Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 782 It Was Not What I Expected

Chapter 782 It's Not What I Expected
Two figures chased up, one left and one right, and kept casting unhappy glances beside Lucia, fearing that Lucia would not be able to understand her own thoughts.If possible, they might just write dirty words on paper and stick them on their foreheads, and let Lucia see how they feel right now.

Lucia didn't even look at them and flew straight.

Suddenly Patreon went over and tugged at Partridge, motioning him to take a look at Lucia's red eyes.

"I know Yuan Feiwu is what you want to follow, go ahead, you don't have to follow me." Seeing that they suddenly stopped talking, Lucia flew in front of her and pointed at herself, saying coldly.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu is still thinking about you until the end." "It's too much for you to chase Mr. Yuan Feiwu away!"

"It's the best choice to drive him away. He is so good, I can't control him. On the contrary, I am deeply influenced by him, and I will even act irrationally. If I continue, I am afraid that I will lose my correct judgment and make a decision. Unfavorable behavior to the demons. I am the prince of the demons, and he does not help me wholeheartedly. I am just a pawn in his goal. If the father and uncle know this fact, they will not spare his life , no matter how much he has contributed to the Demon Race Continent... that's good, he is free, and it can be regarded as my reward for his contribution to the Demon Race... You don't understand, I have already given The best treatment for him. He likes to be able to return to his Star Luo Continent, but doesn't like to be able to live the ordinary life he wants to live."

The twins withdrew their unhappy eyes, watching Lucia's resolute expression continue to shed crystal tears, disappearing in the air with the wind.

Although they don't understand, they understand that a person can only be so sad if he has very deep feelings for another person.Moreover, those tears were shed for the sake of the Demon King, and they couldn't help but touch their hearts.

Generally speaking, Lucia is not an ungrateful person, and the twins came to a judgment after thinking about it.Let's stay with him for the time being. Anyway, Lord Demon King is fine without the two of them, but Lord Prince is a little weaker. Without them, it seems that there will be problems easily.

And Lord Demon King seems to be very worried about him...

"That...Mr. Yuan Feiwu, how come to serve under my command? Don't worry, as long as you are willing to assist me, you will be the deputy city lord of Lielier City!"

City Lord Newman didn't understand why Lucia fired such a rare talent, so he took the opportunity to throw his olive branch at Yuan Wuwu.

"No." Yuan Feiwu took out a piece of information from the storage space and handed it to City Lord Newman. It was a map of Liel City that he wrote down in his head before leaving. When he was in the Orc Continent, he took time to make arrangements for the main traffic routes. , and made a detailed mark on it, "I promised you that you will not break your promise. There is a plan for this. Please study it carefully."

After Newman took the document, he couldn't wait to read it immediately. It was so detailed that even he could understand it, which made him very satisfied.

But soon he found something was wrong, and quickly asked Yuan Feiwu: "Why is there a schematic diagram of water transportation on it? There are only a few small rivers on our border with the orcs, which are not suitable for freight transportation."

"If you don't have it now, it doesn't mean you won't have it in the future. It may be useful in the future. You can save that part of the place and ignore it. I see that the demon civilians you brought from Mutoya City have already taught your people to farm. It's nothing I'll go first."

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to fly, but was stopped by Newman: "Wait a moment...Mr. Yuan Feiwu, why didn't you agree to my request? What do you want? Money? Identity? Status? What you want, I will definitely find a way to satisfy you..."

"I don't even want it." Yuan Feiwu looked back at Newman and said with a smile, "Also, don't send anyone to disturb me, I'm not in a good mood."

After speaking, Yuan Feiwu flew into the sky and disappeared.

After Yuan Feiwu flew away for a long time, Newman came back to his senses, and suddenly found that his back was soaked... The look in Yuan Feiwu's parting eyes just now made him shudder!

If you are not in a good mood, you can make yourself sweat...

I'm afraid this guy is not a good person, so it's better not to offend him.

Newman dismissed the method of forcing it, and took the document back to the castle.

what do you want?
For a long time, all I want is an ordinary life... The concept seems to have never changed.

Yuan Feiwu found a random place to land, he didn't care which city or which street it was, he just landed like this, walking quietly and naturally on this fairly bustling street of demons, as if he was living in this place A member of the city.

This is what I want, a quiet life.

Not exciting and exciting enough?
In Yuan's family, after surviving all kinds of schemes and tricks, Yuan Feiwu felt that those days were exciting enough, exciting enough, and tiring enough, so tired that people didn't even want to experience it anymore.At that time, he felt that the life of ordinary people with only tea, rice, oil and salt was what he hoped for, even dreamlike.

It's a pity that things backfired. He obtained the ability of the ancient demon god, but he couldn't help being involved in a series of inexplicable things in another world, and he couldn't even touch the ordinary life.

Now, with some spare time, Yuan Feiwu felt that he could first experience the ordinary life he had always dreamed of. He wondered whether the demons would be willing to form an alliance with the other two tribes, what to do when the Lord of Chaos came, and those things that always appeared in the world from time to time. The shadows in my mind.

That's right, let yourself experience the luxury of it.

such as……

He came to what looked to be the most beautiful mansion on this street and knocked on the door.

It's not that he doesn't want to find a place that looks more ordinary, but that it's the only place that recruits people.It seems impossible for ordinary demons to need other labor.

"Who? Who are you?"

"I'm here to apply for a chef job. The notice posted by your door hasn't expired, right?"

"You? Young man, you don't even have any hair, right? We are Augustine's family here, and we always think about the consequences before applying for a job. Three chefs came here before, because the master was dissatisfied, all of them were chopped off and thrown out. ..."

