Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 840 The Demon King Came from the Gate of Hell

Chapter 840
The chants of the angels became more and more sad, as if they wanted to present the most unforgettable ending song for the departure of the god king.

Unforgettable is not just talking, the songs sung from the pain in the heart, there is no such thing as good or bad, no intonation, no fast or slow rhythm, some are just the true feelings that shake the soul, and it is very easy to distinguish.


A sharp noise of scratching the glass just wanted to interrupt the hymn that made everyone intoxicated and sad.

Everyone looked at the side of the sky that made the noise with fury, even if the enemy in front of them was in front of them, they still wanted to draw their hands to teach the troublemakers!
"Squeak!!!! Clap!!!!"

More piercing noises continued to emanate from the side of the sky, which made people feel upset and had a tight chest.

The subsequent noise became even harsher, as if countless crows were screaming, and several different strange scales were compounded together, gradually, it turned out to be a headache!

"Stop, don't sing any more."

"Master Demon King, this is the war song sung by the sea monsters before the Demon World's expedition. It is full of vicious vigor and vigor. We have always appeared like this, which is cool!"

"Beelzebub, the sound of your flies flying together is even better than this, forget about the war song."

"Yes! Close the team, stop singing!"

The noisy voice finally stopped, and everyone gasped for breath as if crawling back to the world from hell.Only then did they discover that on the side of the sky opposite to the heavenly passage, the previously cracked space like broken glass was completely shattered, revealing a large black and strange hole, full of ominousness.

It's him!

Ophelia, Tarena, Lucia, as long as they think of that longing voice, they can't hear it wrong!
It's not just them, anyone who has ever interacted with that person will not get it wrong!
They all put their attention into the big hole, expecting the figure of that person to appear.

"Sorry, it's a little late to deal with some urgent matters." A black-haired man floated out, "The king of the demon world, Yuan Feiwu, led the army of the demon world to come to support!"

Finally, that person appeared!Appeared as the shocking king of the demon world!
At the same time, Ophelia screamed and fell to her knees, Lucia opened her mouth and coughed up a mouthful of stagnant blood that could not be calmed down for a long time, Tarena covered her mouth under the veil and screamed heartbreakingly.

The condition of the black-haired man was very bad. A small dagger shaped like a snake letter was stuck in one eye, dripping dirty blood. A silver metal chain was pierced through his chest. Several claw marks on his neck were deep enough to show bone. It was a miracle that the head was still hanging around the neck.The left foot seemed to have been corroded dozens of times by sulfuric acid, and it was so dissolved that its original appearance could not be distinguished. A huge sword wound on the abdomen was temporarily sewn up with black silk thread, and viscous juice kept oozing out.

Apart from the disgusting injuries, his black wings are the most eye-catching, there are twelve wings in total!If calculated according to the level of fallen angels, it is already beyond the scope of the brain's imagination!But now only three wings are intact, and the rest are covered with strange scars or tentacles.

It's just that there are eight fatal injuries that are clearly visible, and there are countless other injuries. No one dares to imagine that someone can still be alive in such a situation!Not even gods can live!

Although Ophelia Terena and Lucia want to see him again every second, seeing him like this is more cruel than not seeing him!Seeing the most important person suffer inhuman abuse, appearing with scars that are about to faint just by looking at it, that kind of pain hurts more than not seeing it!They don't care whether the devil is the devil or not!What they care about is Yuan Feiwu's pain at the moment, all the pain of the injury is as sad as if they have endured it again in their hearts, but they hope that there is a kind of magic that can make Yuan Feiwu's injury transfer to them, and take the pain instead of him!Only those who truly love in their hearts can understand this feeling!

Seeing Yuan Feiwu flying out, everyone in the mortal world gasped, and their minds went blank for a while.

"Silas is the tactical expert I invited to support. I hope that the army of the three tribes can be temporarily handed over to Silas's command. He can help your defense line improve by more than one level." Yuan Feiwu said with a usual smile.

That flat and gentle smile looked almost cruel against the injury on his body at the moment.

But it seems that this person has always been like this.Those who knew him felt that even with an injury that was unbearable to look at, that person should be smiling like a flower.

