Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 787 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan

Chapter 787 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan (3)

Facing Qi Lewei's inexplicable anger, Yuan Feiwu didn't take it seriously at all.

If judged according to the values ​​​​on the earth, such a slave owner who ignores human life and does not treat his subordinates as human beings will be sent to court and be insulted by the whole world.

But since receiving the inheritance of the ancient demon god, Yuan Feiwu's mentality has also jumped to a different level, and he can look at everything from the most objective perspective.

In other worlds, especially the Demon Continent, the land is barren, and most people are struggling on the verge of death.And because of nature, those who can become rulers speak with their fists, and the talents of governance are mostly selfish, which makes their living standards even worse.This is all due to the slow evolution of the conditions in the Demon Continent itself. It respects the strong, submits to the strong, and does not fight. The strong are too centralized and do not care about the lower classes, which has become what it is now.

Servants are not much more noble than animals in front of powerful people, but they have to accept this unfairness, and even scramble to enter the nobles and become servants who are not as good as pigs and dogs.

It's all about living.

When a person's belief is only to survive, he doesn't care about dignity. Dignity is not a necessary condition for "survival".

Being despised or even killed in an aristocratic family is a common thing, it is better than starving to death outside.

In the eyes of the slave owners, it's normal. If you spend precious food to feed you, your life should be mine.

Qi Lewei is just one of the thousands of slave owners who looks down on inferiors. If Yuan Feiwu is not pleasing to the eye and kills him, he will only kill one in a million of those who are not pleasing to the eye.

Before Yuan Feiwu distributed grain and searched for soil, what he did was to change the thousands of slave owners as a whole.

When the people of the Demon Race are no longer struggling on the line of life and death, and the basic food and clothing have been solved, dignity and human rights will return to their concepts.At that time, such slave owners can only be forced to change.

What's more, this Qi Lewei is not a treacherous person, just a little girl who is spoiled to the point of willfulness. Yuan Feiwu has seen too many high-ranking people who don't treat subordinates as human beings in the Demon Race. If you don't like it, kill it casually, without frowning.Putting this wayward little girl in the evaluation among all powerful families of the Demon Race, she can definitely be regarded as "kind and generous".

"I came to the private backyard of Augustine's house this time because I was summoned by Miss Prisla to bring her a dessert." Yuan Feiwu pointed to the object held by the maid in front and said.

"Send desserts to Cousin Prisla in the middle of the night? Hey, I can't guess your ulterior motives?" Qi Lewei sneered, pointing to a room far away, "Go, I'll watch you deliver , to see how you play your tricks. My big cousin Prisla is as beautiful as a flower, and those who pursue her can line up a long queue, and can they look up to a lowly servant like you?"

"It's great to have Ms. Qi Lewei overseeing it, I can save a lot of trouble." Yuan Feiwu said happily.

What he said made Qi Lewei confused again. Wouldn't it be more difficult for him to achieve his "unruly" goal with her to supervise him?
They came to Prisla's door together, Yuan Feiwu knocked on the door: "Miss Prisla, the dessert is here."

"Come in quickly." A charming voice came out, which made most of the bones go numb.

Yuan Feiwu nodded towards the maid, and the maid went in tremblingly under the watchful eyes of Qi Lewei and several guards.

"Ah!!! Who are you, why did you come in? Get out! Where's Chef Yuan!?" Within three seconds, a deafening roar came from inside!

Qi Lewei was so frightened that she took a few steps back, it was incredible that Cousin Prisla, who usually seemed coquettish, could utter such a manic roar!
The door was opened again, and the maid's clothes were torn into a mess, and she ran out crying in fright, Prisla also ran out while shouting: "Chef Yuan, didn't I tell you to deliver it yourself!"

Prisla came out of the room, immediately making Qi Lewei blush.

This cousin is shameless, she only wears a thin layer of tulle all over her body, revealing a large piece of faintly visible fair skin. Fortunately, the tulle at the key points is a little thicker, so that it does not reveal the picture that is not suitable for children.But this is what makes people's blood boil even more, Qi Lewei has ordered all the guards to turn their heads away!
"Didn't I deliver it myself, but the door of Miss Prisla's room is not suitable for me to enter, so I let other maids do it for me." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile as usual, extremely calm.

