Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 8 No time to explain, get in the car!

Chapter 8 No time to explain, get in the car!
In the god king's palace in the heavens, a Seraph with an indifferent expression hovered over the gate of the palace.Wearing golden hair and armor, his facial features are as clear as carvings, his face is stern, and his six white wings emit a faint golden light.

"Archangel Michael, the vision of the mortal world has disappeared, and the source cannot be found for the time being." Another Seraph flew over and stayed outside the gate of the palace.

The seraphim's facial features are relatively ordinary, but there is a sense of fortitude and calmness in his bones. The brilliance of the six wings is dimmer than that of the seraphim outside the palace gate.

"I see, Kamal." Michael said to Seraphim who stood in front of him with a respectful attitude.

"According to the investigation, those visions are the mania of dark elements, and there is a trace of high-energy power aftertaste, which is suspected of dark divine power..." Kamal continued.

"Do you suspect that Lucifer appeared in the mortal world?"

"It seems that only Lucifer's dark power is so pure." Kamal expressed his judgment.

"The purity of the dark divine power is not something to be happy about. It is the proof of a very thorough degeneration." Michael sneered, "Lucifer will not make such low-level mistakes. If he comes to the mortal world, it is absolutely impossible So easy for us to notice."

"There is a vision in the mortal world, I am worried that it will threaten the mortal world..."

"There is the death angel Gabriel, there is no problem. But the army angel Kamal will continue to monitor the mortal world and the demon world, and notify me as soon as there is a problem."

"Of course, I will go back first."

Michael raised his head and looked at the nine suns in the sky. The nine suns were emitting warm sunlight, and it was very comfortable to shine on his body.

Lucifer, Lucifer, how many years have you not enjoyed the sunshine?Can't stand the barrenness of the Demon Realm?

Yuan Feiwu never imagined that Lucifer was blamed for the disaster he caused, so he used such a sliver of divine power to open the storage space, causing Lucifer to be named by the gods of the heavens. Played a combo.

Coming to Mortal Realm, the mountain where Yuan Feiwu is currently located was located by Lucifer according to the memory of N years ago, and it is a mountain that is relatively remote from a small city.

But Lucifer's memory is quite old. The small city back then is now an important city of a certain empire, and the barren mountains and mountains back then are already hills within the city limits.Yuan Feiwu ran down the mountain, and immediately saw the busy city life.

The city here has a Western European style, the vehicles on the road are only horse-drawn carriages, and most of the common people wear simple civilian clothes.The various shops on the street made Yuan Feiwu's eyes overwhelmed. There were many things in this world that Yuan Feiwu had never seen before, which aroused his strong curiosity.

Yuan Feiwu's clothes were similar to those of ordinary people in the mortal world, and his appearance was also similar, but Yuan Feiwu's arrival caused a commotion.

"Look at that man, he has black hair..." "Black hair, and black pupils..." "Demon, that person must be a demon." "Go call the guards and arrest this demon spy. "

Even if Yuan Feiwu didn't use his divine sense, he could clearly hear the whispers of people around him, and smiled wryly to himself. It seemed that there was something wrong with his appearance.He glanced casually, and saw that the hair and eyes of the people here were red, green, yellow, gray, purple, coffee, and even white shit, but there was no black.Judging from what they said, it is estimated that there may still be people with black hair, but very few.People with black hair and black pupils can only be demons.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Just as Yuan Feiwu was thinking about how to cover up his black hair, a four-wheeled carriage rushed from the opposite street, and the driver frantically yelled at Yuan Feiwu who was standing in the middle of the road.

"It's the royal family's carriage, everyone has to get out of the way if you are running fast on the road, hurry up, kid!" Seeing Yuan Feiwu stunned, an uncle next to him hastily reminded him.

"Oh." He sent a smile to the uncle who reminded him, and when he turned around, the carriage was already close at hand.


The coachman didn't seem to have thought that it would be impossible for someone not to avoid him, and to stop the carriage immediately, and he felt flustered.The two horses that happened to be side by side at the same time encountered an obstacle like Yuan Feiwu, and consciously leaned to the side, moving at such a high speed and making such a change of direction, the car behind them immediately drifted.The coachman sitting in the driver's seat was thrown off the carriage quickly, and the carriage ran for a short distance before stopping.

