Chapter 761

Seeing that Baluru was playing for real, Gerris immediately moved away to avoid getting himself involved.

Baluru no longer babbled, and pushed forward with a huge grudge like no money, and immediately enveloped a large area in front of him.The explosion of vindictiveness, as well as the sound of dense explosions, raised mushroom clouds one by one, and the scene of the dark clouds covering the earth and trembling was like the doomsday.

"Brother, it's almost over..." Gerris raised his hands and surrendered. Baluru exploded so many "delay magic" in his anger, the power was too great, and they all blew up and down.

Cats are always clean, and the tiger orc Jaris is no exception. He can't stand the dust all over his head and body.

"No, these 'delay magic' just now are not so dense!" Moses said suddenly.

"Don't stop fighting, attack in a fan!" Yuan Feiwu was discovered by Mo Xiduo, and shouted quickly.

At the same time, when he raised his hand, several black threads intertwined into an airtight net and flew into the air.

Everyone was attracted by Yuan Feiwu's actions, and they all looked up.

I saw a sudden burst of flames in the air, and circles of dark yellow flames spread out evenly. When it touched the air, it produced white smoke and made a puffing sound, as if even the air could be burned up.The smoke is tumbling, forming different shapes, fleeting.

The dreamlike scene was reflected in everyone's eyes. It turned out that when the mushroom cloud was formed, it was so beautiful when viewed from a close distance, which was a dangerous and fleeting beauty.

This was the last thought left in their heads. The next moment, the terrifying power of several mushroom clouds in the air blasted them into the air.

Shredded radish seemed to lose all consciousness in an instant as if the power had been cut off in his head.

It seemed that it was just a blink of an eye, and it seemed like tens of millions of years had passed. When the carrot woke up, there was a sharp and piercing tinnitus in the ears. The terrible sound made people feel more uncomfortable than the physical injury.

She shook her head, panting heavily and trying to get up, and her vision, which was covered with a layer of white mist, gradually became clear.

The first scene printed in front of her eyes was a wide and safe back blocking her, as if to block all the wind and rain for her.In the distance, Baluru, Moshido, and Jerez, with red faces and blood all over their bodies, were frantically waving their fighting spirit towards the front and the sky.

Radish's forehead was dizzy for a moment, and suddenly recalled the last memory before losing consciousness just now.

Because of Yuan Feiwu's attack, many mushroom clouds erupted not far above their heads, and the powerful force shook her, who was weaker, to lose consciousness.

Baluru and the others must have been injured because of this...

Suddenly, he held her down with one hand, preventing her from getting up.

Shredded radish was startled and immediately turned to look, but unexpectedly it was Yuan Feiwu.

"Keep pretending to be dizzy and don't get up!" Yuan Feiwu said via voice transmission.

"Huh? For..."

It happened that the broad back turned around, and Luo Bosi was startled and quickly lay down again, as if she had done something bad and her heart was pounding with nervousness.

"What are you doing to the princess? Take your hands away!" Rudolph pointed at Yuan Feiwu's hand on Luobosi's shoulder and said angrily.

Fortunately, there was such a detail that attracted Rudolph's attention, so he didn't notice the tiny movement of shredded radish lying down again.

"Check the injury. Although you blocked most of the impact for her in an instant, he still suffered a lot of trauma, especially to the head." Yuan Feiwu smiled and let go of his hand, and said to Rudolph.

"It's not your fault! If you didn't suddenly attack the sky wantonly, how could you detonate the 'delay magic' in the air!" Rudolph stared at Yuan Feiwu angrily.

Just now, Yuan Feiwu waved the black silk-like grudge in the air, no one thought that the "delay magic" at such a short distance would be detonated directly. All of them were unprepared, and they were affected by the huge power one by one. A serious injury.

He has a high cultivation base and is rougher than the Mongolians, but he was the least injured among them. He reacted quickly and protected the shredded radish, otherwise the shredded radish might be hurt more seriously!
And all the elite Behemoth soldiers he brought were seriously injured by the explosion, lost their combat capabilities and retreated to the rear.

