Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 785 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan

Chapter 785 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan (1)

"Chef Yuan, I don't think you should be too casual. The food that the previous chefs have carefully prepared was all because a certain food dissatisfied the lady for some reason, so they were chopped off and kicked out." After leaving with the list of materials, several kitchen helpers gathered around and said to Yuan Feiwu worriedly.

Yuan Feiwu has only been here for two days, and he has already conquered the entire Augustine family in terms of culinary skills, and has conquered all the servants who work with him in terms of character.Of course, when using "character" to conquer the servants, there is still a little bit of violence. After all, this is the demon race. The demon race is violent, sinister and greedy. From the beginning, I want them to deal with you honestly. Likely.But the temperament of the demons also has an advantage, that is, they will willingly obey those who are stronger than them, and they will not have any disrespect or disobedience until they have the strength comparable to the opponent. .

Yuan Feiwu became the head chef after only two meals, of course he would be envied and hated by the other servants.Quietly tripped him up a bit insidiously, and approached him directly to threaten him.Yuan Feiwu has always been a person who "makes friends" according to the local conditions. In the Xingluo Continent, he can be respected by being humble and polite. In the Beast Clan Continent, he can be appreciated for his boldness and bravery. Then it takes a little bit of "tapping".

After the beating, let the other party understand that you are not easy to mess with, and then talk to the other party "well", and quickly create a "harmonious and loving" atmosphere with your colleagues.

Sometimes it is so simple to want to build a good relationship with the people around you!

"No one knows Miss's taste, so what can I do. Why don't you ask me?" Yuan Feiwu smiled at the other chefs.

"I, I, I dare not! You can think of such a thing as asking the lady directly?! Chef Yuan, why don't you go by yourself?" Several help chefs were scared back several steps by Yuan Feiwu's bold idea.

In the Demon Continent, in addition to the huge gap between the rich and the poor, the class gap is also very large. The resulting gap will make the lower class people have no human rights at all.

The Augustine family is considered a respectable nobleman in this city. If the servants are disobedient and kill the city lord directly, they won't talk nonsense. At most, they will pay a small amount of money.The demon people in the lower class are already living on the verge of death, and they are used to this kind of thing. They still want to squeeze their heads into the homes of these nobles. better.

The Augustine family is considered a kinder nobleman to their servants, but the only one who is more difficult to serve is the eldest lady.It's not surprising that willfulness is the right of the superiors, but what's scary is that she has deep-rooted dislike and contempt for the subordinates, which makes people not want to have any contact with her.Especially if you take the initiative to contact, it is likely to be asking for trouble.

"Because I haven't seen it, I don't know it."

Yuan Feiwu spread his arms and said a reason that no one could refute.

That being the case, instead of asking them to ask Missy what she likes to eat, it is better to let Chef Yuan be thrown out.

The next day, the servant bought all the ingredients back, and said in surprise, "Chef Yuan, how do you know that there are these things on the market? There are many things I have never heard of."

"The grain harvest in Mutoya City has been bumper, and it should have been transported here for sale by this time. The current price is still a bit expensive, and only rich families like Augustine can afford it. In the near future, even you may be able to afford it." It can be easily eaten. As for the types of food produced there, I know everything very well."

"As expected of a chef, he always pays attention to the development of the ingredients market..." The servant looked at Yuan Feiwu with respect in his eyes.

Yuan Feiwu was a little dumbfounded, sorry, but it wasn't because he paid attention to the development of the food market that he knew everything well...

In the following time, these helpers were once again impressed by Yuan Feiwu.

This time it was not because of force, but simply because of Yuan Feiwu's cooking skills.

Their existence is only to peel the potatoes, wash all the vegetables and meat, etc., and the other things are all on their shoulders.

It's not that they don't want to help, but that they really can't help.All the frying and frying of Yuan Feiwu in the kitchen requires certain skills to control. The Mozu Continent is a place that is countless times behind the food and drink culture in the Star Luo Continent. How can anyone understand that cooking requires so many operations? It's almost there.

