Chapter 832
"What's the difference between my current appearance and a dead person? I'm not afraid of death!" Nangong Feng laughed out loud, full of pride.

"You are not afraid... but Alpha IX is afraid..." The iron lump put down the fluffy paper in his hand, turned the two holes to Nangongfeng, as if examining him solemnly, "If you fail... Alpha IX Your friends will perish in this world... So please put away your courage to face death... If you still have the idea of ​​retreating with righteousness and innocence... Alpha IX will be against the wishes of your friends ...and won't let you inherit..."

"Who is your friend? What do you mean by what you said?" Nangong Feng put away his arrogance.

It is disrespectful to be fearless if one's own failure will cost someone else's friends.

"You also know my friend...his name is Yuan Feiwu..."

"Feiwu!" Nangongfeng shouted in surprise, "Where is he? How is he now?"

"His location is constantly shuttling in different spaces, and he cannot give you an accurate answer... As for the situation, it is quite bad... Especially when he forcibly rescued you into his storage space regardless of the current situation where you are fighting hard... There is no death But it’s almost…”

"Storage space? I'm in Yuan Feiwu's storage space now?" Nangong Feng asked in surprise, "How should I help him?"

"You can't help... As a god who is not at the same level...he saved you regardless of danger...It turns out that gods are also human, and they also have their own selfishness. Alpha IX's views on feelings, and I have a new understanding...Mr. Yuan Feiwu chose to save you regardless of safety and choose you as the inheritor of powerful power, so can you carry on the inheritance with the idea of ​​not being afraid of failure in your heart..."

"I failed, Yuan Feiwu will die?"

"That's right... Mr. Yuan Feiwu's storage space can't withstand the burst of energy after your failure... After all, it is such a powerful force... Once Mr. Yuan Feiwu's storage space is bombed, Mr. Yuan Feiwu's consciousness will be destroyed." Will be severely injured... The current situation of Yuan Feiwu is very critical, he will be powerless to resist after being severely injured by his spiritual consciousness, and will be destroyed by the magic stars of the Lord of Chaos..."

"I decided not to take this risk, I don't want to inherit it!" Nangongfeng stood up without hesitation.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu said... As long as you understand the consequences of failure, you will surely succeed... Time is running out, please hurry up... The channel that filtered the Chaos Master to the Demon Realm has been destroyed... The world does not have the strength to deal with the invasion of god-level masters... Mr. Yuan Feiwu can only pin his hopes on you... After all, Mr. Yuan Feiwu has no time to pay attention to the world..."

"Inheritance here will kill Fei Wu, so why not inherit it in another place?" Nangong Feng said angrily.

"Currently only here can improve your chances of success..."

Nangongfeng took a few deep breaths... Yuan Feiwu gave his own life to himself as a motivation to succeed. This moved him very much, but it also made him want to beat someone up!

Nangongfeng puffed up his chest after taking a deep breath, he knew Yuan Feiwu best, if given a choice, Yuan Feiwu would not choose the dangerous path.

If even Yuan Feiwu couldn't repay his trust, why should he be a member of Wu Feng Nong Yue?The feelings between them have nothing to do with status and money, but they can entrust their lives to each other. It is precisely because of this that he regards these feelings as more important than his life.Now, he can't avoid this trust, he must get rid of the result of succession failure in his heart!

"So what should I do? As long as I don't die, right? Come on, I'll go support Yuan Feiwu as soon as I become stronger!"

"Sorry...even if you succeed, you won't be able to help Mr. Yuan Feiwu in the's still far away..."

"..." Nangong Feng lost half of his strength in an instant.

"But you can support your other friend... The world urgently needs your support..."

"Okay, come on! What kind of power do I inherit?"

"The former king of the demon world...Hades, the king of the underworld...You can change your name if you don't like it. In short, the god has been adjusted by Mr. Yuan Feiwu...It is very suitable for your special talent of three-element physique..."

A complex divine emblem floated from the corner of the chaos, floating on Nangongfeng's head, the black luster flickered slowly.

Pluto could Nangongfeng have never heard of this name!
"how should I do?"

"When going through marrow washing, don't die of pain and give up... Oh, giving up is also the result of death... Let me tell you, when Mr. Yuan Feiwu accepted the inheritance of the ancient demon god, he insisted on being washed more than 1000 times. I hope you can tell him If you are lucky enough to survive and feel that you can control your own power, please restrain your divine power immediately...Mr. Yuan Feiwu has to endure the divine power you radiate all the time, it is very hard..."

