Chapter 777
"Princess, the time is almost up, please go back to your room and prepare quickly! If you don't hurry up, King Beamon will definitely lose his temper, and then both you and the demon guard will be in disaster. Comparing to the demon prince King Meng is still willing to save face, but this guard...has no pressure to kill at all." Rudolph's anxious voice sounded from outside the door.

He was exhausted physically and mentally from all the busy work, but he still paid close attention to the situation with the shredded radish.Seeing that the time for the wedding ceremony is approaching, everyone is waiting outside to send blessings to the couple. He, the head of the bodyguard, tried to search for the prince of the demon clan in person, but he has to come back to care about the time, and he is so busy that he is going crazy.

But it's better to be busy, so that you don't have time to think wildly.

"Understood!" Luo Bosi yelled outside, got up reluctantly, and did not forget to whisper to Lucia before leaving, "I have to go back first, you first cooperate with them and do whatever they ask you to do." , I will think of a way to let you escape in a while. Don't resist, or you will be killed, and I don't know how to explain to Yuan Feiwu."

"Okay." Lucia let out a long breath, that's all she could do.

He doesn't want to die in this ghost place either!

After Radish also left, a few orc maids were left there to pack up the sundries. Lucia looked at the strange people and things around her, and suddenly felt a little melancholy in her heart.

Only now did he realize that this was the first time he was truly alone in a strange place.In the past, no matter where you went, you were either accompanied by guards, or you traveled with your father or uncle.It wasn't until Yuan Feiwu's arrival that he didn't let those seemingly rigid guards follow... But he didn't expect that there would be a day when he would be alone, and it was in the Orc Continent.

Where's his bodyguard?What about the guards who swore to protect him before?Leave him alone?
"Prince-to-be, it's getting late, we have to put on your makeup first." An orc maid called softly, waking up Lucia who was sinking in her sorrow.

He shook his head, not only at his depressed mood, but also at the court lady: "No more make-up, there is nothing to do, it's not me who should get married."

"Quasi-consort, if you don't put on good makeup for you at this time, you will be blamed by King Meng, I'm afraid the princess won't be able to keep us heads."

The orc maid knelt down after speaking, and the other orc maids also knelt down.

Lucia was annoyed when she saw it, her own life was still in the hands of others, how could she control these cheap lives?
However, after taking a casual glance at the dressing table, he suppressed his annoyance and muttered: "Just a little bit of that pale white powder, don't make any other messes."


Those orc maids acted quickly as if they had been pardoned.It's just a box of pale white powder, and three or four people are busy working together. Lucia began to wonder if they had secretly assigned each person to be responsible for which part of his face, otherwise, why would so many people work together? Do it!Could it be that after applying foundation, all areas of his face are different colors?After all, it wasn't wiped by the same person!It feels so scary!

Lucia really guessed right, whether it was the former Yuan Feiwu or the current Lucia, these orc maids who have never seen top-notch beauty feel like deer bumping in their hearts.

It's just a pity that these court ladies failed to fulfill their wishes in public and private, and the door was pushed open again.

Two silver-level Behemoth warriors rushed in, and it was obvious at a glance that the orcs' guarding of him had risen in level, and the Behemoth warriors guarding the gate were all silver-level.

They came in, took a look and asked, "Why haven't you changed your clothes yet? It's almost time for the celebration, and the son-in-law and the princess are about to go to the high platform of the palace to receive everyone's blessings, and King Bimon is already urging them."

"Sorry, but the consort's makeup hasn't been done yet..." the maids bowed their heads.

"It's too late, change your clothes quickly and set off!"

The two Beamon warriors shouted back the orc maids, and one of them stepped forward and threw the highest-standard Beamon groom's attire hanging on the wall to Lucia.

Lucia was very annoyed at the other party's rude yelling, but she could only find other benefits to comfort herself: at least she didn't have to be painted with some weird things on her face.

He took the groom's outfit safely, and planned to put it on casually, and then find a chance to escape when he went to the so-called high platform.

