Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 778 One step too late, so angry!

Chapter 778 I'm a step behind, so angry!
"It's a pity that I still don't believe it. But in view of the fact that you came back again, my reasoning is quite reasonable."

While talking, Yuan Feiwu stretched out his hand and pulled up the collar that shrugged off Lucia's shoulders, covering his exposed snow-white skin and layers of white cloth strips.

Lucia's face was hot, but she didn't stop Yuan Feiwu's hand.When Yuan Feiwu put his hand on his neck and then put it down, his collar no longer pulled down. It was reconnected by the black energy thread, and it was completely sealed together, as if it had never been torn. over average.

It was only then that Lucia realized that her trust in Yuan Feiwu was so deep.In the past, even the court ladies were not allowed to touch his body... But Yuan Feiwu's hand brushed over those places that made him feel that he had entered the guarded area, and he could not take it seriously.

It can't be said that he doesn't care, in fact, every pore is trembling with tension, but it's the nervousness of joy, which is not annoying. Lucia doesn't know how to describe this feeling, it's a little strange and exciting.

Of course, the more important reason is not to lose face in front of Yuan Feiwu, no matter what, the prince's arrogance must be continued!

How could the subordinate be pinched in the face by himself, when the subordinate suddenly stretched out his hand, he shrank back!At this time, even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, his color would not change!
After all, it feels so good...

"Isn't it your fault that I ran back again? You didn't explain why you had a way to escape, so I thought you wanted to tie the knot with the princess!" The more Lucia said, the more unhappy she became, and the other hand pinched her. Pinching Yuan Feiwu's two faces were elongated like a squirrel.

"If you want to tie the knot, why do you want to let you run away earlier? Wouldn't it be more joyful to invite you to stay and participate in our celebration? It is because I am afraid that if I run away, the Bimeng will arrest you and let you run away! Besides, you shouldn't Continue to hate me and let me fend for myself here?" Yuan Feiwu lost his voice because his facial muscles were pulled.

Yuan Feiwu's words made sense, leaving Lucia speechless.

But this man was clearly reasonable, but he obediently allowed himself to pinch his face.Lucia understood that this was the man's thoughtfulness and gentleness, in order to appease his frightened heart just now.

He has always been such a warm person, why can't he belong to me... Sure enough, why did God let them meet so late?

If, in the year when I still secretly wanted to indulge in a skirt for a minute, I had already met and had a heart-to-heart relationship with him who has not been tortured by fate...wouldn’t it be necessary to have a smile and a smile today? A cold mask, guess what?

Or, only "I guess", and "I suspect"?
"Okay, I have to leave now, if this drags on, even the only 'exit' will be gone!"

The regret in Lucia's heart was fermenting, and Yuan Feiwu pulled her hands suddenly, and ran behind Yuan Feiwu.He suddenly found that Yuan Feiwu's face was only a few centimeters closer to him, and his feet were off the ground in the next second. When he lost his center of gravity, he subconsciously wrapped the hand that had gone around Yuan Feiwu's head tightly around Yuan Feiwu's neck.

Only then did he realize that he was hugged by Yuan Feiwu's waist, and his chest, which didn't look broad, made people feel extremely reliable after leaning against it.

"The only exit? Then why are you holding me?!" Lucia shouted in surprise.

"You will know after a while, if you don't hold you for a while and lose you again, don't you want to look for you?" Yuan Feiwu lowered his head and smiled at him. Not issued.

"I lost you again..." Hearing these words, Lucia couldn't help but her ears turned red, as if she was his property!Who does he think he is!

But then Lucia stopped worrying about being hugged by Yuan Feiwu, and these words kept echoing in her ears.

It's a pity that this quiet time was short-lived.

"I knew, as long as you catch your companion, you will definitely come back!" A voice that revealed incomparable confidence resounded manically in the aisle where Yuan Feiwu and the others were.

"In your eyes, I should be cowardly and afraid of death. How could I come back to save my companion, Rudolph?" Yuan Feiwu slowed down his pace a little, because it was really terrible for this guy to appear here at this time. They are all shrouded in his aura, and he still needs to use his brains to rush over.

"Hmph, besides being cowardly and afraid of death, you are also very treacherous and cunning! Everyone thinks that you will not come back, but this is the best time for you to come back! Put away your tricks, even if you have any plots against the princess, I don't care. Come up with me and marry the princess!"

The muscles of Rudolph's arms suddenly swelled up, and he slapped out forcefully to both sides, and the berserk Behemoth vindictiveness rushed towards him like a huge wave and rolled free.The energy filaments that Yuan Feiwu quietly spread out were all washed away, submerged, and wiped out!
Encountering such a master, the energy filaments that only use the power of the two-winged angels are really inferior...

Yuan Feiwu shook his head and said dumbfoundingly: "You are really hopeless, this piece of wood is really hopeless, if I want to plot something against the princess, why should I run away!"

"Catch it!" Rudolph couldn't hear Yuan Feiwu's voice, and he took a step forward, and every step he ran under the blessing of fighting spirit made people feel the ground trembling.

"Although everything in the palace is reinforced, it can't withstand the charge of an expert of your level, so take it easy."

Yuan Feiwu's forward pace suddenly quickened, a pair of black wings stretched out from behind, and the pure smell of dark element magic energy from his body made Lucia feel obsessed.

But what fascinated him even more was that Yuan Feiwu was chanting something in a low voice, and the Hunyuan magic energy around him brought out the magic power that Lucia was more familiar with.Every magician enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by elemental elves physically and mentally. In Yuan Feiwu's arms, this feeling is particularly strong, as if Yuan Feiwu itself is a huge dark elemental elf. to get close.

"The realm of all evil!" After a while, Yuan Feiwu had already rushed in front of Rudolph, and the singing ended here!

