Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 836 This reinforcement is much more reliable

Chapter 836 This reinforcement is much more reliable

"Come on, let's make our black mage's notoriety famous in the world again!" Murphy smiled coldly and waved his head as a signal.

A group of cloaked people behind him all let out evil laughter, killing, they also like it!

The group of cloaked people released their pets one after another. This is the unique fighting method of black magicians. They control some monsters in their hands with the blood contract that is not advocated by Zhengdao.But this inhumane practice also greatly increased the strength of the black mages, and with pets that were similar in strength to their own, they had twice their strength!
The elders of the Fierce Yamen Sect, the elders of the Xianyin Sect, the elders of the Moxian Sect, the elder Yudora of the Liu Zemen Sect, and the four great magisters joined forces to clear a large area of ​​monsters outside the orc defense line in just a while!

This gave the orc army a big respite. After other black magicians arrived, evil black magic frequently came to places where monsters were densely populated, and various high-level monsters helped fight, and the situation barely fell back to Under the control of the orcs.

Rudolph watched all this with tears in his eyes, his people were saved!

"I am very grateful to the black magicians for their help, please accept my thanks!"

Rudolph half-kneeled on the ground, and Murphy was a little flattered. They used to be shouted and killed when they saw living people like rats crossing the street. They were not used to being so sincerely grateful all of a sudden.

"Get up quickly, and thank our emperor if you want to thank him, his name is Demon Lord Minghuo!"

While talking, Murphy went to help Rudolph, but his small body even used the standard clean and jerk posture, but he still couldn't help Rudolph even a bit, and instead made himself terribly tired.

"Demon Venerable Underworld Fire? Does he have another name?"

Rudolph was stunned for a while and got up by himself. Murphy suddenly lost his focus and fell to the ground, but was later picked up by Rudolph, which was very embarrassing.

"Yes! But we can't call him by his first name, how rude!" Murphy said angrily.

"That's right!" Rudolph didn't understand, "Now is not the time to chat, Mr. Murphy, let's go to the front to kill the enemy!"

"Fuck you! I'm just a fucking great magician. Although there is only one word difference between the great magician and the great magister, my strength is completely different! Isn't it courting death to go to the front with you? Don't worry about me, you go beat you Yes, I'll just find a corner to shoot cold arrows." Murphy rolled a big cold eye, and really crowded next to an orc archer to shoot cold arrows wretchedly.

Rudolph was stunned for a while before recovering, and suddenly remembered what Moses had said to Flonge, the previous king of Beamon, that the leader on the other side of the human race was not necessarily the strongest in the group.Now he has refreshed this cognition again, in addition to not necessarily being super powerful, it may also be very wretched!

The other two races are also paying attention to the situation on the side of the orcs, and they are burning with anxiety, but their own defenses are still in jeopardy, and there is really no way to lend a helping hand.Now seeing that there is a team of black magicians who suddenly come to help, and there are four very powerful magicians dazzling, they are relieved.

The confrontation on the ground resumed the tug-of-war, but it didn't take long for the battle in the sky to be in crisis again.

It is precisely because the army of the Lord of Chaos is uneven in strength, there are pawns who are too weak to be ridiculous, and there are pawns who are so strong that they can fight a god!

Gradually, some monsters appeared in the sky that even masters such as Lu Kaiser, Ricky Hudson, etc., could not handle. Even these three demigod-level masters couldn't handle them, let alone other sky warriors and magisters. .

Gradually, the air force began to experience a large number of attrition.

The teams in the air are all core masters of various races, and the demise of each one is as painful as cutting flesh in everyone's heart.

But there is no way, the gap in strength is right in front of you, the masters of all the sword masters are fighting with each other's masters, the battle between Xue Yue and Nan Gongfeng is becoming more intense, the power is overflowing and there is no time to clone, no one can go again We supported battle in the sky.

They have no support, but the other side has.

