Chapter 796

Judging from the fact that he asked the twins to protect Lucia, and now that he has personally come to save people, it can be seen that the relationship between him and Lucia is not simple!You must know that the information he got from Lu Xiaoling only said that Yuan Feiwu was a fallen angel with two wings, and even when he was besieged by experts from the Star Luo Continent, he still showed his two wings.Now he just showed his four wings and came to the door, it can be seen that he is very angry!

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, we have to speed up!"

Hudson had many thoughts in his mind, and when he came back to his senses, he suddenly thought of what his son was about to do to Lucia, and felt bad!
"It's faster this way."

Yuan Feiwu was too lazy to talk nonsense. Originally, he planned to save Lucia after saving the twins. Seeing Hudson here, he wanted to say that if he dared to stop him, he would disappear from the world.Since Hudson is quite cooperative, it will be much easier to handle. If the reasoning makes sense, he doesn't want to hit the vitality of the mortal world against the Lord of Chaos in the future.

Yuan Feiwu flashed to the floor-to-ceiling window made of transparent crystal, stretched out his right hand and slapped it lightly: "The second kill of the Seven Killing Fist is heartbreaking!"

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, the reinforcement circle on my side is strengthened with monster cores above level 8..."

Boom, la la la...

Hudson closed his mouth, watched Yuan Feiwu float away from the broken crystal, and hurriedly followed.

He wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and with Yuan Feiwu Xiaolu's hand, Hudson was sure that he was not Yuan Feiwu's opponent!It will definitely take a lot of effort for him to break that floor-to-ceiling window!
But the stronger Yuan Feiwu is, the more excited he will be!Of course the heirs of Lord Lucifer are stronger than himself!Moreover, Hudson is very suspicious that Yuan Feiwu has hidden most of his strength. If he was not worried about using his divine power to shock the heavens, Yuan Feiwu would definitely be more than this level!

While Hudson was thinking about it, Yuan Feiwu broke another crystal window and jumped in.

Hudson didn't dare to be in a daze. He had been maintaining a relaxed and freehand expression before, and he had already thrown it to an unknown corner. Then, with anxiety on his face, he flew into the crystal window at high speed.

As soon as he floated into the room, Hudson felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured on his body from head to toe. For the first time in his life, he felt the bone-piercing feeling of ice.

That is murderous!Even he couldn't resist the murderous aura!
Of course he knows why there is murderous intent, and he is not blind!
Carlyle was pressing Lucia under the saddle. Lucia's coat had been torn, revealing her white and smooth shoulders and lower abdomen. Carlyle was about to tear off the wrap above her abdomen.Lucia's face was flushed because of the effect of the medicine, and she seemed to be refusing to push her with both hands, which made Carlyle even more animalistic.

In this situation, Yuan Feiwu absolutely cannot let Yuan Feiwu make a move. How can he let Lord Lucifer's heirs make a move in person!Secondly, judging from Yuan Feiwu's murderous aura, if Yuan Feiwu makes a move, he will definitely kill Carlyle!
If possible, Hudson still wants to keep Carlyle's life, after all, it is always his only blood!

Hudson made a swift move without stopping, took the first step, grabbed Carlyle by the back of the neck like a kitten, and lifted him away from Lucia, and flew until the wall smashed him hard before stopping body.

"Father, why do you..."

"Hurry up and make amends!"

Carlyle was still intoxicated by the beauty of Lucia just now, and suddenly he was smashed against the wall when his eyes went dark. When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was his father who did it. Before he understood what happened, Hudson once again The punch hit his stomach.

Hudson didn't hold anything back in this punch. The wall behind Carlyle sank a large part due to the huge momentum. If you can see a fist mark protruding from the wall on the other side of the wall, it cracked radially.This is also the wall reinforced by the high-level fortified magic circle supplemented by the high-level monster core. It is a terrifying power to blast like this with a punch.

Unprepared, Kai Lei took this old punch and couldn't even ask another sentence, so he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.Carlyle suffered serious internal injuries from this punch, and all internal organs were displaced and ruptured. This is Hudson's sincerity in order to apologize to Yuan Feiwu, and it is actually to save his son.

Yuan Feiwu didn't even look at them, and quickly went to help Lucia up. Although the wrapping on his body hadn't been removed, he had already revealed a lot of spring. He reached out and took out a hooded cloak from the storage space , and put it on Lucia.

Lucia's face did not have the confidence and indifference of the previous prince. Her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and there were crystal tears hanging under her slender eyelashes.His body was trembling constantly, trying to push Kaiyuan to fly, but he couldn't do it. Instead, he kept choking and panting because of the excessive consumption of strength.

Yuan Feiwu felt his heart twitching constantly, and his thoughts were all on Lucia. The sadness and pain that Lucia showed seemed to be piercing his heart with a sharp spear.

He knew this feeling, he had experienced it before when Ophelia was seriously injured, it was a distressing feeling, wishing that all the pain on his body would happen to him.

Yuan Feiwu raised his head and stared at Kai Lei who had lost consciousness by the wall.Although Yuan Feiwu's eyes were not looking at Hudson, Hudson could also see anger and killing intent from Yuan Feiwu's eyes!
"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, all of this is my plan, and Carlyle also obeyed my arrangement to do this kind of thing that is not as good as a beast! So the person who is not as good as a beast is me, and I am willing to kill or cut myself alone!" Hudson Quickly knelt down, and lowered the most proud head of the fallen angel toward Yuan Feiwu.