Yuan Feiwu spread his wings and jumped high, like a light and fluttering feather was suddenly lifted off the ground by the breeze.

And Rudolph hurriedly stopped the stone he was rushing forward, and a deep groove was stepped on the reinforced floor by his feet.He stretched out his giant palm to jump up and catch Yuan Feiwu, but suddenly he found that his feet and body were pulled by countless black hands stretched out from the black fog in all directions, as if they were going to pull him into the abyss of hell.

Rudolph's movements were delayed for a while, and the giant palm missed Yuan Feiwu by a little.

But that's okay!

He still has grudges!
Stretching out his giant palm and turning it into a push, he spewed out a powerful grudge and blasted towards Yuan Feiwu above his head, intending to blast him to the ceiling and never come down again!

But at the same time as his fighting spirit was erupting, Yuan Feiwu's wings finally moved. At the point where Rudolph still needed human judgment to send out his fighting spirit, Yuan Feiwu flew out at an instant speed, barely avoiding Rudolph's fighting spirit!

That vindictive energy hit the ceiling fiercely, making a roar.It was Rudolph's roar that played in concert with the roar!

It happened to be accelerated at that time, which happened to be perfect!You must know that Yuan Feiwu's acceleration is too early, he can turn his grudge to the direction of their acceleration, and he will be smashed by his grudge if it is too late. Obviously, this bastard has predicted his every move, so he will accelerate at that node !
This feeling of being seen through by the other party really made him feel so frustrated!

Yuan Feiwu, who passed through Rudolph, didn't put away his wings. Now that Rudolph had discovered him, he couldn't continue to enjoy himself. The magic just now couldn't trap Rudolph.

But Lucia, who was in Yuan Feiwu's arms, greatly changed her view of Yuan Feiwu.

He had never really watched Yuan Feiwu fight.

When we met in Star Luo Continent before, what Lucia saw when he arrived was that Lu Likai was forced to retreat by him as a hostage, and Lucia dismissed him.Later, Yuan Feiwu fell into the scheme of the demons, was forced into a desperate situation by human beings, and was chased and killed by the seven sword masters and four great magisters. It was Lulikai who brought him back when he was dying.He has never been mighty before, it is simply weak.

But the evil realm just now was at least level 7 magic. As a magister, he needed to chant for a long time to use it, which was very strenuous.But Yuan Feiwu is very easy and fast to use. Just by comparing it like this, Lucia can immediately deduce that this hidden guy has at least the strength of a great magister in terms of magic attainments!

A fallen angel who cultivates both magic and martial arts, so he can be sure that this guy who has never made a move, although he only has two wings, at least has the strength of high-level two wings, comparable to a junior sword master or a great magister!In the past, there were only speculations and doubts, but now Lucia feels that he has really figured out his bottom line!
After Lucia unconsciously changed her mind towards Yuan Feiwu, now looking back on her previous deeds, she suddenly changed her mind.It's quite remarkable to be able to fight with Uncle Lulikai for a long time, and to be able to find a chance to restrain yourself under his hands, isn't it?To be able to survive under the siege of the seven great sword saints and four great magisters of mankind, even if he is dying, is actually quite a remarkable thing!Even if his father and uncle work together, he dare not say that he can challenge five of them to join forces!

A guy without the blood of the demon royal family can actually cultivate to this level. I am afraid that the suffering he has suffered and his own hard work will reach a level that is daunting and respectable.

Thinking of this, Lucia raised her head distressedly, but unexpectedly met those eyes as dark as the universe of darkness, and suddenly froze for a moment.

"Watch me doing? Did I get something weird on my face?"

"No. Then what are you looking at me for?"

"Oh, I want to give you good news and bad news. The good news is, we're almost at the exit."

"I suddenly have an ominous premonition, don't tell the item bad news..."

"The bad news is that we are still a step too late. Those people have gathered here... What a pity, I didn't see anyone coming in and out from here before!" Yuan Feiwu finally stood still, revealing something as bright as the sun bright smile.

I heard from others that the more beautiful the flower is, the more deadly it is. Lucia thinks it can be applied to this guy. The more charming the smile, the worse the situation is!

The bad news couldn't stop Lucia's ears. Lucia had no choice but to look aside. This was a hall of the palace, and in the distance was a platform covered with flowers that stretched out. There were noisy noises coming from outside. The sound is probably the orc people singing and dancing outside.

And in the huge and luxurious hall where Yuan Feiwu stopped, King Behemoth sat on the innermost high seat with his eyes widened in a daze. Hundreds of tribal leaders or well-known warriors of the orc clan raised their wine glasses, and all of them froze as if the pause button had been pressed, looking at them.

It can be said that the most powerful and highest-ranking people of the entire orc clan gathered here... Obviously this is where Lucia heard them keep saying that the opening ceremony will be held!Everyone is waiting for the groom to arrive here, and then have a party!
Yuan Feiwu took him here to make a fuss!Yuan Feiwu is a high-level two-winged fallen angel, and there are not enough people to hammer it, okay?Isn't this more comfortable than being besieged by the Seven Great Sword Saints and the Four Great Magisters!

"Hahahaha..." Amidst the awkward silence of the audience, a sudden laughter seemed particularly piercing.

Baluru covered his belly and laughed, patted Jerez's shoulder with his left hand and Moshido's back with his right hand: "Let me just say, this kid can definitely make this show more lively! What he's doing now is even Things that even I, Baluru, couldn't do, look, how interesting!"

Fun for your whole family!Moses, Jerez, and even Lucia in Yuan Feiwu's arms rolled their eyes and gave it to that arrogant and hopeless guy.

The current situation is really not interesting at all.

(End of this chapter)

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