Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 9 The Devil's Elemental Test

Chapter 9 The Devil's Elemental Test

There are a lot of students queuing up for the interview outside Lantis College, but the team is divided into six lanes, three lanes leading to the steeple building on the left, and three lanes leading to the steeple building on the right, which is very efficient.

Yuan Feiwu's appearance has been criticized by others all the time. Fortunately, the interview was very fast, and it will be his turn soon, and nothing major happened during the interview.

When Yuan Feiwu walked into the steeple on the left confidently, I am afraid that no one present could have imagined that this young man didn't even know what he was interviewing for, and he didn't know where the sense of self-confidence came from. of.

After entering the steeple on the left, Yuan Feiwu realized why the team was divided into three columns.It turns out that each column corresponds to a room in the minaret. I only saw the students who went in but not the students who came out. It is estimated that there is another way leading to other places.

Yuan Feiwu stood outside the room at the end of his team, and walked in with a slight smile after the sound of "next person" was heard inside.

There is a table in the room, and a transparent crystal ball is placed on the table.Sitting behind the desk was a man who was one of the teachers of Landis College. He looked up at the young man who came in for the interview and was stunned.

Black hair and black pupils?Mozu?
The teacher shook his head and re-examined the boy who came in.

Although he has black hair and black pupils, he doesn't have the evil spirit and violent aura that demons should have, so he shouldn't be a demon.Unlike ordinary civilians, the teacher has a lot of contact with demons, and as a senior magician, he must have served in the army. He has seen real demons.

The teacher thinks that black hair and black pupils are just a misrepresentation. Most of the demon soldiers have gray hair. I have never seen black hair, let alone black pupils. Most of them have gray pupils or brown pupils.It is said that only the most direct royal family of the Demon Race has black hair and purple pupils. The purer the blood, the darker the hair and pupils.But this is just heard from other comrades-in-arms, they have never seen it, anyway, even if it is true, it is not a black pupil.

But they have their own way of distinguishing the demons.

The appearance of demons and humans is basically the same, and there is not much difference in hair color and pupils. Many demons will pretend to be human refugees and mix into the human continent as spies.But no matter how similar the appearance is, the violence revealed unconsciously by their expressions and eyes cannot be hidden. Experienced people can tell at a glance whether the other party is a demon.

After the teacher looked at Yuan Feiwu carefully, his mood stabilized a bit. This young man showed a constant smile from the beginning to the end. There was an aura that could easily arouse people's liking. His eyes were full of sincerity when he smiled like a moon. It doesn't look like a demon.

"Hello, may I start?" Yuan Feiwu politely nodded to the teacher and asked.

"Oh, all right, let's get started."

Yuan Feiwu's politeness made the teacher even more satisfied.But this young man's appearance seems to be a bit too beautiful. This appearance has a bit of influence on most students in their teenage years.The teacher's thoughts suddenly ran away.

"Okay, so what should I do now?"

A thud.

The teacher fell off the chair.

It was the first time he met a student who came to participate in the interview of Landis School of Magic, and he didn't know what to do!Such a fall brought back the thoughts that had run away, but if he could choose, he hoped that the way to bring back the thoughts could be gentler!
"Touch the crystal ball on the table in front of me with both hands. This crystal ball can test whether you have elemental talent. Do you know what elemental talent is?" The teacher asked awkwardly as he got up from the ground and sat back on his chair.

"I don't know." Yuan Feiwu replied so confidently that the teacher almost fell to the ground again.

Yuan Feiwu really felt confident, if he knew the way and common sense of energy usage in Mortal Realm, why would he come to the interview?
"Ahem... Let me introduce you briefly." The teacher sat up straight again. He felt that it was necessary to popularize science for this young man. "I don't need to say more about the departments of elements, right? A three-year-old child can Recite it. But if human beings want to learn magic, they must have elemental talent. For example, if you have the fire elemental talent, you can summon the fire element in the world and use fire magic. On the contrary, you don’t have any elemental talent, yes Those who cannot become a mage can only learn fighting spirit to become a warrior. Among human beings, only one person in a hundred has elemental talent, so mages are very rare and have a high status. Being a mage is almost everything. It is something that people dream of. So every time our college recruits students, so many people come to interview, the purpose is to test whether they can become a mage. Even many people do not have elemental talent after the test, and they still do not give up. Come to the interview every year, but the element Talent is such a thing as to say that you have it, you have it, many of them are born..."