There is no way to understand it, let alone help, the more you help every minute, the more busy you are.

In the kitchen, Yuan Feiwu was watching the four heating circle furnaces controlled by one person. In the main hall of Augustine's house, the delicious dishes served one after another became the protagonists in everyone's eyes.Qi Lewei, an elderly girl who is treated like a baby by her parents and fearful of transformation, rarely left home to travel alone with her friends. At the same time, it was a 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony. It should have been the focus of the dinner table. At this moment Lost her brilliance.

Originally, it was very harmonious in the beginning. The parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, relatives, peers, and dozens of people in the family did not revolve around her. This feeling of being surrounded made Qi Lewei feel so ideal. .

After the head of the fire-breathing monster was presented, everything changed. They all sat back on the long table obediently, waiting for Augustine III to announce the opening of the meal. They stopped abruptly in the middle of asking for warmth. .

The food was served with the head of a fire-breathing monster, and it looked like a platypus, what the hell is it!And it actually drew everyone's attention away from me!

"Huh? Why didn't Chef Yuan deliver the food?" Augustine III stared at the servant who had put the dishes on the table, his face a little displeased.

Every time he made delicious food, Chef Yuan personally delivered it and explained it one by one. Every time, Augustine III and others were eye-opened and happy.This time, other servants brought up the dishes, probably because of the difference in their appearance, it seems that the dishes are not so delicious.

"Return to Austria, Lord Augustine III, because this time, you personally appointed Chef Yuan to be in charge of this grand dinner. There are too many dishes to handle, and I really don't have time to deliver them yourself. But every dish Both Chef Yuan and the young one explained how to eat it, and the young one can explain it to the adults and ladies." The servant is at the bottom, and rarely has the opportunity to directly talk to the Patriarch Augustine III, speaking in such a situation It's all bad.

In the past, the chef served the appetizers himself, but he has never served them before!He can only do odd jobs, okay?

"A mere servant, how dare you be too busy? Let that chef, what source, get out!"

Qi Lewei was pissed off by being left out suddenly, but now she took the opportunity to let it out.

Qi Lewei is usually pampered and doesn't do much physical work. She is a little thin, but most of the demons have white skin. Qi Lewei is also very delicate. She is an out-and-out little beauty and is very popular.

The servant did not expect that Augustine III would care about such a trivial matter as who would serve the dishes, let alone that the eldest lady would be furious about this matter, and was so frightened that she quickly knelt down.If he knew that there would be such a result, then he would not accept this commission from Yuan Feiwu even if he was beaten to death!
It obviously sounds like a good job to show your face in front of the Patriarch!How do you feel that you will be beheaded in the next second?
"Hey, Wei Er, don't lose your temper. Chef Yuan is really busy. I heard that there are more than 20 dishes tonight." Augustine III forgave what the servant said, and turned his head to tell his precious daughter not to eat. Lose your temper.

This made Qi Lewei even more angry and lost his temper?She is helping her father scold that big-name chef!Why did her father become so strange after returning from a half-month trip? This was the first time she was said to have lost her temper!I've never been told that since I was a kid!
"Yes, yes, Lord Augustine III, all the delicacies cooked by Chef Yuan have their own characteristics, and the other chefs can't help at all, so please understand." Let's continue the topic, throwing all the blame on those helpers.

He couldn't help explaining to Chef Yuan, otherwise it would be so tragic that he would suffer because Chef Yuan didn't serve the dishes himself.

"It's only now that I realize that I have been raising a bunch of trash all along! I have to take care of Chef Gongyuan. Get up, haha..." Augustine III was so sympathetic to the servant, which startled the servant and Qi Lewei.

What the servants and Qi Lewei didn't expect was that all the relatives and friends on the long table laughed along with Augustine III's laughter and kept saying good things for Chef Yuan.

"Okay, hurry up and tell me how this thing eats, and does it breathe fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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