Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 798 Don't Go!

Chapter 798 Don't Go!
Yesterday, when Chef Yuan was almost here in the afternoon, she ordered Chef Yuan to come over at wait, to sleep...

Ahem, after having a full meal at night, she hurried to wash up and return to her room, nervously waiting for Chef Yuan's arrival.

Unexpectedly, when I returned to the room, the quilt on the bed was already bulging, and I didn't know what was hidden under it.

Qi Lewei was even more nervous when she saw such a thing. It took a long time to calm down. During the period, she took no less than [-] times in the mirror to adjust her makeup. After making sure that everything was fine, she mustered up her courage. Throw back the quilt.

Then I saw two cousins ​​who were dressed so embarrassingly inside, I don't know if they were very stuffy, their faces were flushed and their breathing was short of breath.

"Hey, why is it you?" Prisla and Teresa raised their heads coquettishly, and when they saw that it was Qi Lewei, they immediately sighed.

Two unconcealable feelings of disgust flung Qi Lewei's head in a daze.

I'll go, sigh your sister's anger!Uh, no, they are really sighing at their sisters...

"Shouldn't I ask this? How could it be you two? What are you sneaking into my room trying to do!"

Qi Lewei was so angry that her small face deformed. The two of them were lying on her bed and asked her so confidently, which made her wonder for half a second whether she had gone back to the wrong room.

"Didn't I tell you this morning, I'm here to teach you how to subdue a man." "Don't you agree, let me demonstrate it to you personally." Prisla and Teresa quickly realized Now, she pulled Qi Lewei to her side from left to right, with an intimate tone as if the sigh just now was just her illusion.

It's fine if they don't say that, but Qi Lewei gets angry when they say that.

At that time, she was so ashamed that she asked her father for a man just after the coming-of-age ceremony, and the two sisters just clinged to her at this time, pulling her around and saying something that made people blush Things, she couldn't think about anything in that situation, so she said "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm up" to everything... As a result, the two sisters really ran over shamelessly, and wanted to personally teach her how to spend a pleasant night.

How can they teach such a shameful thing!Neuropathy!
And they don't even want to drink alcohol!
What's even more strange is that these two cousins ​​have revealed each other's faults in the morning, and now they can happily work together as "teaching"?How amazing!

In fact, it is not surprising, because they started to fight each other because they robbed each other's men, but in the end, they found out that they were taken advantage of by others and snatched the man away, so there is no hostile relationship between them!The difficult sisters and difficult sisters simply united and aimed at the one who snatched the man, planning to take a share of Qi Lewei's side.What can a brat like Qi Lewei do?In the end, they were not the ones who tamed Chef Yuan to the point of obedience. As for who could capture Chef Yuan's heart in the end, it all depends on their ability.

These two cousins ​​couldn't get rid of them, and besides, they were not so nervous and afraid when they were in Qi Lewei, so the three of them just stayed in Qi Lewei's bed, until the next morning, how could they even sleep? I forgot everything.

Slowly recalling what happened last night in his sleepy little head, the main point immediately came out: that Yuan Feiwu didn't come last night!
Qi Lewei asked a man to come to her room at night, but the man didn't come!How embarrassing this is, how frustrated your self-esteem is!
Now Qi Lewei understands who she should vent her anger about getting up!

Qi Lewei got dressed angrily and ran to the kitchen. This was the second day in a row that she ran to the kitchen where low-class people went. If she had told her earlier that she would do this, she would never believe it.

But running to the kitchen for two consecutive days, everything in the kitchen still made Qi Lewei feel strange.

In the spacious kitchen, several helpers were running around busy, and the head chef by the stove was making breakfast for everyone in the family with sweat on his forehead. She didn't seem so noisy when she came here last time.At that time, only Yuan Feiwu was cooking breakfast elegantly by himself, and the whole kitchen became pleasing to the eye because of him.

"Qi, Miss Qi Lewei!"

Qi Lewei is the jewel in the palm of Augustine's family, and everyone was frightened when she appeared at the kitchen door. Those servants took a lot of glances before they could confirm that Miss Qi Lewei, who really despised the place where servants work the most, came here.

"Where's Chef Yuan?" Qi Lewei saw that the servants had all looked over and stopped their work, she felt disgusted to the extreme, all of them looked as if they had never seen a beautiful woman, which made people feel uncomfortable , "You say it alone, and the others continue to do your work!"

