Chapter 794
Carlyle still couldn't understand the twins' crazy words, and didn't intend to understand them. He was about to pass between them, but was blocked by the twins.

"Although I'm very sorry, but Carlyle, please wait a moment and don't go out to disturb our prince." "Oh, by the way, give me the antidote, otherwise your prince will feel very uncomfortable."

"What do you mean?" Carlyle asked, frowning.

Hudson even put down his wine glass, his eyes instantly became gloomy.

The loyalty of Partridge and Patreon is what they feel most at ease, so Lu Xiaoling casually promotes them, takes care of them, and trains them to become confidantes, because all this is in vain.

Twins sometimes seem out of tune, but they have their own set of principles for loyalty, which cannot be shaken.

It's just that I didn't expect to say such things to them now. They clearly know that today's matter is of great importance to their family, and they have already reached this point. Opposite planes.Although they are confident that their own forces are also very good, it is always a bad idea to confront the emperor of the demons head-on, and they have been trying their best to avoid it.

Now ignorant of good and bad words, Hudson had to ponder what happened to them.If something went wrong, it should be on Lu Xiaoling's body, but it was obvious that Lu Xiaoling was completely insignificant in their minds, and they didn't make any mistakes.And if Lu Xiaoling had won them over, he shouldn't have rescued Lu Xiaoling.

Could it be that he was win over by Lucia?How can that fake man who is not even a fallen angel?

"You want to defy me?" Hudson stood up, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became extremely heavy.

The terrifying aura kept rolling towards the twins, and the twins released their wings without thinking too much, and gathered their aura to resist the pressure.

"I'm sorry, dear Uncle Hudson. We are not trying to make enemies of the family, please forgive me and let His Royal Highness go." "Mr. Yuan Feiwu asked us to protect His Highness, even though His Highness is very desperate , but we still have to carry out Mr. Yuan Feiwu's order."

The twins grinned, making sense.

They have already distinguished the family's orders from Yuan Feiwu's orders, Yuan Feiwu's orders are more important!
"Yuan Feiwu?!"

These days, Hudson has always been annoyed by Lu Xiaoling's suspicion that Yuan Feiwu would appear to disturb their plans, so he asked Carlyle to talk to Lu Xiaoling, and even postponed the matter until today.In his heart, he felt that Lu Xiaoling was so simple, did that Yuan Feiwu cause some psychological shadows, that a person who didn't show up could make him worry like this, and kept chanting this name as a motto.

Of course, Hudson didn't take a person who didn't show up to heart, and deeply disapproved.But I didn't expect that at this time, the name came out to brush up the sense of existence again.

This time Hudson was very concerned, because the twins put the importance of that person above themselves...

"I said, are you stupid? You don't want to be an enemy of your family when you are against us at this time? In short, you should also go to the dungeon and calm down. I think you have a problem with your mind."

Carlyle was very upset. He had just finished watching Lu Xiaoling's prodigal dog show. The sudden rebellion of the twins made him very depressed. He seemed to be eating a delicious meal and suddenly found a cockroach hiding under it. He suddenly lost his appetite and Feeling.

Naturally, the twins couldn't let Carlyle go out. The situation on Lucia's side definitely had no way to protect themselves. They looked at each other, and they understood each other's thoughts without talking. They immediately attacked and grabbed Carlyle from left to right.

Carlyle was about to make a move, of course he would not be unprepared, and with a step behind, he dodged both hands, grabbed Partridge's hand with his right hand, and threw him out with force from his waist.After the power in the waist swung, he kicked Patreon back.

"Enjoy the dark surroundings, dark prison!"

The twins were thrown away for a while, and the gap was enough for Carlyle to finish singing the level 6 magic dark prison. A black hexagram suddenly appeared at the place where Partridge's body was about to land, stretching out a lot of black energy. Trapped him.

If he is trapped by this magic, it will be difficult for Partridge to get out of it.

"Show your greatness, Great Demon God of Darkness, Strike of Dark Force!" Partridge didn't panic when he sensed something was wrong. As a core member of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, he is also a seasoned master.Before he landed, he began to chant a level 5 magic strike of dark force. This magic is lower than the dark prison, and it cannot overwhelm the dark energy emerging from where he landed, and it is impossible to smash the dark prison with one blow, so He casts it in a more special way.

A black fist rushed out of the wall out of thin air, hitting Partridge just before he was about to fall and be trapped, and knocked him out. The dark prison was formed but nothing was imprisoned.

Although the magic that he hit himself this time hurt him, at least he regained control of his body, landed sideways, and stepped on a crack in the high-end carpet in the hall, which seemed to make people feel very distressed about that high-end carpet.

