Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 831 Strange Guy Strange Taste

Chapter 831 Strange Guy Strange Taste
"You've finally woken up, boy...Congratulations on being chosen by become the brave man who saves the world..."

After Nangongfeng woke up from a deep sleep, he had to be a little confused when faced with this kind of plot similar to the beginning of Dragon Quest.

He shook his drowsy head, recalling what happened before he fainted.

As Ya Nongjing thought, Nangongfeng's desire to go into battle to kill the enemy was far more intense than the logistical support.

He drove the horse by himself, and on the way back to Nangong's house, he searched for the path of poor mountains and bad waters, and practiced punching the trees with his bare hands in the mountains and forests.

Unable to activate fighting energy, Nangongfeng just used his body, punching the tree one after another, letting the hard bark scrape his fists, leaving his flesh bloody.

He believes that one day he will be able to awaken his fighting spirit, he will not give up, and he will never be reconciled to being a useless person!He left the palace in a hurry, just because he didn't want to see Ya Longjing's worried and pityful eyes.

He wants to regain his strength again, and return to Dancing Wind and Moon with full confidence!
Although the Xingluo Continent has been unified, and the weather is smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe, it does not mean that there is no darkness.

No matter how peaceful the prosperous age is, there will still be criminals, and there will also be people who steal and deceive.

Nangongfeng was going to a remote place, and unfortunately, he ran into a group of vicious bandits. Given Nangongfeng's temperament, he would not let them go, and fought dozens of rounds with the bandits in a very ostentatious manner.

Nangongfeng, who was unable to use fighting energy, still knew many fighting skills and the Seven Killing Fist, which was much better than ordinary people.It's a pity that until he met the leader of the bandit, a guy who was just a high-ranking warrior who couldn't survive Nangongfeng's hands once, any resistance from Nangongfeng was futile.

Nangongfeng lay helplessly on the ground, staring at the long knife hanging high above his head, accompanied by the clamor and ridicule from all around, thinking in his heart, if Yuan Feiwu and the others knew that he died so uselessly, how embarrassing it would be ah……

The long knife slashed at his face with a cold light, and Nangongfeng closed his eyes just like that.


A white figure rushed out of that hill in a hurry, and the cold air from his body turned the whole hill white.

And when he came here, there was only a body with a detached body left on the ground.

The white figure retracted the silver-white long spear, flew over the corpses anxiously, checked all the corpses, and then cut through the space and left.

"God of Ice and Snow, did you just leave without permission? Where are you going? Mortal Realm?"

Ever since the God King decided to join forces with the Mortal Realm, he has already opened the seal of the Heaven Realm, and anyone can open a space crack to go to the Mortal Realm anywhere.

In the residence of the gods in the heavens, Xueyue just flew out of the crack in space and fell back to the ground, when Michael stopped in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Outside the garrison, they fought against the minions of Chaos day and night, and the sound of fighting could be clearly heard inside the garrison.Xueyue and Michael are in a group, they have just experienced a seven-day and seven-night battle, and now they are only temporarily resting in the station for a few days.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Xueyue's coldness was as usual, like a cold wind whistling on the towering snow peak for decades like a night, blowing chills in other people's hearts.

"Everyone in the heavenly realm, who trespasses into the mortal realm without the consent of the god king or the major archangels, will be punished with death! As the head of the archangels, I am in charge of all kinds of affairs, big and small, in the heavenly realm. Do you have anything to do with me?" Relationship?" Michael sneered and called several angels, "Arrest the God of Ice and Snow and bring him back to the prison!"

"Yes!" Several angels immediately agreed and approached Xueyue.

Xueyue frowned, and the ice and snow spear in her hand made a low roar.

"The God of Ice and Snow listens!"

Suddenly a seraph floated down from the sky, interrupting the movements of the angels.

The seraphim greeted Michael with a smile and nodded.

"See Archangel Raphael!" The angels immediately saluted the seraph.

"Raphael, what is the will of the God King?"

Michael didn't find it strange to see Raphael bring God King's order. After all, Healing Angel Raphael was usually in charge of defense and support, and often brought God King's orders to the front line.

"The minions of the master of chaos have spread all over the three worlds of heaven, demon and mortal world. With the strength of the mortal world, he cannot deal with those who are too strong. He ordered the God of Ice and Snow to station in the mortal world to defend the peace of the mortal world!"

