Chapter 765
"Although it's a little cute, but I finally got a hole through, and then I'll leave it to Gerris." Baluru's powerful legs exerted force, and he ran back after a few leaps, carefully studying the situation in front of Moses. A palm-sized hole, and finally came to a conclusion and said to Jerez behind him, "Only you can get in this thing, go!"

"You're fucking sick! Such a small hole, even bigger mice can't get through it, how can I get through it?" Jerez directly sent a pair of big white eyes.

"Isn't it said that cats are made of water, so can they change into ever-changing forms?"

"You can also say it's a cat! That's a cat! I'm a Tiger Clan orc!"

"Aren't tigers also cats?"

"'Tiger Clan Orc'! Did you fucking eat the last word 'human'? Spit it out for me!"

At the same time as the two were arguing, Rudolph's huge body fell down again, raising countless dust and air pressure with a bang.

But this time, everyone used fighting spirit, and let the dust and air pressure spread over the surface, so that the soil would not touch it.

"How about your side? My attack failed to smash it!" Rudolph said a little irritablely. He had tried his best but failed to leave a trace on the transparent cover, which made him frustrated.


There was another crisp sound, and when everyone looked back, the palm-sized hole cracked a lot more, shattering like glass and falling down a large piece, which was obviously shattered by the shock of Rudolph's jump.Facing this broken point, Rudolph's face turned purple and red. Just now, he tried his best to smash it twice but failed to make a crack. He didn't expect that the shock of jumping would make such a big hole. How ironic.

"Your weight is much sharper than your fighting spirit." Baluru looked at Rudolph and said sincerely, taking revenge for being scolded just now.

"Well, I'm sure I can get into this hole."

Jeris looked eager to try. After all, felines are naturally interested in places that can be drilled, and tiger orcs probably also have this nature.

"Okay, let's greet these guests who came from afar, otherwise we will think that we are all bad guys."

Moses took the lead in getting in, and jumped up quickly first.

The guy who was carrying the pipe before seemed to have been injured by the force of the explosion just now. After all, the first explosion was initiated from the pipe in his hand.

Moses rushed up and kicked him down, denting his body in one piece, probably breaking several bones
"Okay, let's interrogate our first prisoner." Baluru looked at the strange guy who fell in front of him, grabbed it and threw it against the wall, making a loud bang, which made him feel very happy.

For a passionate warrior, any cry from the enemy is a sound of nature.

"I think this thing is very interesting, take it back to cover our tribe, hehe, it's cool!"

Behind them, Jerez's tall figure shrunk into a ball and entered the hole. Looking back, the transparent wall was also transparent from the inside, only the hole they pierced was broken. Wherever the ripples extend, the area there reveals irregular rhombus walls, which looks amazing.

But then Rudolph who came in didn't have the stretchable physique like Jerry's, so he couldn't squeeze in no matter what, so he punched again with a "bang", the hole was much bigger, and a deep crack developed at the same time The sound of "cracking" spread upward until it crossed the entire sky to the other side that was invisible.

"Okay, I don't want it anymore, thank you very much for dispelling my immature idea." Jeris looked at the crack, turned around and shrugged, and said to Rudolph.

Yuan Feiwu walked in last, and his mental power spread out instantly, taking all the places in the giant stone forest into his mind, and judging some interesting things based on his experience.

"Tell me, who are you!"

Baluru had already begun to interrogate the strange creature. The strange creature was still alive, and its four spider-like lower limbs were kicking wildly, but the hand had been roughly cut behind the back by Baluru, making a sound like a broken bone.

"Brother, he doesn't even have a mouth, what are you talking about!" Jerez poked his head over and said as if watching the excitement.

That thing has no facial features, only a layer of strange skin from head to tail, which looks quite weird.


"Grass, you can really talk!"

Just after Jerez finished speaking, the thing actually made a series of unexplained noises, and slapped Jerris in the face abruptly.

"The first wisdom of the beast race, please translate, don't let others look down on us for not knowing foreign languages." Baluru turned his head and whispered in Moses' ear, then turned around and kicked the creature again, with a fierce look on his face. In response.

"If I can translate this sound like iron blocks colliding, I'll be the most intelligent in the world! Baluru, some things are unavoidable and have to be resolved with violence." Moses spat on Baluru One bite, and he lifted his foot to staple it out like a stapler, and kicked another piece of the creature's chest. It would be a waste of time to send it to the rescue with such a miserable appearance, "I don't know if you can understand what we say Can you say what we say, I will say it for the last time, if you don’t say what we can understand, then you will die!"

Hiss... Moshido's murderous aura radiated from the inside to the outside made Baluru and Jerez look confused. After all, Moshido was a "gentleman" in their minds.

"Why don't you let me try?" Yuan Feiwu walked over, showing a spring-like smile, "Fallen Angel has a set of 'spirituality', which can directly capture people's souls, and let him reveal everything we want to know."

"'Dementia'?" Moses was stunned.

Moses knows that fallen angels have a mind-concentration technique that clears their minds and calms them down, but is there such a terrifying trick that can capture people's hearts and souls?
Even Moses had never heard of the others, let alone the others, and looked at Yuan Feiwu with a gloomy expression.

This kind of move, which sounds very evil, made them all feel repulsed and fearful.

Moshiduo didn't speak, put his feet back and stepped aside, intending to let Yuan Feiwu try.

Yuan Feiwu stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed the creature's head, and the dark element demon could be activated.

The outer skin of this creature actually has the function of isolating the mental power, Yuan Feiwu pinched the creature's head with a little force.The hardness of this thing is very high, and Yuan Feiwu also used a lot of strength to do it.

A burst of sparks erupted from the damaged part of the thing, and several pieces of broken unknown metal were exposed from the crack with electric current. Yuan Feiwu was amazed when he saw this, sure enough, this thing is not a living thing at all!So he pinched it hard, and the head of the thing was instantly twisted into a ball, and the electric current and sparks shot out and crackled.

"Hey..." The others took a few steps back together, with the words "unreliable" written all over their eyes.

So Rudolph still stood there and stared wide-eyed, looking at Yuan Feiwu who was still smiling like a spring breeze: "Isn't your 'spiritualism' the meaning of sending other people's souls to heaven?"

"Well, it was an accident this time, and it failed." Yuan Feiwu let go of his hand, the head of the thing was rotten, like a twisted steel bar, it looked like it had been severely abused, how do you look at it They all felt that it must be very unsafe to go.In Yuan Feiwu's hand, he stuffed a small flashing red thing into the storage space, "So I advise you not to waste your time interrogating the captives, it's a waste of time if you don't understand the language."

"Brother, it was you who said that you should first capture a prisoner to learn the information, know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle! But you crushed it with one hand, and spewed sparks instead of brains. You can see how pitiful it is!"

Baluru was so angry by Yuan Feiwu that he remembered to let go of his hand, that thing was dead as hell, why was he still pressing it!
"The first captive has given us very important information. First, we can't understand their words, so we don't need to keep them alive. Second, this thing is a robot, not a living thing. You can imagine it as an inanimate activity. Objects, such as the undead summoned by the demon black wizard; third, the thing I took out just now is their self-destruct device, the power is probably not worse than the "delay magic" encountered outside. If you fight almost, you have to stay away, so as not to confess yourself."

"What's a self-explosive device?" Baluru didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to get so many useful things from such a strange episode, and what he said was well-founded.

"You can imagine that the enemy is dying and can ignore your stop to launch a self-explosion that burns life."

"..." The others silently swallowed their saliva.

A self-explosion that burns life... that's still kind of scary.

(End of this chapter)

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