Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 786 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan

Chapter 786 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan (2)

Let me talk about how to eat first?Is it more important to listen to a servant to talk about how to eat? !
Shouldn't you talk about the opening remarks first, let everyone express their blessings to you, and then let yourself talk about your mental journey and feelings? !

Isn't today's dinner your own coming-of-age ceremony dinner? !Should the protagonist's position be given over to this servant and that ugly fire-breathing monster head? !

Are monster heads edible?

"No more fire, Lord Augustine III. Would you like to start tasting now? If so, please let the little one deal with it now."

"Do you need to deal with it first? Let's deal with it!" Augustine III's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked the servant to do it.

The servant took out the long spoon he had prepared earlier in the morning, and tapped it twice on the scary-looking beast's head.The animal head seemed to be made of a thin layer of glass, and it shattered in response to the sound, and the shattered nail-sized pieces were thrown on the big vegetable bowl.

The servant's hands and forehead were covered with sweat, and it was his first time handling this thing. When Yuan Feiwu told him that opening the lid would spray fire once, he still sneered!Fortunately, he followed what Yuan Feiwu said just now, and opened the lid on the outside of the table before serving it, otherwise it would be a capital offense to spray any adult's face.It will be even more exciting to smash the head of the monster in the follow-up, can the head of the monster be smashed casually!
Chef Yuan also insisted to tap lightly!

Fortunately, he did as well. If he really hit it hard, the fragments would fly around, which is much more terrifying than breathing fire, because this is an AOE attack!
"This dish is mainly stewed meat in the head of the monster. Stewing means to seal the meat in a closed space with high temperature to keep the meat delicious and juicy. This is why the head of the monster will breathe fire when the lid is opened just now. Because the heat needs to be erupted. The crushed monster head fragments are embellished with the taste of these meats. It is only delicious when mixed with those fragments, and you can enjoy a unique double taste..."

Boom!There was a sudden loud slam of the door which startled everyone.

The servant repeated what Yuan Feiwu said to him as much as possible, so that everyone couldn't take their eyes off the pot of meat. At the same time, after the servant smashed the monster's head, a sweet smell of meat wafted out, making people completely helpless Get distracted elsewhere.

Seeing this, Qi Lewei deliberately slowed down her pace when she lost her temper and walked out of the hall, but she still couldn't get any retention, and finally couldn't help but rushed out angrily and closed the door firmly.

No matter what, let them know that they lost their temper!

"Huh? Why did Wei'er leave?" Augustine's wife asked belatedly.

"Shouldn't you lose your temper?" "What should I do?" The other members asked quickly.

"Ver is really...what's the temper this time?" Augustine was rarely happy with Qi Lewei, but he suppressed his temper. He was used to spoiling this daughter, "Ver got angry for a while. There's no way to stop for a while, don't waste this table's delicacies, let's eat while it's hot."

Augustine also stopped the servant who was going back to the kitchen to pass the dishes: "Go and tell Chef Yuan to ask him to save a little of each dish, and it would be too wasteful for Weier not to try some of the delicacies specially made for her. "

"Yes yes yes!" The servant was ordered to retreat quickly.

This day was simply the pinnacle of this servant's life. Under his explanation of one dish after another, all the high-ranking members of the Augustine family were very satisfied, and everyone noticed his usually insignificant existence.Augustine III even asked his name on the way. Although he wasn't sure that the adults could really remember his name, at least he was familiar with it!

This is one step ahead of many other subordinates, promotion and salary increase, becoming general manager, becoming CEO, and marrying Bai Fumei are just around the corner!

This is all thanks to the chef Yuan!
The dinner took five hours to end, and the servant went back to thank Chef Yuan once, and Augustine III also sent someone to reward Yuan Feiwu and criticize all the chefs.Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu said a few good words to the help cooks, and those help cooks were saved from suffering.

In this way, no one would be dissatisfied with Yuan Feiwu, and the kitchen helpers automatically and consciously began to tidy up the kitchen, letting Yuan Feiwu, who was tired all day, go to rest.

Yuan Feiwu turned to leave, but suddenly another servant came and called Yuan Feiwu to stop.

"Chef Yuan, I'm sorry to interrupt, Prisla said that Chef Yuan needs to deliver a dessert in person."