"Teacher, can I start?"

with a snap.

The teacher almost fell to the ground again, but he supported himself firmly with his feet.

Lao Tzu is explaining to you about popular science knowledge in detail, can you listen carefully!And he said it as if he delayed his test!It's a waste of my saliva to popularize so much common sense for him!It even wastes the interview efficiency of this room!In other rooms, you come in and touch them, and then leave, how fast!It is Lao Tzu who is wasting time!
"Let's get started." The teacher roared in his heart for a long time, and he didn't want to care about anything when he saw Shang Yuan Feiwu's spring breeze smiling.

Yuan Feiwu responded lightly, touching the crystal ball with both hands.

The crystal ball is a general touch. Yuan Feiwu quietly looked at it with his spiritual sense. It seemed that there were some magic circles attached to it. He didn't have any knowledge base on this aspect, and he didn't know what it was, so his spiritual sense withdrew it again.Although the use of divine consciousness does not require the support of divine power, it is entirely spiritual power, but the spiritual consciousness can still be felt by the strong, and Yuan Feiwu dare not release it casually.Of course the teacher in front of him couldn't feel it, he wasn't qualified to be called a strong man.

Yuan Feiwu touched the crystal ball for a while, and a large cloud of black mist suddenly appeared inside the crystal ball, gradually filling the inside of the crystal ball, causing the entire crystal ball to turn black.

The teacher took a few short breaths, then stood up suddenly, and the chair was knocked down to the ground.

"Dark element talent!"

After the crystal ball turned completely black, traces of black mist floated out from the crystal ball, and after a while, a faint layer of black mist was already diffused around Yuan Feiwu's hands.

"Dark element elf envoy!"

The teacher let out a scream, stared at Yuan Feiwu in disbelief, then opened the door behind the chair like burning his butt and rushed out. The momentum was too great and he slammed the door shut again.

Generally speaking, element talent is tested, and the color that flashes in the crystal ball corresponds to the corresponding element talent, such as fire is red, water is blue, earth is yellow, wind is green, etc. Black is naturally the dark element talent.The larger the color range reflected by the crystal ball and the darker the color, the better the talent.

The best thing is that the elemental elves are envoys.

The title of Elemental Spirit Envoy means being recognized by the element, which is equivalent to being able to communicate with the element without barriers. With this kind of physique, the magical power of the element is not to mention great, and it can grow with half the effort and grow extremely fast.However, elemental talent is one in a hundred, and the physique of an elemental elf is extremely rare among the rare elemental talents. One can imagine how precious it is.

After the teacher slammed into the door, Yuan Feiwu let go of the crystal ball, because he found that the black mist was getting thicker and thicker.

Of course, Yuan Feiwu guessed that it was the state of the crystal ball that caused the teacher to run away like crazy, but he couldn't help it. He inherited the divine power of the ancient demon god, and that guy cultivated the power of the dark attribute. Fei Wu knew that she must be a dark attribute.As for what kind of elf envoy or not elf envoy, it is definitely not accurate, since they are all demon kings, are they elf envoys?
After a while, Yuan Feiwu heard a few hurried footsteps, and Yuan Feiwu quickly covered the crystal ball again to make it change.

"Principal, take a look, is this the Dark Elemental Elf?" The teacher who ran away led the way in.

If it is an elemental spirit that tests the crystal ball for physical fitness, in addition to turning the crystal ball into the color of the element, it will also reveal the characteristics of the element.For example, the fire elemental spirit will make the crystal ball hot, and the water elemental spirit will make the crystal ball emit water vapor.The teacher has never seen the effect of the dark element elf, but the crystal ball is already emitting black smoke. Even if you don't know it, you can probably guess that this is the characteristic of the dark element.

"That's right, this is the dark element elf envoy." There were three people brought by the teacher, and an old man with a big gray beard in the middle nodded and said while looking at the black mist emerging from the crystal ball.

When Yuan Feiwu heard that they had a diagnosis result, he quickly put away his hands, so as not to scare them all when the black mist filled the room later.

(End of this chapter)

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