The chef who was pointed out was taken aback, but seeing Qi Lewei's disgusted expression, he understood that this was not something to be happy about, so he quickly replied: "Miss Qi Lewei, Chef Yuan went out last night, and it was early in the morning. Come back dripping wet... We saw that he was not looking well, so we let him rest and asked him for a day off, and the supervisor agreed."

"Did you run out last night? Where did that bastard go?!" Qi Lewei was even more unhappy when she heard that, she would rather go out and go wild than come to her. Is there anything else that is more important than coming to her room!

"I don't know, Chef Yuan didn't say anything."

"Where does Chef Yuan live? Take me there!"


As the head chef, Yuan Feiwu's status is still higher than that of ordinary servants, and he lives in a single room.The first thing Qi Lewei did when she came outside the door was to consider applying for another residence for Yuan Feiwu. How could this ordinary small house be worthy of Yuan Feiwu... After thinking about it again, her face turned red.No, it seems that he can live in his own room in the future, and what a fart to apply for!
With a hot face, Qi Lewei kicked in the door without even knocking.

"Miss Qi Lewei? I'm sorry, I want to take a day off today. You should find the kitchen for food."

Yuan Feiwu was in a daze, but no matter how she was in a daze, it was impossible for Qi Lewei to not know that she had arrived, and Yuan Feiwu had already sat up from the bed at the moment she kicked the door.

Qi Lewei looked at Yuan Feiwu, this was indeed not the usual Yuan Feiwu, the usual Yuan Feiwu's eyes were shining, but today it was a little dim.

"It was stormy last night, where did you go? Others said that you came back wet in the morning and went out to get wet in the rain without sleep, are you crazy?" Qi Lewei walked over and threw Yuan Wu Press it down, and cover Yuan Feiwu with the quilt.

She wanted Yuan Feiwu to take a good rest, and let Yuan Feiwu, who seemed to have a large starry sky in his eyes, come back again.

"I went to do some private business." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Going out at night and not returning, let me go, and you will be punished for both crimes when you recover!" Qi Lewei gritted her teeth when she saw that Yuan Feiwu was still laughing.

"There is no rule in Augustine's mansion that servants must live in the mansion, and I also told you that I don't have time at night, so I didn't agree to your invitation."

"If I say I'm guilty, I'm guilty. If I talk nonsense, I will... I will... I will hum!"

Qi Lewei was left speechless by Yuan Feiwu's words, but she couldn't think of anything to threaten him, so she ran away in despair.I have to run, the last "hmph" is so weak, if I don't run away, I will show others how embarrassing I am!

Coming and going like the wind, Yuan Feiwu didn't even know what Qi Lewei wanted to do when he came here.

Coincidentally, he didn't know what he was still doing here.He was lying on the bed, looking at the mottled ceiling, and rarely wanted to just let himself go and lie down for a day.

Qi Lewei was sulking for a whole day, and the next day, she was thinking of visiting the sick patient in the afternoon, but she didn't expect to have lunch at noon that made her feel that life was really happy.Chef Yuan is back, serving the dishes himself, and everything seems to be back to normal.Watching beautiful people eat delicious food is really a great joy in life!

"By the way, Lord Augustine III, I plan to quit."

After everyone ate and drank, Augustine III specially called Yuan Feiwu to him to praise him, and was about to talk to Yuan Feiwu about his daughter, but Yuan Feiwu suddenly said something like this, which made all the people present looked over.

"What, Chef Yuan, are you quitting? Are you dissatisfied with the treatment, or did you encounter some unpleasant things in the mansion? I am announcing that the position of Chef Yuan has been promoted to the same level as the supervisor. Which servant is not long?" If you provoke Chef Yuan so much, you can directly instruct the guards to teach him a lesson! Chef Yuan, you can open your mouth about the treatment, we are all very satisfied with your cooking skills, there is no need to leave, right?"

It was the first time that Augustine III spoke to his servants in such a harmonious manner, but this was also the first time a servant told him to quit.

Being able to come into their mansion and be a servant is already the dream of ordinary civilians. Only they fire others and no one else fires them. How can anyone say that they don't do it?What a strange thing!
"I have made up my mind. Thank you Lord Augustine III for your retention. I plan to leave tomorrow. I am very satisfied with everything in the house, and Augustine III will take care of you."

"This..." Augustine III scratched his head, thinking about how to retain Yuan Feiwu.

Suddenly a voice came in, but it made him dumbfounded.

"Come on, lock him up! I didn't agree with him to go, no one can let him go!" Qi Lewei said angrily with red eye circles, her cheeks bulging with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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