Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 763 Reverse Thinking

Chapter 763 Reverse Thinking
"Follow my rhythm!"

Yuan Feiwu gave an order and rushed forward.

The three of Baluru looked at each other and caught up without any effort.

Because Yuan Feiwu ran too slowly.

"Follow my rhythm, you all put away your fighting spirit and stop running." Yuan Feiwu turned back and smiled.

"Have you lost all your vindictiveness? Let me wipe it, we will be blown to powder when we encounter 'delay magic' again!" Jerez roared excitedly.

"Don't be afraid, I'll keep fighting spirit to explore the way ahead." Yuan Feiwu reassured them.

The three of them are still a little worried. Ever since they practiced fighting qi, they filled their bodies with fighting qi every moment to strengthen every part of their body, and they were wrapped in a layer of fighting qi to protect themselves. Now they all dissipated suddenly. Everyone feels insecure.

Especially in this crisis-ridden place.

But Moshiduo was the first to dissipate his grudge, and ran on the wasteland with only his physical strength.

His idea is very simple, Yuan Feiwu runs ahead, and if he dies, he will die first, so why should he be cowardly?
Baluru and Jerez saw that Moshiduo had lost his fighting spirit, and they all followed suit one by one.

It's been a long time since I felt this kind of wildness where only the flesh is left to exert force. The bumpy muscles, the solid and uneven touch of the ground, all stimulate their nerves, and the more they run, the happier they become.

The Orcs have always been a big family that lacks the least wildness.


A faint sound drifted by, Yuan Feiwu smiled, touched his forehead that seemed to be scratched, and thought that it was so.

To form different things, to make them broken, the frequency critical points of fluctuations are different.

Since the opponent wants to use the almost unsolvable vibration wave as a weapon, the accuracy must also be terrifyingly high.This requires a lot of data to support it. Seeing how proficient they are in using it, it is estimated that there is no problem in this aspect... I just don't know if they can think that their strength will decrease. This kind of gameplay is called reverse thinking.

"Preparing to enter a distance where I can no longer advance."

Moses wiped the sweat from his forehead, but he didn't know whether it was the sweat from the heat generated by the muscle movement, or the sweat from the emptiness in his heart.

"Relax, don't use fighting qi. You can use the basics of fighting qi. You should be able to retract it freely, right? If there is a way to soften your body, that would be even better. I'm worried that your muscle hardness is close to that of fighting qi. " Yuan Feiwu said hastily.

"Why should you let it go?" Moses was even more puzzled.

Suddenly, Moshido's body was full of burning sensations. He was so familiar with this feeling. Every time he felt this kind of body sensation, he could think of death.

The previous charge was at high speed, and he was only hit once or twice. This time, he was hit by so many places at once. I'm afraid his life can only end here.

Moshido stopped, and his hooves picked up a lot of dust due to inertia. He looked down at his well-proportioned and strong chest, but he couldn't see the blood-filled body he imagined.

He raised his head, just in time to see Baluru and Jerez who stopped in a daze, and he immediately guessed that the two had the same experience as him, and he still had doubts.

"Keep up the speed and keep up." Yuan Feiwu's urging voice came, and the three hurriedly followed up happily.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, why are those attacks ineffective against us again?" Moses asked anxiously, "Does it have something to do with our use of grudge?"

After this demon master came here, he brought them too many surprises!Moxi felt that his title of being the most intelligent of the orc clan could be thrown away, and he was like a kid who didn't understand anything in front of this person!

"That's right. The attack methods used by the other party are rather special. Let's put it this way, as long as they have enough technology, they can be invincible against anything. But to attack different objects, it is necessary to mobilize the attack 'strength', high strength The attack is not effective against low-intensity things. It is estimated that the other party has recorded your physical strength, so the attack used can severely damage you, but now that you have lowered your defense, their attack is not suitable. "

"The stronger the stronger, the weaker it is, the weaker it is, there is such a strange attack?!" The three warriors of the orc clan exclaimed together.

As the three warriors of the orc clan who are used to strong winds and waves in the orc clan, it is only now that they realize how little knowledge they have!
This time, the three warriors of the orc clan did not make a proper self-examination, because it was the first time even Yuan Feiwu had seen this thing, and they only dared to let them do it because they practiced it with their own bodies and deduced the possibility.

More and more attacks fell on them as they continued to advance, like a torrential rain.Except for the body feeling a little hot, it can't do any harm to them at all.

The things that have made them shy away for more than half a month are now useless as if they were drenched in rain. They really don't know whether to be happy or depressed.

"The attack intensity has been raised to S-level, reaching the current critical point of our energy load, and it is still ineffective against the four intruders. The intruders have entered the highest alert area. Please ask whether to try an SS-level attack."

"S-level... is already... the highest level output level in the past few thousand years... The current rating of this planet is only B-level... It is recommended to try to adjust to a lower intensity..."

"I have tried to use a level below the average level, but it has no effect. According to the recorded data, three of the invaders are the highest-level fighters I have encountered since fighting us. Using extremely low-level attacks does not conform to common sense data."

"The intruder has reached outside the star particle defense cover, requesting an SS-level attack again."

"Approved... All fortunes that require a lot of energy are suspended to provide an upper limit of energy load for SS-level attacks... If the attack attempt still has no effect... Immediately adjust the attack to a lower level without limit..."

"Execute immediately."

Balurufei kicked sideways, the muscular chest, perfect abdominal muscles, and the wild beauty of the male's strong body curve twisting, combined together make people's eyes dazed.

When the sound.

Then I saw Baluru squatting on the side while clutching his feet and going to meditate with a limp.

"What is this thing, so hard?"

Jerez went up and knocked against the air, but made a low "knock" sound.But at the moment of tapping, a small piece of irregular rhombus-like crystal-like object can be seen reflecting white luster in the air being struck, which is fleeting.

"I haven't seen this thing before, I don't know."

Yuan Feiwu leaned his head over, wanting to take a closer look at what the white rhombus was, but the result was like hitting glass, crushing his nose into a pig's nose.

There must be something here, but the spiritual power can't explore what it is at all, and it has blocked the spiritual power to move forward.From his point of view, it should be some kind of high-tech product, but unfortunately he has limited knowledge in this area and can't understand why.

If he used his divine power, Yuan Feiwu would probably be able to blow up this defensive shield with a single punch, but he was afraid that if he could not control the power well, he would blow up the mortal realm as well.

Besides, using the power of the ancient demon gods to solve problems in the mortal world is not what he wants to do.

While looking around, Yuan Feiwu saw red eyes glowing high in the sky, and turned to him one after another.

Before Yuan Feiwu could figure out how to get rid of these enemies' vision, suddenly, a creature that Yuan Feiwu had never seen before came out from behind a boulder.The creature couldn't see the facial features, as if it had covered its whole body with a layer of skin without holes. It had a protruding long cylinder like a head, four long arms, and four strange feet.It pointed a long metal tube at itself, and the picture looked very weird.

Yuan Feiwu instinctively felt that those eyes on the top were its eyes.

The eyes observe in the right place, the body moves freely, and various functions are performed by the differentiation of the sense organs. This is quite a terrifying evolution!
"This is what I saw before! Most of them look different!" Baluru saw the creature running out, so excited that he forgot to care about the pain of his toes and ran over against the transparent wall, squeezing his face bread.

There is no way not to be excited, this is the first time he is so close to these things!
"Baluru, put away your fighting spirit and soften your body!" Yuan Feiwu hurriedly said, "The energy contained in the thing in its hand is terrifying!"

(End of this chapter)

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