Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 793 Two Orioles Behind

Chapter 793
"Understood, Lord Hudson, it's our fault. Captain Lu Xiaoling, this subordinate will respond to you now... Oh, this subordinate heard it." Sewell responded pretendingly, and other members of the fallen angel elite team also responded. They all showed cold smiles.

"Sevier, how dare you betray me?! You are members of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, which the entire Demon Race is proud of. How dare you betray me?!" Lu Xiaoling said in disbelief.

"You used the word 'betrayal' incorrectly." Carlyle laughed, "How long have you been the captain of the brigade? How many years have you been the captain of my father's brigade? In terms of seniority, status, and strength, how do you look at depravity? Shouldn’t the Angel Elite Team listen to my father! Oh, but don’t worry, they will listen to you except for orders that are contrary to our orders. After all, you are the current captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, and it’s very good for you. gone."

"You have quietly controlled the Fallen Angel Elite Team?!"

Of course, Hudson has been the captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team for a long time. I am afraid that Hudson has already controlled the Fallen Angel Elite Team into his own hands during this period!What's even more frightening is that Lukaiser and Lulikai didn't even notice it at all!

Carlyle pretended to be useless, Hudson was old and other reasons made them withdraw from everyone's sight, and silently controlled the Fallen Angels elite team. These secret actions made Lu Xiaoling understand that they were playing a big game!
Even if he didn't have the opportunity to send Lucia and himself to the door today, I'm afraid they will plot other ways to try to control the demons.Originally, the strength of the Hudson family is very strong, coupled with the Fallen Angels elite team, such a force must not be underestimated!

"Even if you have such strength, you still can't beat the king of the demons. In the eyes of my father and Lu Kaiser, you are just nails that are difficult to remove. A nail is always a nail." Lu Xiaoling calmed himself down , sneered.

No matter which one of the overall forces is more powerful, they have two four-winged fallen angels, which is enough for anyone to weigh in their hearts whether they are worthy enough to provoke them.

"I know that Lukaiser and Lulikai are very powerful, but we still have our trump cards. Can we tell you all of them? At that time, Lukaiser will naturally have to consider whether to fight us to the death or to marry and win-win. You just stay Come down for a drink, it's not your turn to worry about things in the future." Hudson patted the sofa beside him and asked Lu Xiaoling to sit down.

The position of the Demon King is in danger, and so is Lucia!

Lu Xiaoling pulled out the tip of the sword in his abdomen, spat out another mouthful of blood, and staggered towards the sofa next to Hudson in a feigned desperation. On the way, he suddenly changed lanes and rushed to the door.

He must bring back the news here to the Emperor of the Demon Race and his father, otherwise the Demon Race will suffer catastrophe!
Carlyle was on the route that Lu Xiaoling was about to leave, so he kicked his leg in the air and swept directly onto Lu Xiaoling's face, leaving a black footprint on his face.Lu Xiaoling was seriously injured and couldn't fight any more, but he still gritted his teeth and decided to rush to the door even after this kick.

He did it, and although there was a scream from his neck, he was also carried away by the strength and fell directly near the door.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed in the living room. Lu Xiaoling used to be proud and conceited, but now he looks like a bereaved dog, which is very interesting for everyone to watch.The son of Lu Likai, the second-in-command of the demon clan, a young super master who has trained high-level two-winged fallen angels at a young age, standing on a height that ordinary people can't reach, overlooking the mountains.It's a pity, sometimes you are too lonely, and the lonely and abrupt peaks will be slowly corroded and smoothed by the howling wind. It's not as good as the mountains relying on each other to be stable!

Lu Xiaoling's blood flowed from Lu Likai's body, and he also had the toughness that his family had always inherited. He used his hands to straighten his dislocated neck almost cruelly, and gritted his teeth and crawled towards the door.Even if the chance is infinitely close to zero, he still has to leave here!


The door opened in front of Lu Xiaoling without warning, and two familiar figures appeared in front of him, holding a lot of food in both hands, covered with greasy and crumbs.

"Patridge! Patreon! Quickly, take me away! Run away!" Lu Xiaoling's eyes lit up, and he put his hands on the floor to stand up. A big pie fell from the sky. Having lost his grip the twins come here!

What a great opportunity!

The twins quickly gathered around, rubbing their hands together, wiped all the dirt on Lu Xiaoling's body, and then clapped their hands, looking satisfied.

"Take me away quickly! Why, even you don't listen to me? Have you forgotten who brought you into the Fallen Angel Elite Team? Who trained you as your confidants!" Lu Xiaoling saw that the twins had nothing to save What he meant, growled angrily.

"Father, do you think he is stupid?" Carlyle looked helpless to Lu Xiaoling, "Has he forgotten that Partridge and Patreon are members of our family?"

"I think it's quite stupid. I didn't think he was that stupid before." Hudson shook his head and sighed.

"Captain Lu Xiaoling, they are my cousins, who do you think they should listen to?" Carlyle could only patiently explain to Lu Xiaoling again.

Lu Xiaoling was speechless for a moment. After joining the Fallen Angel Elite Team, he thought it was their highest honor, and his life should start from here.Now he finally remembered that Partridge and Patreon were selected from Hudson's forces. He felt that the other party should forget such a not-so-glamorous past, but it was obvious that they had no intention of forgetting everything about the past.

"Captain Lu Xiaoling, don't you think that if we become your subordinates, we should forget about the family that raised us?" Lord Desen's command level is many times higher than Captain Lu Xiaoling's command level, so it's a pity."

Partridge reached out to pick up Lu Xiaoling, and Patreon kicked Lu Xiaoling back to the middle of the hall.Lu Xiaoling was at the end of his strength, and after being severely injured, he finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

"Why are you so stupid? Wouldn't it be nice to sit down and drink together? It's just a woman. What if I give you ten or eight some other day. Sewell, take someone to put him in the dungeon." Hudson looked at more I walked to a place stained with blood, rolling my eyes, "Carlyle, it's been a long time here, don't let the big beauty wait too long."

"Yes, father, I'll go right away. If it's later, it may be later. Maybe the big beauty can't bear to take off her clothes and wait for me in advance. I prefer to take the initiative." Carlyle smiled sinisterly and patted on the shoulder The red wine and glass shards that were splashed before walked out the door.

"Wait a minute, Carlyle. I have some bad news for you. Prince Lucia hasn't eaten or drank anything, and he is still in good spirits." "It is estimated that tonight's plan will be cancelled. If he didn’t win the soul grass, wouldn’t it be too bad if he insisted and won’t win Prince Lucia’s heart? Or plan to reschedule, I think it’s a good day next year, at least it shouldn’t rain.”



Carlyle was taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at the dark night outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was indeed a heavy rainstorm with the thunder.

But the rain has something to do with tonight's plan? !

However, Carlyle also understood the tone of these two cousins, and his mind was always flying wild. If he wanted to understand what they meant, he had to lower his IQ to do it, which was too difficult for a human being.

"It doesn't matter, the sandalwood with 'soul-lifting grass' was lit earlier in the memory hall, and it can be absorbed whether you eat it or not. Indeed, if Lucia doesn't have the soul-lifting grass, it will be difficult for his body to remember me, then It’s troublesome. I have to worry about you, I have to go down quickly, otherwise His Royal Highness will suffer more physically, hehe.”

"There is still such an operation?!" "That's right, what we ate just now was for nothing." Partridge and Patreon looked at each other and spread their hands helplessly.

They deliberately destroyed Lucia's appetite for a long time, but it was useless.

(End of this chapter)

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