Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 776 Self-defeating

Chapter 776 Self-defeating
"Ah!? Why are you here?" Hearing Lucia's defense, Luo Bosi shouted in surprise, but immediately covered her mouth in response, as if she couldn't say anything more.

Hehe... Lucia also wanted to ask herself why she was here.

According to the plot, he should have been soaring over the Orc Continent now, flying freely towards the Demon Clan Continent. The only thing that may not be harmonious is that there will be two noisy flies with golden hair behind him.

So why did he make a change for a long time and was caught here!Mad, where is the bastard who should be caught the most!Since he can slip away, come here to make trouble by himself!

"Oh, it turned out to be the bodyguard of the demon prince. You demons all look alike, so it's a little difficult to identify. What are you doing here?" Behemoth King Flonge didn't feel embarrassed at all for admitting the wrong person, but disgusted Why do other people look so similar.

Very good, this is like King Meng.

"I want to come in and look for our prince to see if there is any need for help, but I am afraid that you will not allow me, so I pretended to be a rabbit orc and sneak in." The reason why Lucia put herself here wearing a rabbit ear headband Find a perfect explanation, "I didn't expect the prince to escape! I don't know at all! If I knew, I certainly wouldn't come here after the prince ran away!"

"It makes sense. But we still have to arrest him!" Flonge believed Lucia's words, but still said in a helpless tone, "Since the prince has run away, then you will marry him instead. They were all notified."

"Father, why should I marry a prince's bodyguard?" Luo Bosi asked anxiously.

It was a rare time for Lucia to think that shredded radish was really cute. If she didn't ask this question, she would probably suffocate herself to death.

You said that taking yourself as a hostage and threatening the prince to come back makes sense, but what does it mean if you can't find the prince and use him instead of marriage?This brain-opening idea is extraordinarily novel!
"After you get married, I will make him the prince of the demon clan! That prince of the demon clan doesn't know how to praise, and he is still a fucking prince of the demon clan! Our orc clan fully supports it. I don't believe that we can't let this guard go back to be a Prince, can that old fellow Lu Kaiser not give me some face!" Flonge seemed really angry, and left the words and walked away, "The real prince probably didn't go far, you continue to search, After all, marrying a real prince is better than marrying a fake!"

Lucia was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood, well, after a long time, she really became a fake prince!
Be angry, but keep it serious!

The other fighters immediately obeyed King Beamon's order and ran out one after another, and Lucia was naturally locked in this room. You don't need to go out to see Lucia to know that there are many Beamon fighters standing outside.

To Lucia's surprise, Princess Radish transferred Rudolph and stayed behind.

"I said you guard, I worked so hard to send Yuan Feiwu out, why did you come in again?"

Luo Bosi pointed at Lucia with a sad face, but Lucia only had a dumbfounded expression.

Hearing what Luo Bosi said, Yuan Feiwu's ability to escape seems to have something to do with this princess!

"In the end, my plan with Yuan Feiwu had to fail completely? In the end, that stupid piece of wood Rudolph said to me only wished me happiness, and Yuan Feiwu sent a prince's bodyguard to become my husband after he escaped successfully. It's really ironic. , everyone failed to get the results they wanted... Wow..."

While talking, Luo Bosi finally couldn't help crying. A powerful race like the Behemoth can even cry so freely. Tears the size of soybeans floated as soon as they said it, which made Lucia next to him not know how to get out of the way to avoid it. To become a drowned chicken, it is better to comfort this princess who is crying so hard that it is unbearable.

"Sorry Princess Radishes, I don't know what you mean at all, can you tell me? I didn't know that my coming would make you so sad."

In the end, Lucia walked over and patted Luobosi on the back, wanting to hear what plan Luobosi and Yuan Feiwu had made, and it failed so miserably.Based on his past experience, if Yuan Feiwu had a plan to participate, he would never have seen anything go wrong.

Radish seemed to be really blown up by Rudolph just now. With a person like Lucia who is not from the Beamon tribe here, it is like a dead listener to Radish, who can just vent her emotions.

After listening to Luo Bosi's detailed explanation, Lucia realized that Yuan Feiwu had disappeared for so many days and went to be someone else's love consultant. For some reason, she immediately felt unreliable.However, Yuan Feiwu's plan this time is quite good. If it succeeds, it will be able to match the love of Radish Shreds, and it will also completely dispel Flonge's old idea of ​​holding a red line from the demons for his daughter. have to.

As expected of Yuan Feiwu, the plans made according to local conditions are always so perfect.

Lucia herself didn't realize that the tone of her evaluation of Yuan Feiwu was so trusting and trusting.Moreover, apart from looking for evidence of the invasion of the Lord of Chaos, Yuan Feiwu has been working tirelessly to solve the marriage contract problem for himself. Lucia actually felt a little touched when he heard this, and relieved some of his previous dissatisfaction with him.

