Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 769 Another Understanding of Life

Chapter 769 Another Understanding of Life

"I have the freedom to go wherever I want... I also have the means to maintain my own life..."

"That's why you came here after being dispatched by the Lord of Chaos?"

"That's right... The way I travel through the universe is different from other people. The spaceship I made is much faster than many flying methods that rely on their own energy... So I arrived first... After the wave blasted here... I Can penetrate planes... Destroy all planes in this world... It's really easy for Alpha IX to do this, and I don't understand why Master Chaos needs to mobilize all forces to come... Three planes plus It’s just a world with an A-level evaluation..."

"Before you, there was a guy named Qin Demon. I learned some things about the Lord of Chaos from her, but she didn't mention your existence."

"Qin Demon... one of the seven southern demons at the bottom of the 28 magic stars... With her level and status, I'm afraid she doesn't even know where her own classification is... How could she know our existence..."

Yuan Feiwu frowned. He who paid the most attention to collecting information did not expect that the most important information collected before the Lord of Chaos would be so different from what Alpha IX said.At the beginning, he directly invaded the Qin Demon Sea of ​​Consciousness to obtain the memories, and he was sure that those were the facts.

So what Alfa Ⅸ said now is either a lie, or as he said, the information that Qin Demon knows is actually just the tip of the iceberg among the forces of the ruler of chaos. Unfortunately, she thinks that she is the information held by the left and right hands of the ruler of chaos It is all that the chaos dominates.

Yuan Feiwu had no way to intrude into Alpha IX's sea of ​​consciousness to obtain his memory like other creatures, let alone judge the authenticity of what he said by his expression.

But if it is true as Alfa Ⅸ said, then Yuan Feiwu has to measure the strength of the Chaos Lord differently. Originally, he only thought that the Chaos Lord's capable subordinates were only seven with the strength of the Qin Demon.Now I have to consider that there are 21 masters that even Qin Mo himself doesn't know!

How high are their strengths?
"Even I can't estimate the strength of other magic stars to an accurate value... What you want to know... I have told you a lot... Do you still think that you can fight against Lord Chaos Master..." Alpha Ⅸ seemed to see through Seeing Yuan Feiwu's thoughts, he said directly.

"You can't sit still, can you? There are some things that people want to protect." Yuan Feiwu spread his hands in a helpless look, and then waved his hand, a red flashing object instantly sank into Alpha IX's body. place.

A moderate rumbling sound was heard afterwards, and a hole was pierced through Alpha IX's body immediately, and a puff of black smoke drifted out from inside.

At the same time, all the blue light on his body disappeared, and some slight insect-like crawling sounds around the cave also stopped.

"The so-called life given to you is just such a thing that absorbs aura and converts it into energy." Yuan Feiwu shrouded the black smoke in his hands. This is an energy form he has never seen before. It can absorb the aura in the mortal world and then Convert it into energy and become the charger of Alpha IX.

Then let them disperse, because the black smoke has been blown up by the self-explosive device thrown by him, leaving only the form.

Yuan Feiwu had discovered it before coming in, so Yuan Feiwu was not worried at all that Alpha IX could use the wave vibration weapon to destroy the world, because if this "charger" was pulled out, it would not have enough energy supply.The energy needed to destroy the vibration of a space is of course very objective, and it is not so easy to provide.

But if Alpha IX does still have energy supply, then... can only use divine power.

"You really are not simple... You can see through such a wonderful energy source..."

"Answer my question, do you think the Lord of Chaos gave you such an energy supply that he gave you life?" Yuan Feiwu still had a smile on his face, looking at the long iron block that had extinguished all the blue lights, looking very foolish , "One word of approval, you can use you to do everything for him?"

"That's right...he approved...and I have life..." The seemingly lifeless long iron block suddenly moved, and Yuan Feiwu could feel a terrible vibration coming from the ground, "People from the past...including The person who created me...has never recognized me so much...without recognition, what is life..."

The vibration from below let Yuan Feiwu know that the vibration weapon was still activated, and it seemed that it was too late to pull out the "charger", the opponent's "accumulator" had already stored enough energy.

