu being bombed to death.

This time, Luo Bosi wanted to hug Yuan Feiwu from the bottom of her heart. This person was almost killed because of the chaos between her and the orcs, which made her feel guilty. Now that he is not dead, she is of course excited. .

Usually, Rudolph and Yuan Feiwu are greasy and greasy, and Rudolph doesn't feel anything, but this time, Luo Bosi hugged Yuan Feiwu sincerely, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.Perhaps it was his intuition that made him feel that the performance of shredded radish this time was different from the previous ones.

Why is there such an uncomfortable feeling?The princess and the prince-in-law have a good relationship, isn't it great?
"It's all my fault. I didn't expect the other party to have this kind of attack method." Baluru blamed himself quite a bit, and saved Yuan Feiwu from the claws of shredded radish in order to atone for his sin. He believed that this move was definitely enough for a buddy, "The other party The attack is always so unpredictable. I didn't see any enemies appear, and I didn't feel any energy, but being able to launch such a terrible attack made us impossible to guard against!"

"The attack methods used by the enemy are indeed contrary to your common sense, and you can't use common sense to think about it. The enemies you encountered this time are good at science and technology such as chemical physics. They convert chemical energy into physical energy. Huge energy is generated as an attack, and the enemy I encountered this time is many times more advanced than my hometown's technology, so I can't judge whether there is an attack method beyond common sense..."

"I can't understand it at all." Baluru's scarred eye twitched twice, what can it do, what can it do, he couldn't hear it, so he had to say it very frankly.

And the others also nodded frequently to agree with Baluru's point of view. If they don't understand, please speak human language or animal language. I feel that it is easier for a wild dog to bark at them and say a few words than what Yuan Feiwu said. make them understand.

Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and changed a way to make them more understandable and said to Baluru and the others: "Then understand it this way, the attack we suffered this time is actually not a targeted attack. You imagine that the other party is here A time-delay magic is designed nearby, which is the kind of time-delay magic that human magicians often do. It happened that we walked to this position with time-delay magic and was detonated."

"Then I understand! It must have been arranged when they ran out and were swimming around!" Baluru exclaimed.

When they were monitoring the giant stone forest before, some people who saw them came out to wander.

"Delayed magic? But I didn't feel the fluctuation of magic." Radish also asked curiously.

The way of being attacked is understood, but everyone still has new questions.I can't feel the fluctuation of magic, this thing exploded too suddenly.

"They are not magic after all, and they cannot feel the fluctuation of magic." Yuan Feiwu said helplessly.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Feiwu said that this thing is very difficult for other worlds.

The opponent hides in the boulder forest for defense, and has made such a powerful arrangement. If Baluru and the others attack rashly, they may be wiped out without knowing what happened.

Moreover, the opponent's technology is extremely advanced. According to this style of fighting, the battle must be a zero-casualty high-tech battle. It is no problem to kill all these orcs who only know how to fight head-to-head, even demons and humans.Not to mention waiting for the Lord of Chaos to attack, Yuan Feiwu felt that such a group of enemies could already destroy the mortal world.

"More importantly, the triggering of these 'delay magic' is not regulated by the caster. They do not need to be controlled. As long as we enter its sensing range, they will explode directly. By the way, from the fact that this thing is difficult to find and powerful From the perspective of horror, their technological level and defense level are quite high, and there will be no omissions in the defense above. My personal opinion is that it is better to re-explore their arrangements from above, rather than from the ground. Go crack it." Yuan Feiwu told them the fact that made them even more desperate.

"I can't even see the shadow of the enemy, and I can't see the thing that will explode on the ground. How can I solve this?" Baluru was very depressed.

"It's actually very simple, but you have never been in contact with it, so you are at a loss, so you ignore the simplest method." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu has a way to crack it?!" Moshiduo's blind eyes became a little brighter.

"These 'delay magics' are at least known to have weight sensing. In my hometown, we will use the simplest way to trigger them. After triggering, just blow them up once and they will be useless."

"You mean, let people trigger them? This kind of powerful energy burst, even I will be blasted to pieces. This approach is too cruel." Rudolph interjected.

Originally, Rudolph's focus was only on protecting shredded radish, but when he encountered such a mysterious enemy, as a Behemoth giant who was born full of war and blood, he was a little excited at this time, and wanted to personally kill these yin people who always hide behind his back. The scum exploded with one punch.

"Well... you can think of people, so why don't you want to change it to something similar to people for a year to trigger it? It doesn't need to be so bloody." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"That's right!" Moses and the others suddenly realized, and patted themselves on the head.

Just now they thought that they went in the same direction as Rudolph, why are they so stupid!Use dead objects to trigger!