Raphael has always been gentle and courteous, and he is very popular. Hearing Raphael's will, the angels who were about to grab Xueyue hurriedly backed away.

Michael looked at Xueyue in disbelief, he happened to be sent to the mortal world?
"God of Ice and Snow, you are so lucky, you'd better pray for your luck every time."

Michael didn't bother to pursue Xueyue's actions just now, if the God King had already planned to send him to the mortal world, of course the God King wouldn't care about the time he went down just now.The god king may not care about it, but Michael has to care about it. What is the purpose of Xueyue going down to the mortal world just now...

"In the face of a catastrophe, we should abandon the previous idea that the heavens and mortal worlds are not related to each other. Archangel Michael, the battle angel, even fighting in the mortal world is still a battle." Xueyue coldly dropped a sentence, and took off with Raphael. go.

Michael raised his eyebrows and smiled dismissively.

Forget it, no matter who comes to be the god of ice and snow, isn't it all the same?So what about Xueyue, there is nothing to worry about.

Before Xueyue came to the top of the mountain, Nangongfeng closed his eyes tightly, he couldn't feel the long knife cut, and he lost consciousness.If the feeling of death is just so easy, then it doesn't matter, Nangongfeng's last thought flashed through.

When I woke up, it was the time when I heard "You finally woke up, boy... Congratulations on being chosen by the gods... to become the brave man to save the world...".

Nangongfeng wanted to raise his hand and rub his eyes, but the pain from his shoulder made him wake up instantly.In the fight with the bandits just now, he was beaten so badly that his bones almost fell apart.

He has always been a character who is not afraid of anything, since he survived a catastrophe, he definitely won't die!If you won't die, then there's nothing to worry about!

Boldly opened his eyes and looked around, the surroundings were full of hazy air, and he couldn't see anything farther away clearly.But what attracted his attention the most was a strange thing lying quietly on the ground with four legs arranged in the shape of a "卍".There are two finger-thick holes in the "head" on the holding object, and there are flashes of lightning in it from time to time. I don't know why Nangongfeng feels so pitiful.

One of its relatively sound hands is holding a strange "book" made of paper, and reading it carefully in front of its eyes.

According to the old-fashioned plot development, in this situation, he should have encountered a hidden peerless master!After a while, this strange creature will definitely open up the second line of Ren and Du for him, and pass on the peerless secret book in his hand to himself...

No, the title of that book is not a sharp-sounding title like "Sunflower Treasure"! What the hell is "Legend of Sensual Warfare - Alpha Ⅸ Manual Revised Edition - I look forward to the author's continued update in the future"!Such a title sounds quite like something no one read written by some [-]th-rate author!

"What? You are also interested in this book? This is the paper version restored by Alpha IX with the limited resources here...Although Alpha IX has read it dozens of times...but I still want it very much. Learn the way people in that world enjoy books... One cup of tea and one book, quietly savoring a leisurely afternoon... Life is complete... Oh, no, this body of Alpha IX can only drink motor oil..."

The other hand of that thing, which is slightly incomplete but at least not broken, picked up a rough wooden teacup next to it, and poured some black viscous liquid into its eye hole. Nangong Feng could smell it from a long distance away. The stench of black viscous liquid looks very ominous.

"I'm sorry, I don't plan to read the last few words of the title. I prefer to read the finished book." Nangongfeng replied helplessly, "Your name is AlphaⅨ? Hello, my name is Nangongfeng, thank you for saving me."

No, why would he discuss what books he likes to read with an iron lump in such a weird place!
"It wasn't me who saved you... But Alpha IX is actually very busy... Since you are the chosen one, hurry up and inherit the power you want to inherit..."

"What kind of power do you inherit?" Nangong Feng's eyes, which had been dimmed because of the other party's bad reading taste, burst into light, "Can that power restore my sea of ​​consciousness and my broken meridians?"

"Of course there is no problem...and it will give you a completely different sea of ​​consciousness and strength of meridians..."

"Will that cause amnesia?" Nangongfeng thought for a while, but decided to ask this question.

"Amnesia? No...there is only a little side effect..."


"The irreversible and permanent termination of all the original properties of life that maintain its put it simply...that is...death..."

(End of this chapter)

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