Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 772 Escaped Successfully

Chapter 772 Escaped Successfully
"That's the general policy of dealing with foreign enemies together! However, the enemy must be destroyed, but this marriage must also be married!"

The tangled things are over, and King Behemoth's mood changes quite quickly. The leaders of the various clans below are still worrying about the country and the people to digest such a major crisis of annihilation, and King Nima Behemoth suddenly wants to make everyone hi stand up.

It just so happened that the leaders of all the clans came, and King Behemoth let everyone settle down to eat and drink as he always wanted, and held a grand wedding in the past few days.

The leaders are so confused, they have never heard that the daughter of King Bimeng is getting married, why is such an important thing so sudden!

But forget it, when I think of King Behemoth's temperament of doing whatever he thinks of, there is nothing to worry about, it is a good thing anyway.By the way, they also notified the news back to their respective tribes. This kind of big event that can promote the feelings of the major tribes in the Orcs, of course they should be together.

So the wedding date was fixed like this, and the news reached Lucia in the VIP cell, who was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised!
"What's breaking the engagement... I think he can't wait to become the son-in-law of the beast clan!" Lucia kicked the big iron gate again, knowing whether it hurts or not.

Just now the big iron gate was opened again, and he has not received any news from Yuan Feiwu all this time, and his heart is getting more and more worried, he did not expect to receive the news after more than ten days that the wedding is about to come!
Didn't he say that he was going to do something to extend the army? According to him, he couldn't wait!

"Look, look, your highness can even drink the vinegar of that ugly princess!" "Your highness is indeed your highness, it's really 'massive'!" Each of the twins held an orange fruit in their hands and ate it like a groundhog. The mouth of the rations is generally swollen.

No way, they just play the game of "see who stuffs more things in their mouths at once" when they have nothing to do.Maybe because even the DNA is the same, the two are fighting inseparably for the time being.

Can vinegar nima also be massive? !
Lucia kicked at the big iron gate again. He was already angry enough, and he had to digest the anger caused by the twins' nonsense.And I really can't talk to them about whether they are really jealous or not. Doesn't this mean that I admit that I am jealous!
Damn it, is he jealous of that ugly princess?And why be jealous, what is there to be jealous about that person!
Not to mention, his mood gradually improved a lot after being babbled by the twins, that's right, he was upset about that guy.

Just as he was about to think about what he should do next, the big iron gate suddenly swung open again.

A longing face that Lucia would definitely not admit appeared in front of him, which made him a little excited.

But soon he calmed down, seeing that this person must not get excited, the last time they separated, they had just fallen out, this person stood with him because of his usefulness!

Thinking of this, Lucia turned her head indifferently and returned to the living room, sat between the twins in a rare way, picked up an orange fruit and stuffed it into her mouth.

This is the first time that Lucia is willing to sit with the twins. Usually, after being rejected by the big iron gate, his first reaction is to go back to his room to practice.This time he wanted to see what Yuan Feiwu had to say when he came back, so he didn't go back.

"The day after tomorrow is the big wedding day. I have already understood that you will be released early in the morning to participate in the wedding congratulations. At that time, you must leave 'quickly', but you must also remember that you are not in the capital" Flying around', that's impolite, and you can only fly outside the capital." Yuan Feiwu didn't come in, so he stood outside the gate and said inside.

Only then did Lucia see that there were two Bimon warriors standing beside Qingyuan Feiwu, staring at them very vigilantly.

Naturally, Lucia understood Yuan Feiwu's words, so she continued, "What will you do after we 'start quickly'?"

"Don't worry about me." Yuan Feiwu spread his hands quite grandly, and the two Bimon warriors beside him had to dodge to both sides, so as not to be waved by Yuan Feiwu's arm, and when Yuan Feiwu retracted his arm, he immediately returned to his original position.

Seeing this situation, Lucia's heart sank. It seems that the other party's monitoring of Yuan Feiwu is frighteningly high, and they don't even allow him to leave an inch.

Could it be that this guy knew that he had no chance to get away, and was worried that they would not leave him but catch him instead?

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you don't need to worry. Remember, don't 'worry'." Yuan Feiwu seemed to see Lucia's worry, and said it emphatically before leaving.

"Who has time to worry about you, I think you are willing to accept that you are about to become the son-in-law of the orc clan!" Lucia waited for the big iron gate to close, the orange fruit in her hand was about to be thrown out, but then she was worried that the juice would be scattered everywhere , So I dispelled this immature thought, and stuffed it into my mouth fiercely.

