Chapter 773

"Your Highness, your ideological awareness is too low, right? We are thinking about how to prevent others from being suspicious and blend into each other's atmosphere, but you are thinking about whether to lose face?" "My heart hurts, Demon Race Is the future led by His Royal Highness like this? I am worried about the future of the demons..."

"Didn't you bring up the topic of being ashamed first!" Lucia yelled loudly, losing all the temperament and manners of a prince. He cast a puzzled look, "Don't follow me anymore! If you don't go back, I'm still in a hurry to go back!"

After Lucia finished speaking, she ran away in a hurry, and found that the crowd here was much less, so she turned into a dead-end alley.It should be no problem to fly back here. The main masters of the orc clan are all within the capital, so they should not care much about the fluctuations in the magic power of the dark elements in the periphery.

"Why don't we follow you, Mr. Yuan Feiwu told us to protect you well!" "Come to bunch grapes, reduce your anger." The twins chased after them, and Lucia wanted to get rid of the two middle-level second wings Angel guy that's impossible.I just don't know why there are so many more fruits on them, Lucia didn't bother to complain.

"Tell me honestly, did Yuan Feiwu tell you that he has a way to leave, so you don't worry about him at all?" Lucia finally couldn't help it, and asked back.

These two guys have always been loyal to Yuan Feiwu as if they had been drugged. Now that Yuan Feiwu may be controlled by the orcs and can't escape, they didn't overreact at all?Is there still time to circle him here?

This is so anomalous!
"No, Mr. Yuan Feiwu just told us to take you away at this opportunity, so don't worry about him." "Yes, the task is quite easy." "As for worry, how is that possible, he is Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" "That's right Ah, we have great confidence in Mr. Yuan Feiwu! Even if the opponent is a Bimon princess, we will not lose in the bridal chamber battle!"

"He's Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" Are you sure you didn't use this sentence because your brain is broken? Is "Mr. Yuan Feiwu" an unparalleled species! !

And you don't need to have confidence that you won't lose in the bridal chamber fight, okay?First consider whether your brains are saved or not, that is what you should worry about right now!
Lucia really felt that it was a bit stupid for her to go back and have a good communication with them, so when she looked back, the magic power in her body was running quickly, and her knees were slightly squatting, ready to soar into the sky.


Yuan Feiwu's smile kept churning in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

If he wants to marry that ugly monster, he will still have that same smile...

As for the true emotions hidden in his heart, is he the only one who can see it...

True feelings are none of my business!This is the price of using oneself!He still has to use the princess, which is also the price!

Even if those black star eyes are sad, it is the price he should pay... that's right.

"Your Highness, is your posture constipated?" "Hurry up, we've been waiting for a long time, are you going to fly or not!" The twins said impatiently facing down in the air with their hips akimbo like mirror images at both ends of the mirror.

Lucia didn't even bother to complain about them.

Since you are upset, it is better to cut the mess quickly!Some things obviously have thoughts in my heart, so what if I deliberately ignore them?

It's true... I can't let go... I can't let go of that person.It was only now that Lucia realized to her surprise that the influence of that person on her had exceeded her imagination.

"Come down, I need your help. Just take it as... I'm asking you." Lucia made a rare request to the twins, and it was hard to say.

He never personally asked the twins for anything, because he always regarded these two guys as Yuan Feiwu's people, not his people.Originally, he wanted to treat them as his own, but after the unhappy Yuan Feiwu that day, let him take them out of the range of his cronies again.

This time, he let go of the prince's arrogance a little bit, hoping to get their help.

For that person.

"What's the matter?" "Did you forget how to fly?"

The twins floated down again, but the handsome blond guy showed no kindness at all to Lucia, showing all kinds of contempt.

"Nimma...I can bear it! Please, help me save that guy!" Lucia gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "Sacrifice yourself to save me, I don't want to owe this favor!"