This is the most humble gesture of fallen angels, heavier than taking their lives.

"Yuan Feiwu?" Lucia immediately opened her eyes when she heard these three words, her eyes were clouded by tears, and she couldn't see the scene in front of her clearly.

She couldn't even reach out and wipe away her tears.But it doesn't matter, he can recognize who is in front of him at this moment only by the soft outline in front of him; he can recognize who is in front of him at this moment only by the corner of his mouth that is always slightly raised at the same angle; You can tell who is in front of you right now.

Because this person has always been in his heart, and in the despair just now, this person kept appearing in his mind.He was also very surprised, the first thing he thought of was not father, not emperor uncle, but him when faced with a desperate situation.

"It's me." Yuan Feiwu smiled and reached out to wipe away Lucia's tears, "Don't worry, everything is fine."

But the tears wiped more and more, flowing out of Lucia's eye sockets like broken beads.

"I don't want to stay here, take me away... Please, take me out of here..." Lucia choked up.

The violence in Yuan Feiwu's heart dissipated in an instant, and he hugged the tearful child in his arms slowly.He realized a new kind of feeling, a feeling that can be desperate for one person, if Lucia said that he wanted the moon in the sky, Yuan Feiwu would take it off without hesitation.

"Well, let's go now."

For holding Lucia, Yuan Feiwu can be said to be very skilled, and without looking back, he jumped lightly and disappeared into the thunderstorm outside the window.

Hudson raised his head pale, feeling very uncomfortable.

He is not afraid of offending Lucia, Lucifer, Kailu Xiaoling, Lucia and his family, but he cannot accept accidentally offending the heir of the most respected Lord Lucifer, that is worse than letting him die.

He wanted to apologize with death, but suddenly thought that Yuan Feiwu was still in the mortal world, and he should live to make amends, so he sighed and went out silently to let the servants clean up the mess in the castle.

The torrential rain poured on Yuan Feiwu and also on Lucia.Yuan Feiwu didn't use the dark element demon to resist the rain on them, but just hugged Lucia tightly, flying in the air with a faint black light.After the rain washed Lucia's body, the water droplets falling from his body turned a dull blue.

That is the color of the soul-stimulating grass toxin.

"Why...why did they treat me like this..."

A crying cry suddenly sounded in his arms, judging from the loudness of the sound, Yuan Feiwu knew that Lucia was getting better.

"It's not important, don't think about it, it's just a dream." Yuan Feiwu lowered his head and whispered in Lucia's ear.

Yuan Feiwu understands that what happened just now has caused a great psychological shadow on Lucia, he would rather Lucia forget all this as a dream... As for the reality, he will make it return to the same as before the dream.

"It turned out to be just a dream... No wonder you came to save me... I thought I could still be of use to you..."

Lucia's hands suddenly wrapped around Yuan Feiwu's neck, and they were squeezed tightly, letting her body stick tightly to Yuan Feiwu's body.Yuan Feiwu exudes a comfortable smell that makes him want to hug him tightly.When he was in the orc clan, he had this urge to be carried out of the palace, but he is a prince, so he can't do such a strange thing, so embarrassing.It's different now, it's just a dream that I don't know if it's a nightmare or a sweet dream, it doesn't matter if he is the prince or not.

"Oh, then I regret that it's still too late to save you?" Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly, this guy also wanted to ridicule himself in his dream.

"No! You can't regret it at all!" Yuan Feiwu's hand on his neck increased his strength, as if he was afraid that he would disappear suddenly.

"Don't worry, I don't regret it. I'm sorry I'm late."

"It's good that you don't regret it...Since it's just a dream, then there are some things I want to tell you." Lucia stuck her head into Yuan Feiwu's arms, found a comfortable position on her chest, and choked up, " I used to be very regretful why I couldn't meet you earlier. Later, I wanted to understand that I was wrong, and I shouldn't regret it. I should be glad that I can meet you in my life; I should cherish the memory after meeting you Time. Because only you can understand my thoughts, my expectations, and see my light. So please, don't give up on me..."

"I've discovered... I can't give up..." Yuan Feiwu was stunned before laughing.

Lucia raised her head and wanted to say something, but Yuan Feiwu exerted force, and Lucia fell asleep with an expression of unwillingness on her face.

The moon in the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is your sweetheart.The heart is always the heart of the audience, but the person is the person in the play.

I don't know why the passage I read before jumped out of Yuan Feiwu's mind at this time.

Perhaps it was at this moment that he truly realized the helplessness and deep emotion of this passage.

He thought that he had always been a spectator, but now he realized that he was already a character in the play.

The defenses wrapped in the outer layer of the heart are quietly peeled off by some people and things without realizing it. I always think that I am just standing outside the bureau and pointing out the star bureau, but I don’t know that I am already in it.

If the mortal world was about to be destroyed, could he really let some of them go?
What kind of ancient demon god, in the final analysis, he is just a coward who is afraid of being hurt and has no courage to talk to him.No mind, no thoughts, no thoughts, no feelings, he thought he had done it.

Then I realized that my innocence, from the very beginning, couldn't be effective for some people.

There are more and more concerns and more and more emotions, so what should he do?
(End of this chapter)

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