Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 788 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan

Chapter 788 The Daily Life of Chef Yuan (4)

"Oh, oh, it's Qi Lewei, your uncle has asked another chef to prepare that breakfast and sent it to you. Didn't you lose your temper and say that you don't want to eat Chef Yuan's food?"

Teresa looked back and saw that it was Qi Lewei, she restrained her movements a lot, and a trace of unhappiness flashed across her face, but she quickly covered it up with a smirk.

"I can't come and see if I don't eat?!"

Qi Lewei sat down on the table and chairs on the side angrily. These tables and chairs looked like Teresa's dining table brought from someone who didn't know where.

Wouldn't this guy deliberately spend all the help in the kitchen, and then use this place as a restaurant, watching handsome guys while having breakfast? !Would you like another cup of coffee to let you savor the whole day slowly? !

How crazy!

"Oh, it's just to come and see, isn't it? Shock me!" Teresa patted her chest artificially.

Qi Lewei's eyes were so dazzled that she looked down at herself...Fake!
"It's okay, you're still young." Teresa noticed Qi Lewei's little move, reluctantly let go of her black hair, walked up to Qi Lewei charmingly, sat down next to her and comforted her, "Chef Yuan, Add another breakfast, let Qi Lewei also taste your cooking. Now in my world, your cooking is the second thing I can show off..."

"No problem, I'm already warming up the dishes I saved yesterday, and it won't be long." Yuan Feiwu didn't turn his head, and skillfully fiddled with everything around him.

Qi Lewei looked at the handsome figure busy in an orderly manner, with the black ponytail swaying there, and the handsome profile that occasionally turned around, which was so pleasing to the eye that she subconsciously lost her mind.

Now she understands why Teresa moved the tables and chairs to have breakfast here early in the morning... It really makes people feel happy!
"Chef Yuan, why don't you ask me what is the most worth showing off in my world? Aren't you curious?" Teresa felt dissatisfied after hearing Yuan Feiwu's answer, and said to the busy back with a little coquettishness .

"I personally think that this kind of thing should be savored slowly in the heart, without saying it..."

"That's right, it's your beauty! In my eyes, you are definitely the most dazzling black crystal! It's just too wasteful to be a chef..."

Enough, whether you have listened to others, they don't even want to know!Teresa, didn't you hear that!Qi Lewei wanted to cry a little, this kind of cousin who was disliked by servants and didn't know it, she just wanted to be thrown out!

"Teresa, shut up!" Qi Lewei couldn't let these people corrupt their identities and status, "What do you mean by finding a servant?!"

"Let's say you are still young and you don't understand many things. You have to cherish our identity and status. We don't need to seek a man to maintain our survival. We have countless wealth for us to enjoy our life... Qi Le Wei, since you don't like servants, then give Chef Yuan to cousin."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who wants to rob you! I just don't like it... Forget it, as long as you are happy!" Qi Lewei was left speechless by Teresa.

"It's fine if you don't rob me! That's fine!" Teresa finally let go of her heart when she heard that Qi Lewei really didn't want to rob her. She happily hugged Qi Lewei and almost gave Qi Lewei Strangled, "Come and taste Chef Yuan's craftsmanship, I guarantee you will be full of praise!"

While speaking, Yuan Feiwu had already finished the things and put them on the table.

Originally, Teresa wanted Chef Yuan to come down to eat with her. No matter how beautiful and eye-catching the food is, it would be a lot of fun, but seeing Qi Lewei's still uneasy expression dispelled this idea.

Qi Lewei had been hungry all night, and now she wanted to drool when she smelled the aroma, and she randomly stuffed it into her mouth regardless of the big pot of leftovers in front of her.

This stop will never stop.

How can it be so delicious! !

Qi Lewei's eyes lit up, she couldn't even use the fork in her hand, she always felt that the efficiency was too low and she could only poke one thing at a time, how could she eat it!She just wanted to stuff everything in the basin into Xiao Qiao's mouth in an instant!

"Eat slowly...but it's not surprising. It was the same when I first ate the food made by Chef Yuan." Teresa laughed and ate her own food. She was very satisfied with Qi Lewei's performance, as long as she Just stop embarrassing your little thoughts, "This man is so amazing..."

"Wait, if you take it away, he won't be able to be the chef?!" Qi Lewei suddenly said in surprise.

In fact, from the very beginning, she was not happy with Teresa's attitude of treating Yuan Feiwu as her own. When she thought that the beautiful black hair and beautiful eyes would become Teresa's exclusive things in the future, she felt inexplicably unhappy .But she suppressed this resentment, let her praise and not let her cousin take in a servant for no reason, she couldn't do it.

But now there is a reason!
I won't be able to eat such a delicious thing in the future, so how can I do it!

"This... I'm afraid I can't cook for everyone every day. How can my radiant baby let him show his face? My possessiveness is very strong! As far as I know There are already several shameless guys trying to trick him, I have to hide him well in my territory..." Teresa's face immediately darkened when she thought of this.

There are too many people coveting the treasure she discovered... But there is no way, the treasure is too bright!

Teresa, you are also calling attention to others, okay!And he's the most shameless person I've ever seen playing with him, okay?Can you be a little self-aware!

Qi Lewei didn't know how to complain about Teresa's ignorance, so she simply gave up.

"Be rational! Yuan Feiwu's greatest value is being a chef, and he has no value other than that. He's just a little boy. Look, he's fascinated by you!" Qi Lewei made up his mind to scold this cousin so that she wouldn't suffer from it in the future. I really can't eat these delicious things.

"Yuan Feiwu?! Yuan Yuan's chef's name is Yuan Feiwu, it sounds so nice! No, how do you know Yuan's name? I asked several times but couldn't find out..." Teresa covered her face I don't know what to start imagining, my face is red.

Seeing Teresa going crazy with an idiot-like face, Qi Lewei understood why she didn't tell her name without thinking about it, okay!It's terrible!

Qi Lewei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked in the direction of Yuan Feiwu from the corner of her eyes, and suddenly found that there was no one there.

"No, where's the person?!" Qi Lewei wondered.

"Damn it, he escaped again. It doesn't matter, no matter how you escape, you can't escape from my palm..."

Teresa was still enjoying her imagination and her saliva almost flowed out. The more Qi Lewei looked at it, the more she felt uncomfortable, so she kindly reminded her: "I don't know if I can escape from your palm, and he finally fell It's hard to say which palm it's in. Prisla had already begged my father to give him Yuan Fei...Chef Yuan."

"That guy went directly to uncle?! This is not possible, I have to stop her!" Teresa really panicked this time, and ran away in a hurry, even forgetting to say goodbye to Qi Lewei.

"It's just a mere servant, is it worthy of making you all scramble for the first place?" Qi Lewei sneered, and continued to eat her breakfast.

On the house behind the kitchen, the imaginary protagonist is leisurely taking off his apron with a bright smile.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, why are you working as a cook here... Oh, you should be here to enjoy the fun of building a harem! You are indeed Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" "But that brat keeps scolding Mr. Yuan Feiwu! , I want to make her kneel down and sing Conquest!"

"Okay, did you come to me just to talk about these things?" Yuan Feiwu waved his hand and smiled.

The ordinary life I was longing for has become chaotic again, and these two are still here to join in the fun, don't you think he is not annoying enough?

"Of course not!" "We have an emergency and report to Mr. Yuan Feiwu!"

Partridge and Patreon seldom said in unison: "His Royal Highness is in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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