Chapter 775
What about that guy?
After Lucia quietly closed the door, she turned her head and realized something was wrong. Several orc maids were sitting in a corner with their hands entangled, but the person who was supposed to be sitting on the dressing table was gone.

He went up to have a look, those palace maids had black energy silk wrapped around their hands, and one could tell whose masterpiece it was.

Wouldn't be so unlucky... That guy really has a way to escape... Then I made such a big sacrifice to save him and fuck him!

Lucia was full of anger and didn't know how to vent it. She was about to take off the ridiculous thing on her head and smash it on the ground to vent it, when suddenly the door behind her was kicked open.

"The demon prince doesn't know how to escape. When we came in, we only found the maid who was tied up! Huh? Who are you!"

In the palace of the Bimon people, the doors of all the rooms are made extremely large, so as to be worthy of their tall bodies.After the door was kicked open, several Beamon warriors rushed in. The first one was explaining to Rudolph, when he suddenly saw a man wearing a cloak standing in the room, he immediately took a big ax from his back to be on guard.

"Yuan Feiwu?" Rudolph pointed at the man and said, "Are you Yuan Feiwu? Take off your cloak!"

Lucia has already looked around, knowing that there is no other exit here, and it must be difficult to fly if she wants to escape.I had no choice but to take off my cloak silently, revealing myself wearing a rabbit headband, feeling ashamed beyond measure.

If the people of the Demon Race see their prince like this, he will really have no face in the Demon Race!

"Huh? Why is it a rabbit orc?" "Why did the rabbit orc come here?" "Are there rabbit orcs in the beast continent?" "It seems to be there, but this is the first time I have seen it." Beamon warriors They all started talking.

Seeing the animal ears on Lucia's head, those Behemoth warriors immediately became vigilant and put away their axes.Lucia had to admit that although the method Yuan Feiwu mentioned at the beginning was unacceptable to him psychologically, it was really easy to use.

Seeing this situation, his shame gradually recovered. Yes, in the eyes of the Behemoths, his body may lie in the thing on the top of his head, and he will not look at himself with strange eyes as he imagined, thinking that he is a person. A pervert who likes to play with sex toys!

For the first time, Lucia felt so grateful to be surrounded by the Beamons, if she wore such a shameful thing on her head.

The only thing that may be uncomfortable is that now they think that my body is actually the rabbit ear headband on my head.In the eyes of the other party, there is only a rabbit ear headband left for the majestic prince of the demon race. What a fucking feeling.

"I got lost." Knowing that her identity hadn't been found out, Lucia immediately calmed down. "I stumbled into this room by mistake and found someone tied up. I wanted to help them untie them."

"Thank you for your kindness, but this is an important part of the palace, please get out of here quickly!" Rudolph waved his hand, and the Beamon warrior behind him moved out of the way, "Have a banquet to see how crazy you all are. How many orcs have entered the palace indiscriminately?! Let the brothers guarding the gate clear their heads and let everyone play in the main field outside!"

After being reprimanded by Rudolph, the other Beamon fighters could only bow their heads silently.

After Rudolph finished speaking, he walked over to help the maids untie them, and when he saw the black energy threads behind them, he immediately knew that it was indeed the masterpiece of Yuan Feiwu.

"Tell me, where is the demon prince? Why didn't you ask for help in time!"

Rudolph had already understood what had happened on the way here. After the princess and the demon prince parted ways under his watchful eyes, the demon prince was brought back here by other orc warriors.After a while, the maid's cry for help came from the room, and when the Beamon warriors outside the door came in again, the demon prince had disappeared.

"We fainted suddenly, and we woke up like this." The maids said timidly.

"It's easy for him to stun you, but how did he leave without anyone noticing..." Rudolph's eyes slowly closed, and he suddenly thought of the trick Yuan Feiwu had tried before, although it failed , but if it succeeds, the effect will be terrible, "Could it be the soul-stirring technique..."

If Yuan Feiwu successfully used the soul-stirring technique on the two Behemoth warriors outside the door, then the so-called leaving without anyone noticing would be easy to do!
Damn it, a senior gold-level Behemoth should come over to guard it. There are gold-level Behemoth fighters who are afraid of his soul-stirring technique!But this guy is too treacherous, and he has been very cooperative before, causing them to relax their vigilance towards him!
Lucia's heart was clearer, he didn't have time to pay attention to Rudolph's trouble of asking for clues, and his brain hurt, so he should run away as soon as possible.Yuan Feiwu has successfully escaped, so he is still staying, isn't he stupid?

Lucia lowered her head, and in order not to show her guilty conscience and timidity, she walked out of the door unhurriedly.Just as he reached the door, suddenly, two huge figures stopped in front of him, blocking his way.

Lucia looked up and exclaimed inwardly!

"What did you do? How could you be run away by the demon prince? Look at my precious daughter who is so sad. If you can't find it, you will all apologize with death!"

Behemoth King Fulonge led shredded radish and walked in along the path that the Behemoth warriors had just made way for.

Lucia's way was blocked by their huge bodies, so she could only retreat one after another.

Obviously they were about to walk out of the door, but luck was so bad that they met King Beamon and came over!You can't go up and say that King Behemoth drives away and let yourself go first, right?

"This subordinate is guilty!" A group of Behemoth warriors quickly knelt down and said to Behemoth kingly.

"Huh? Rabbit orcs?" After the other Behemoth warriors knelt down, Lucia's retreating figure was particularly prominent. Flonge glanced at him, and then laughed, "I said, why are you so stupid? Hurry up." Take down this rabbit orc!"

"Ah?" The Beamon warrior next to Lucia exclaimed in doubt, but his body reacted quickly to accept King Beamon's order, and his body jumped up to execute King Beamon's order before his mind could react. , holding Lucia down.

"Let go! What do you mean! Is this how you treat the rabbit orcs who came to congratulate you?" Lucia was helpless, unable to break free from the arms of these elite Beamon warriors.

"Rabbit orcs? Rabbit orcs retired to a certain mountain stream a long time ago. They made a contract with me and would never step out of their own tribe and do not want to participate in any extraterrestrial affairs, so how could there be rabbit orcs here? ?”

Flonge laughed and stretched out his hand, a strong gust of wind swept towards Lucia head-on, knocking off the rabbit ear headband on his head, and even the tied hair was blown into a mess like a madman.

"So it's you, Yuan Feiwu (Prince of the Demon Race)!" All the Behemoth giants shouted in surprise at the same time.

Yuan Feiwu, your sister!I'm Lucia, okay?

Lucia suddenly felt like crying without tears. In the eyes of the Behemoth giant, he seemed to be no longer himself without the rabbit ear headband.Especially Princess Radish and that Rudolph, haven't you guys been dealing with Yuan Feiwu for a while, you still don't recognize what Yuan Feiwu looks like!

"I'm not Yuan Feiwu, I'm one of Yuan Feiwu's guards, didn't you let us go to the banquet today! Look clearly, Yuan Feiwu's hair is black, and mine is gray!"

Lucia really didn't want such a bizarre tragedy to happen. This tragedy was Yuan Feiwu pretending to be the prince instead of him. In the end, Yuan Feiwu ran away and he, the genuine prince, was caught and misunderstood as the fake prince!

Then it would be better to expose him as the real prince to make him feel better, and finally forced to replace the fake prince to marry what a ghost ending!The real prince has to replace the fake prince, crazy!Absurd!
(End of this chapter)

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