"As for cooking, I still have some confidence." Yuan Feiwu interrupted the other party and smiled.

In the lord's castle of Hegeny City, Hudson watched with interest Lu Xiaoling fidgeting in his bedroom.

"I said Captain, the invitation letter has been sent out, maybe His Royal Highness won't be here in a short time, and it's not a solution for you to run around in my bedroom every day... I have to rest, right?" Desen finally couldn't help but said with a half-smile.

"Do fallen angels need to rest?" Lu Xiaoling glared at Hudson with a grim expression.

"The fallen angel needs privacy right?" Hudson smiled directly, "You stay with me for so long every day, I'm afraid people will misunderstand my innocence."

"Don't mock me, I'm already irritable enough!"

Lu Xiaoling was really irritable.

He didn't expect Lucia to fly out with that source and conquer so many city lords.Mutoya City even became the first place to benefit from grain cultivation, attracting other city lords to tilt their positions towards Lucia.Moreover, it was useless for him to win the supervisory power from Lu Kaiser. He wanted to stare at Yuan Feiwu, as long as he caught him, he would definitely take the opportunity to kill him by the sword.But Yuan Feiwu didn't show any flaws at all. In the eyes of everyone, he was tremblingly planning the future for the demons, and even went to the fields to teach the common people himself. He had no other selfish desires, and he was even more exaggerated than a saint.

In the hearts of many city lords and commoners, Yuan Feiwu has more prestige than Lucia, which is not a good sign.

Seeing that Lucia's power was gradually growing, Lu Xiaoling couldn't sit still anymore. He knew that it was impossible for Lucia to come to him for help now, and he didn't need to rely on himself in the future.Continue to watch the situation, it is waiting to die!

Recently, the news came back from his subordinates that Lucia also took Yuan Feiwu to the orc clan, whether there is any way for Yuan Feiwu to get the support of the orc clan for Lucia, Lu Xiaoling had to think deeply.

The prince who was once looked down upon by all the city lords and could only bend under his own wings, has grown more and more wings...

"Of course not! I should be the king of the Demon Continent!" Lu Xiaoling grinned ferociously, and the smile became even more ferocious.

Here, he doesn't need to hide his heart, he doesn't need to hide his purpose, he can release the usual depression.Because there is only Hudson here, a hypocrite who just pretends to be indifferent like himself.

It's just that Hudson's cover-up is more thorough than his own, and even in his own private space, he will not reveal a single flaw.Can Hudson have a heart that is invincible?That's a big joke!
"Yes, yes, Mr. Lu Xiaoling, the future king of our demon continent. But Lucia has gradually established his own power. There is Mutoya City in the extreme northeast. You should have collected information to know how vast the fertile land is there. Well, it is not too much to be called the granary of the future demons; in the south-central part of Erdinhad City, it is said that Yuan Feiwu suggested to cooperate with the grain exported from Mutoya City in the north to build it into a city of grain processing and production. The origin of the manufacturing industry The city of Lelier is even more remarkable. The city lord Newman often brags to everyone that his place, which was originally a poor place, will be developed into a major city for trade and commerce. The tax revenue of the city is several times higher than that of all cities. Don’t believe it, when the food planting promoted by Lucia and the others is gradually popularized, we may have a surplus of food and have the capital to trade with the orcs. What a vision, Lu It's really not easy for West Asia and that Yuan Feiwu... I just don't know, Mr. Wang Lu Xiaoling, who wants to replace Lucia as the future of the Demon Continent, you have been nesting in my house for several days, what kind of help do you plan to bring to my city?"

"At first, I thought that asking them to promote food cultivation would only hit a wall everywhere, but I didn't expect to turn those deserted cities into a place where the demons play a pivotal role. It seems that I still underestimated them." Lu Xiaoling sat down angrily. On the sofa beside him, he drank the red wine next to him, ignoring Hudson's sarcasm.

"Your eyes only see the fighting power, so of course you underestimate them." Hudson also picked up his glass and shook the red wine in it, and smiled, "Now I can't figure out why I still want to cooperate with you? They came to my city, and I talked to them about the development and cooperation of our city. It seems to be more beneficial to me, right? As for the captain of the fallen angel elite team you promised in the future, I think it’s better to forget it. I don’t want to be in Lukaiser When I was still alive, I threatened Lucia with force without reason, and I still want to live a few more years. My son is still a little educated, and he can be a rich second generation."

" forgot that you promised me?" Lu Xiaoling looked at Hudson with incredulous eyes.

Even Hudson is inclined to cooperate with Lucia?This is absolutely not possible, even Hudson has become Lucia's help, his goal will be further away from him!
"I didn't make an oath with you. What we were talking about was a deal. Now it seems that there is no possibility of making a profit with you. Lucia has a lot more future than you. What do you think I should choose? Do you think you agree? You sent an invitation letter in the name of meeting with me, is it really a gift from me? Sorry, I also really want to talk about cooperation with Lucia."

Hudson felt that the wine in the glass was almost shaking, and slowly poured the wine into his mouth, his every move was so elegant and calm.

"I called Lucia here in your name this time. Naturally, it was for a decisive blow. Since you have begun to lose confidence in me, let me tell you a secret. In the end, it is still the secret that I can become the king of the demons." .” Lu Xiaoling put away his ferocious expression, but his face was still gloomy.

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

Hudson put down his wine glass, stretched for a while, almost squinted his eyes, and said two words with all his heart-perfunctory.

"Lucia hasn't cultivated into a fallen angel yet."

(End of this chapter)

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