Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 781 You Take Your Yangguan Road, I Take My Single-plank Bridge

Chapter 781 You Take Your Yangguan Road, I Take My Single-plank Bridge
"It was when I met them that I guessed that something might have happened to you in the beast palace, so I went back to look for you. I have to say that they saved you indirectly." Yuan Feiwu spoke for the twins with a smile on his face.

After all, if they had a better impression of each other and less quarrels, it would also quieten his ears.

"I don't care what they did, I just want to hear their promise now!" Lucia was so depressed.

Who cares whether they saved themselves indirectly or not, their brains can't control their mouths, this is the most depressing thing!Reputation is more important than life!
"I have already asked them to join us in the city of Lelier, and you can meet them then."

Yuan Feiwu comforted Lucia, felt sympathy for what happened to Lucia and expressed considerable understanding, then Lucia slowly regained her composure, and flew to Lielier City with Yuan Feiwu.

After spending two days, the two finally flew back to Lielier City.

They left here for nearly half a month, and when they came back this time, Lelier City had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The originally potholed wasteland has been filled in, and many reclaimed fields are squarely arranged on the wasteland within sight, even those with obsessive-compulsive disorder can feel at ease after seeing it.After a period of hard work in the field, tender green shoots have begun to grow, and the demon civilians no longer need to force them to generate motivation for other reasons. Every day, they spontaneously and consciously enter their fields and take care of them carefully.

It's not the harvest time yet, but their faces are already filled with smiles that are different from the gloomy faces in the past. It is the smiles produced by seeing a hopeful future.

Seeing all this, Lucia felt extremely conflicted... The person who brought these beautiful things is the one who must be guarded against now.

"Prince Lucia, you are finally back! Partridge and Patreon came one step earlier and told me that you are on your way back. I am impatient and waiting here early in the morning!"

Yuan Feiwu and Lucia landed on the wall of Lielier City, and the Lord Newman stepped forward to greet them.

Lucia had high hopes for San Francisco Newman in the VIP cell of the orcs before, but later she was disappointed with him and complained, but now he has no mood to blame him at all.

Yuan Feiwu had already explained the matter to him on the road, and although King Behemoth's behavior made him very unhappy, it did not make him so angry that he wanted to tear up the alliance treaty between the two races.It's just a farce made by a brat who can't understand human language on his own initiative. There is no malice in it. In the end, everyone is fine so don't worry about it.

Besides, if this matter is made a big deal, wouldn't it be impossible to cover up the fact that he wore a sex toy and sneaked into the palace!
"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, you're back! His Royal Highness slowed down again, right?" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, I'll let you prosper and kill that old man. A pariah is a pariah, how could that be possible?" Better than the glory of the fallen angels." Partridge and Patreon were as happy as two yellow-headed flies flying in the sky when Yuanfei came back.

"What old man did you kill?" Lucia frowned. Could it be that these two guys got into trouble again when they couldn't see it?

"When I met them, I didn't know whether it was Partridge or Patreon who was dancing with an old man. He probably meant that the butt-twisting dance won the old man." Yuan Feiwu whispered on the road Sia explained in his ear.


Twisted the buttocks and won an old man, Nima is so happy!Is the glory of the fallen angels sown in this way!How the hell am I going to look directly at the glory of fallen angels in the future!
But now there are more important things, Lucia temporarily suppressed the feeling of disgust in her heart, called the twins down, and called them aside: "Did you talk to other people about weird things?"

"What is it?" "In our eyes, Your Highness, you are a strange existence from head to toe! Is there anything in particular?"

"That's... when we sneaked into the beast palace..."

"Is there anything worth explaining at that time?" "Except for that respectable opponent (the old man), there seems to be nothing to sing about."

"No, no, nothing, you just need to remember that respectable opponent."

Lucia struggled in his heart, and rationally told him that the twins didn't remember things in particular, and it was more reliable not to awaken their memories than to make them promise not to talk nonsense.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, where are we going next?" "We are already looking forward to the next adventure!" The twins cheered heartlessly again, Lucia felt that the judgment she had made was very correct .

