Chapter 762
Lucia ignored them, walked aside and poured herself a glass of water.

The cup made of unknown wood was really not very attractive, but it couldn't damage the beauty of Lucia's drinking water in the slightest.

A firm nose, thin lips, and a well-proportioned neck stretching down from the snow-white cheeks.This moment will be an extremely attractive moment for any painter, and it will generate countless creative impulses in his mind, and immediately save this beautiful picture on paper.

"Your Highness! Is it time for you to drink water leisurely!" "Our Mr. Yuan Feiwu has not returned for several days to find that vixen, and you can still drink water leisurely here?" "No wonder Mr. Yuan Feiwu doesn't want to come back. There is such an indifferent and indifferent prince in the family, and I would rather go to that vixen." "You are right, I was sad for Yuan Feiwu for two seconds." "Only two seconds? Is the indifferent His Royal Highness only worth two seconds?" "Three seconds!" "That's almost..."

It was also very difficult for Lucia to finish drinking the water in the glass without choking.

Yuan Feiwu ran out to have fun and left them here, why can't he drink water?And is it really okay to use the word "vixen" like this? He doesn't know whether he should ask Si Luo to apologize for this word or Si Luo for this word. It is estimated that neither side can stand the other.


Lucia glanced at a large pile of fruit peels on the table in the living room, and really didn't know what these two were using as a strong confidence to affect his mood of drinking water.

But it seems that Yuan Feiwu did leave for quite a long time, since the first day they locked him in and he said he went out to find the princess, he never came back.

Although this person made Lucia feel disheartened, he is still playing around in the beast clan under the name of his prince, so he should pay attention to it a little bit.

Lucia put down the glass, went to the iron gate and patted it.

After a while, a small crack opened on the top of the iron door, and the husky voice that has always been spoken by the Bimeng people came in: "What's the matter?"

"Our prince went out to meet your princess, but he hasn't come back after several days. Please tell us what happened to your prince." Lucia said aggressively outside.

After all, he is the prince, even if others don't know, even if he is someone else's prisoner now, his domineering will still not restrain, this is the inherent pride of a demon prince!
"Your highness the prince and princess are traveling in other places, not in the capital city! Just stay obediently, it's just you who have a lot of questions!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crack on the iron door was closed.

How could Lucia bear the arrogance of being treated so unceremoniously, and kicked the iron door hard.

The prince and princess are going to play elsewhere, so let them go!Grass!
"Hey, it's just that His Royal Highness is still reluctant to part with Mr. Yuan Feiwu, so he couldn't help but ask..." "That's good, good, don't worry if you see that His Royal Highness is still saved..." "I'm still jealous, kick me A kick at the iron gate..." "I still have to secretly hold back the pain and dare not show it, puff..."

Compared with the unwelcome treatment she received, the main reason why Lucia wanted to leave here was because she didn't want to stay with these two.

One day he will be depressed to death by them!Madeleine, let me out!

Yuan Feiwu, who was paid a little attention by Lucia who was far away in the orc senior VIP cell, sat on the ground with Baluru and the others.

The three warriors of the orc clan had consumed a lot of grudge, and they had some skin injuries all over their bodies after being bombarded by the "time-delay magic" in the air at close range earlier, and needed to meditate to recover a little.Yuan Feiwu tried to use his grudge to stick out a few times, but he didn't detonate anything. He guessed that all the mines on the ground and in the sky should have been smashed.Even if it hasn't been smashed yet, there shouldn't be many left, so it shouldn't be a big problem to use grudge to explore the way carefully for a while.

"How far is the opponent's attack range?" Yuan Feiwu turned to Baluru and asked.

Baluru thought that Yuan Feiwu was mocking his initial intelligence error about the attack distance, and jumped up quickly: "It was my mistake in judgment that caused us to suffer a lot. I will take the blame for this!"

"What I want is the attack distance you received before you were blocked, so I can plan ahead before stepping into their crossfire." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Let me see..." Baluru patted Yuan Feiwu's shoulder embarrassingly, apologizing for being a little angry just now, "It's almost there, we will already be attacked at about the distance we are now."

"We've had a good rest, let's move on and try."

Moshido also stood up. Today they broke each other's strange "delay magic" and did not make Moshido feel relieved, but even more gloomy.

