Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 779 Running here? !

Chapter 779 Running here? !

"Other entrances and exits are guarded by experts, but there is no one here. I used to go in and out here easily." Yuan Feiwu saw that Lucia's face was not very good-looking, and explained with a heartless smile Once again, "There was no one there not long ago, it seems that we came a little bit late... luck is also a little bit bad..."

"This is the place where people hold their wedding ceremony! When the wedding preparations begin, this place will be the most crowded!" Lucia said with a voice that almost gritted her teeth.

"No one told me, I thought the other party had a loophole in their defense!" Yuan Feiwu chuckled.

"I want to see if there are any loopholes in your head! Let your brain leak out!" Lucia was dizzy with anger and his chest heaved violently, feeling that the tight wraps on his chest were about to burst from his anger.

Does anyone else need to talk about this kind of thing?This hall and the extended platform are so beautifully arranged, how can they be arranged like this if they are not in great use!
Well, Lucia finally knew that Yuanyuan Feiwu's plan would also have pitfalls!
To actually take him to the gathering place where the strongest of the orcs gathered, this approach really made him feel hopeless.

"Huh? Which one is the prince? I'm talking about the real one..." Behemoth King Flonge finally recovered from his sluggishness, lowered his head and pointed at Yuan Feiwu and Lucia and asked Ruoshi in a low voice.

Baluru and the others were highly respected, so they naturally sat in the closest position to King Behemoth. When they heard King Behemoth's words, they turned their heads subconsciously, and then saw Luo Bosi also looking stern and thinking, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"King Beamon, pay attention to the hair color. Their hair color is different. The one with wings has black hair, which is Yuan...uh, the demon prince; the one with gray hair is his guard." Baluru kindly suggested.

"Oh, I understand when you say that, how easy it is to distinguish one with wings and one without wings! Who can tell if the hair is different!" King Beamon's murmur left Sanyong of the orc clan speechless.

"Why didn't you wear the groom's dress? No matter which one of you is going to be the groom today, since the groom arrives, let's start the ceremony!" King Beamon said loudly.

"Sorry, we're not here to be the groom." Yuan Feiwu replied with a smile.

"Huh? Don't be the groom, do you want to be the bride?"

Beamon King's brain circuit is so strange that he was stunned by Sanyong of the orc tribe. They mean to save you face and tell you directly that they plan to escape marriage. What does it mean to misunderstand that someone else wants to be a bride?
"King Beamon, they are planning to escape! Let's take him down!"

In order not to make Queen Bi Meng even more furious after realizing it, the three warriors of the orc clan had already flown out.

Baluru arrived first, and he slapped him a few times.Yuan Feiwu faced this kind of seemingly fierce attack, but when he was in it, he could find the water-filled attack, so he just dodged according to the gap left for him.

On the contrary, the people outside couldn't see the problem. In their eyes, they looked like the fallen angel holding a person in his arms and being so sensitive. He fought with Baluru for several rounds, but Baluru couldn't do anything to him!The vindictiveness drawn by Baluru's claws left a mark on everything around him, but there was no way to leave it on Yuan Feiwu's body. It seems that the fallen angel's strength is extraordinary!

"It's fine if you come back to save people, what are you doing here? Looking for death?" Baluru said helplessly through voice transmission.

His fighting is just temporarily confusing King Beamon and the others, and Baluru has no idea what to do next!
"It's good to escape from here. Look, there is no exit for ambush." ​​Yuan Feiwu glanced at the luxurious extended platform.

"Although there is no problem of ambush here you picked, Nima is directly the base camp!" Baluru also glanced at the big platform and didn't know what expression to use to face Yuan Feiwu, Nima even had to choose the highest point to escape. The way to adjust it?
Just pat your ass in front of all their masters, right?

Not being handsome doesn't mean Yuan Feiwu, right?
"Crisis and crisis, there are dangers and opportunities. Although there are many masters here, it may be better than those exits that have already been set up. As long as you break through that high platform, you will have no worries."

With the insertion of a trembling sheep sound, suddenly a leg was ejected at high speed, and Yuan Feiwu hurriedly jumped away.That leg was fast and the grudge contained in it was so thick and terrifying that even Lucia broke into a cold sweat for Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu knew it in his heart, but he had to thank this leg. When he retreated to his position, he was already in a position very close to the high platform.

"Want to run? Why do you want to run? Isn't my daughter beautiful enough!" King Behemoth finally came to his senses and stood up angrily, "Take them down! Don't let them go!"