"So tomorrow we will take the opportunity to quickly escort His Highness the Prince back to the Devil's Continent, right?" "Yes, this task seems to be quite simple." The twins patted the crumbs left over after eating on their hands, and reached a consensus .

"Oh? Did you understand what he said this time?" Lucia was in a bad mood, but was still taken aback by the twins' clear thinking.

Yuan Feiwu spoke very eloquently because someone was by his side, how could these two people understand?This is not scientific!

He had to worry a little more. After all, if the two 250 could understand, then it is very likely that the Beamon warrior at the door could also understand.In Lucia's mind, the IQs of the Beamon and the twins were roughly equal to the height of two dwarves, and it was hard to tell which was better.

"Your Highness, are you stupid!" "How could we understand it!" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu sent us a sound transmission, let us protect you and retreat when you get married the day after tomorrow!" Congratulations, the entry gates of the capital are relatively lax, and this is a good time to retreat!"

The twins' answers are always so honest.

I don't understand, I don't understand why you are still so proud!Being specifically explained by the sound transmission, it means that even Yuan Feiwu thinks you are dull, okay?Although the fallen angels are all proud of their pride, but your pride is simply terminally ill!

But after hearing what the twins said, Lucia's mind became even more confused.Seeing Yuan Feiwu really intends to confess himself, and then protect them to leave.

Well, maybe people just like it that way!

Lucia forced himself not to think about Yuan Feiwu's thoughts. He would rather think about whether Newman's mind was broken by the door. They disappeared for so long and didn't return to the Demon Continent, and they didn't even come to look for anyone!
This time, Lucia has wronged Santo Newman a bit.

City Lord Newman once thought about the fact that Prince Lucia flew to the Beast Race and didn't come back until now, but it was not as attractive as the abnormal shock that occurred at the border between the Beast Race and the Demon Race.That day, not far from the territory of the Beast Race, there was a lot of artillery fire and earthquakes. Even the Demon Race could see the mushroom-like clouds floating up from time to time, which was very scary.

So City Lord Newman threw his attention over there, in case the orcs wanted to do something big.With such a distraction, the worries about Prince Lucia were put aside.

Lucia is bored enough these days, so she simply doesn't think about it so much, and then go back to the Demon Race first!In the future, it will not be difficult to mobilize forces to demand people!
Soon it was the wedding day.

The two brothers Lucia and Patrich Patreon, who had strengthened their minds, were released from the VIP cage.

The Beamon warriors of the orc tribe just let them go. They didn't mean to force them to attend the wedding or to attend the wedding banquet. They just left them idle and treated them as air.

Isn't that good?With a gloomy face, Lucia walked out of the base camp of the Bimon people, and walked through the crowds of cheering people all over the city. It took several hours to squeeze to the edge of the city.In such a mess, it just happened to give up the city gates in one go!Lucia, who was mentally prepared, was a little surprised when she passed the customs. The guards let her pass without even asking a single question. They twisted their buttocks and shouted, "I wish the princess a happy marriage for a hundred years!" and then began to sing and dance on the spot.

It's just a wedding, why are you so excited, these orcs!Guarding a door is so unprofessional, do you know that guards like this in the Mozu must be beheaded!

Lucia didn't know why she was angry, the people and soldiers of the orcs all sang and danced to relax their guard against them, isn't this a great thing!
Look, how lucky I was to run out easily... Ah bah, how unlucky.

When Lucia turned around, he saw Partridge and Patreon standing less than one meter away behind him. They didn't know where they got the fruits, and each of them was carrying a large bunch of fruits, stuffing them into his mouth while using the like Look at him with the poor eyes.

Just as he wanted to make himself feel better, he saw something that made him feel worse, and the word "bad luck" popped out of his head again.

I didn't expect that even these two came out easily.

When Lucia left, she didn't say hello to them and left without looking back. The main reason was because she was locked up with them for more than ten days. I really had enough of these two idiots, and I really didn't want to see them again. !Besides, it was better to run away quietly by myself than to take these two conspicuous guys with me!
So Lucia once again despised the level of vigilance of the orcs. The two so conspicuous slipped out without being noticed, bad review!
"It was given to me by a deer orc. I swear I didn't steal it." "I also swear I didn't steal it. I danced with an old man for a while." The twins saw that Lucia had been facing them The two rolled their eyes, and held up the various fruits in their hands together, "Why are you so unpopular, no one invites you to eat?" , It's really embarrassing."

"I feel ashamed when I take you two with me! We are running away, can you be more serious?!"

Lucia took a deep breath, and desperately suppressed the urge to go over and call the orc soldiers who were guarding the gate to arrest these two!

(End of this chapter)

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