"That's right, Prince Lucia, I have received an invitation letter from the Captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, and let me pass it on to you."

City Lord Newman heard the twins ask Yuan Feiwu where he was going, and then remembered such an incident, and took out an invitation letter and handed it to Lucia.

Lucia took the invitation letter from Newman, a little surprised, opened it and read it carefully.

At the beginning, Lu Xiaoling simply said hello, but what he said later surprised Lucia.Lu Xiaoling saw that Lucia had achieved good results in several cities in a row, so he took the time to visit the most affluent city - Hegeny City, and under his lobbying on the grounds of Lucia's achievements, The owner of the city, Hudson, hopes to have a face-to-face discussion with Lucia, and expresses his willingness to become a supporter of Lucia's next Demon King.

This Hudson's status in the Demon Race is quite high. Their family has always been the captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team.A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and their power alone can beat the three cities that Lucia has gathered now.

If Hudson really intends to cooperate with him, that is unparalleled good news, and Hudson actually sent an envoy to say hello when he was in Mutoya City before, but he did not express his sincerity so solemnly now.

Lucia felt that she had to go.

"But... Your Royal Highness, Prince Lucia, I know that my power is incomparable to that of Hudson. Of course you can't wait to go there. But first, can you lend me Mr. Yuan Feiwu for a few days to restore the city of Lierre? It is necessary to know that if we can really trade with the orcs, this is also a very important step in our blueprint for the development of the demons!"

City Lord Newman said it nicely, bringing in the future of the Demon Race, the purpose of which is of course the "blueprint for development" that Yuan Feiwu told him before!All passing goods, good things must pass under his eyes, which means that as long as there are common people doing business in the two continents, he will never let him let go of any good things!Moreover, Lelier City will also become an unprecedentedly important place, and the benefits he can get as the city lord are definitely very considerable!
The future of the Demon Race is just talk, and selfish desires are the real thoughts.

"You have to tell Yuan Feiwu yourself that he is free now." Lucia's face slowly darkened, and she turned to Yuan Feiwu and said, "You don't have to follow me anymore, just do what you want. I don't I will become a pawn used by you again, let's leave it alone, but if you let me know that you are going to do things that are not good for the demons, don't blame me for being unreasonable. Also, don't appear in our eyes again, cherish you Hard-won freedom."

Newman and the twins were stunned by Lucia's words. What he meant...was Yuan Feiwu squid fired?

"Newman, I'm going to Hegeny City, please equip me with some guards."

"No need, Partridge and Patreon will be your bodyguards. As a prince, the bodyguards must at least be at the level of the Fallen Angel Elite Team."

"I do not need!"

"Do you want to use your status as a prince to make trouble? Imagine that when you walk into the castle of the city lord of Hegeny with arrogance, the guards behind you are not even fallen angels, how embarrassing?"

"That's none of your business!"

This time Newman and the twins were stunned by Yuan Feiwu's words again. Is the scene of still thinking about the prince after being fired just like this naked?If it weren't for the two boys in front of him, Newman would have suspected that what happened in front of him was a couple playing tricks.

The twins were not as suspicious as Newman. In their eyes, it was a couple playing tricks!
It's not that Lucia didn't see Newman's eyes as if they were watching a show. He was already feeling a little sad, but in the end, such a serious matter in his eyes just turned into such a strange atmosphere of children's quarrels, and he was also drunk.

Simply ignoring Yuan Feiwu, and flew out directly.

"What are you still looking at, follow along, is it true that His Royal Highness doesn't even let Hudson look down on a guard?" Yuan Feiwu smiled at the twins.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu..." "You are the one we want to follow..." The twins wondered.

"It's okay, go with him, I will keep in touch with you."

"Okay. But he's still ungrateful!" "I hate this inexplicable prince." The twins snorted coldly and followed reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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