"Ah! You bastard is blind! Ouch, my hand." The coachman covered his injured hand, and did not forget to point at Yuan Feiwu who was fine and curse a few words.

"Who is so bold that he dares to stop the royal family's car! This mage rushed back to help the admission interview of Landis School of Magic, can you afford to delay this mage's time!"

A pale-skinned teenager jumped out of the car, wearing what looked like a robe, which was very different from the outfits seen around him.If Yuan Feiwu was a student of Landis Academy of Magic, he could still notice two badges with crossed white staffs on the sleeve of his robe, which was the symbol of members of the Lantis Academy Student Union.

"Landis College has an admissions interview?"

Yuan Feiwu only listens to what he hears, this is his habit of surviving in Yuan's house.Otherwise, there are so many patriarchs and patriarchs who are directly related to each other, and each of them can hear every sentence of cynicism, how busy the ears are.

"Landis Academy, the top school of magic in the Northway Empire, the annual enrollment starts today. You don't know about such an important event? Hey, people with black hair are rare!" The boy showed off while Looking at Yuan Feiwu, he was attracted by Yuan Feiwu's clean black hair.

"It seems very interesting, so where is Lantis College?"

"Go straight ahead, turn right at the first intersection, turn left at the next three intersections and you will be there... No, now is the time to pursue your responsibility, but you are asking questions instead!" .

"Right now, the most important thing is to get on the road, and we will investigate the responsibility later. You see, your driver is injured and is not suitable for driving for the time being. I know how to drive, get in the car, and I will take you there!"

Yuan Feiwu climbed into the driver's seat while talking, the boy could only silently climb into the back seat of the car when he saw this, he always felt that something was wrong but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"set off!"

Yuan Feiwu yelled, and the two horses pulling the cart rushed out with a bang.The boy was thinking about a problem, and he hadn't gotten into the car yet, when the carriage picked up speed suddenly the center of gravity became unstable, and he fell from the car to the ground.

I don't know if the fall hit my head, and I watched my carriage go away in a daze.

"Master, the carriage has been robbed! Hurry up, Master!" The groom was the first to react, and hurried over to help the boy up.

"Grass! My carriage!"

The royal carriage was speeding on the road, and the pedestrians and other carriages on the road automatically evaded when they saw it from a distance, and they passed without hindrance. It didn't take long for Yuan Feiwu to arrive at the gate of Landis Magic Academy.

This Landis School of Magic is indeed the best in the country, only the gate is bigger than the buildings seen on the road.There are two steeple-like buildings on both sides of the gate, which makes the Landis School of Magic look more majestic. A large grassland can be seen inside the gate, and some tall buildings can be seen in the distance. It seems that there is an endless area inside. Belongs to Lantis Academy of Magic.

Landis Academy of Magic’s annual enrollment is not exaggerated by the young man before, it is really an annual event in the Northway Empire, the entrance of the academy is now full of carriages and overcrowded, quite a bit like the appearance of the open enrollment of universities on Earth .

The royal carriage arrived, and the carriages that had been parked inside gave way one after another to let the royal carriage drive in.Yuan Feiwu was not polite, he drove all the way to the innermost position, stopped casually, jumped off the carriage and joined the queued army.

Yuan Feiwu joined the queue for no reason. He needs to learn how to use energy in the mortal world, otherwise he might cause trouble if he uses his divine power casually.It just so happened that the School of Magic had recruited students, and it was a good time to get in and learn some knowledge about this world.If it hadn't happened to meet the enrollment of the Magic Academy, Yuan Feiwu's original plan was to run to find the army of this country.

If Lucifer knew Yuan Feiwu's thoughts, he would definitely thank the Magic Academy for recruiting students. Otherwise, Yuan Feiwu would go to provoke the army, and the unknowns would be too great. It is very likely that the entire country or the entire world would be turned upside down. .What will follow next will be the descending of the heavens, the invasion of the demon world, and the war between the three realms of the heavenly demons.

No one knew that the boy in the carriage had an inexplicable car accident, so he successfully prevented a war of the Three Realms. If someone knew about this, it would be absolutely no problem to erect a statue in the square as a people's hero.


The last chapter was updated a long time ago, and it also showed that the update was successful. I found out that it couldn't be opened at night, and I thought it was lost!

Fortunately, the backstage can find it, send it again

(End of this chapter)

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