Sure enough, as Yuan Feiwu said, the longer it dragged on, the more strange things would emerge from the opponent, making them hard to guard against.Taking advantage of the "time-delay magic" being wiped out, he wanted to explore further as soon as possible, so as not to face these ghost things next time.

"Okay, let's test it out a bit first. What is their attack method?" Yuan Feiwu agreed with Moses and took the lead.

"It penetrates the human body silently, most of the wounds are small, and there is a burning sensation. It is often pierced through the head and killed with one blow..."

Before Baluru finished speaking, Yuan Feiwu suddenly fell back on his head.

Gerris stretched out his hand in horror to catch Yuan Feiwu, but Yuan Feiwu's body stiffened strangely again, as if nothing happened just now.

"What's the matter? Yuan Feiwu, did you lose your mind just now?" Jerez anxiously went up and touched Yuan Feiwu's head, and he was relieved when he found that there was no hole, "I thought you died again !"

"Laser weapon?" Yuan Feiwu pushed away Jerez's hand, and touched his forehead in astonishment.

He was indeed hit on the forehead by the opponent just now, he felt it, but he deliberately didn't dodge to try the power.

The impact force was huge, and the penetration power was frighteningly high. As Baluru said, the hit spot on the forehead still had a burning sensation.

All this is very consistent with the effect of laser weapons.

But no.

A laser must have enormous power, and it cannot be a transparent color without any color.However, we can't commit the misunderstanding of fixed thinking again, and we can't rule out the possibility that the other party has developed a powerful laser without color.

However, Yuan Feiwu grasped a very important point.

This attack is like a slender and lengthy ray of light, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but he heard it, and heard the sound of tiny shattered glass shattering, so slight that even the Juggernaut might ignore it again Lose.

This sound is not even one-thousandth of the sound produced by a gust of wind. Fortunately, he asked Baluru about the opponent's attack range in advance, and he raised his attention in advance to catch it.

From this point, the possibility of laser weapons can be ruled out. Lasers should not have sound.

Moreover, when the thing could not penetrate into his forehead and dissipate, he could clearly feel that the force squeezed on his forehead was fluctuating. Although it was a noticeable fluctuation, he could still feel it.A terrifying imagination arose in his mind. The opponent might not use something stylish to attack, but a high-frequency vibration wave!

Through the vibration of special frequency, it can destroy any substance!
Including alien warriors protected by grudges... Anything with substance has a frequency point that can be destroyed by vibration, but there is a difference between high and low!

But if this is to be done, how can the frequency of attacks be unified? The critical point of the frequency of their destruction is completely different for those with different levels of vindictiveness...

"Are you being attacked?" Baluru saw Yuan Feiwu standing there thinking sternly, and quickly blocked Yuan Feiwu.

"That's right. Why haven't you been attacked?" Yuan Feiwu looked at the other three suspiciously.

"It seems that except for the first time, the attacks we launched later all hit us at a closer distance." Baluru was asked this way, and he looked at Moses with some uncertainty.

"That's right, after Baluru said that, I realized that the more you go forward, the more powerful people will be attacked." Moses' ability to see more things and focus on key points is naturally much higher than Baluru's.

"So that's it. Then we are going to continue to break through, you have to be prepared, my order may be issued faster, can you keep up?" Yuan Feiwu smiled and said.

"What order?" Jeris swallowed heavily, fearing that he would be tricked, "Do you know how to deal with them?"

"Take it as a quiz for getting started with the basics of fighting qi."

Yuan Feiwu's words made the three of them bewildered, what to do in such a dangerous place!

You must know that being hit by the opponent's gadget at close range, even the three of them can be pierced through, it hurts, okay?

Even though they felt uneasy, they still followed Yuan Feiwu's steps and moved forward.

"The 'Wei Ming' robot has sent back the data, and there are only four living bodies left to move forward, and three of the living bodies overlap with the existing data."

"The dust concentration has dropped, and the screen transmission is normal. There are only four living bodies left, and only one living body has no known data. The three living bodies with known data have a higher level of defense strength, and the current attack distance cannot cause damage to them. There was no attack."

"An attack has been launched on the new lifeform, and it cannot cause damage. According to the data, its defense strength is not at the current level. It is recommended to make a test at a closer distance. The current data has been included in the database."

"'Alpha IX' is conscious, and all the information has been sent, waiting for the response from 'Alpha IX'."

"The current planet information has been received... The above judgments are all accepted and agreed..."

(End of this chapter)

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