Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 799 Overbearing CEO Lucia

Chapter 799 Overbearing CEO Lucia

"I've been locked up for a day, and I'm finally more obedient, right? You're just a servant, but you still want to resign. Where do you think this is? You can come and go whenever you want?" A day later, Qi Lewei walked to Yuan Feiwu and was locked up shouted in front of the house.

I just asked my father for this man, but this man resigned immediately, what does this mean!Is she so annoying? She's not bad looking!Yesterday she got him locked up in a fit of rage.

It was only later that she figured out that her father hadn't told this man specifically about this matter, causing her to misunderstand that he resigned because of this matter, and her father was planning to use this condition when this man resigned last night Keep him!
Well, although there was a little misunderstanding, she graciously forgave him!Those who don't know are not guilty!When he knows that he will become his own man in the future, he will definitely feel happy and don't want to leave!Mmm, it must be so!

But Qi Lewei waited for a long time, but did not hear the expected response from the other party, and began to get a little angry.

"Are you dumb?! Don't speak!"

Qi Lewei knocked on the door again, but there was still no sound coming from inside. At this moment, she was a little panicked. Did something happen to the people inside?He quickly opened the door and rushed in.

After entering, she was dumbfounded. There was no one there!Shouldn't he run away!

"Huh? Miss Qi Lewei, are you looking for me?"

That's right, the guy inside did run away, and appeared behind her with a bright smile on his face.

"How did you come out? Who let you out?!"

"This kind of house can't keep me locked up." It was difficult for Yuan Feiwu to explain to the other party how he got out of this problem. What was simple for him might be beyond the scope of the topic for Qi Lewei.

"Eh? Forget it, I'm here to ask you, are you still planning to leave?"

When the person ran out, she ran out. She planned to release him anyway, but it was a pity that he couldn't hear the man's begging for mercy.

"I can't leave. If I leave now, you will be in trouble." Yuan Feiwu smiled and said.

"It means you're not leaving?!" Qi Lewei's eyes became bright, looking at Yuan Feiwu full of expectation.

Yuan Feiwu shook his head and didn't speak any more.

Qi Lewei wanted to say something, but suddenly a servant came over in a hurry: "Miss Qi Lewei! Augustine III asked me to take Chef Yuan out immediately!"

The servant didn't wait for Qi Lewei to react, and immediately took Yuan Feiwu away in a panic.

"Ah? Why?" Qi Lewei followed immediately.

Outside the gate of Augustine's compound, many people gathered, including civilians and nobles.They all kept a certain distance, looking up at the group of people outside the Augustine compound.

Just by the purple pupils of the few people there, one can tell that their identities are extraordinary!
"Master Hudson, wait a moment, I'll call someone out right away!" Augustine III stood outside the yard, tremblingly said to Hudson.

There was a lot of people outside his yard just now, and later the servants reported that someone had visited and asked Augustine III to go out.Augustine III was puzzled, who asked him to go out to meet with such a big show?
The servant said that it was a pair of twins who came, and almost tore down the door.

Dare to knock down the door of their Augustine house?Isn't this courting death!Just when the servant was about to send a few guards to beat him up, the next sentence made Augustine III almost fall off his chair.

The twins have purple pupils.

Damn, dare you not cut a piece like a sausage when you speak!It's very depressing to hear!
Well, among the demons, people with purple eyes can indeed be lawless.

Augustine III ran out in a hurry. He didn't see the twins, but he saw the existence that made him even more frightened.

Lord Hudson!
This is a big man with astonishing power, ordinary people like them usually have no chance to meet each other!He is considered a very prominent figure in the city of Hegeny, and he has only seen him twice from a distance. This is already a very great talking point in the circle of rich people.

Next, he never thought that the adult would ask if there was a man with black hair and black eyes in the house as soon as he came, which surprised Augustine III.

Chef Yuan must have offended Lord Hudson, right?

"I'm telling you to 'invite' him to come out, not to shout out, I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead characters?" Hudson narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer.

"Yes yes yes! Definitely please come out!" Augustine III gasped, he was definitely not an idiot to get into such a position, and he immediately understood that the relationship between Chef Yuan and Hudson was not an antagonism, but a friendship. good!

He was about to call another servant to invite him out, but he didn't expect that the little man had already shouted to bring him here.

