Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 837 Extinguishing Demons, Slaughtering Gods

Chapter 837 Extinguishing Demons, Slaughtering Gods

In front of the God King, there is someone she can trust...

Raphael felt extremely emotional in his heart. He understood very well that for so many years, the God King has shouldered too many responsibilities by himself...

It's great to have someone that the god king can rely on now...even if that person is the king of the demon world who is at odds with the heavens!

Raphael has all the advantages that angels have in his heart, he is elegant, confident and caring. His hatred for the devil world and his contempt for other races are all things that can be forgiven in Raphael's mind.

The kind and gentle Raphael only pays attention to the hard work of the God King. He understands that the tight string of the God King is about to be broken at any time, but he is worried that he can no longer help the God King to share some more.Raphael's fraternity is no worse than that of the king of gods, but he is willing to keep a low profile. It can be said that only Raphael can fully meet the perfect angel described in the world.

Angels flew out of the big circular hole in the sky that Gabriel Hania and Juliel blasted out together, and the shining golden angels seemed to form a golden galaxy in the sky, forming a golden star for the blue sky. White clouds add a beautiful scene.

Mortal world, formally experience what a god-level war is!

The angels fought with the powerful monsters in the air, and the overflowing divine power shocked the entire mortal world.The huge hole in the sky emits a strong spiritual energy, which can meet the needs of a god-level war, otherwise the mortal world will not be able to support the lack of spiritual power and collapse directly.

They can see angels with their own eyes, real angels!There are also the Archangels that everyone has memorized since childhood!Not to mention the sacredness of the King of Gods in everyone's hearts!

The citizens of Star Luo Continent are going crazy!

The power of faith made them explode beyond their own limits. They even held the precarious line of defense to the local positions, and advanced a little bit!
"Destroying Demon and Slaying God Arrow!"

It was the first time for the angels to see Raphael, who was so full of fighting spirit. He stretched his body in the air, bent a perfect curve, and formed a huge radiant arrow in his hand, as if he wanted to become the most powerful arrow in the world. Dazzling presence!With Raphael's shout, that ray of light bloomed and flew towards the Sword Demon!
Demon Slayer Arrow!
Among the six archangels, the only move with the ability to destroy heaven and earth, the only move whose name is louder than the name of its user!
Even the soldiers of the demon race, who were not very interested in angels, cast their eyes on the sky, on the only protagonist, Raphael!

No, it should be on Miemo Tushenjian!

The long golden light arrow radiated radiantly, but the radiance felt strangely soft.Under the gentle appearance, no one will misunderstand its harmless interior!

When everyone was about to watch the God-killing arrow fall on the sword demon restrained by Gabriel, suddenly a gray giant hand appeared without warning and grabbed the arrow. Hold, like a grown man catching a toy wooden arrow shot by a child.

The excited hearts of everyone in the mortal world fell into the ice cave at this moment.

"Master of Chaos?" God King murmured helplessly.

The owner of the gray giant hand was a cloud of black mist floating not far below the transparent vortex. If he didn't pay attention, he thought it was a cloud.

But the God King will not be confused by such appearance, she understands that there are higher existences in the world beyond their plane, and the physical body is just an indifferent form to them.For example, the creator god in the back hall of her temple.

An ancient demon god of a higher plane who could even defeat the God of Creation in an instant, the king of gods could only feel powerless in the face of such a god.

"It's my crime that the Supreme Lord of Chaos came to rescue me!" The sword demon said with some panic, as if he was deeply afraid that the Lord of Chaos would be dissatisfied, so he immediately woke up and launched a counterattack.

The Sword Demon itself is a terrifying magic sword that can split time and space. If Gabriel hadn't used the abandoned sword from the ancient gods gifted by Yuan Feiwu, there would be no weapon that could withstand the Sword Demon's attack.

Gabriel fought hard to temporarily suppress him, and Raphael took advantage of the situation to destroy him with an arrow.Such a good opportunity was destroyed by the giant gray hand, and it was fleeting.The Sword Demon regained his breath, and Gabriel was exhausted after a violent fight. She was exhausted from casting the Great Forbidden Curse, Spear of Breaking the Sky, and she finally couldn't hold on anymore. She was swung away by the Sword Demon. The powerful impact of divine power made her unable to suppress the boiling divine blood in her chest, which overflowed from the corner of her mouth for a long time.

The Sword Demon regains the upper hand!

The cloud of gray fog in the sky ignored the Sword Demon's thanks, and the hand holding the Mie Mo Tu Shen Arrow casually threw it on the ground like throwing garbage.

"No!" Raphael was furious, and the Chaos Master threw it casually, and the Demon Slayer Arrow fell towards the Star Luo Continent!

Raphael couldn't figure out why the Lord of Chaos was holding his God-killing arrow, why his arrow didn't explode, but now that the arrow fell to the ground, he was angry!Why do they want to spread the battle to mortals who are not at the same level when they are fighting above the god level?

Is it so interesting to slaughter a life that is countless times weaker than him?
Raphael's grief and indignation was a misunderstanding. To the Lord of Chaos, it was really just throwing a piece of garbage, which happened to fall on the Star Luo Continent.