"Then Mr. Yuan Feiwu, what do you suggest is more suitable?" Baluru asked anxiously.

"Actually, for my hometown, it's easy to think of how to deal with this thing after suffering a few losses. It's just that you haven't seen it here, so you have different ideas. That's why it caused so much trouble. The number of people who seriously killed you is only It can be counted as its added value. According to their real purpose, I am afraid it is only used as an alarm to remind them, reminding them with the loudest voice: the enemy is coming." Yuan Feiwu said, "So since we have decided to blow them up, the other party must definitely You won't miss us, so let's do it in the wildest way that suits you. I'm not going to do low-key things when I'm with you."

"Quickly tell me what we're going to do! I like the word wild, so I'll choose this wild way! Come on, be wild!" Jerry said happily, his tall body eagerly starting to warm up.

In the stone forest, several red eyes suddenly flew high into the sky.If you look at it from a certain angle, the sun reflects the red light from those eyes, and you can slightly see some sparkles in the sky above this area.

It turned out that it was all covered by a transparent cover composed of colorful and uneven multi-faceted crystals.

Those red eyes rotated 360 degrees in the air, and finally all looked in one direction.

Exaggerated dust is constantly rising there, interspersed with occasional mushroom clouds.Huge noises continued to reverberate in this wasteland. Accompanied by the terrible earthquake feeling, people thousands of miles away could feel the terrible vibrations and sounds.

"There are intruders, constantly breaking through, the speed is not fast, the angle is 30-35, and the ground defense 'Dustman III' is fully triggered."

"The heat induction transmitted back is not applicable in this world. Some creatures here can shield heat energy, so ignore this data."

"According to the pictures sent back by the 'Red Perspective', the other party seems to have no casualties. The dust density is too high to see the number of people clearly. There are no intruders in the direction of the ground. There are no intruders in the direction of the sky."

On the ground under the red eyes, several "people" with different figures and the same skin color as the background communicated extremely fast in a language that the other world could not understand.

"Send back the highest level warning, protect 'Alpha IX' at all costs."

"Already entered the attackable distance, do you want to attack?"

"Load known data for analysis, and then attack based on the appropriate distance of the individual evaluation known to cause fatal injuries. For those who have no record, take the average as the attack distance."

"The image recognition is blocked, and the thermal energy records are inaccurate and unsuitable for use, so it is impossible to make an individual judgment whether it is the existing data in the database."

"Take the average value as the attack distance attack, take the data after the test attack, analyze the appropriate distance before continuing to attack. In addition, it is recommended to adjust the 'Dustman III' and 'Air Leaper α' from passive mode to master control mode." Weiming 'Robot, send the front line to get the picture data."

"Understood, execute immediately."

Jerez's whole body exuded a vindictive luster, and he clenched his fists and slammed the ground in front of him fiercely: "I've been the happiest in the past half a month or so!"

A huge vindictive energy visible to the naked eye erupted forward, and it disappeared into the ground not long after.But from the submerged part, the ground pushes forward in a wave shape, and from time to time a powerful fighting spirit bursts out, hitting stones and dust into the sky.The land where the waves rushed out suddenly made several roars like landslides and ground cracks, and several mushroom clouds rose suddenly, with extremely powerful momentum.

"Well, I really love this 'wild' way." Baluru smiled, waved his claws, and flew out several waves of fighting spirit to hit another place.

The grudge smashed the ground in the distance into dust, as if the ground had been turned upside down by a forklift, and it could be seen that the power of those grudges was extremely terrifying.But compared with the huge momentum of Jerez's grudge and mushroom cloud just now, it really looks a bit cold.

Even in several other directions, there are eyes looking at Baluru as if looking at a poor bug, which shows how embarrassing he is.

"Baluru, the strongest warrior of the wolf tribe, haha, how many did you blow up? Is it a fraction of my total? The wildness of your wolf tribe is a bit weak." Gerris laughed.

It's rare to win against Baluru once. Although it relies on metaphysics, you still have to be proud of it once.

"Geres, you really pissed me off. Get out of the way, and watch me make this land 'a hundred flowers bloom'." Baluru bared his ferocious canine teeth, his muscles bulged a lot, and there was a horrifying sound coming from his body. Feeling suffocated and oppressed.

I heard from Yuan Feiwu that those 'time-delay magics' were probably the other party's more precious things. For this reason, Baluru was particularly motivated to destroy them. Seeing the mushroom cloud rising but not hurting them at all gave them a sense of accomplishment.

But he has been very unlucky, basically there is no such thing in the attacking place, his luck is so bad that it is comparable to the author's fungus!

That does not work!If luck is worse than the author's fungus, that's okay!
(End of this chapter)

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