Chapter 771
"Where is he?" Baluru asked happily.

"Going back... Keep your voice down!" Moses glanced at Rudolph, who was still picking up toys and throwing the immobile robot.

"Okay, okay, let me keep my voice down." Of course, Baluru knew that Yuan Feiwu had gone around such a large circle to hide himself, just to wrap a red thread around Rudolph and Radish, and now Yuan Feiwu is just like their benefactor, here Destroying his platform must not be very loyal, "I'm curious about how Yuan Feiwu did it. He can kill so many robots at once!"

"The situation is very complicated. I haven't understood it yet, so I'm too lazy to tell you." Moses said angrily.

"Oh? You are a naked insult to my IQ. If you don't tell me, I'm really in a hurry with you!"

"In a certain world, the development of science and technology is the primary productive force, and it has evolved to the point of using ion energy. Corresponding to its development, a new artificial intelligence such as Alpha IX has emerged. Alpha IX has a very powerful learning ability And the database, slowly he has his own consciousness, evolving towards a higher form..."

"Ah? What? Slow down, what is technology? What is ion energy? What kind of spell is Alpha IX?" Baluru's eyes widened, filled with dense question marks.

Moshido ignored him, and continued to repeat what Yuan Feiwu told him through sound transmission like a book: "In that world, the evolution of Alpha IX can be said to be close to the extreme, and any newly developed artificial intelligence will become AI. A part of Alpha IX. Because the programs or knowledge they will use inevitably use the database established by Alpha IX, using many programs and analyzes created by Alpha IX, so those artificial intelligence If you want to complete your own work, you can only assimilate and become a part of Alpha IX, or they are Alpha IX..."

"Wait a minute, stop for a moment, stop talking! Damn, my brain hurts! Tell me what artificial intelligence is, okay?"

"All the strange creatures we have encountered are all artificial intelligence robots, and they are all Alpha IX, but they have different access to databases and analysis capabilities. But in any case, their permissions are all It is not as high as the main body. When the energy of the main body is limited, the main body has no choice but to stop the activity authority of other robots to ensure the sustainable use of energy. Yuan Feiwu is to cause damage to the energy supply, so they are all subject The activity has ceased..."

"I was wrong! Stop talking! I didn't understand a damn word!" Baluru covered his head with a pained expression on his dog ears, and kicked Moshido to make him roll away.

Moses said a lot of things that overloaded his brain with almost every word, causing a lot of questions. This is a subconscious behavior that can't be stopped, and he doesn't want to listen to it anymore!Can't listen anymore!
The damn thirst for knowledge!It would be nice for me to be a quiet and handsome man, but I want to challenge the upper limit of IQ, isn't this just making fun of me!
Jaris looked at Baluru's embarrassment and shook his head: "What Moses does now is a blatant insult to your IQ. How much IQ do you have in your mind, and you don't have a second letter in your heart?" ? Are you stupid?"

Moshido also cast a contemptuous look at Baluru, then turned to look at Jerez: "Do you want to listen?"

"Don't listen, as long as I know the result, thank you for your kindness!" Jerez patted his chest and refused without hesitation.

After this comparison, I really feel that I am much smarter than Baluru.

Afterwards, a few people limped back to their station, and those subordinates came out to greet them earlier, and took them back to their tent to heal their injuries.

Rudolph pushed away the orcs who came up to support him, endured the pain and strode towards the tent where the princess was resting. As the most loyal bodyguard of the princess, even if he died, he would not let the princess see his weak and sad side.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, Rudolph saw that Princess Luobosi had woken up and was having a good chat with the damned demon prince. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.This demon prince made Rudolph feel terrible, he ignored Luo Bosi when he was in a coma, and only came here to ask questions when he was fine!


But Rudolph didn't say anything. Seeing that shredded radish was alive and healthy again, his previous violence disappeared in a flash.It's just that this time it's a little different. There is more worry in his heart because of the hypocritical Prince of the Demon Race.He was worried that the princess would not be able to show such a happy smile again when she was by the demon prince's side.

"Huh? Rudolph, you're back!" Luo Bosi finally "accidentally" saw Rudolph coming back, showing a touch of concern, "The mission is completed? Do you want to go down and rest for a while? Here are Yuan Feiwu and other orc friends Now, don't worry about my safety."

