Chapter 790

Qi Lewei really ran to her father's study room, originally wanted to let someone teach Yuan Feiwu a lesson, but suddenly thought that if he was injured, he would not be able to eat the food he cooked, so she gave up again.I had no choice but to ask Augustine III for a solution, to see how to deal with this "disobedient" servant!

Unexpectedly, when he first entered the study, he saw Augustine III furious there, and the two cousins, Prisla and Teresa, sat aside and stared at each other, displeased with each other.

"Wei'er, why are you here? I heard Teresa said that you have eaten Chef Yuan's breakfast, are you surprised? But look at your two cousins, you don't know what to do, let me Don't you think it's too much to give Yuan Feiwu to them as a male pet and keep them in your boudoir?"

"It's really too much! How could it be like this!" Qi Lewei thought that she would never be able to eat the food she just ate, and immediately stood on the same front with her father, forgetting what the purpose of her coming was. .

Prisla and Teresa rolled their eyes. This cousin just expressed her disdain for Chef Yuan, but now she immediately betrayed her. Where is the principle of being a human being?
"That's right, Wei Er knows the general idea! How about this? If you really like Chef Yuan, you can betroth him to one of you without affecting his role as chef. But only one of you Sir, I don't want such a good chef to be spoiled by you! Also, please restrain yourself, otherwise it will ruin the reputation of our Augustine family, as if our family is full of estrous bitches!" Augustine The third's temper calmed down a little because of the arrival of his beloved daughter, but his tone was still a little unhappy.

Qi Lewei was taken aback by what Augustine III said next, in the end he wanted to give Yuan Feiwu to them!Although it didn't affect him being the chef, Qi Lewei still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Of course it can only be betrothed to me, uncle! Teresa is old enough to be someone's mother, oh no, maybe she can be someone's grandmother? Isn't she shameless when an old cow eats tender grass? Besides, Teresa already had I have had a few boyfriends, but I don't have any, I only need this one..." Prisla immediately rushed to apply for this benefit in a coquettish voice, and at the same time kept her mouth shut, flattening Teresa. Worthless.

Teresa got angry when she heard that, grandma?She is not young, but given the average lifespan of the demons for hundreds of years, she is considered a young mature woman at this age!Grandma, you are big!

"Prisla, what you said is very wrong. Don't you think that Fei Wu's thoughts are also very important?" Teresa suppressed her anger and said as if she didn't care about the personal attack just now.

"Feiwu? Who is Feiwu?" Prisla was stunned for a moment.

" don't even know Chef Yuan's name, and you're still arguing to accept him as a male favourite?"

"What! Is Chef Yuan's full name Fei Wu? It's so cute, should I call him Wu Wu or Fei Wu... No, why do you know his name!"

"Do I still need to say the reason? I think it's clear at a glance who Chef Yuan's heart is on. From this, it can be seen that my uncle should be more aware of who he should give Chef Yuan to, oh hehehehe..."

"But, damn it...why didn't you tell me your name..."

The situation suddenly reversed, Prisla looked very hurt, lying on the ground with a look of resignation.

Please, it's just a name, Cousin Prisla, do you have to act as if you lost the whole world?And Cousin Teresa, I leaked that name to you, don’t you, don’t act as if someone has fallen in love with you, okay?
In the eyes of Chef Yuan, you all belong to the category that doesn't even want you to know your name, and just wants to draw a clear line!No one is better than anyone else!

Hey, tell yourself the meaning of the name directly, does it mean...

Qi Lewei blushed when she thought of this.The appearance of Yuan Feiwu's righteous words and gentle teaching to her just now suddenly became tall and handsome in his heart.

A special feeling spread in her heart, no one dared to talk to her like this before!Looking back now, I always feel that my heart is beating non-stop, as if I have finally met an existence that I want to conquer.

"Stop arguing, Yuan, I want Chef Yuan! I want him to surrender at my feet!"

Qi Lewei suddenly yelled this, and was stunned by the two cousins ​​who started to tear things apart, and was also stunned by Augustine III who was extremely irritable because of the quarrel between the two nieces.

"Qi Lewei, didn't you say you wouldn't rob me!" Teresa was the first to be upset, and she couldn't pretend to be gracious to this Augustine III's own daughter all the time.

"Qi Lewei, can't you let your cousin once, your cousin finally found someone she likes..." Prisla also protested coquettishly.