Needless to say, the power of the Demon Slaughtering Arrow is needless to say, Raphael alone cannot do it immediately if he wants to send another Demon Slaughtering Arrow.Wanting to resist this blow for the people of Star Luo Continent, only one person in the mortal world can do it.

"The brilliance of the sun is not as bright as yours, but I have no time to look up at your brilliance at this time. I hope to use your power to destroy the evil in front of me..."

The God King appeared under the arrow of Miemo Tushen, and quickly chanted a long incantation.Her body exuded golden radiance, but it was not as dazzling as the radiance emanating from the archangel scepter in her hand.Of course Raphael knew that it was a forbidden spell that the King of Gods was very good at. The holy pulsation of light was very powerful.

But it is a pity that the God King's spell was chanted rapidly, the power of the forbidden spell was greatly reduced, and before the chanting was finished, the Demon Slaying God Arrow collided with the God King.

This blow seemed to drop an atomic bomb on Xingluo Continent, and the concussive divine power spread out in waves. The people nearby couldn't resist the power at all, and they instantly turned into ashes under the golden light!But the living would not complain, because if the god-king didn't fight back with his body, the disaster caused would probably be the destruction of the entire Star Luo Continent!
"God King!" Raphael had to give up on the opponent in front of him again, and flew over to pick up the wounded God King.

At this time, what God King Yafeier said to him back then came to his mind: I entrust this unique skill to you. In addition to using it to slay demons and defend the prestige of the heavens, I also hope that you will become a supervisor. Tianwu and others have fallen into demons and heretics, please use this technique to destroy us without hesitation... Therefore, in addition to calling this arrow "destroying demons", it is also called "slaughtering gods"!I have also forgotten this skill. You are the only angel who knows how to use the Demon Slayer Arrow. I believe that only you are worthy of this task and become the most upright judge...

Slaughter God... Even if it is a Slaughter God, it shouldn't be a Sacred King!The slaughter should be that Michael who ungrateful and betrayed the heavens!No, he is no longer a god, he has become a demon, he is a demon!

Raphael couldn't accept that it was Raphael's Demon Slaying Arrow that knocked down the God King in the end, and couldn't help crying, shining tears were shed on the human defense line that collapsed due to this blow.

Rafael was moved by the screams of the human race because of the collapsed defense line, but at this moment, he only had eyes on the god king whose breath was weakening in his arms. He was as kind as he was, and he temporarily blocked the outside world for the god king. The pathos that came.

"We can only rely on you from now on, Raphael... I'm afraid we can't resist the power of the Lord of Chaos. Since he didn't take the initiative to make a move, try not to provoke him and save the common people first..."

The wings of the king of gods gradually disappeared, like countless small white butterflies, flying away.

"Master God King, we are really embarrassing! Please put down your worries for a while, rest for a while, and let me treat you well. Regardless of the heaven or the mortal world, we still need you to take charge of the overall situation. When you finish your rest, you will be able to show the heaven brilliance!"

Raphael had already consumed his vitality to cast a healing curse for the God King, but he still couldn't prevent the six beautiful wings behind the God King from dying.

Raphael understands that when the wings that represent divine power die, it will be the turn of the divine king's body to begin to die, and then her consciousness, her divine emblem, her divine arrival... until all of her... as if She never existed in general.

"Raphael, you who are gentle have actually learned to lie... The people who really need you are the thousands of people out there."

Raphael turned his head and looked down condescendingly.

All the people in Star Luo Continent, no matter how ignorant they were, felt ominous when they saw the wounded God King's wings that were beginning to disappear.They ignored the monsters who had already rushed to them, and looked up at Raphael with eyes full of fear and sorrow.Raphael understood that the people below were not looking at him, but the God King in his arms, looking at the belief in everyone's heart, the God King.And their faith is about to collapse!
Need yourself?Raphael understands that he can't replace the God King in people's hearts no matter what. With the disappearance of the God King, everyone's will to survive has disappeared, and they don't even have the desire to survive. Do they really need themselves like this? ?

Suddenly, there was another clear cracking sound from the sky, as if a piece of glass was broken, a crack appeared in the blue sky, and a piece fell abruptly.

The pale face of the Divine King seemed to have regained its brilliance, and he looked closely at the crack that appeared to be facing the gap deliberately opened in the heaven.

From the small gap, a green figure flew out with a thunderous sound, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone who was fighting fiercely in the Mortal Realm.Especially the despair-looking people on Xingluo Continent who temporarily forgot their sadness because of that figure.

But the God King's eyes moved away and became lax again, with a wry smile of indescribable disappointment.

"Look, they are still longing for hope, they just need a little encouragement. Besides, even if they give up, you can't give up. Go, my most gentle and loving healing angel Raphael, go help them..."

Raphael had been crying for a long time. He drew a ray of divine light and turned it into a high platform composed of divine power, gently put the divine king down, and left with tears in his eyes.He didn't dare to look back at the king, he was afraid that he would not be able to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by the god king to let him fight, and he would become a traitor like Michael.

The God King looked at the cracked gap again, and murmured with regret: "It's a pity, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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