But when he picked up the groom's outfit, his eyes were stunned!
Can this TM be called clothes?Are you sure you didn't take the wrong strap and belt and throw it to him?
The groom's suit is made of high-grade fur, which is very comfortable, and the color is also very wild and beautiful.The trousers are very short, almost as short as underpants... This is not a problem, the problem is that the clothes are worn diagonally, and the width is only less than the width of a palm. The fabric runs from the right shoulder to the waist, and there is another such fabric.

so wild?Can I wear a bottoming shirt under this "clothes"?

Lucia looked up at the two Beamon warriors and didn't intend to ask this almost idiotic question.

The men of the Bimon nationality basically wear this style of clothes, and most of their strong muscles are basically exposed naked, which is the part they are proud of.According to their pursuit of wildness, the more advanced the clothes, the thinner they must be, and the stronger their muscles should be exposed...

Lucia was already full of swear words in her heart.

"Hurry up, there's no time!" Seeing that Lucia was still in a daze, the two Behemoth soldiers urged them again.

"I don't wear these clothes!" Lucia threw out the clothes and took out her long staff from the storage space.

Let him wear this kind of clothes, he would rather die!
The Beamon fighters glanced at each other. Of course, they couldn't know the real reason why Lucia rejected this suit, and they didn't even understand why Lucia didn't like this suit that all the Beamon fighters loved so much.

At this time, there is nothing to talk about. This is the son-in-law and not a prisoner. He cannot be beaten, but he is even more unlikely to disobey the order of King Meng. All the people of the orc clan are waiting for today's celebration to start!

The two Behemoth warriors glanced at each other and had already made up their minds, and rushed forward.Lucia is a magister-level master, but in this small space, he is really no match for the two Silver Beamon warriors, and he was subdued in an instant.

"If you don't change it, we'll change it for you! My son-in-law, I've offended you!"

One of the Beamon warriors rudely reached out and grabbed Lucia by the collar.

Lucia couldn't move, when had he ever tried to suffer like this, the shame and resentment made him almost collapse with the strength that the prince demanded of himself, and his eyes were wet.

"Let me go..." Lucia began to struggle desperately, her hands were covered with purple blood due to being tightly restrained.

But those stupid Behemoth fighters would not care about him, they reached out to remove all the white cloth from him.

"It's not right to force someone to do something they don't want to do."

Suddenly, there was a faint but very familiar voice to Lucia, and the two orcs turned their heads in doubt.

Just when the head was turned halfway, the two orcs who happened to be facing each other suddenly bumped into each other excitedly, face to face in front of Lucia!The scene was so eye-catching that Lucia even forgot the despair just now.

"Seeing that you only offended His Royal Highness because of following orders, then you should punish me with a small punishment."

Yuan Feiwu seemed to fall from the sky, and lightly landed in front of Lucia, a pair of dexterous fingers shuttled back and forth like butterflies, and then Lucia saw that the two orcs hugged each other, every piece of skin wanted to be with each other Sticking together, the greasy picture made Lucia couldn't help but smile.

Of course Lucia knew why this happened. The bodies of the two orc warriors were covered with thin black energy threads, binding them tightly like this.Lucia had to say that Yuan Feiwu's method of punishment satisfied him more than killing them, especially seeing the two of them loathe each other but struggled, bumping into each other as soon as they asked for help, and felt that it was too relieved.

"Sorry, my Royal Highness, it's been a long time coming as a personal bodyguard." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled at Lucia.

That smile was like a divine light from heaven, which could soothe any unhappiness and trauma in his heart, and he even had the idea of ​​wanting to live under this divine light forever.

"But Your Royal Highness, why did you come back again? Could it be that you still want to marry Princess Luobosi?"

"I'll marry your whole family!"

Divine light? Fuck the illusion!

Lucia directly reached out and pinched Yuan Feiwu's beautifully smiling cheeks that seemed to be unreal, and said emphatically, "Don't pretend that you don't know that I came in to save you, bastard! Don't make me say it again, I can see through it." your heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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