Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 789 It's not the same ordinary anymore, the chapter is gone

Chapter 789 It's Already Differently Ordinary, I Can't Go Back


After listening to the twins, Yuan Feiwu roughly understood the danger Lucia was about to face, but...

"What I have done for the demons has been done. No matter who becomes the future emperor of the demons, it will be after the crisis of annihilation. I have paved the way for the demons to develop, which also shows that With the existence of the Lord of Chaos, Star Luo Continent has already begun to contact the beast and demon races. As for the choices made by each of the three major races, I will not make any influence. Therefore, my mission has been completed, and I will rest here I have to go back in a few days, the situation in the Demon Realm is not very good."

"Oh oh oh! Does the demon world need Mr. Yuan Feiwu to go back and preside over the overall situation?" so excited!"

The twins suddenly became excited like a chicken blood.

This is not because the twins are abnormal. When it comes to Lucifer, none of the fallen angels of the Demon Race will be unhappy and respectful.

"Forget it, your level will return to the Demon Realm with me, and there is no other use for it other than being cannon fodder..." Yuan Feiwu had to make the twins face up to this fact.

"Okay, I'm so sorry! I really want to see Master Lucifer's gorgeous six beautiful wings again!" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, take good care of Master Lucifer! Remind him to drink plenty of hot water when he has a cold! "The twins immediately begged Yuan Feiwu like a puppet, and Yuan Feiwu also treated him in a very familiar way-ignore him.

"I will trouble you to take good care of His Royal Highness in the future. He needs you, the demons need you, and the mortal world also needs you. To fight against the Lord of Chaos, the power of your fallen angels is crucial to the mortal world."

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, we understand that the rest is no longer a matter for the Lord Demon King to intervene for the crisis of destroying the world... But we still want to say a few more words..." "We can see that Prince Lucia is still thinking about it." Mr. Yuan Feiwu, Mr. Yuan Feiwu should also miss Prince Lucia very much... Can you let Mr. Yuan Feiwu do something he wants to do this time not for the crisis of the world, but for Mr. Yuan Feiwu's personal thoughts... ...Only for Mr. Minamoto's 'personal' desire..."

After the twins finished speaking, they waved towards Yuan Feiwu and left with regret.

"It's really a pity!" "That's right, I really want to fight side by side with Lord Lucifer!"

Yuan Feiwu couldn't stop laughing watching the two chattering figures fly away, sometimes he really didn't know whether the twins were really heartless or wise, some words could make him think deeply.

He has always treated everything he does as if he were an outsider, mostly without considering whether he likes it or dislikes it...

The only thing he wants to pursue his own heart, and dare to pursue his own heart, is to live an ordinary life.

Just like now, just like when I first came to Landis Academy of Magic and studied by myself in the library, that kind of life.

However, some changes have taken place here, and Yuan Feiwu has also noticed it.

When I was studying by myself in the library of Landis School of Magic, Yuan Feiwu was very satisfied with that peaceful life... Now, it seems that there is no difference. It is the civilian life that I have expected since I was a child, but Yuan Feiwu feels so different. nothing different...

It was an indescribable feeling of loneliness...

It seems that many things happened in the middle, which changed my yearning.Haven't you always yearned for a peaceful life?Maybe life is still a little too busy now?In short, the present is not as ordinary as I want, and I feel that something is missing, and it seems that I can't go back to the feeling of self-study in the library of Landis School of Magic.

Don't get entangled, some things may need to be explored by yourself. If you achieve your goal in one go, it seems too boring, especially for someone like yourself who has an endless life.Finding the purpose in life, finding the life you want, is also a kind of value of living.

If it is like what the twins said, judging from my own thoughts, whether I want to do something... Yuan Feiwu has no way to deny some personal wishes that popped up in his mind at this time...

"Hey! You suddenly jumped off the roof to scare Miss Ben to death!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from behind, Yuan Feiwu turned around in surprise, and found that it was Miss Qi Lewei.

It seems that I was a little obsessed with thinking about things just now, but I didn't even notice when I jumped in front of her.Looking at her slightly protruding belly under the slim tailoring clothes made of high-grade fabrics, she probably just finished eating and planned to go back to the backyard. It happened that she jumped off the roof at this time, which scared her.

"Is the food still to your liking, Miss Qi Lewei?" Yuan Feiwu couldn't explain why he jumped off the roof, so he had to use the most common tone to guide the other person's psychology so that the other person also felt that jumping off the roof was a big deal. It's a normal thing, and then change the subject.

Sometimes this trick is very difficult to use. For example, facing the smart Lucia, Lucia will definitely fight back because her IQ is insulted.

But sometimes this trick is very useful, such as now...

"Very... not bad, so-so. Cough cough, you have to clean the empty plates later." Qi Lewei forced herself to calm down the pleasure brought by the delicious food, and said as unemotionally as possible.

I almost praised this lowly servant, so how can I do that!These should be the things that servants should do well!
Yuan Feiwu was a little surprised, that big bowl was finished?It's unbelievable that so many things can fit in this small belly...

"Okay, we'll clean it up later. I heard from Miss Teresa that you were angry because I didn't serve the dishes myself. If Qi Lewei is interested, I'll help you make some afternoon snacks as an apology before evening. Do you think this will work?"

Yuan Feiwu smiled and looked at Qi Lewei. Her expression reminded him of Ophelia, the daughter of the head of the First Army who always unconsciously put her inner thoughts on her face.

Then he was taken aback suddenly, and Yuan Feiwu had a little understanding of where his sense of loneliness came from... Yes, it is different now because he met many different people and things during the period, and got a lot of concern that he couldn't ignore, and also A concern that he is unfamiliar with has arisen.

He, it has to be admitted, was a little bit on someone's nerves.

"Next, afternoon snacks! Of course!" Qi Lewei was ashamed of the disappointing excitement in her heart, and finally said angrily, "If you want, but don't think that I am so easily seduced by you like two foolish cousins You have to figure out your identity, you are just a lowly servant, you are not worthy to live in our world!"

"Although the status of a servant is relatively low, please don't use the word 'unworthy' casually. Everyone should not determine the trajectory of everyone's life based on the status when they were born. It is undeniable that this will be human. There is a huge gap between the starting line and everyone, but everyone has the right to work hard to make themselves better. Every hardworking and kind person who strives for this goal should be admired... They are trying to become The kind of people who 'deserve', so please don't trample on their dignity."

"Eh..." Qi Lewei didn't expect that a catchphrase that she often put on her mouth would be taught at length, and what she said seemed to make sense, as if she had made a big mistake, she burst into tears of grievance Eyes welled up, "You, lowly servant, you dare to teach me a lesson! I, I...I won't make it easy for you, I want to tell my father!"

Yuan Feiwu shrugged indifferently, he was going back to the Demon Realm in a few days, and happened to want to ask other servants if they need to write a resignation letter to resign here.

"Although I am very dissatisfied with you, you still have to make me afternoon snacks!"

Qi Lewei ran away red-eyed, and still didn't forget to turn around and drop this sentence, which made Yuan Feiwu dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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