There was a domineering response from the direction Yuan Feiwu came from. Everyone looked back and saw that it was Rudolph who had rushed there, his fighting spirit exuding a golden light, full of murderous aura!
"Oh, bastard, don't try to run away!" Seeing Rudolph coming, he knew that this guy had a high hatred for Yuan Feiwu, so he couldn't delay any longer, and finally slapped out the fighting spirit that had been stored for a long time , the manic vindictiveness was like a waterfall that suddenly fell from the sky, fell to the ground at once, and washed out in all directions.

The purpose of Jerez's attack was not to hurt anyone. Most of the people present were masters, so they would not be overturned by the turbulent fighting spirit. Even several masters shot together to protect the table full of food and wine.

But under such a frenzy of fighting spirit, Rudolph also had to stop and resist, losing the best chance to intercept.

"Of course it's not that Princess Luobosi is not beautiful enough, but shouldn't the most beautiful princess of the Beamon tribe be worthy of the most powerful warrior of the Beamon tribe? We are not worthy, so let's take a step first... I will make up for it from the Mozu later." Great gift!" Of course, Yuan Feiwu would not waste this opportunity, he flapped his wings to block the turbulent fighting spirit and stabilized his figure, then turned sideways to the exit of the platform, turned back to King Bimon and left their blessings, Zhang He spread his wings and let the vindictiveness rush him out.

Outside the platform is the large square outside the palace of the capital of the Orcs, and below it are the people of the various tribes who came from all over the place to participate in the celebration.Although the Orcs are subdivided into many ethnic tribes, they all have a very good relationship with each other, and no one will miss this kind of happy day.

Just now, a burst of fighting spirit surged out from the platform and made a loud noise, all the orc civilians fell silent, and all looked up at the place where the celebration started.

"It's time, it's time!" "The groom and the bride are coming out!" "This salute is really special, it's booming like a mountain is about to collapse, ahaha..."

The Orc commoners waited with their heads up, and within a few seconds, a figure appeared, and immediately gave the loudest applause and cheers: "Congratulations to the princess on a happy wedding! A hundred years of marriage! Two hugs in three years!"

"I'll hug your sister!" Lucia buried her head in Yuan Feiwu's chest, the thrill just now and the congratulations that made him laugh and cry made him unable to calm down.

Escaping from here is just like Baluru said, it's too high-profile!The people below are densely packed with people from the Orc race. They are fleeing under the watchful eyes of everyone. Can't they be more high-profile?
Next time Yuan Feiwu says he wants to run away, he must ask clearly about the course of action, and sooner or later he will be tricked to death!

"Huh? It's not a princess!" "It's a fallen angel!" "Could it be someone from the demons who came to celebrate?" "The fallen angels look scary..."

Amidst the astonishment of the crowd, Yuan Feiwu carried Lucia in the air and made two beautiful arcs before walking away.Those two beautiful arcs symbolize blessings in the orc race. The orc people of course clapped their hands and applauded when they saw it. It turned out that the fallen angels of the demon race came to congratulate them!

Not bad, very face-saving!
"Chasing!" King Bimon couldn't sit still, and was about to rush out, but was stopped by Moses.

"King Beamon can't do it. There are people who don't know the situation and are waiting outside. If you chase them out, you will let everyone know the scandal of the demon prince's refusal to marry, and you will lose the face of the Beamon tribe." Moshiduo dissuaded, "Besides, we Does the princess of the Bimon tribe need to beg the prince to marry him? Our beautiful Princess Luobosi is not so cheap! It is because the prince of the demon clan has no vision, and such a person is not qualified to marry our princess!"

"Ah? It turns out that the groom of the princess's wedding today is the prince of the demon clan?" Many leaders only now know who the princess is marrying. From the beginning to now, King Bimon only said that the princess is getting married, but he never said who he will marry. !
"The prince of the Demon Race really doesn't know what to do. I will seek justice from that old fellow Lukaiser later!" Flonge, the king of Bimon, was furious, but he sat down again after listening to Moshiduo's words, "We can't get married, If you chase him or not, you will lose your face, what do you say!"

"Let's talk about what to do later, I think this matter must be held accountable first." Moses snorted coldly, "Who is in charge of guarding the demon prince? Who is in charge of the security in the palace? How could someone else be in charge of us in our venue?" If we make a big fuss and run away, where will the reputation of our big beast clan be placed!"

Moshido's sudden change of expression made Baluru and Jerez confuse together. Is this guy crazy?If Yuan Feiwu ran away, it would be fine to turn the big thing into a trivial matter, so why are you still making things bigger here!

(End of this chapter)

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