"If I don't do this, then the 'time-delay magic' will not explode in the air, but directly on us. Which one do you think is more likely to cause trouble?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

After all, it was Yuan Feiwu's caution that saved their lives. Seeing that Baluru blasted out his grudge in a large area and unexpectedly exploded such a dense mushroom cloud, according to the distribution density of these landmines that he silently remembered before, he felt something was wrong. .

Then he thought of a terrible possibility-are these mines converging on them?
If so, could the defenses in the air be converging on them as well?
Thinking of this, Yuan Feiwu quickly swung an attack into the air, preferring to believe it or not.It's just that even he didn't expect that there were these landmines in the sky, and they were so close!

This made everyone caught off guard by the bombing and suffered serious injuries.

Fortunately, these people are not ordinary masters, and they quickly regained control of the situation.Judging from the fewer and fewer explosions, the opponent's mines may be exhausted soon.

Landmines can still move?Is that still called a mine?

The ability to control these landmines to carry out active attacks was something that Yuan Feiwu did not predict in advance.These enemies are far more technologically advanced than what he learned on Earth, and he can't even predict many terrible things. If he still restricts his thinking to imagine these enemies with the concept of being on Earth, I'm afraid he will continue to Suffering.

Just now he felt that he had the knowledge of the earth, so he should have an innate advantage in dealing with these enemies, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face immediately. These experiences made him fall into the misunderstanding that he was accustomed to, making it more dangerous to attack.

It seems that it is more correct to re-adjust one's thinking and treat the enemy rigorously in a way that knows nothing about the enemy.

"Let's put aside the seriousness of the injury. Shouldn't you be thinking about how to protect the princess? As a soldier, you hide behind and stay with the wounded. What is the difference between you and a coward!" Rudolph couldn't continue to criticize What Yuan Feiwu did at that time, even if he was stupid, he should understand that those "time-delay magics" were so close to him in the air, even if they didn't take the initiative to come over, sooner or later they should be blown up by them who are constantly advancing.

Yuan Feiwu actually saved their lives by mistake.

"Whether the injury is serious or not is of course important! Don't you think that I'm going to marry a physically disabled princess back?" Yuan Feiwu said something that made Rudolph's eyes widen, and then slowly walked away from him, " If it wasn't for her being of some use value, how could I marry her? But if I'm abolished, then there's no way I can match up with my prince's status, so it doesn't matter if it's worth it."

"You!" Rudolph clenched his fists, his face distorted with anger.

This person... what does this person think of shredded radish!Since he was a child, he has always been loyal and obedient, and he has always thought that Luo Bosi should marry the prince who is well-matched, so as to reap the happiness that belongs to her.But Rudolph couldn't see the happiness that shredded radish should reap from this demon prince!
This is really bad!

At the beginning, it was Luobosi who wanted to follow, but now that Luobosi had lost consciousness, Rudolph did not intend to keep her in danger here, so he quickly left with Luobosi in his arms.

Yuan Feiwu returned to Balulu and the others, and Balulu and the others had already stopped their work and took a rest.

Baluru looked at Yuan Feiwu and asked: "Is it really okay if you do this? You've ruined your reputation. This method is simply a bad idea. Why don't you let Moses try more? He has more than ten wives." , I have rich experience in love and love..."

"I don't care." Yuan Feiwu shrugged slightly, looking at the sky where the fog was gradually dissipating.

They worked here for a long time, as if they had covered the sky with all the soil on the ground, and even the color of the sky turned yellow and dim.

"Slip of the tongue, you are representing the prince now! I'm not talking about your reputation, but the prince's reputation, you don't care what the hell!" Baluru said again, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Eh... I think he shouldn't care." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and finally showed a brilliant smile, adding a touch of vivid color to the dim yellow sky.

"Should" doesn't matter... As your highness, I really don't know whether to be happy or sad for him.

Orc capital.

"Ha Qiu!"

Lucia sneezed, rubbed her nose, and finally got up from the bed and walked out the door.

"Prince Lucia, you're finally out! If you don't come out again, Mr. Feiwu will cuckold you!" "Come on, our prince, go and take back everything that should belong to you! Let all the mistresses kneel down and sing conquest to you!" Bar!"

Lucia rubbed her nose that was still about to sneeze, and as soon as she left the room, she saw the two twins standing on both sides looking at her with radiant eyes, and immediately felt even worse.

(End of this chapter)

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