"Say it sooner! Of course it's okay! Although the reason is a bit far-fetched, I reluctantly accept it." "Of course I would rather call you sister-in-law... or brother-in-law? It's better than calling you that ugly sister-in-law! Fight for love!"

The twins were surprised by Lucia's words. Immediately after the surprise, their white teeth were exposed, and even the arc of the corners of their mouths when they were happy was exactly the same.

This kind of prince is decent, the chaotic appearance before, how can he look like a prince, like a salted fish!

"What are you going to do?" "My fist is so hungry!"

"Don't force it!" Lucia hurriedly stopped these two guys who seemed more anxious than him.

What is being held now is the big wedding of the princess of the Beamon tribe, which is celebrated by all the beast tribes. Even if the twins are involved, it is impossible to rob people directly. If they can do this, they will need to be imprisoned for so many days?
First of all, the guards of the Behemoth tribe are deep enough. At least five gold-level Behemoths are present, plus the leaders and masters of each tribe gathered together, just two mid-level two-winged angels and a magister, it is possible to go up. It's not enough for someone to have a gold-level Bimonsai.

"That's right, at least we can't even win against the guy with the scar on the eye. It's not easy to do it hard." "That's right, the werewolf with the eye is not afraid to let the former captain of Hudson come! I I can’t wait to go back and make a small report to the former captain of Hudson!" "The small report must be made, but now we must solve our 'fight for love' plan. So your highness, how can we save my dear?" Mr. Yuan Feiwu come out?" "Yes, yes, find a way! Mr. Yuan Feiwu has always praised you for being smart, don't disappoint his praise!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Let me think about it!"

Lucia suddenly felt a little emotional. Staying with these two loudspeakers that are so noisy all day and night can make people want to die. I really don’t know how I got here for more than ten days.

This time the twins gave Lucia a lot of face, and they were rarely quiet.However, standing opposite Lucia on the left and right, the two pairs of eyes have been fixed on Lucia, urging Lucia with their eyes.

Lucia didn't have any ideas, at least he thought of one...but he didn't want to. He wanted to study to see if there were any other better solutions.

But after thinking about it for a while, it is obvious that all the plans are not as good as the initial plan... Is this to be done or not to be done?
Lucia may have struggled the most in her life with today's decision.

Oh, I spent a long time doing it because of that bastard who had ulterior motives for me, and I feel depressed when I think about it, how much sacrifice I have to make for him!
Lucia barely made up his mind and said hesitantly: "Our appearance is still somewhat different from other orcs. I'm afraid we have to pretend to be able to get in... At least we have to get in before we can talk about rescue... So..."

"So what?" "Your highness, your voice is getting quieter! How about eating a bunch of grapes before eating?"

"So which one do you decide to wear? I, I'll let you choose first!" Lucia's snow-white face was blushing, and she took out three animal ear headbands from the storage space.

These three headbands were exactly the three that Yuan Feiwu took out that day. After Yuan Feiwu left, Lucia disliked them for a long time, but then silently put them away.I just think it might be useful in the future, after all, Yuan Feiwu's plan at the time was very reasonable.

Absolutely never thought that one day Yuan Feiwu might wear it for this reason!Although it is really suitable for Yuan Feiwu!Absolutely not!

It's just that they didn't expect it to come in handy so soon. Wearing these gadgets, it would be much easier for them to sneak into the palace.Especially now, the defense in the capital is really easy for the orcs.

"Your Highness, you are a pervert!" "Who wants to wear this thing!" The next second the twins expressed their protest with righteous indignation.

In the next second, a headband with animal ears was smashed on the foreheads of the twins, making a "pia" sound.

The fluffy headband actually made a sound when it was smashed, what a blow full of resentment it was!

Lucia was holding the remaining animal ear headband in her hand and was trembling with anger - when Yuan Feiwu asked the two of you, she didn't have such an attitude at all, okay?You still say it's just a small accessory, and it doesn't matter if you wear it!It's another disgusting face when I come to myself, right?
Ma De will be pissed off by you one day!
(End of this chapter)

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