A humanoid monster in rags appeared out of nowhere, and it was invincible in the air.

There was also a monster like a huge long knife, which floated to the high platform where the emperor of the human race was, and looked down at Ya Longjing from a high position. On the side of the long knife, there were human-like facial features, showing a mocking smile.

Several royal guards hurriedly greeted them with grudges, only to see the long knife monster shake, and a circle of sword energy flew out to cut off all the royal guards.

Ophelia and Yalongjing were covered in blood spattered by the Royal Guards, and they were shocked.

"Fear, despair, I like to split such a soul, the sound will be especially beautiful when screaming!"

The long knife made a sound of unknown meaning, but in the hearts of everyone, such a sound could be heard.

"Who are you!" Ya Longjing pointed at the monster and said angrily without showing any timidity.

"Are you one of the leaders of this world? How weak. My name is Sword Demon, you can mournfully call my name and die..."

The blade of the sword demon swung towards Yalongjing. Yarongjing had been on guard for a long time, shouted "Be careful!", and pushed Ophelia to jump out of the high platform together.

The high platform was neatly cut in half almost at the same time, and the incision was so smooth that it was frightening!
"Why are you still struggling? Obviously, you can die very simply."

The sword demon turned to Ya Longjing who had fallen to the ground, and a circle of guards who had rushed over.

The powerful divine power swung them away at once, making them all lie on the ground, as if they were surrendering to the sword demon, begging for mercy on their knees.

"Presumptuous! I will not forgive your sins."

A golden light suddenly shone from Ya Rongjing's head, a holy radiance sprinkled on the sword demon, and the sword demon hurriedly backed away.Immediately afterwards, a seraph in full body armor brandished a long black-handled sword and rushed towards the sword demon.


Ya Longjing and Ophelia looked at the golden light in the sky in surprise.

The person exuding golden light looks like a young girl, with three pairs of particularly huge white wings on the back, which makes people yearn and admire.

Holding the Archangel's scepter high, she didn't do anything, but made people in the entire mortal world rejoice!
"I am Yafeier, the king of gods, leading the angels from the heavens to come to support." The king of gods showed a dignified and holy smile, "My clone, Athena, is taking care of me."

It's really Athena... The god king is actually Athena...

Ya Longjing and Ophelia feel that their world view is about to collapse!
It turns out that the God King has always been by his side!And it's so black-bellied that it's hard to connect with the king of gods!
Yuan Feiwu, can you believe it?It turns out that the princess is the king of gods!Ophelia really wanted to share this excitement with Yuan Feiwu immediately!
"God King, rest, you can no longer force yourself to continue fighting."

Raphael flew over, took the God King away, and quietly healed his wound behind his back.

He understood what the God King meant. She was the spiritual symbol of the heaven and the mortal world, and no matter how seriously injured she was, she couldn't show it.

Once she falls in front of everyone, her morale will collapse by more than half!

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Go and help Gabriel. She used up a lot of energy when she cast the forbidden spell just now. I'm afraid she won't be that guy's match. The magic star on the other side has Uriel and Haniya working together. I'm more at ease." The king of gods said with a smile.

"God King..."

Raphael, who has always been as gentle as water, doesn't know if he should be willful at this time.He had already used the healing power of the forbidden spell, and the wounds on the back and chest of the king of gods were still bleeding from the gods, which couldn't be stopped at all.This is not counting the serious damage to her consciousness!

Can such an injury be called a minor injury?

If Raphael is not here to continue to heal, he is worried that the King of God will fall at any time!

"Go, I don't fall so easily. I... There is someone I can rely on before me. I won't fall until I wait for him." The King of God pushed Raphael, his eyes full of affirmation.

"God King... yes..."

Raphael pulled away and flew away. Raphael understood that even if it was a lie, it was the will of the God King.

Resolutely carrying out the will of the God King is his entire mission, Raphael!
(End of this chapter)

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