Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 800 Girl Heart Destroyer

Chapter 800 Girl Heart Destroyer

It took Lucia a while to look away from the pretty face in front of her, and stared at the weeping Augustine III at the gate of the courtyard.

"He resigned with me yesterday!" Augustine III said quickly, not being stupid.

In his mind, there is a very hard-working villain, holding a huge pen and drawing on the ground, muttering: draw the line, draw the line...

"But it's not approved." Yuan Feiwu in front of Lucia said with a smile.

"Approved today! No, approved now! You are free!" Augustine III immediately said again in the face of the murderous eyes that shot again.

The villain in his mind turned around again, filling in the lines erased by Yuan Feiwu: draw the line, draw the line...

"Did you hear that, you are free. No, you are mine. You are not qualified to serve others without my consent. This is a capital offense among the demon royal family. How do you think I should punish you?" Lu Sia smiled smugly.

The face under that smile made the melon-eating audience all around suddenly so amazed that they forgot to breathe.The picture of these two people together is really as beautiful as the most beautiful painting in the world!

"If I remember correctly... It seems that you have already canceled this relationship when you were in Lielier City." Yuan Feiwu said.

Lucia's heart ached again. What he regretted most now was the decision he made that day.

He put down the hand that stopped Yuan Feiwu, his harsh expression softened a lot, and he murmured: "You are not allowed to go, even if I drive you away from now on, you are not allowed to go..."

"Hey, Overlord's Treaty!" "What are you Mr. Yuan Feiwu! I can't support you this time!" The twins shouted dissatisfied in the VIP seats.

"Shut up!" Lucia gritted her teeth to the back, and then continued to speak forcefully, "If I say no, then don't leave! No matter what happens, you can't leave! You can only stay by my side!"

If Lucifer and Lynbeck saw Lucifer's attitude, he would nod repeatedly. If you want to convince this piece of wood, don't even think about it if you don't have such initiative and domineering spirit!
"Still not." Yuan Feiwu still smiled, his smile was obviously charming, but because what he said was not pleasant, Lucia felt that he was in need of a beating at this time.

"Why? Say, what reason is there!"

"Augustine III hasn't paid me my salary yet."


Augustine III stumbled on the spot.

Is this guy sure and definitely going to trick him like this!That young man who is somewhat polite to Hudson is going crazy, and this guy is still throwing excuses at him, isn't he unhappy if he doesn't put himself in it?The villain in his mind has already thrown away the pen, and every time the line he drew is erased, what the hell is going on, and it makes people alive!
"Augustine III paid me the salary, and I'll pay you ten times when I return to my house!" Lucia uttered each word from her throat.

Could this be the reason too!Could Feiwu be short of this little money? !It is clearly perfunctory!

"Forget it, help me give it to those in need! Send out the wages owed to me before, anyway, I remember you never paid me wages."

Sure enough... this angel on the outside is actually a devil's bastard on the inside!
"The emperor of the human race in the Xingluo Continent sent an invitation letter, saying that he will hold a negotiation for the future crisis of the world. At present, except for me and Hudson in the demon clan, most forces, including my father, are not in favor. I need you Help! Listen, I think my father and the others are not unreasonable, but they still don’t believe in the Lord of Chaos.” Lucia had no choice but to say this in the end.

Yuan Feiwu didn't say much this time, and pointed directly to the carriage in the distance: "Is it possible to return to magic with that thing?"

"Yes." Lucia nodded angrily, feeling a sense of frustration welling up in her heart.

"Okay, let's go."

Yuan Feiwu bypassed Lucia and walked towards the carriage.

Lucia knew this would be the result, physically and mentally exhausted.

"It's a waste of time to talk about a lot of things. It would have been better if I said that earlier!" , using a mirror image to give Lucia a double blow.

It was you who said just now that your domineering president is very mighty!At this time, it is you who are making sarcastic remarks!Lucia felt that one day she would find someone to kill these two bastards!
It's just that the twins gloated and joked that other people's good times didn't last long. Suddenly, the two fell to the ground, clutching their necks and struggling, and slowly moved towards the carriage.

"By the way, I was interrupted by His Royal Highness, and I forgot to settle the account with you for leaking the truth. Who patted their chest to ensure that I would not reveal where I am?" Yuan Feiwu's very kind voice came from the other end. sound.

"Reporting to Mr. Yuan Feiwu, it was Partridge who patted the chest, but I guarantee with Partridge's life and personality, even if I didn't take the photo at that time, I would still stick to Mr. Yuan Feiwu's secret!" "Patrick, you You bastard, don’t use other people’s lives and personalities to guarantee your leaks! Mr. Yuan Feiwu, I’m going to be a tainted witness, so please don’t sew my mouth shut!” The twins begged for mercy one after another, fearing that Yuan Feiwu would not return. He didn't dare to show up after standing in the carriage, and Hudson felt ashamed when he heard it.

There are a lot of civilians here, can you two fallen angels be a bit more formidable...or take your wings back so that others don't know that you are fallen angels.

Lucia was depressed for a while, but finally smiled.Although the process broke Lucia's heart, Lucia still found it acceptable in the end, at least he brought him back!
Just as he was about to return to the carriage, suddenly a short girl rushed over.This time Lucia came here not in a low-key way, not to mention the people he brought, this is Hudson's territory, and Hudson alone sent more than a dozen guards to accompany him.

