Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 838 A Stunning Episode

Chapter 838 A Stunning Episode
The green figure with lightning and thunder rushing into the abyss at once rushed into the vicinity of the Great Abyss of Stonley, and the scream from the person on the back of the figure became louder and louder as it landed, and gradually overwhelmed the roar thunder.

"Little Qilin, no, big brother, I'll call you big brother, please! Calm down! This is the place with the most enemies, not your home!"

That swift green figure is the little unicorn rescued by Yuan Feiwu. Several years have passed, and it has been eating and drinking in Lucifer's palace. It is no longer the little unicorn it used to be. The dark green dragon scales are like the armor it wears, with a pair of high horns on the top of its head that are full of fierceness, and a pair of tiger eyes that turn straight.

The arrival of the little unicorn also came with a greeting gift, and several purple thunderbolts descended beside it, clearing a large open space next to the Stonled abyss.

But this is only temporary, as if the little unicorn, which is the target of public criticism, immediately became the primary target of the destroyers, and all kinds of attacks were all directed at the little unicorn in the next second.

As a spirit beast, the little unicorn naturally wouldn't fail to notice his own danger, so he dodged all the attacks with a single leap, and instead let those missed attacks fall on his own people.


The little unicorn opened its mouth and let out a roar that shook the mountains. It was clear that there were so many lightning bolts coming from nowhere in the clear sky, and it was crackling again, blasting away to a large group of destroyers on the edge of the Stonled abyss. Immediately, the three clans felt the pressure drop.

The ones who benefit the most are of course the human race whose defensive and psychological defenses have been broken, and there is a lot of space for them to reorganize their defenses.

"Okay, okay, I know I told you to fly this way, but I didn't tell you to land! Wait for me for a while, it will be ready soon!" A person on the little unicorn's back suppressed the trembling calf, and stood on the little unicorn. Sitting up straight on his back, which was curled up because of fear, he held his head high and shouted, "Sylas, the unknown soldier, came to support. I hope that all tribes will temporarily hand over the command of the army to me as the commander. I will guide all tribes to build A reasonable line of defense!"

"It's him! Isn't he dead?" Ya Longjing finally withdrew his eyes from looking at the God King. In addition to his respect for the God King, he also loved his sister Athena. He looked at the fallen The God King was the saddest, but he was also attracted by the one who appeared suddenly.

A head of green algae, it's Silas!The tactical genius Silas, who became famous in the first battle and fell like a comet, made the Star Luo Continent invincible at that time. I feel extremely sorry!Although I don't understand why a dead person appeared here, his appearance is definitely great news!
"King!" Marlons looked back at Ya Longjing from the commanding platform.

The tactical strength of Silas, the leader of the human race, Mullens, is of course the one who knows best. The strength that Silas can display in this kind of unparalleled battle is amazing. It can be said that such a large-scale battle is the best for him. The best stage of light!
But the commanding power of the entire human race's army is not up to Marens' turn, and he can only ask for the opinion of the emperor of the human race.

"Hand over the command to him! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" Ya Rongjing decided without any hesitation.

"Yes!" Marens couldn't help showing a little bit of a satisfied smile in the depression of the war, "All soldiers obey the order. From this moment on, I will hand over the command to that young general Silas. Commander, behead!"


Marens' emotional roar temporarily restored the army's fighting spirit, and put aside the worries about the God King for the time being.

Although the strength of the little unicorn is comparable to that of the great demon god, he can't help but be presumptuous for a long time near the Great Abyss of Stonley. Numerous monsters continue to surround him, and their uneven strength makes them mixed with many god-level masters. Even a little unicorn can only fall if they come under siege.

Silas also understood this. He and the little unicorn couldn't stay there and talk to the three races at the same time. Since the orcs and the demons didn't respond, he could only signal the little unicorn to return to the Star Luo Continent temporarily.

It just so happens that it is the Star Luo Continent that is under the greatest pressure right now, and Silas's heart is also the Star Luo Continent.

"Listen up, warriors, I don't need you to kill the enemy, you just need to block the enemy's advance! The enemy in front of you can't walk past you, and the enemy behind them can't walk you too! Of course, be smart, meet the level Don't rush to kill the relatively low enemies, use them as a meat shield to block the rear, so the real masters will be blocked! Masters above the level of earth warriors, pay attention to the enemies who jump into or drill into the back row , when using grudge, pay attention to your own people! Magicians don’t need me to say more, right? Go to the place where the enemy is densely packed! Remember, whoever sacrifices his life to create a comfortable attack opportunity for you, who kills the enemy The important thing is entrusted to you! If you can still be lazy, you are sorry for them!" Silas has experienced more advanced wars in the demon world in the past few years. Compared with those years ago, those terrible trials made his growth in the control of war very terrible, but commanding these ordinary people, he felt incomparably stressed, because he had no way out of failure in this battle, "Everyone gave Lao Tzu Think about it, what are you guarding here for! What are you guarding here for without fear of death! To prevent these vicious people from stepping half a step behind us! Behind us, there are you who must There is a life-defying existence, and there is me, Silas, who is defending it with my life! Therefore, please entrust your strength to me, and work together to prevent the enemy from taking half a step into the Star Luo Continent!"