Hudson turned around quickly when he heard the shout, walked to the side of a luxurious carriage, said a few words, and stood behind the carriage.The next second the door of the carriage was opened, and an unbelievably beautiful man got out of the carriage and walked towards Augustine III.

Augustine III was stunned for a moment. Seeing the attitude of Lord Hudson and seeing the young man's beautiful amethyst pupils, he felt terrified. This young man might be even more terrifying!

"Come here, come here, how did you find this place?"

Yuan Feiwu's voice seemed to have given Augustine III a tranquilizer, and he let out a long sigh of relief after hearing it.But then he became frightened again, Ting Yuan Feiwu's tone seemed to have a lot to do with this young man!What if these people find out that his daughter locked up Yuan Feiwu yesterday!

"Chef Yuan, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. My daughter locked you up because of her bad temper..." Augustine III turned around and immediately knelt down towards Yuan Feiwu, kowtowing repeatedly.

"Lock him up? You guys are so brave!"

The moment Lucia saw Yuan Feiwu's appearance, her eyes became moist for some reason, and she was about to control her inexplicable emotions, when she suddenly heard the words of Augustine III, her anger went straight to her forehead!He can't tolerate anyone bullying Yuan Feiwu's kindness!
"It's okay, it's all right, she was the one who let me out just now, and I'm equivalent to taking a day off." Yuan Feiwu smiled lightly to save Augustine III, after all, Augustine III was good to his servants, because he angered him Luciana was really in trouble, "Partridge, Patreon, it seems that I need to sew your mouths shut."

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, it's definitely not that I leaked my mouth! If you want to sew it, sew Patreon's mouth!" "It's because His Royal Highness is too tricky, you can't let me take the blame for my simplicity!"

Augustine III was startled when he felt two huge shadows suddenly appeared on the ground and there was a sound. When he looked up, he saw two fallen angels who looked exactly the same flying over his head.Well, he finally saw the twins who were notified by the servants, and they had been floating in the air.

But that servant didn't understand that they were still fallen angels!
Fallen angels!
Augustine III sat down on the ground, and the greatest and most noble fallen angel of the Demon Race actually came to his door in person!

Oh, it's wrong to say that, the Lord Hudson must also be a fallen angel, and he was standing at the door of his house just now.

It should be said that it was the first time that Augustine III saw the fallen angel in the form of a fallen angel so closely!And he circled Chef Yuan with a flattering face!

This is a bit exaggerated!Who the hell is this chef!
"Go back with me."

Lucia thought for a long time on the way here, what to say after seeing Yuan Feiwu.

After actually meeting each other, out of thousands of words in Lucia's mind, only the most direct and most desired four words remained in the end.


Unexpectedly, Yuan Feiwu threw up his arms and flatly refused.

"Why!" Lucia seemed to have been grabbed by someone in the heart, and rushed out to block Yuan Feiwu against the wall, for fear that this person would escape again.

He stared deeply at Yuan Feiwu's eyes, he wanted to see what he wanted from Yuan Feiwu's eyes.

"His Royal Highness is domineering CEO once, so handsome!" "Your Royal Highness who takes the initiative to attack deserves our support, not bad." The twins quickly stared at them carefully from a bird's-eye view in the air, for fear of missing any picture.

Lucia is not in the mood to pay attention to them, Yuan Feiwu doesn't want to come back, this kind of blow will drive him crazy!He obviously said that he would not give up on himself, so how could he say nothing!

"I'm still the chef of Augustine's family now, so I can't leave as soon as I say it." Yuan Feiwu smiled, his eyes were bent into crescents that climbed up to the brows, and Lucia was almost distracted by the sweetness.

Lucia found that since she figured out her true thoughts about this person that night, her concentration became worse and worse.It's like three autumns since I haven't seen each other for a day, all I think about is this person, now I can't help but want to shut his disobedient little mouth when I stop him by the wall!

Calm down, you must be calm!

In front of a crowd of melon-eating spectators over there, the two of them stared at the wall, with two light bulbs flying close to their heads like fallen angels. Facing such a scene, Augustine III couldn't laugh or cry.

You gods are arguing slowly, but why do you have to involve yourself in the end!He, an ordinary person, doesn't want to join!
Brother, didn't you say you were going to resign yesterday!Showing loyalty in this situation is trying to kill our whole family!

(End of this chapter)

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