"Vill, are you serious?" Augustine III was extremely serious.

"Yes, he scolded me just now, I want him to know how bad it is! I want him to never dare to talk to me so fiercely again!" Qi Lewei said with a flushed face.

"Ha, Wei Er's way of expressing her love is really extraordinary. After all, a daughter will grow up, as long as you like it, it's fine if you don't want to marry, so it's okay to stay at home and accept a few male pets you like. It’s okay for the chef to marry you. Chef Yuan is a gentle and considerate person, and it’s not bad to be your first man, so I’ll give him to you now as your adult gift. In the future, you want He can tell me if he wants to get married or if he is tired of playing." Augustine III finally showed a fatherly smile.

In the environment of the Mozu, love is quite straightforward, and the folk customs are relatively open. As for polygamy or polyandry, it doesn't matter, it is mainly viewed by power and position.People like the Augustine III's family have a much higher status than ordinary people. It's a trivial matter to want a servant to be raised in the boudoir.It's just that the two sisters came to snatch a servant and robbed him so hard that it made Augustine III unhappy.

Knew it would be like this!Augustine III doted on his little daughter very much, if Qi Lewei wanted to snatch her, the two sisters would definitely not be able to snatch her!So from the very beginning Prisla and Teresa were very worried that Qi Lewei was also interested in Chef Yuan. Before that, Qi Lewei showed an annoying look that made them relax their vigilance. When she was fighting to the death, she was killed halfway and picked up a big deal!
If this stinky woman hadn't robbed her from the beginning, Yuan Feiwu would have belonged to her long ago!Both Prisla and Teresa thought so.

Of course, the duplicity of Qi Lewei was also labeled a stinky bastard by them, but they couldn't call it out.

"Thank you, thank you father!"

Qi Lewei's brain was so hot that she felt a little dizzy, what did she say in the heat of the moment just now!She actually asked Yuan Feiwu to come over, as if she desperately wanted a male pet, she was so ashamed!

But when he thought of Yuan Feiwu's pretty face, and his black starry eyes and long black hair, he could only lie in his arms, he didn't feel any regret in his heart.

"Qi Lewei, you are too young and inexperienced, otherwise I will teach you how to subdue a man..." Teresa was the first to react, since she had no way to change Augustine III's decision, she simply let go of her love for Qi Lewei. Le Wei resented, went to hug Qi Lewei and whispered in her ear like a devil.

Prisla understood Teresa's conspiracy at a glance, and immediately not to be outdone, also snatched a place and stuck it on Qi Lewei's other ear, saying: "It's more effective for cousin Prisla to demonstrate and teach you personally, Guarantee that Chef Yuan will be obedient to you from now on, and dare not say a word..."

"Hey..." Qi Lewei, who was already hot-headed, didn't realize what the two cousins ​​meant, so she was dragged out of the room just like that.

"Ah... the beauty is a disaster, the beauty is a disaster."

How could Augustine III fail to see what bad ideas those two nieces had in mind, but thinking that his daughter might also need some guidance, he let them go.In the end, the root of all troubles can only be attributed to Chef Yuan's good looks.

In the afternoon, Yuan Feiwu sent the prepared snacks to Qi Lewei's living room alone. Faced with that beautiful appearance, Qi Lewei didn't know where to put her eyes. Thinking of what might happen tonight Things, even more uncontrollable heartbeat and breathing.

This person is really different from others, he can really make himself unable to control himself... Is this kind of feeling just—like?
"Chef Yuan, cough cough, listen, after dinner tonight, come to my room." Qi Lewei said in a trembling voice, without changing her superior manner.

"Scared? Your room?" Yuan Feiwu couldn't laugh or cry at this order. Didn't he lose his temper and go to the Patriarch just because he reprimanded her in the morning? Why did the order become like this in the afternoon? What happened here? misfortune? !

"It's not good for a girl to have supper in the middle of the night... and I'm not free tonight, can I ask another chef to make supper for you?"

"I don't care if you're free or not! After dinner, go take a shower and change your clothes. Don't enter my room unless you smell good!"

Qi Lewei felt that her heart would explode if she said something shameful to this person again, so she quickly jumped off the sofa and pushed Yuan Feiwu out of the door without any explanation.

"It must be delicious!" After closing the door, Qi Lewei shouted to the outside with a blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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