In one of the phalanxes where there were so many magicians, the girl who started the first spell for this battle because of nervousness dropped the staff in her hand to the ground, her eyes were blurred by tears, and she couldn't see everything clearly.

"Mage Crimson Moon, on the battlefield, the staff is the life of a magician! I can forgive you for being nervous, but I can't forgive you for throwing the staff away! If you feel any discomfort, please leave the battlefield, Give up that precious position to the magicians on standby!" the commander of the phalanx said angrily.

The girl hurriedly picked up the staff from the ground, wiped away her tears and squeezed out a smile: "I can still fight, please allow me to continue to fight, I want to fight side by side with him! This time, I am extremely honored to follow his light, I hope to be one of the people who blooms and shines in the world!"

"He? Who is he? Forget it, since you have the determination, you should do your best. Just cast your magic before the magic power is exhausted! We can't let the Destroyer step into the Star Luo Continent!"

"Yes!" The girl's voice suddenly became stronger. As long as she can still see that person, the real person, she believes that she will be able to overcome all difficulties!
"Since that guy is brought back to life, I can be liberated as a great magister."

At the other corner of the line of defense, Lin Beck, who was distracted while fighting, gave a sigh of relief to Marlens who directed the recovery line of defense.

He was finally able to find some free time, and he easily and happily took care of the master in front of him. He flew into the sky and clapped his hands in a particularly flat rhythm: "Seniors, come and gather quickly, you agree with what Silas said, right?" ?Now that he is here, we have the opportunity to display the results of our hard training, and I believe that the results of our hard training will be the 'strongest shield' in the world."

His tone did not seem to be calling for seniors, it was completely like a useless kindergarten teacher lazily calling for children to gather!

"Teacher, what's next for that Linbeck guy? Are you the senior he called?" Livia also dismissed the masters at hand, and rushed to Douglas to help him share some of the enemies, and asked by the way.

"Bah bah bah, of course it wasn't me!" Douglas's handsome face couldn't help but collapse, and he kept yelling bad luck. It's a shame to be summoned by that guy like this, "But I have to say that guy is really a little The ability, the 'strongest shield' he mentioned is definitely not in vain."

"What is it?" Livia asked curiously.

"Seven-breaking array." Douglas didn't realize that the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a proud arc. After all, this arrogant old man was still proud of the talented great magister in his heart, "Before he and Yuan Feiwu studied together As a result, they restored and added their own changes to restore the terrifyingly powerful Seven Killing Formation. In order to deal with the World Annihilation War, that guy quietly rehearsed the Seven Killing Formation, a Seven Breaking Formation composed of seven great sword masters!"

"Seven-breaking formation composed of seven great sword masters?!" Livia couldn't help but be speechless even though she had seen the battle of the gods before!
Even she didn't know about this matter, what method did Lin Beck use to make the Seven Great Juggernauts at his mercy... Well, no matter how straightforward she is in this fact, she should be a little more tactful.When did Lin Beck organize the Seven Great Juggernauts to restore the Qipo Formation? !

If it is really a complete, 100% powerful Seven Great Sword Master Seven Breaking Formation, Livia can say without hesitation that this will be the strongest combat power in the mortal world!Just saying it's 'the strongest shield in the world' is really humble!
Douglas has never worried about the power of the seven-breaking formation formed by Lin Beck. Since Lin Beck dared to use it, he must have a well-thought-out plan, but these can only temporarily bring a little amazing episode to the mortal world.

He anxiously looked at the God King Yafiel on the divine power platform made by Raphael. Even if he was a clone, even if he couldn't afford it, there was still a master-student relationship. The God King felt extremely distressed.

What is even more distressing is that he understands the reason why the God King is about to pass away and still looks at the horizon with regret.The God King is eagerly waiting for that person to appear, hoping to see that person for the last time.He said at the beginning that once that guy enters the school, the female students in his college will definitely suffer!

Feelings are inexplicable, and even gods can't get rid of them. As a bystander, Douglas regrets and breaks his heart, let alone the authorities?
(End of this chapter)

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