"Ah, cousin Qi Lewei, why are you here!" But Prisla saw that there were a large number of people standing outside the house, and she couldn't calm down. Her appearance was actually seen by so many people, including Qi Lewei. What about Levi!

"Come in, don't talk nonsense, lose your life!"

Qi Lewei glared at Yuan Feiwu, and directly pushed Prisla back into the room.

She is even more restless!Just now I questioned Yuan Feiwu's ulterior motives in delivering desserts to her cousin late at night, but now she finds out that the ulterior motives are actually her cousin, not to mention how slapped her face!What the hell is Prisla doing, she actually attacked a chef, how horny she is!Although it is undeniable that the chef looks very pleasing to the eye, but he can't be so shameless!

"No one can tell what happened tonight!" Qi Lewei was furious, telling everyone to go back to where they should go!

Early the next morning, Qi Lewei was woken up by her stomach's hunger, her eyes were sleepy, and thinking about what happened last night, no matter whether it was the first half or the second half, immediately made her sleepless and depressed to the point of death.

As a result, when I went out, I saw the heroine Prisla in the second half of last night, which I have to say is very unlucky.

As a cousin, of course Prisla had to curry favor with this Augustine III's own daughter. You must know that these side relatives depended on Augustine III's wealth to live a good life.As soon as she saw Qi Lewei appearing, Prisla immediately went over to greet Qi Lewei cordially, and did not pursue the good thing that was disturbed last night at all.

"Cousin, you were really ashamed and humiliated last night! How embarrassing it is to try to seduce one or another servant!" Qi Lewei was furious.

"Ah, Qi Lewei, so you're just angry about this, I thought you were going to snatch someone too!" Prisla clapped her hands happily, "You're going to be a servant, Chef Yuan is so attractive Well, as long as you don't want to rob me, that's fine. I'll apply to your father to reward me with Chef Yuan, but I haven't even asked for a male favorite..."

"You, you..." Qi Lewei felt that Prisla was really hopeless. In the past, many rich second generations pursued her and she refused to agree. She didn't expect that today she would be so shameless and offer to ask for a servant.

Also, still a male pet!Just hearing this word, Qi Lewei already felt his face burn!

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. If you don't ask for someone quickly, it won't be my turn. Qi Lewei, you are still young, you don't understand love affairs, and your cousin will teach you when you have a chance later." Qi Lewei winked, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, why are you in such a hurry! Who is going to snatch you from a mere servant!"

"Just say you don't understand, you have to queue up for breakfast!" Prisla left in a hurry, leaving the speaker far away and running away without a trace.

Qi Lewei sneered, asking a servant to make breakfast and waiting in line?Believe it or not, if you really let yourself line up, kill him immediately!

Just as I wanted my servants to ask Chef Yuan to get me something to eat, I suddenly remembered that I was still on a hunger strike to protest, and I hadn’t received an apology from my parents today, how could I have breakfast openly.

After thinking about it, I might as well quietly go to the kitchen to find something to eat, and it would be better not to let others find out.

After a while, Qi Lewei came to the familiar yet unfamiliar kitchen.Familiarity refers to the familiar route, and unfamiliarity refers to the interior of the kitchen that has never been entered.That's the place where the servants work, so why would she go in if she has nothing to do, of course she's a stranger.

At a glance, in the middle of the kitchen, a figure was cooking something in front of a stove.

What made Qi Lewei unable to turn his eyes away was that the man actually had long black and beautiful black hair!

She recognized that figure, it was that chef Yuan!

It's just that the night was too dark last night, so she didn't pay attention to it. It turned out that not only the pupils of this man were black, but also his hair was black.Now that Qi Lewei sees it, she feels extreme from the bottom of her heart!

She really wants to have such eyes and hair, it's so beautiful!
But at this moment, there was a beautiful woman leaning behind Chef Yuan, fingering the beautiful black hair that made Qi Lewei jealous, and couldn't put it down.

From time to time, Chef Yuan dodges the beautiful woman's fingers deliberately touching his back in embarrassment but politely, feeling very helpless.

"Cousin Teresa, what are you doing here again?!"

This kind of sex and taking advantage of others should happen here, to a lowly servant!
Why is this source flying again?Is it because of the curse that you will be tried to eat tofu wherever you go? !

Qi Lewei felt that their Augustine family's face was about to be humiliated by these people!

(End of this chapter)

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