Chapter 766 You go
Yuan Feiwu didn't exaggerate in any way. He also reasoned from the movies he had watched just now based on the plot. Those advanced robots or man-made people all have things that can explode themselves. Then he searched in the head of the other party and found something.So he took out the suspected bomb that was flashing red and threw it into the storage space.

This matter looks simple, but in fact it is a loophole that exposes Yuan Feiwu's strength.

Although the magician's storage space is an independent space for his own use, it seems to be two separate entities from the magician, but in fact the two have always maintained a spiritual connection, otherwise it will be You will not be able to find the space you intercepted, and all the things you stored before will disappear.

And if the bomb is thrown into the storage space, the bomb will also explode. No matter how powerful it is, the energy burst that the space can withstand will still exist, and the spiritual connection with the magician will also be affected.The consequences would depend on the power of the bomb, ranging from innocuous to the destruction of things in the space, to the loss of contact with the storage space, damage to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, loss of consciousness and becoming a living dead.

But Yuan Feiwu’s storage space is a bit different from the storage space of ordinary magicians or even other gods. His storage space is actually a small world he created unintentionally. It is not surprising that the world is the same as the other world.Any order here is Yuan Feiwu's final decision, including time.

So under the control of Yuan Feiwu, after the red bomb came in, it was already in a state of static time and would not explode.

So Yuan Feiwu said that they couldn't stop the other party's self-destruction is not empty talk.

They don't have the ability to make the bomb static, smashing the bomb will only cause the bomb to explode due to external force.Moreover, Yuan Feiwu had already tried to break the transmission data connection in the opponent's head just now, but the self-explosion device would still activate, so Yuan Feiwu understood that there was no way for Baluru and the others to prevent the bomb from exploding.

However, there is no need to worry about accidentally blowing up the bomb during the attack. Yuan Feiwu took some effort to get the bomb out just now, which shows that the protection of the built-in bomb is quite good.That's right, otherwise it will explode if it is easily hit by others, then it is really not a self-explosive device, but a suicide device.

However, the orcs watched dryly, unable to see the doorway inside.As far as storage space knowledge is concerned, they are all laymen, because none of them can use magic.No one in the Orc Continent understands and uses magic, not even basic magic, let alone advanced common sense of storage space.

"Okay, we will be more careful. But we came in, why didn't the other party respond at all?" Moses returned to the topic multiple times.

"Into positional warfare, of course it would be more efficient to set up a net and wait for you to come to your door to relax and wait for work." Yuan Feiwu said.

"What better way do we have to deal with it?"

"I can only say that it can be done, even if it is a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair. But I want to remind you that the other party can fill this area with sight, hearing and even feelings that we don't know, but our aura cannot. To detect them, we don't know the position and number of each other at all. We are at an absolute disadvantage in the environment." Yuan Feiwu said and pointed to the looming red eyes in the sky.

"I've never been afraid." Jerez laughed, and smashed all those red eyes with a few bursts of vindictive energy.

The others are all well-known figures in the orc clan, so of course they are not afraid.

The robust Baluru, the tough and courageous Jerez, the murderous, introverted, smart and calm Moshido, and the tall, majestic and angry Rudolph, they stood together and looked into the depths of the boulder forest, exuding a vibe from their bodies. Straightforward momentum.At this moment, Yuan Feiwu always felt that he could be connected with a certain movie.

"You can remake the Avengers with this picture, Captain America Baluru, Thor Jaris, Iron Man Moshido, Hulk Rudolph. Oh, I almost forgot the radish, how can there be no heroine, she is Hei... Forget it, the female hulk, hehe. I don’t know if remaking it here is considered copyright infringement?”

"Hey, why do you think your last 'hehe' is a kind of regrettable 'hehe'?" Rudolph frowned and turned his head.

It is said that beasts have the most sensitive intuition, which is absolutely true.

"What the hell are you talking about? I look like Captain America? What the hell." Baluru also glanced over.

"There is a series of hero stories in my hometown. They are all very powerful heroes in the story. You are the incarnation of justice, Jaris is brave and fearless, Moses is smart and calm, and Rudolph is infinitely powerful. I can describe such a temperament. Embody it."

