Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 797 Choose to let the dream come true

Chapter 797 Choose to let the dream return to reality
Lucia slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar things in front of him made him a little confused.

There are many bookshelves on the plain wall, and a large desk is placed not far from the bed, and several memorials are neatly placed on the desk.

This is his home, a separate small castle outside the palace of the demon city.

How did he go home?
Before she could wake up her drowsy head, Lucia subconsciously looked out of the huge window sill on the other side of the bed.

Through the window, you can see that the courtyard outside is full of various flowers and plants. The lush and green scenes can make any demon feel touching.But after touching people's hearts, Lucia's duty as a prince emerged rationally, lamenting that it was a waste, what kind of flowers and plants should be planted in such a large yard, and food should be planted!

For the demons, the more food, the better, and any land should be given priority!What the hell is that guy doing!

That guy...that's right, that guy is the one who studied the seeds and soil in this yard, and studied the great achievement of getting the demons out of famine.It seems that what he first used to study were plants such as flowers and plants. These are the plants that survived after his research.

in particular……

Lucia quickly withdrew her eyes and looked at the corner of the huge window sill, where a beautiful round pot with gradually changing color stood there quietly, and there was a conspicuous plant on the soil inside.The plant has long golden leaves, densely growing around a group of snow-white buds in the center, as densely packed as the knights guarding the princess, stabbing their own sharp points to the periphery with great momentum.The bud in the middle has opened slightly, and it can be seen that the inside is composed of countless snow-white petals intertwined, dignified and beautiful.

It is hard not to look forward to it when it is in bud, but how gorgeous and bright will it be when it is proud?
And himself, is he so proud and beautiful in his eyes?

But looking at the maid passing by from time to time outside the window, as well as the extra snow lotus in the house, everything was the same as he remembered, as if that person had never been here.And the image of that person became more and more unreal in his mind, as if it was just a dream.

This is just a dream... Lucia still remembers that man comforting herself like this when she was on the verge of collapse...

So is this really a dream, or is he trying to make himself think it's all a dream?Do you want yourself to not just take everything that happened in Hegeny Castle as a dream, but to meet him from the very beginning as a dream?

Otherwise, how could he be sent back to the starting point, as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly seeing that the quilt was wet, Lucia touched her face in surprise, which had already been covered with tears.

He understood the meaning of the tears - he couldn't accept that the man wanted to draw a line with himself in this way.

How could he just treat the encounter between himself and him as an illusory dream and perfunctory it?

Thinking of this, Lucia lifted the quilt angrily, and suddenly froze.

Under the quilt, he was still wrapped in a cloak. Looking at the tear marks and pattern on it, Lucia immediately remembered that he gave it to that person outside Mutoya city. What do you mean by returning now? ...Pfft.

Lucia couldn't help laughing, the white cloth strips under the cloak had been torn to pieces, it could be said that it was barely hanging on him, and the majesty on his chest was ready to come out.

Since he wanted to treat everything as a dream, why didn't he change his clothes too!Didn't you touch it when you shouldn't touch it before?


Lucia got up from the bed, tore off the cloth on her body, went into the bathroom to wash it, and then came out to wrap herself in cloth again and change her clothes.Doing all this, he could not help but smile on his face.

That guy didn't help him change his clothes, he insisted on his principle of being a gentleman, and in order to continue to protect the secret of his "prince", he didn't ask the maid to help him change his clothes. I guess he must have looked very helpless at that time, and I thought it was funny.

What's even more ridiculous is, didn't he say that he was the same as his "brother", why, he didn't even dare to change his brother's clothes?
The figure of that smiling guy became real again in his mind, making Lucia very clear about what he wanted and what he was going to do next.

Although this dream has some unpleasant things for him, but I am sorry, he does not intend to forget this dream as an illusion.He is Lucia, the child of Caesar, the king of the demon race, who said he wants you to be the prince of the demon continent that is his prisoner!
Lucia regained her energy and opened the door. A maid immediately lowered her head and said, "His Royal Highness finally woke up? Lord Hudson brought the young Lord Carlyle to come to see him. They have been waiting for several hours, and they don't want to leave."

"How long have I slept?"

"Return to Your Highness, it's been two days and one night."

"How dare they come here? What are they doing here?" Lucia sneered.

"Your Highness, Lord Hudson said that he is here to make an apology. By the way, Lord Partridge and Lord Patreon also came with Lord Hudson and are waiting for His Royal Highness."

Lucia frowned, but she didn't expect to hear all the good news when she woke up.Especially the twins, he was going to find them.

As for Hudson and his bastard son who said they were coming to plead guilty, although Lucia was very repulsed to see Carlyle's face again, she still decided to meet him.

This time it's on my own territory, whoever is the fish and who is the knife has changed their identities!

And if he doesn't want the facts to turn into dreams, this Carlyle must be a hurdle he has to go through, otherwise wouldn't he be denying the existence of that person?
He will not give up.

Because that person said, he did not give up on himself!
Thinking of this, Lucia took firm and confident steps and walked towards the living room.

A day ago, at Augustine's house.

Help... help.

It's so boring, I feel like I'm going to die.

I was about to be smothered to death by the hot meat buns.

"Don't... I won't eat... I really can't eat anymore..." Qi Lewei was huddled up, unable to breathe no matter whether she turned her head to the left or the right. In her sleep, she was surrounded by endless meat buns, which were about to kill her To suffocate.

At the moment when she was about to suffocate, Qi Lewei suddenly woke up: " turned out to be a dream..."

It's all because of the meat buns that Chef Yuan made for dinner, they were so delicious that she didn't even mention the meat buns, which caused her to dream about meat buns at night!How terrible!

But when she woke up, she still felt stuffy, and she still felt that she was caught in the meat bun, and she was about to suffocate.

Then she later realized the real reason why she had such a terrible dream!

"What are you doing on my bed! Get the hell out of here!" Qi Lewei forcefully opened her quilt, Prisla and Teresa were sleeping inside wearing clothes that were more shameful than not wearing them , This will make her, a cousin who just passed the adult ceremony, have a psychological shadow, do they know it!
"Don't quarrel with others..." "I need to sleep for a while, I slept too late last night, I need to make up for a good beauty sleep... Otherwise, I will age prematurely..." Prisla and Talisa just turned over , didn't plan to get up at all, and fell asleep sweetly in an instant.

Qi Lewei also went to bed late last night, and because of the "forced" by these two cousins, she didn't sleep well all night, she couldn't be worse!
Getting up with a stomach full of anger and having nowhere to vent made her more awake, and she slowly recalled what happened last night.

(End of this chapter)

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