"It seems that it's not time for me to get off work yet." Yuan Feiwu helplessly put on the apron he had just taken off again.

The other kitchen helpers couldn't help being happy when they heard Yuan Feiwu's words, and expressed gloating over his hard work.The more busy you are at Augustine's house, the more the superior needs you, which is actually a good thing.

Yuan Feiwu smiled, and went back to the kitchen to make some desserts.

It's not bad to be busy like an ordinary person every day... the busier he is, the more troubles he can forget.

However, this Prisla's supper is not a good job...

As the night was getting darker, Qi Lewei opened the window and looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, and the stars and the moon could not be seen.But she just likes this kind of pure black. For her, such endless black is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people forget themselves.But I don’t like it that much tonight. The thicker the night, the more hungry I feel. I really hope to stuff all those dark clouds into my stomach, because they all look delicious!

Do you want someone to go to the kitchen to get some food... No, she is on a hunger strike right now!
Just now, the family took turns to coax her not to be angry, but she didn't even open the door.She just wants them to repent, just to make them feel sorry for themselves, to see if they dare to ignore her in the future!
It was my coming-of-age ceremony dinner tonight, and it was ironic that a cook who hadn't even shown his face was the protagonist, no, it was a dish made by a cook who had never shown his face.

Just as she was sullen, suddenly Qi Lewei saw two figures hurrying past on the open-air walkway in the backyard in the night, which startled her.

She was pretty sure those two weren't anyone in the family, so who were they?
Qi Lewei was so angry that she couldn't find a way to vent her righteousness. Now that she found an outlet, she rushed out of the room and called a few guards to chase after her.

"Stop! Who are you!" Several guards quickly stopped him, drawing their long swords one after another.

Under the gaze of the eldest lady, everyone wanted to show a little bit.

"It's us... Is it martial law today? How did you stop us?"

"Oh, so it's Chef Yuan."

After seeing the person coming, the guards put away their swords quickly. Although Chef Yuan didn't need it these two days, he also worked tirelessly to cook for these servants. It was very delicious. They still have to show some face to such a person .In addition, Chef Yuan is the owner's treasure recently, and his good cooking skills have conquered the stomachs of the whole family. Augustine III also plans to call those noble friends who usually make good friends over to show off with Chef Yuan's cooking skills. Woolen cloth.They usually compare each other frequently, fighting for wealth and family property in all aspects, and it is hard to tell who wins. No one will accept the other. This time Augustine III is sure that he can definitely win their unyielding heads with Chef Yuan's culinary skills. These few days God don't mention how good the mood is.

If such a person is accidentally offended, it will be hard for them thugs.

"It's okay, let's go."

"Okay, Chef Yuan, go slowly."

Qi Lewei was eager to lead someone to catch the thief, but her physique was a bit weak, and she was out of breath after running for a distance of less than tens of meters. When she arrived, all the guards were stunned like logs, Kicked.

"Why don't you catch the thief?" Qi Lewei pushed away a guard who was blocking the way, and rushed over, trying to grab the back of the person who was leaving in front.

At that moment, it seemed that the eyes were dark for half a second, and the figure disappeared after blinking. She stretched out her hand and grabbed it, only to see a maid holding something and looking back at her in horror.

What about that figure just now?

"If you want to catch a thief, you should at least find out if it's a thief, right?" A voice came from behind her, which startled Qi Lewei.

Turning around quickly, the first thing imprinted in her eyes was a pair of bright black pupils, so amazing that she wanted to get in and enjoy the pure black without any impurities.

When Qi Lewei woke up from the intoxication, she realized that she was staring at a stranger, or at a person who was so beautiful that she couldn't eat fireworks for a long time.

"Who are you?" Qi Lewei felt a little embarrassed, but when she was embarrassed, she would only cover it up with a more aggressive manner, "Who allowed you to walk in our backyard?!"

"My name is Yuan Feiwu, the newly recruited chef of Augustine's family. This lady is so beautiful, she must be Miss Qi Lewei." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Yuan Feiwu? Ah, so you are Yuan's chef!" Qi Lewei screamed, and the anger that had been suppressed before came up again.

It was this person who inexplicably stole the halo of the leading role in his coming-of-age ceremony!

(End of this chapter)

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