Lucia deliberately made such a high profile, he wanted to declare to the whole world that Yuan Feiwu was his man!
The girl rushed over, and was stopped by two guards before she was three meters in front of Lucia. She drew a long sword with a cold light from her waist, and let her head fall to the ground at any time.

"Qi Lewei, what do you want to do running over there! I'm sorry, my lord, this is my beloved daughter, please spare her life!"

Augustine III thought that Chef Yuan agreed to leave with them, and they would have nothing to do here, so he felt relaxed physically and mentally.

Although Chef Yuan's departure made them very regretful, compared to the lives of their whole family, food can still be temporarily put aside.

But I didn't expect Qi Lewei to rush out suddenly and be captured by other guards. Seeing this scene, Augustine III's heart almost jumped out of his mouth!The quarrel between the gods and gods is almost over, and Qi Lewei somehow made things messy again. Isn't this just looking for trouble and insisting on offending others!He clearly taught Qi Lewei since he was a child that no one with purple eyes can be offended!
"What's the matter with you?" Lucia naturally wouldn't pay attention to a girl without any energy fluctuations, and waved her hand to let the guards let her go.

"Since you have abandoned Chef Yuan, why do you want to go back now? I think our family is more suitable for Chef Yuan than you!" Qi Lewei was also frightened, but she still walked forward a few steps unrelentingly and said.

It's good that Qi Lewei didn't open his mouth all the time, but it would be fatal if he opened his mouth!Augustine III was so stimulated by Qi Lewei's questioning that he was covered in cold sweat!
Lucia frowned, she didn't expect the pain in her heart to be turned over by this girl again.

But she was right, he really shouldn't have done this to Yuan Feiwu.But he knew he was wrong, he regretted it, he wanted to make up for his mistakes, and he would let Yuan Feiwu have the happiest smile by his side!
"I was really wrong. I swear there will be no next time this kind of mistake. However, I don't think Yuan Feiwu is more suitable for your family, especially if you dare to imprison him. Although you can't imprison him, but with this kind of I am very angry at the way I treat Yuan Feiwu, because Yuan Feiwu is very friendly to you, I will let you go, and I will not be an example." Lucia said coldly.

"Forget it, since you said he belongs to you, why don't you make an offer, I'll buy him, whatever you want!" Qi Lewei pouted.

I wanted to scold a few words, but it seemed that the other party had a lot of background, so Qi Lewei restrained herself very much.And when she saw Yuan Feiwu's eyes today, the brilliance returned, maybe it was because of this person.

"Buy it?"

Lucia didn't know how to explain to this ignorant girl that some things were priceless.If he could buy Yuan Feiwu with money, he wouldn't have to worry about gains and losses and be physically and mentally exhausted in the past two days.

Facing this unreasonable question, Lucia resumed the prince's usual domineering expression, and proudly said: "Let me tell you this, you can't buy it because you don't deserve it."

"Although my status may not be as high as yours, please don't use the word 'unworthy' casually! Everyone should not determine the trajectory of everyone's life based on their status at birth. It is undeniable that this will be human. There is a huge gap between the starting line and everyone, but everyone has the right to work hard to make themselves better. Every hardworking and kind person who strives for this goal should be admired... They are trying to become The kind of people who 'deserve', so please don't trample on their dignity. Me too, I will be worthy one day!"

"Qi, Qi Lewei..." Augustine III did not expect his daughter to speak such a long story, and was stunned in place.

The melon-eating audience around were also the same. After realizing it, they applauded Qi Lewei sparsely.If it wasn't for the fear of offending people on Lucia's side, their applause would have been even hotter!
Qi Lewei didn't expect that she would say the words that she was taught at the beginning. At that time, she was still sullen about these words, but now after her role was changed, she actually said it from the bottom of her heart!
This time it was Lucia who was speechless. After a while, she smiled slightly: "I'm sorry to you, I shouldn't say you are unworthy. But I want to tell you, not everything can Measured by money, that person is priceless. Then try to be a worthy person, and wait until you have a day when no one can stop you from getting what you want."

"Then what kind of conditions do I have to meet to be worthy?" Qi Lewei seemed to understand Lucia's words.

She probably also understands that if someone else wants to buy Yuan Feiwu from her, she is not willing to sell it, and this person probably means the same thing.

"It's up to you to figure things out on your own. You can't even figure out how far the goal you want to strive for is far from yourself. How can you care about it?"

After Lucia finished speaking, she took the lead and walked back to the carriage, leaving behind Qi Lewei who was yearning for Yuan Feiwu.

When the other guards saw Lucia got into the carriage, they immediately returned to the team, arranged their formation and set off again, and a large group of people left in such a mighty way.

On the carriage, Lucia kicked out the twins who had been taught a lesson, and sat beside Yuan Feiwu.

After a while, he said, "You taught her that passage, right?"

"Hmm. The nature is not bad, right?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"That's right, the pampered little girl actually has the determination that surprises me. If it's her, I can't deny it..." Lucia said more and more in a low voice.

"Huh? Approve what?" Yuan Feiwu turned his head and smiled.

Lucia stared at Yuan Feiwu's eyes for a while, and confirmed that they were indeed full of question marks, so she sighed.

"It's fine if you don't understand, just pretend I didn't say it."

Encountering this dull body ten thousand times more terrifying than Rudolph, Lucia understood that the hearts of the girls who were doomed to be broken along the way behind him would build an indescribable history of blood and tears.


(End of this chapter)

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