Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 795 Hudson's Guess

Chapter 795 Hudson's Guess
"Aren't you two crazy?" Hudson put down the empty wine glass, but didn't pour any more wine for himself, and asked slowly.

Partridge and Patreon were in a very bad situation under the siege of the three fallen angel elite teams, but they never gave up. The Elite team also suffered a lot of losses, which made Hudson very unhappy.

If he ordered the Fallen Angels Elite Team to kill them, or did it himself, it wouldn't be impossible to deal with these two guys quickly.But these twins are his own nephews, but they are talents he cherishes very much, and he can't bear to kill them.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu won't hide in any corner, the big things he did are really big things!" "Master Hudson, please understand, if it is for Mr. Yuan Feiwu, even if we die in battle, we will be extremely honorable and unparalleled!" Glory!" The twins can still laugh out loud at this time, and there is a sense of pride on their faces, which is impossible to fake.

In the eyes of Hudson, it is even more unpleasant.

"Who the hell is Yuan Feiwu?" Hudson felt more and more uneasy, because he knew the tune of the twins too well. They saw things in the most direct, pure and free-spirited way. Anything they said was worthy of Hudson. Sen thought carefully.

"I can't say, it's an agreement between men!" "That's right, that's right, to be able to make an agreement between men with Lord Lucifer, this life is enough!"

Make an agreement between men with Lord Lucifer? !Hudson's eyeballs suddenly widened and were about to pop out. What did they mean!
With a bang, the door suddenly opened again. It turned out that Sewell brought a member of the fallen angel elite team to lock Lu Xiaoling into the prison and returned.Seeing the return of these two fresh troops, the twins understood that even if the other party stayed strong, it would be enough to capture them alive.

But after taking a few steps into the room, Sewell and the members of the Fallen Angel Elite Team suddenly fell to the ground like two lumps of mud, obviously losing consciousness.Only then did everyone see a man of short stature standing behind them, standing behind with a smile on his face, so beautiful that the world would pale in comparison.The two pairs of black wings behind him were black and shiny, as if they had just picked up a brush and painted on his back, the ink was still warm.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu!!" "We knew you would come!" Partridge and Patreon felt as if they had been injected with blood when they saw the man, no matter the wound on his body made them grin their teeth in pain, they wanted to dance Tell the man how happy they are.

"Well, I came here for some personal thoughts, so don't be so public." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Understood, I want to give him a surprise, right?" "I didn't expect Mr. Yuan Feiwu to be so romantic! It's amazing!"

Yuan Feiwu was not interested in studying how to correct the twins' thinking tracks, so he simply gave up.Open your hands and pull them down, the fallen angel elite team who were in a daze were suddenly entangled in the dark element magic energy thread, and fell into the air with a crash.

Hudson quickly sent a voice transmission to keep them still, because he saw a black energy thread wrapped around the necks of the fallen angel elite team, drawing a bloodstain.That was a warning, a warning that would kill them immediately if they resisted!
"Yuan Feiwu... who the hell are you?" Hudson saw the person he had been hearing about for the past few days appear, and immediately stood up straight. He hadn't given Lu Xiaoling that much face before.

Looking at the vast and bottomless black eyes, Hudson suddenly shuddered, which was a subconscious uneasy reaction, indicating that the person in front of him was extremely dangerous.It wasn't because he was a four-winged fallen angel, but because of those cold eyes, Hudson was sure that he was on the same level as a piece of dust in his eyes.

"I plan to bring back my friend Lucia, do you have any objections? Lord Hudson." Yuan Feiwu asked softly, his voice not in a hurry.

"No objection, I'll take you there right away!" Hudson replied without thinking.

This answer stunned the twins present and the Fallen Angel elite team who fell in mid-air, and Hudson agreed without any resistance.Even if the opponent is a four-winged fallen angel, they don't believe that Hudson doesn't have the strength to fight, but they know what Hudson's strength is.

Hudson's ability to quietly develop his power to such a terrifying level is enough to show that he is resourceful and sincere. He is smart and has already drawn a terrible inference from the twins' dialogue.

What the twins said reveals a lot of important information. First, Yuan Feiwu is more important than giving birth to them and cultivating their family; second, they actually had a "promise between men" with Lord Lucifer, the ancestor of the fallen angels. Hudson can't figure out whether this "promise with Lord Lucifer" is a conjecture based on the brain circuits of the twins or what happened, but there is still a certain factual basis.

Coupled with Yuan Feiwu's black pupil and black hair, which seems to be more special and pure than the ordinary purple pupil demon royal family, Hudson has probably guessed Yuan Feiwu's identity—yes, it is Son of Lord Lucifer!

It is estimated that Lord Lucifer's son came up to play in the mortal world quietly, deliberately hiding his strength, but Lord Lucifer was worried about Yuan Feiwu's troubles, so for some reason, he found Partridge and Patreon and asked them to serve Yuan Feiwu !But this kind of thing is inconvenient to be publicized. The Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm have an agreement not to interfere in everything in the Mortal Realm. If Lucifer's son ran from the Demon Realm to the Mortal Realm and was discovered by the birds of the Heaven Realm, how troublesome it would be!So let the twins agree not to say it!

This can explain why Yuan Feiwu appeared in Xingluo Continent, but he was a fallen angel!Hudson wouldn't believe the statement that the great master said that he secretly stuffed a book of fallen angels' training methods for him to understand. With the methods, he can easily become a four-winged fallen angel?joke!

His fallen angel is definitely born!Hereditary!The blood of Lucifer, the ancestor of the fallen angels!Spraying dark element demons from birth can grow wings and roar loudly! (Hudson has a terrible imaginary picture in his mind)
Then, by chance, they got together with Prince Lucia, and together they ran around the cities for the demons, trying to find a way to solve the food problem.

It's not difficult to explain why Yuan Feiwu cooperated with Prince Lucia and spared no effort to run around for the demons, because he is the son of Lord Lucifer!With the heart of the demon race, he loves his people in the mortal world as much as his father, Lord Lucifer!
Hudson has collected information, the rapid development of the three cities of Mutoya City, Aldinhad City, and Lelier City and the incomparably accurate self-positioning, it is impossible to be so beautiful only by relying on that Lucia. It was possible because of Yuan Feiwu who inherited the wisdom of Master Lucifer! (Perfecting Lucifer is a common problem of all fallen angels)

Thinking of this, Hudson is desperately suppressing his frenzy and excitement. Even if he guesses it, he can't say the identity of Poyuan Feiwu. He is very low-key. What does he mean by revealing his identity? !And what if someone from the heavenly realm discovers Yuan Feiwu's identity and appears in the mortal realm, that's fine!

It's just a pity how Master Lucifer found the twins and entrusted Yuan Feiwu. The twins are very unreliable in a certain sense (especially in terms of confidentiality), so they should find themselves!For the sake of Lord Lucifer and his heirs, he will definitely work tirelessly and die without any regrets!

Thinking of this, he felt proud of the twins' performance just now. They are indeed the talents that the family focuses on cultivating. They fought against themselves for the sake of Lord Lucifer's righteousness, and they did a good job!

It has to be said that Hudson's guess is very targeted. Although the judgment of Yuan Feiwu's identity is a bit wrong in the end, the process and conclusion are almost the same.After all, Yuan Feiwu's hair color is the same as Lucifer's, and the fact that Hades, the original demon king of the Demon Realm, has been killed by Yuan Feiwu is unknown to the other two worlds except the Demon Realm. Hudson's guess here is quite remarkable.

Of course, to make Hudson guess, the twins have to pay a certain amount of responsibility for their innocence.

(End of this chapter)

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