Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 774 Don't Like This Blessing

Chapter 774 Don't Like This Blessing

It took Lucia a little time to digest her anger. She had done a lot of psychological construction to accept this helpless disgust, but now she was completely wiped out by the twins!It's going to be rebuilt again!

Thank you both so much!
But there is still a little bit of benefit in losing your temper. I threw two out just now in a panic, and only the last one was left in my hand. At least I don’t have to worry about which one to wear anymore, as if God made a choice for him. generally.

Lucia wanted to laugh a little, she was really forced to come up with such ironic self-comforting thoughts... However, it's fine if the twins don't want to, let's give up this plan.The spirit of their demon royal family shouldn't be like this, it's a shame.It's better to fight head-on in an upright and vigorous manner. Even if you lose, you should at least be proud of it!

"Forget it if you don't wear it, you shouldn't let these shames tarnish your nobility as fallen angels..."

"Does this look good on me? It's black, it seems to match my black wings." "Not bad, but you have to put your wings away when you get in later. This one is also good, it matches my hair color quite well."

The twins had already put on the animal ear headband, one spread its wings, and the other stroked its bangs, watching each other.

noble?Lucia would like to solemnly apologize to the name of the fallen angel!These two are actually the word "shame" themselves!Letting these two cultivators become fallen angels is already disrespectful to the name of fallen angels!You just expressed the principle of not wearing it, and you were eaten by dogs in a blink of an eye? !

Even the twins were wearing them. The escape route that Lucia had just found for herself was unreasonable, so she blushed and put the white rabbit ear headband in her hand on her head...

"I have to say, His Royal Highness's appearance really can't find any faults, it's not worse than Mr. Yuan Feiwu at all..." "If it wasn't for Your Highness, you and Mr. Yuan Feiwu have an incompatible gender, I, Patreon, will definitely support it to the death You are Mrs. Yuan, sincerely..."

"Stop rambling, let's go!" Lucia, who was so ashamed, had already put on a big cloak and walked towards the city first.

In the palace, there was also a person who was fidgeting with conflicts like Lucia.

Rudolph stood outside the princess's room, just now he was watching the princess reluctantly say goodbye to Yuan Feiwu, the two of them will tie the knot and hold a tour of the city in a while, and from now on, they will be together for the rest of their lives, that's all It is so inseparable to separate for a short while to dress up and dress up.

But it is the princess, and only the princess, who is truly affectionate.

Rudolph knew quite well that the prince of the Demon Race was just pretending to be affectionate!It's just that the princess has value that can be used, so it's fake to deceive the princess's feelings!

But, is this something that a chief guard can manage?can it?

Rudolph raised his hand again, but still failed to knock on the princess' door.

He found that apart from the fact that the demon prince was not a good person, he actually had other selfish motives.From the short period of time when the princess was injured and unconscious, he realized that his feelings for the princess were not as simple as the loyalty of subordinates to their superiors.He felt guilty for having such feelings for himself.

He was also worried that after he knocked on the door and entered, he could not help revealing his thoughts to the princess who was dressed so beautifully today...


While meditating, Rudolph was startled awake by the voice in the princess's room, knocked on the door and asked, "Your Highness, your subordinate is here!"

"You, you come in."


Rudolph hurriedly opened the door and went in. Princess Radish had already put on her make-up, and several orc maids were gathering up the sundries after dressing, and retreated one by one.

"How is it, does it look good?" Shredded Luobo took a step forward and turned around, asking in a low voice.

Even if it is a carefree race, girls are still inevitably shy in front of their sweethearts.

"It's beautiful, the most beautiful one Rudolph has ever seen in his life!" Rudolph shook his head, he was stunned, do you think it is good-looking?
Radish is wearing the unique wedding dress of the Bimeng people. On her face... well, I won’t describe it. Anyway, from the perspective of the Bimeng people, it is the original beauty embryo plus a grand dress, and she has completely become a great beauty. .As for the perspective of other ethnic groups, it is a matter of opinion, and no evaluation will be made.

"I'm getting married soon, there are only the two of us here and no other outsiders, don't you have anything to say?" Luo Bosi smiled.

During this period of time, shredded radish has also seen some strange behaviors of Rudolph.

Especially after she pretended to be in a coma, Rudolph showed heart-wrenching pain, which made her feel that Rudolph must have different emotions for her, as Yuan Feiwu said.