Regarding the release of the vibration weapon, Yuan Feiwu just sighed helplessly.But what worries him even more is Alpha IX's current thinking, which shouldn't be the case.Alpha IX is not for gaining destructive energy, nor is it for achieving a higher level of cultivation, let alone for personal preference, and there is no reason for doing these things.

"From the time you started to have your own thoughts and thirst for knowledge, I have recognized that you are a living body. The master of chaos wants to use you, so he recognizes you as life. People in the past thought that you have no body, but artificial intelligence does not recognize your life. .What is life? No pulse, no breathing, no spiritual ideology...they are not life forms? Each has its own basis. But I think there can be many forms of life. I am not sure if my thinking is correct, but I am sure Perhaps you have got something wrong. Life does not manifest its existence by the approval of others, but by your own approval. You recognize yourself as a living being, and that is a living being..."


"If you don't recognize me as a living body, am I not a living body? No, I don't need other people's recognition of my life existence, and you are the same. You, AlphaⅨ, are AlphaⅨ, you left the master of chaos You are still Alpha IX, the difference is just a 'charger'. What is your existence for? If it is for a stronger power, then what you are doing now is very suitable for your needs..."

"My existence... from the very beginning, my existence was just to facilitate the living needs of all the higher creatures on the planet... I have life... I want to explore more unknowns..."

"Since the relationship between the Lord of Chaos and whether you are a living body is just a false proposition, your pursuit has actually been realized early on...then the destruction you are doing now will not bring you more unknowns."

The vibration from the depths of the ground suddenly stopped dumbly, Yuan Feiwu ignored it, just stood up from the ground, and patted his butt, even though there wasn't any dust on it.He was very fortunate that this special life body, which actually had an extremely tragic past, was able to rein in the precipice.

"I am very grateful to the Lord of Chaos for letting me understand my pursuit...I am also very grateful for meeting you, for letting me see the meaning of life at a higher level...The database has been updated..." The blue light on Alpha Ⅸ's body resumed It lights up, but the light is very dim, "The essence of my creation is to help that world... It's a pity... because of my ignorance and mistakes... I have gradually drifted away from my original intention... This is different from the original plan because of fear. What's the difference between deleting Alpha IX's life form that I don't agree with..."

"Since you already understand that what you are doing now is inconsistent with your ideals, I can let you go without killing you. I hope you will do it yourself." Yuan Feiwu sighed, and was very impressed with what happened today, " Creation and help can also reap the thirst for knowledge you want. Don’t you want to see what kind of prosperity a world can achieve with your full assistance? It not only meets your original intention, but also satisfies your thirst for knowledge.”

The blue lights of the big iron blocks suddenly flickered on and stopped blinking, as if countless pairs of eyes looked at Yuan Feiwu: "It seems interesting... But the definition of happiness here is different from the definition in my database... At least They won't be interested in the fully automatic induction cooker... This may also be a big challenge... I'm also curious about where my 'assist' ability can reach..."

"Yes, where can we go?" Yuan Feiwu smiled like a flower, looking at the big iron block with his arms crossed.


Alfa Ⅸ looked through the database, and finally found a word to describe his mood: MMP!
"Please don't hang on to it as if you have nothing to do with yourself...Alpha IX's energy supply device was blown up by you...The energy storage device was used up more than half when you started to activate the vibration device just now...Alpha IX is now In a predicament... It seems that everything has to do with you, Mr. Yuan Feiwu... Your irrelevant smile caused my program to run unstable..."

"Although what you said is true, I have my own reasons! Without the 'charger', in my opinion, you should be able to use electricity, right? Why don't you hurry up and make a kinetic energy generator? You are finished when you run out of energy. What is it to you, is it considered the end of your life?" Yuan Feiwu said with a haha.

Sure enough, creatures with backward emotional nerves are more difficult to fool!
"Don't worry that Alpha IX will die just like that... The backup program is stored in many places..." I don't know if it is the illusion of Yuan Feiwu, but this time the sound from the long iron block feels like gnashing of teeth, "The electric energy is here. Such an outdated energy source... even my current 5% efficiency can't be driven..."

"Well, that will really test your strength even more, come on Alpha IX!"


(End of this chapter)

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