"So you ran over by mistake, and that's not the main reason why I'm sad. Alas, I just sighed that Rudolph was still a stupid piece of wood in the end." Radish twitched.

But then there was a sudden cry, which startled Lucia, and then she saw Luo Bosi calling the maid who had been staying in the corner over to touch up her makeup.

The heavy makeup just now must have made me cry.

Lucia has 1 Spartans in her heart, but she has to keep persuading herself not to be frightened by the princess's enchanting behavior.This is actually the number one beauty of the Beamon tribe, not a talking gorilla, you have to understand her love of beauty, OK?

"Mad, since the bastard has a way to escape, why didn't he tell you earlier! We ran back to save him and now he's stuck again, otherwise as long as I'm not caught, even if Rudolph hasn't got the hang of it, at least you don't need it and don't love it people get married!"

Lucia found out that Yuan Feiwu didn't explain the matter clearly in the end!What kind of wool is this guy doing!

"Is the way you address your prince so vulgar?" This is the first time that Luo Bosi knows that the servants of the demons can call the superiors "bastards". This is not very strict in the classification system, and the orcs have never seen it before. , "Didn't he visit you the day before yesterday before he was locked up? Didn't he tell you to go?"

"I said it, just let us go and don't worry about him, but didn't say what he should do!" Lucia said through gritted teeth.

"Then you just listen to him and leave without looking back! He only found out about the arrangement I made for him today, and asked these court ladies to respond to him internally. In fact, before Yuan Feiwu came in, when he arrived at the door, these court ladies Talking to the guard at the door distracted them for a while, and then he fled. These maids tied themselves up with the black silk thread left by Yuan Feiwu later. So of course he can only tell you to let you go , don’t worry about him, he doesn’t know how to get away yet!” said Luo Bosi.

"Eh..." Lucia realized that she seemed to have wrongly blamed him again.

After all, it seems that I care too much about that guy, and caring makes chaos!

What should we do now?Who will rescue myself?Does it depend on those two twins who don't know where to go?It would be better to rely on them than to rely on a few people falling from the sky to save him!
"I said Brother Yuan, haven't you already run away? Why have you been arrested again?"

When Lucia was almost desperate enough to expect a miracle from heaven, the door of the room opened again suddenly, and Baluru, Jaris, and Moshido walked in carelessly, all with gloating smiles on their faces.

As leaders of the wolf, tiger and goat clans, the celebration of the princess' wedding was of course also in the palace.Hearing that the Prince of the Mozu had run away, and later heard that King Bimon had captured him, he thought that Yuan Feiwu had failed in his escape, so he immediately ran over to watch the joke.

They also have their own selfishness, although Yuan Feiwu is not the real Prince of the Demon Race, but everyone knows Yuan Feiwu's ability, if they really get married, then Yuan Feiwu will be considered half of the Orc Continent, Can you do something for the orcs?Now let's treat it as a mistake, Yuan Feiwu failed to escape, and Rudolph has not yet enlightened, so he happened to make the princess and Yuan Feiwu a pair.

As a result, as soon as he came in, what he saw was the genuine demon prince standing next to the tearful princess of Lihua with a livid face, and the air suddenly became quiet.

The next moment, Sanyong of the orc clan left the room without hesitation, closed the door quickly, and ran away dumbfounded.Lucia also couldn't laugh or cry, he thought God really dropped a few people to save him when he heard his pleading!

The Beast Race Sanyong knew the true identities of Yuan Feiwu and Lucia, and also understood what their plans were. When they saw the situation in the house, they knew what happened immediately.

Yuan Feiwu ran away, but the "Prince's Bodyguard", who is also the genuine Prince, was arrested instead, and Flonge, who must not be clear about the situation, of course wanted to use this "Prince's Bodyguard" as the prince to get married, anyway, the people of the orc race I don't even know what the prince looks like!After marriage, even if this "prince's bodyguard" is not the prince, he is still the son-in-law of the beast clan after all, can you help him gain some status in the demon clan!

The most ridiculous thing is that by mistake, he still got the real demon prince and married the princess.
"I really don't know if it's a comedy or a tragedy..." Jeris covered his mouth, "Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy, I don't know why I just think 'hahaha... '"

"I can't help you to directly confront the Bimon people. I just pretend that I haven't been here before." Such a hard-hearted person like him feels pitiful.

"Don't be so pessimistic, how could that guy let his prince hang in this place, just wait and see, there are probably more lively dramas in this drama."

Baluru had confidence in Yuan Feiwu, he patted Moses and Jaris on the shoulders, and pushed them back to the living room to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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