"I understand." Nangongfeng let out a long breath, "Pluto doesn't sound good, calling the Invincible Fighting God feels more domineering! From now on, I, Nangongfeng, will be the 'Invincible Fighting God'!"

"It's exactly the same as the old-fashioned name that AlfaⅨ has seen in many Internet articles in Mr. Yuan Feiwu's hometown... But don't worry, AlphaⅨ will not discriminate against you... After all, AlfaⅨ Fa Ⅸ’s favorite author, Fungus’s work, was so badly named that it made Alfa Ⅸ want to throw up motor oil... so I got used to it..."

Pluto... No, the emblem of the Invincible God of War slowly landed on Nangongfeng's forehead.

Then, a suppressed and heart-piercing scream sounded in this space.

Yuan Feiwu didn't pay attention to the situation in the storage space at all. As Nangongfeng said, he completely entrusted his life to Nangongfeng.

A month later, the Invincible Fighting God appeared in the mortal world and galloped heroically, becoming famous.

With his joining, the attack pressure on Mortal Realm has been greatly reduced.

Ya Nongjing and the others were naturally the most surprised and pleasantly surprised group of people. They didn't know what kind of adventure Nangongfeng had experienced, but as long as he regained his prestige, then nothing would matter!

Another month passed.

No one can tell when the sky in the mortal world seems to be getting farther and farther away, and a huge transparent vortex appears above it.

People from all over the world can see it clearly.

The masters of the three clans, however, looked sadly at the huge vortex.

"It's finally here. Assemble!" Lu Kaiser waved his hand and flew out of the palace first.

The transparent vortex gradually exudes restless energy, and anyone with a slightly higher cultivation base can feel it. The enemy they have prepared for many years to deal with has finally arrived.It doesn't matter if ordinary people without cultivation level can't feel it, they don't need to feel the power, they can see it clearly with the naked eye, a lot of dark figures gradually emerge from the transparent vortex, like pouring water down, drifting away down.

"Everyone go to the emergency shelter! Or hide at home and don't wander around!"

On the three continents of the Mortal World, people in all cities are evacuating in an orderly manner.They have also made psychological preparations for this day for a long time, and the panic in their hearts has been suppressed a lot. If the strangeness of this day suddenly appeared without warning, they would definitely be scared crazy.

As if they wanted to compete head-on with everyone in the mortal world, all the dark figures in the sky floated towards the great abyss of Stonled.

The soldiers of the three clans who judged their landing location earlier arrived here earlier, the place where the three clans once made a joint covenant.

"If we rush up to find that Chaos Lord and kill him now, won't we win?" Carlyle said with gloomy eyes to the top.

Carlyle was really bored.

How many men did the Chaos Lord accept?

They have been fighting almost every day for the past year, and they can't kill all kinds of invading creatures no matter what, it's really annoying!Capture the thief first, and capture the king first. If the Lord of Chaos can be wiped out first, wouldn't that be the same as resolving the battle?

"It's a good idea, but it's up to you?" Lu Xiaoling was standing side by side with Kai Leifei, and couldn't help turning his head and sneering at him when he heard what he said.

"I can't, maybe they can." Carlyle glanced at Lu Xiaoling with the eyes of a fool, and then gestured to the two people flying above them.

One is dressed in white with long hair like snow, and the other is wearing a pair of blue gloves with a cheerful expression.Maybe they should not be called "people" anymore, they are gods!

Now there is no one in the entire continent who does not know these two gods!The people rescued by them, and the monsters that invaded the mortal world slaughtered by them are incomparable!
"God of Ice and Snow, this time I think I can overtake you in terms of number of kills." Nangong Feng said happily, tapping the gloves on both hands.

Although the method has been changed, Nangongfeng will always feel happy to be able to fight side by side with his best friend.

"Childish." Xue Yue stabilized the spear in her hand and looked into the distance.

If the scale of the attack of the Heavenly Demon Realm is the same, then they will definitely not be able to come to support, and the Fanjie will definitely be destroyed for such an exaggerated attack scale.Xueyue can only hope that the God King of the Heaven Realm can send someone to help.

(End of this chapter)

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