"Well, what you said is quite right for me this time. Then let's be the 'Avengers' this time! After destroying several of our villages and killing so many of our brothers, I want them to pay back their blood! ’ Jerry yelled.

"What about you?" Moshido was not easily fooled by pleasant words like Jerez, and found an intriguing place in it, "Who are you in the story you lamented?"

"Me? I am nobody, you are the 'Avengers', I am not in it." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Aren't you going in?" Moses squinted his eyes, and he naturally heard that there was something in Yuan Feiwu's words.

Everyone looked at Quan Quan, Yuan Feiwu shook his head with a faint smile.

"My mission is completed here." Yuan Feiwu pointed to the robot on the ground that no longer emits sparks, "This thing is enough to prove that they are not from any world of gods and demons. I will take this thing back to convince King Beamon sufficient."

Yuan Feiwu quietly sent a voice transmission to Moses, and Moses shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, let's go." Moshido pulled Baluru and Jaris back to prevent them from asking any more questions, and pushed them to go deep.

Rudolph ignored Moses and them. In fact, he didn't consider himself a part of them from the beginning. No matter whether they continued or not, he would go in and smash all the enemies who hurt the shredded radish.

But Yuan Feiwu was different, he was the one who brought shredded radish over here to take risks, and now shredded radish was injured like this by this group of enemies who didn't know where they came from, how could this person ignore it?
"Faced danger and then retreated? How can a cowardly person who is afraid of death be worthy of Her Royal Highness!"

Rudolph took a deep breath, and moved his huge animal face in front of Yuan Feiwu, his eyes were red.

"I think what you should consider is whether a princess who can't wake up is worthy of falling on me." Yuan Feiwu still smiled like a spring breeze.

"" Rudolph clacked his hands, and suddenly punched a boulder next to him, making a deep hole in the boulder, and the boulder full of cracks was about to collapse at any time.

Then he stopped talking, stared at Yuan Feiwu for a long time before turning his head and leaving.If it weren't for this person being the prince of the Demon Race, he wouldn't know how many times he has done it!

Yuan Feiwu waited for them to walk away, then he lost his breath and left.

In such a short time, Baluru's side has already experienced a massacre, and the wreckage everywhere is sparking, with traces of explosions here and there.

"The melee combat is really a scumbag. What Yuan Feiwu said is really amazing! This kind of person wants to ambush us? Dreaming!" Jerez smashed an eight-legged robot into a boulder, and quickly jumped away. After a while, there was a loud noise, and the six-story boulder was blown to pieces, and the rocks flew all over the sky.

"Hey, Mr. Yuan Feiwu is actually not obliged to come in with us to take risks. He has already helped us a lot. I quite understand if he doesn't come in. But should I say hello to Rudolph? Rudolph is talking to Mr. Yuan Feiwu There are some complaints, even if we don’t want to make enemies with the Beamons, we shouldn’t ignore them.” Baluru scanned the surroundings and found no robots that could move, so he leaned over to Moses and muttered.

"Yuan Feiwu did it on purpose. He is trying to create a super scumbag image for himself, so save yourself and don't make trouble."

Moses looked at Baluru, his tone was obviously kind, but after matching his eyes, Baluru felt an inexplicable feeling of being despised.

"Does Yuan Feiwu go back to the camp first? Or wait for us outside?" Baluru forced himself to suppress the urge to punch Moses in the eye, and continued to ask.

"He said that we were here to block the hole, and he went to find the other party's energy supply point and smashed it. He said that without energy supply, these things would be useless." Moses smiled rarely.

Cooperating with this strange demon made Moses feel extremely happy. It seemed that everything was just a surprise before them, and they could always work together to solve it in the end.

And fun.

It was the first time Moshido fought side by side with others, and he had an interesting idea.

"So that's the case, I know that Mr. Yuan Feiwu won't be so disrespectful!" Baluru laughed, "But I don't really like the idea of ​​blocking the hole."

"His original words were, let us make a big fuss as a bait so that he can find the other party's energy supply point to destroy. After all, Baluru is using his face to attract hatred, it's safe..."

"Then let's use what you call 'block eye-catching', I am very grateful."

(End of this chapter)

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