Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 784 Lucia Is Not Rudolph

Chapter 784 Lucia Is Not Rudolph

"So you want Jiangshan, and you want women too?"

The look in Hudson's eyes kept twitching, his expression regained his composure, and he lay down on the sofa, staring at Lu Xiaoling.

"Spirit Lifting Grass, your place is a place that specializes in producing Soul Lifting Grass."

"Mr. Lu Xiaoling, the future emperor of the demon clan, every city lord has this thing, and it's not for sale. I can send you some if you want? Do you have to treat my place as your hotel?"

"The potion of soul-lifting grass is too powerful, and Lucia's dark element magic power is also at a certain level, so you have to use a heavy amount. If you use too much, I'm afraid you will become a walking dead in the future. I only need one day, give me one day." The effect of the medicine, I am confident that I can conquer him and make her my woman!" Lu Xiaoling showed a ferocious face again.

Lucia became his woman, which became his dream almost every day!When this dream was about to come true, he couldn't hold back his inner excitement!
"Oh, you can conquer it in one day, you are very confident in your... ha, you are quite confident! Well, I personally appreciate this! I can really help you prepare the right amount. After the effect of the medicine passes that day, it will be considered as the future." Your heart is not with you, and your body cannot be separated from you, so you are satisfied? But I don’t understand why you have to fulfill your animal desire with me, and you are willing to give half the world as a bargaining chip? You go to Lu Kaiser or your father to ask I think it's more efficient to betroth Lucia to you."

"Inviting Lucia to your castle in your name, his defense against me will be reduced to zero, and that source is very ghostly. I hope that with your power and my elite team of fallen angels, I can be silent Wuxi strangled him here. Of course, you should also bear the blame for killing Yuan Feiwu for the future Emperor of the Demon Race. I cannot have such ugly stains on my body. As for sharing the world with you, it is because I What I want most is people, and the world can give up half of it. At most, it will only be half."

Lu Xiaoling raised his glass, motioned to Hudson, and drank it down.

"Haha, you avoided a certain question of mine, so it means that you didn't mention it but you were rejected by others, right? But I didn't expect you to be a sentimental person. This can explain why you lost patience and rushed to settle Lucia. After all, now There is a handsome young man who is inseparable from Lucia, and it is said that Lucia forced her to... Don't stare, I understand your anger and anxiety. If Lucia is a daughter, then the beautiful face can really stand out from the world, if I might be hundreds of years younger and I can't help being moved." Hudson responded to Lu Xiaoling's gesture this time, and raised his own glass and slowly tasted it, "In order to own half of the world, I I'm very happy to pay a price, Yuan Feiwu's death will be on my head. Thank you for sharing the little secret, I really appreciate it..."

After receiving the invitation letter, Lucia flew all the way to the destination in silence, spending a day and a night.

What's rare is that the twins didn't make any noise along the way, which made him enjoy the quietness along the way.

When they came to the castle of Hegeny City, Lucia and the others received a very high standard of reception.Lucia was used to heavy winds and heavy rains, so she would not be surprised by such a little courtesy, and completed a simple meeting with Hudson without any disturbance.Of course, important matters will not be discussed in a hurry. Both parties have their own bargaining chips and desired conditions. Hudson is an old fox who is about to mature, and Lucia is not a master who can be easily dismissed. At least a few days are needed to test each other. The opponent's bottom-line confrontation is the moment for the final showdown.

Outside Lucia's VIP room, Lucia also ran into Lu Xiaoling.Although Lu Xiaoling made him a little cold, meeting his own people in this place still made Lucia feel a little happy.In the past, many times, Lu Xiaoling personally took people to protect him to other cities. I have to say that Lu Xiaoling is still very reliable in protecting himself.

"Why didn't Yuan Feiwu come? But with two brothers, Patridge and Patreon, I feel relieved." Lu Xiaoling looked meaningfully at the twins standing behind Lucia, who made him a little strange. Only then did I turn to the topic I wanted to know.

Yuan Feiwu didn't come with Lucia, which was really unexpected to him. A large part of the arrangements he made were aimed at Yuan Feiwu, a guy who is estimated to have the strength of a high-level two-winged fallen angel according to intelligence.

"He has other work arrangements, he has nothing to do here." Talking about Yuan Feiwu, Lucia's voice suddenly became indifferent.