Originally, it was an excellent opportunity to continue attacking while Partridge was not stable, but it was a pity that Carlyle was entangled again by Patreon.This simple mutual protection is just child's play for the twins.Carlyle is also a little helpless. Once the two join forces, he has no chance of winning at all.

The twins can not only be valued by Lu Xiaoling, but also be cultivated by Hudson as a key force, relying on the natural tacit understanding that their cooperation can make the power greater than two. Once the two of them join hands, their strength will double.

In the Beast Race, if the twins did not underestimate the enemy, the three warriors of the Beast Race would probably suffer a lot if they singled out the two twins. It was just that one of the twins was captured at the beginning, and he was unable to exert the power of the two. so contemptuous.

How could Hudson not know where his two nephews were so tough, he waved his hand and said, "Separate them. Carlyle, you go first, don't waste your time here."

As soon as Hudson finished speaking, two silhouettes of fallen angels rushed toward his face almost instantly, and both kicks swept in front of Partridge.Except for one member of the Fallen Angels elite team that Sewell took away, there are three more on standby here!
Just as Carlyle thought, Partridge had just stopped and hadn't stood still. He couldn't block the horizontal kicks of these two fallen angels at all. Although he stretched out his hand to block, his body was kicked far away from Pa Trion was further away again.

"Okay, father."

Seeing that Partridge was beaten into the air, and only Patreon was standing in front of him, Carlyle would not take it seriously.

After rushing forward with a burst of quick punches and kicks, Patreon regained the initiative. After retreating to the door, Patreon could no longer stick to the door.

This retreat was exactly what Carlyle wanted. He gathered an energy ball of dark magic energy in his left hand and pushed it towards Patreon.

This is the most direct and simple use of energy, all fallen angels know it. Seeing this, Patreon can only push out an energy ball, head-on trying to fill the vacancy that was just out of the way.

At this time, the strength gap between each other was revealed. The two energy balls disappeared in the fierce collision, but almost most of the powerful destructive power was vented towards Patreon, killing Patreon all at once. It flew up and crashed violently onto the ceiling.

"Don't go!" Patreon touched the blood on the corner of his mouth and did not give up. He jumped down and rushed towards Carlyle who was about to walk out of the room.

But the body of Patreon who jumped out suddenly stopped advancing and retreated, he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. Looking back, another member of the Fallen Angel Elite Team grabbed his leg with a sneer.

Patreon was helpless, knowing that they could only persist so far.They wanted to fight against Hudson in the city of Hegeny, and it was like hitting a stone with a pebble.But even if they hit the stone with a pebble, they will fight to the end!
"Go away!"

"Don't worry too much, the young master is busy."

The members of the Fallen Angel Elite Team didn't give Patreon a chance to fight back, and immediately threw him at the huge French window next to him, and added a dark element magic energy ball, which made the crystal of the French window roar.

"It's a good thing that the reinforcement circle here is relatively advanced, otherwise you would really ruin it." Hudson lay back on the sofa again, picked up his glass and took a sip.

But his expression was no longer as indifferent as before. Watching the three members of the fallen angel elite team besieging the twins, his eyes kept flickering with thinking light.

In the conference hall, Lucia didn't know why her body was weak, she couldn't even sit on the chair, and collapsed on the ground.

The sound insulation in the hall is very good, and the sound of thunder and rain outside is almost inaudible.But Lucia felt that all his senses became very sensitive, and every thunder and rain was amplified in his ears, causing him to shiver after another.

"Dear Prince Lucia, why are you lying on the ground? You'll catch a cold!"

Lucia looked up and saw that it was Carlyle, the good-for-nothing son of Lord Hudson.

Lucia tried her best to get herself up, and said, "I'm not feeling well, please ask the maid to take me back to my room. Today's discussion will be temporarily canceled."

A hand suddenly touched Lucia's neck, and Lucia suddenly felt his body go numb like an electric shock, and let out an uncontrollable gasp.This is still suppressed desperately, otherwise it would be a coquettish moan, and he doesn't know what's wrong with him.

The owner of that hand tore off a piece of skin-like thing from Lucia's neck, and said with a smile, "You can't detect the Adam's apple even if it's fake, it's amazing."

Then the owner of the hand squeezed Lucia's chin, lifted his face, and let himself take a good look at this face.

"You are a perfect woman. I can say without hesitation that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. You match me well."

"Carlyle, what do you want to do! I want you to send a maid to take me back to my room immediately!"

Lucia lost her Adam's apple and her identity was discovered, and her whole body became extremely weak and sensitive, knowing that something was wrong.Looking at Carlyle who was so close at hand, Lucia only had helplessness and panic in her mind, and could no longer face everything calmly!

"I think you can't wait to go back to your room. Why don't you just stay here, it's pretty good here too, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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