In fact, she had already learned from Yuan Feiwu that Rudolph went to trouble those mysterious enemies for her, and was seriously injured, so he almost couldn't come back.Her heart was full of worries, but Yuan Feiwu persuaded her not to reveal her secrets, so she had to endure her worries.

"Yes, the mission has been completed." Although Rudolph didn't understand why the robots died inexplicably, he was sure that there were no moving things, that is, the enemies had all been wiped out.

"Your subordinate is resting in the next tent, please call your subordinate if you need anything."

Rudolph backed away silently.

"Yuan Feiwu, is he seriously injured? I want to see him." After Rudolph left, Luo Bosi said anxiously to Yuan Feiwu.

"It's heavy, but it's nothing to the Bimeng people. Let him rest for a while, how can he rest well after you go." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Seeing that Luo Luosi and Rudolph were so worried about each other, but they couldn't tell each other what was in their hearts, Yuan Feiwu could only shake his head helplessly.

This kind of guy who doesn't know himself doesn't know how many times the people around him shook their heads for him. If there is a greater god, they might not be able to see it and give him a divine punishment.

"You're right. I really don't know when that piece of wood will open up... Sigh."

"I think it's almost there. He is almost turning into a beast because of your anger. This is the proof of enlightenment. The next step is the last step. You already know what to do?"

"I know, I know, don't worry, our anti-marriage alliance is absolutely unbreakable!"

"It's been a pleasure working with you."

One person, one Beamon, gave a high-five happily in the big tent. I don't know if Rudolph will be happy knowing that he has been played around by the two of them all the time.

After resting for a day, the next day, Baluru and the others asked their men to go to the end of the boulder forest to clean up the battlefield.I thought there were many strange corpses over there, and it would take a long time to clean them up, but my subordinates ran back in a daze and said there was nothing.

Hearing that Baluru was even more confused than them, he quickly called Moshido and Jerez to the Giant Stone Forest for a walk.Indeed, all the robots that were supposed to be lying dead were gone, not even the fragments of limbs that were blown up by them were found, only the deep pits and various broken stones left on the scene after the explosion.

Sanyong of the Beast Race was terrified, thinking that the enemy had not been wiped out that day, the enemy was just pretending to be dead, and now they all fled and waited for an opportunity.

Moses was anxious to find Yuan Feiwu, and told Yuan Feiwu about it.

Yuan Feiwu somewhat anticipated that the situation might turn out like this, and said to them heartily: "It's all melted. They are high-tech, and the materials used to make robots are all environmentally friendly materials. After hanging up for a while, they will decompose by themselves." Those who disappeared, don’t make a fuss and scare yourself.”

Of course Baluru and Jerez exclaimed again and again unknowingly, no matter how fooled they were by Yuan Feiwu with their IQ, they would unknowingly exclaim again and again.Moshido was skeptical about Yuan Feiwu's statement, but Moshido doubted it and couldn't doubt it deeply. After all, it was the other party who had the upper hand the day before yesterday. There was no reason not to kill them, but to pretend to be dead and run away. It didn't make sense.

Everyone rested for another two days before returning to the palace to report for duty.

After returning, Sanyong of the orc clan, Yuan Feiwu, and Rudolph found King Beamon, and also contacted the leaders of various clans, and held an important meeting in secret.Yuan Feiwu took out the robot that he took the self-destruct device at the beginning as evidence, cooperated with Sanyong and Rudolph, who personally participated in the battle, and knew that the opponent's fighting style was indeed unheard of, and convinced all the important leaders of the Orc clan that this There are many worlds beyond this world, and there is a guy called the Lord of Chaos who is extending his claws to their worlds...

Unexpectedly, the orc clan's acceptance of Yuan Feiwu's statement is the best among all the clans in the entire mortal world.

King Beamon immediately ordered everyone to be on alert, ready to deal with the foreign destroyers who invaded at any time, and at the same time expressed his willingness to ally with the Star Luo Continent and the Mozu Continent to deal with the invaders.For the orcs, which are relatively simple groups, their judgments on things are much more straightforward than those in the Star Luo Continent and the Demon Clan Continent. Find the most suitable way to solve the problem.

But the orcs are not all simple-minded guys. After many meetings, Moses thought about many possible doubts.It wasn't until the corpse of the robot brought by Yuan Feiwu, which was closed in the palace, disappeared a few days later that he let go of the last trace of doubt in his heart.

Really TM will melt by itself, what is it made of, so environmentally friendly?

(End of this chapter)

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