"Well, anyway, it doesn't matter if you have him or not. After traveling so long, I won't delay you from taking a good rest, and we'll catch up on the old days tomorrow."

"it is good."

Lucia forced a smile and went back to her room.

However, Lu Xiaoling stopped the twins and asked, "What happened between Yuan Feiwu and His Royal Highness?"

When Lucia talked about Yuan Feiwu, she was depressed, and it was impossible for Lu Xiaoling to miss such a small detail, and the facts were definitely not as simple as Lucia said.

"We had a quarrel, and we went our separate ways." "We had a falling out, and we never see each other." The twins spread their hands together, as if they couldn't do anything about them, and their movements and expressions were exactly the same.

"Yuan Feiwu is really lucky... I don't know why you didn't follow my order, but I advise you not to continue disobeying me, the end will be bad."

"Some orders are meaningless, so there is no need to execute them!" "Of course they will be executed if they are interesting!" The twins giggled together.

Lu Xiaoling glanced at them, sneered and walked away.

The twins looked at each other, and unexpectedly walked towards Hudson's bedroom.

Lucia in the room felt a little more at ease because Lu Xiaoling was in the castle.

In the Demon Race, people cannibalism is everywhere. If Hudson has interests that can make him feel tempted, it is not a strange thing to do something to him. Don't think that he is a prince in front of these city lords It is very status.Fortunately, the twins and Lu Xiaoling were there, so he didn't lose his status as a prince. Otherwise, if he brought only a few attendants borrowed by Newman, he wouldn't know what posture to use to be equal to Hudson.

The city of Hegeny is the most affluent city besides the capital city. It is conceivable how luxurious the VIP room in the castle lord’s castle is. Lucia fell on the bed with her head covered without taking a second look. These luxury could not make up for his heart the emptiness.

Yes, emptiness.

More than two years ago, when he was alone like this, there was no emptiness.

Now, two years later, he is alone like this, and it seems that he has lost his debt.

Under the same conditions, different moods.

Did he lose something that caused him to feel lost?
Yes, he did get something in the past two years, and now he discarded it.

Since the discarded thing makes me feel worth discarding, what is there to be sad about?
Worth throwing it worth throwing away?
Lucia suddenly put a huge question mark on this idea.

He recalled telling the twins on the road why he made this choice. Now that he finally had a space to be by himself, after thinking slowly, he quietly rejected it.

There is an independent space where he can take a good look at himself and ask himself why he made a decision that made him so sad afterwards.

Still sad, it means that this decision failed to solve the thorn in my heart.

Explain that making this decision does not solve the problem.

Then use this as a breakthrough point, and examine your own mood thoroughly, and you will learn... a fact that Lucia really doesn't want to admit.

His sadness and anger this time was not because Yuan Feiwu had ulterior motives, but because Yuan Feiwu "used" his own incident, which hurt his mood.He was unwilling to accept that when Yuan Feiwu was with him before, everything he gave had a purpose.

In fact, what Yuan Feiwu did was not harmful to the demons at all?Who in this world does not take advantage of each other?It's just that he couldn't accept such a relationship with Yuan Feiwu.

This kind of emotion that couldn't be dealt with rationally, Lucia somehow figured it out in his heart, and he was angry emotionally.He's not a fool like Rudolph, it's just that since he was sensible, he has already understood that the feeling that he belongs to a girl may not be able to express it in his life, so it is deeply buried in his heart, and now suddenly there The seal was a little broken, and I was a little at a loss.

Lucia decided to take some time to sort out her emotions and figure out how she would face the future of the demons and her emotions.

On the other side, unlike the time when Lucia needs to be alone, Yuan Feiwu quickly mingles with the people around him, happily trying out the life of ordinary people.

"Chef Yuan, His Excellency Augustine III is going to hold a big banquet tomorrow night, and he has specified that you will be in charge of all the dishes. If you need anything, please prepare the ingredients in advance. Please try to order us to purchase them!"

"The reason, and the taste."

"The precious daughter of Augustine III, Qi Lewei, came back from a tour and celebrated her 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony. As for the taste... I was never sure. The chefs who were thrown out before were basically because Miss Qi Lewei didn't like it. It’s not good to say anything more.”

"If you don't know the taste, just do whatever you want." Yuan Feiwu had already torn off a list filled with the required ingredients and handed it to the servant.


"Well, whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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