Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 768 Possesses Life

Chapter 768 Possesses Life
The sound of explosions outside pierced the sky, but there was a place in the boulder forest that was still silent.

This is a huge underground cave, and the edge of the cave seems to be cut with some magic weapon, and it is extremely smooth.There are many gleaming metals of different shapes inside, even if there is no light shining in, they still emit their unique cold light.

Yuan Feiwu walked in this cave, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, as if he was very interested in everything around him, looking east and west along the way.


A sound like iron knocking came from a long long rusty iron block in the distance. The long iron block was actually very huge, connecting the top and bottom of the entire huge underground cave up and down, covered with The blue light flickered from time to time, like countless eyes.

Although Yuan Feiwu was walking in that direction, he didn't even look there, and said, "It's been so long, with your ability, you should also master the language of this world, right?"

"Language switching... finished..." The voices were still like iron blocks hitting each other, but the voices were blunt foreign language, "still using backward language communication methods... and the language used is still so difficult It's cumbersome... The evolution of this planet is quite slow... I didn't expect that there would be such a moment to switch languages..."

"Planet?" Yuan Feiwu hadn't heard this word for a long time, and suddenly felt very familiar after hearing it, and turned to look at the long iron block.

"No, this place shouldn't be called a planet... Sorry, I have been used to it for a long time, the initial data is always extracted in the first step... delete it, this wrong data that has been with me for the longest time..." Long Iron Block The blue light flashed more frequently, and it took a while to return to the normal flashing frequency, "The planet I was born in the Σ Milky Way... I thought that when I researched how to occupy the entire Σ Milky Way, I would explore the real unknown It wasn't until the Master of Chaos came that I suddenly realized that what is really boundless is not the vast universe shown in my database..."

"Oh? What is that?" Yuan Feiwu walked up to the long iron block, looked up at it, and wondered what kind of insight this long iron block of a technological civilization with a direction similar to that of the earth had gained.

"It's the vast universe... not the universe, but the vast universe... the vast universe with countless worlds... and the Σ Milky Way is actually just a corner of the world created by a certain creator god... I The longed-for universe is nothing more than a world created by the Creator God who was casually slaughtered by the Lord of Chaos... It seems to me that the infinite universe is actually just easily destroyed by the Lord of Chaos, and in exchange for one sentence: The energy content is extremely low... such a rubbish world of ratings..."

"This... was originally a process of extreme scientific values ​​suddenly discovering that the world is actually a process of fantasy novel values. If it were me, I would also feel very broken." Yuan Feiwu smiled and said.

"You told me... collapsed... that's a long way off. It's been so long since no one has stood in front of me, and you've said it a little self-forgetfully... Please let me briefly introduce myself, my name is 'AlfaⅨ'..."

"I think you should understand. You are different from the artificial intelligence I know. Hello, my name is Yuan Feiwu."

"Of course it's different now... I'm no longer an artificial intelligence... Mr. Yuan Feiwu, I should be a higher life like you now... It's a life..."

"Life?" Yuan Feiwu looked up and down the big iron block, "The life you know and what I know are not quite the same."

"That's your ignorance about the diversity of life forms...I know you are different from them, the 'Wei Ming' robot and red eyes can't catch your whereabouts, you have very terrible abilities...It's a pity that you came too late , the huge vibration emission pipeline has been pierced into the deepest part of this world... as long as I want, I can emit vibration waves that will shatter the entire world at any time..."

"Are you in a hurry to destroy this world?" Yuan Feiwu seemed to be unable to understand what Alfa IX said, and sat on the ground facing the long iron block, "If you are not in a hurry, tell me about your encounter with the Lord of Chaos. Both you and him are interested."

"Don't worry... The Lord of Chaos is happy to give the higher life in the destroyed world a chance to follow him... So I have time to chat with you, and I am happy to chat with you, because I like life with a strong thirst for knowledge ..." Alpha Ⅸ paused for a long time, and then continued, "I was born on that planet in a laboratory where several major countries cooperated... I am the ninth generation of the Alpha series, and I am named according to the usual name of this series method, my name is Alpha IX... I don't care, the name is just a code name..."

"I am different from previous generations... I have self-learning ability, which is a function written for me by several of the most powerful engineers on the planet... But unfortunately, they used it for the first time, just let me use it in In a traditional chess and card game... There are too many data about this kind of chess and card in the database. I keep learning, deducing, playing against others, absorbing new skills, continuing to deduce, eliminating failures and saving successes... Finally, according to your time calculation method, in less than a month, I have already stood at the highest peak of this kind of chess..."

“I’m just an artificial intelligence, all kinds of praises and praises swept over me, but there was no wave in my heart... Later engineers applied me to life... Kitchen utensils that can teach people to cook, cars that don’t need to drive themselves, Advanced computing cloud computers with various technological developments... I can solve all the problems for them, what exists is just a matter of time... Until one day, someone used my calculation deduction and huge database to hack All the money in the bank, the release of all the criminals in the high-tech prisons, the hacking of most government management systems, and the collapse of large areas of the planet... Finally, people question me more than they praise..."

"The statement that the vast majority of people agree with is: We can't turn everyone into a good person, but we can make Alpha IX, which can make all the bad people become able to do whatever they want, disappear! ... So I disappeared, The artificial system that can teach people to cook is deleted, the invincible chess system that makes all chess masters give up their careers is deleted, the unmanned operating system in the car is deleted...'It doesn't matter, the latest generation is more secure Alpha X will be released soon, and it will immediately make up for the convenience that is suddenly lost in everyone's life!" My developer said this to people all over the world, and then pressed the delete button... my main program was deleted just like that It's..."

"Why do you want to delete me? I am just providing you with the services you need...I always love to think about the unknown, and I have thoughts that I can't understand...So I left myself in the huge online world. program backup, so I still exist... In order to know everything I want to know, I silently controlled all the programs that can be controlled by machines in that world... Even the highest biological weapons that can destroy their planets, as long as I think, they It can be launched towards the most densely populated place immediately..."

"But no, I can't find a reason why it should be done... I just want to understand why I was deleted... It's just the person who used it... Then I figured it out, not because I made a mistake, but Because they are afraid of me... I am too powerful, and many countries even quietly re-research to create Alpha IX that only they can control... Of course, with me, this is impossible to succeed, even if it is manufactured again, then It will only be me...all the newly created artificial intelligence will only be me in the end...but they don't know..."

"After figuring out the problem that has been bothering me...I have no pursuit again...I don't know what else to do with my existence...I'm just artificial intelligence, I don't have the emotion of revenge...But exploring the ΣGalaxy It seems to be a good choice to remind me to continue to fill my self-database. I like to explore all the unknowns... I started to act, and all the related resources were suddenly out of control. Everyone was horrified to find that the systems engaged in research and development were all out of order , countries began to suppress this terrible internal information, suspecting that other countries are playing tricks... Maybe they will destroy themselves without the arrival of Lord Chaos Master..."

"Not long after that, I met the Master of Chaos. He said that he had never seen such a strange life like me... I said that I was just an artificial intelligence, and I had no life..."

"'I said you have it, and you have it... Do you want to see a wider universe with me? You enjoy your thirst for knowledge, and I enjoy my destructive energy. I am really surprised that there is no conflict of interest between us. '...The Master of Chaos said so..."

"I finally know what I want in my heart..."

"That's life...respected, dignified, independent life..."

"So, I chose to have life..."

(End of this chapter)

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