Now that I am about to marry a "scumbag", this kind of situation that is about to reach a desperate situation, can't I force Rudolph to tell the truth?He and Yuan Feiwu have been busy working on the plan for a day, and it's time to reap the results!
"I... wish Your Royal Highness a happy marriage for a hundred years and forever happiness..." Rudolph said this, as if a hole had been cut in his heart with a knife.

That is a strong Bhimon warrior, and he will feel the pain too much to die.

"I am happy for your family!"

Although she is a young girl, she is still a rude and savage Bimon. It is impossible for her to have a good temper when she hears her sweetheart's blessing that is similar to giving up on herself.

Shredded radish directly picked up the large table weighing several hundred kilograms and threw it at Rudolph, tears rolling in his eyes because of his grievance.

Rudolph was in a bad mood, but he didn't expect Her Royal Highness to be in a worse mood than himself. Did he say something wrong?Didn't he just say that to prevent the princess from being sad?
He took the table and put it back in another corner dumbfounded. Fortunately, he had already finished his makeup, otherwise this table would be thrown everywhere!
Before he could say anything, there was a loud knock on the door outside.

"Excuse me, Your Royal Highness! Is the chief guard Rudolph inside?"

"I'm here, what's the matter?" Rudolph heard the urgent voice outside, so he had to go out to have a look first.

"Something went wrong! The demon prince is missing!" said two Bimon warriors outside.


Rudolph glanced back at the shredded radish, seeing that there were tears in the shredded radish's eyes, he quickly closed the door and rushed out.

The disappearance of the demon prince plunged him into new conflicts. Doesn't his disappearance mean that the princess does not need to marry him?But today, the entire orc clan princess was notified of the wedding. If the prince of the demon clan ran away, wouldn't the face of the Bimeng clan be thrown to the entire orc clan?
Compared with one's own selfish desires, of course it is more important than the face of the Mongolian people!
And the tears in the princess' eyes, damn the demon prince, is this playing with the princess' feelings!

Thinking of this, Rudolph was furious, and rushed like a whirlwind towards the guest room where the demon prince rested and changed clothes. He called for orders to go down and seal the city gate, and watch out for anyone with black hair coming in and out. The air area must also be strictly monitored!
But he stopped just after starting, and he saw two orcs who were not Beamon standing on both sides of the aisle.The two orcs were holding a lot of fruit in both hands, and they couldn't stop eating. They stared at Rudolph, and they almost had the words "melon-eating people" printed on their faces.

"You are the orcs of the wolf and tiger clan? Why are you here? Are you the subordinates of Baluru and Jaris?"

For some reason, Rudolph felt that the two orcs looked familiar, and he didn't know where he had seen them before.

"Baluru? No, I'm just passing by." "Gerris? No, I'm passing by too." The two orcs on the left and right replied in unison.

"This is an important place for the palace. Don't let the idlers come in here! Wherever you come in, go out. The main place for the celebration banquet is outside. There are no banquets in the palace! Ma De made sticks, lost and lost here, the wolves and The Tiger Clan is hopeless!" Rudolph shook his head and continued running to the destination.

Forget it, they all look alike, of course everyone looks familiar!
"Wolf? Aren't these on my head dog ears?" The orc on the left touched the yellow ear on his head, and the one on the right also touched his ear and said, "I have cat ears. Are the ears similar? Is that Beamon giant blind?"

"Oh, Patreon, I have to do justice to the big fool, cat ears and tiger ears are alike." "Have you ever seen a black tiger? I have black cat ears!" "Oh, I haven't seen it. I take back my fair words. It is true that he is blind."

The two orcs enjoyed themselves for a while in the aisle before continuing.

"Everyone of them is in a hurry. I heard that the prince of the demon race has escaped." "Yeah, in their eyes, the prince of the demon race is Mr. Yuan Feiwu. That means Mr. Yuan Feiwu has successfully retreated!" "As expected of Yuan Feiwu!" Mr. Feiwu, we haven't found where he was locked up yet, so he disappeared successfully! It's amazing!" "Of course, that's Mr. Yuan Feiwu!! So we can withdraw?" "Let's go, let's go! The enthusiastic old man refuses to admit defeat and wants to dance with me, hmph, he doesn't know how to live or die, he must let these untouchables know the horror of fallen angels!"

"Wait, why do I feel like we forgot something?" "Is there?" "Forget it, if you don't remember it, it's gone!" "Hurry up, do you think that old man remembers that you were the one who danced just now?" still me……"

The two orcs reached a consensus, and they walked out of the palace.

On the other side, a man wearing a cloak hid aside and looked at the guest room guarded by Beamon warriors. After the two Beamon warriors hurried away, he rushed in one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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