"The demons obey the orders, obey the orders of that green-haired guy! Anyone who disobeys the orders will be beheaded! Carlyle, you are in charge of overseeing the army!" Lu Kaiser was the first to react, and immediately ordered to the army.

He glanced at the back worriedly, and sure enough, his daughter was so worried that she vomited blood.Lu Kaiser was also helpless, and he had no way to help Lucia in this matter. Seeing his beloved appear in such a posture, even a caring person would not feel good after seeing it. It's not that he doesn't know that his beloved daughter has How much he misses this person, such a situation can also be expected by Lu Kaiser.

"It's that guy, the fake prince named Yuan Feiwu! We owe him a lot of favors, let's do it quickly!" Rudolph also hurriedly issued the order, and when he turned around, he found Murphy and the others and said, "Masters of black magicians, We intend to follow the instructions of that green algae head, how about you?"

"Lord Hellfire Demon Lord!!!"

What responded to Rudolph was hysterical roaring. Rudolph almost thought that his ears were going to be deafened by Murphy's voice.

"Listen to Lord Minghuo Mozun! Lord Minghuo Mozun turns out to be the Demon King! Thanks to the protection of the Demon King! Hurry up, you guys, hurry up and listen to the orders of that green algae head!"

When Rudolph heard this, he was too lazy to deal with Murphy's madness. Anyway, he could just do it, so he went to the front line again.

"The captain is indeed the captain. Saying a word is more useful than making my voice hoarse." Silas smiled self-deprecatingly, and let the little unicorn take him to fly to receive the troops of various tribes, and reorganize the defense lines everywhere.

"Can you take care of both the demon world and the heavenly army?" Yuan Feiwu asked with a smile.

"Of course, as I said, I will do my best to keep you from being distracted by other things." Silas laughed and replied, "If there are two more teams from the Heaven and the Demon Realm in hand, then what I have to do It’s not just about building a defense line, I’m sorry for myself if I don’t organize a counterattack!”

"That way, the demon army will all obey the command of General Silas." Yuan Feiwu said to the rear, "Lucifer, you can have your hands free now, have you held on for a long time?"

"Yes, Lord Demon King."

Behind Yuan Feiwu, the eight great demon gods flew out side by side, lined up behind Yuan Feiwu respectfully.Behind them, countless demon gods from the demon world poured out, either ugly or ferocious, rushing forward to fight with the destroyers.

The expressions of the eight great demon gods were full of violence, and no one knew the depression in their hearts.

In the war in the Demon Realm, the Lord Demon King has single-handedly taken care of all the terrifying enemies, and they can only watch from a distance and cannot help them.Seeing Lord Demon King come back in triumph with many scars, how depressed I feel!Now there is finally a place to vent, they are going to explode!They never thought before that one day they would blame themselves for not being able to share the burden for the Lord Demon King and be so angry!

"Get out of the way." Lucifer pulled out the Star of Morning Glory, and flew out with a cold face, "I have a bit of a temper today, be careful to be chopped off by me."

As soon as Lucifer's stalwart body flew, there was a lot of worship from the demons. Lucifer is the belief of the demons, and the fan base is there.

"Tch, you make it sound like you're the only one who has a bad temper."

Beelzebub and the others also flew out, and the Destroyer camp ushered in a counterattack that seemed to be the end of the world!That was all the anger held back by the demon gods for the Lord Demon King!

Seeing the sudden and violent counterattack of the demon army, the angels were stunned for a moment, and even forgot to continue singing the hymn.It can't be blamed on them, this is the first time they have fought side by side with the demon gods of the demon world as friends rather than enemies.

But when they regained their senses, they didn't expect that the king of the demon world had already come in front of them.

The previous hostility in the heavens made them subconsciously point their swords at Yuan Wu.

"Who the fuck points the sword at Lord Demon King again, don't blame me for being rude."

The Doomsday Demon God Azazel, like a guard, rushed away the enemies rushing towards the King of God with a loud shout, then turned around and pointed his sword at all the angels.

The angels couldn't react, but Yuan Feiwu passed through them without a sound and landed on the platform built by divine power.

"You are here... I can leave without any regrets..."

The King of God tried his best to open his eyes, and seeing the bruised Yuan Feiwu, a teardrop could not help but slip from the corner of his eye.He has already fought to such a point.

"You can't leave yet. Didn't I say that I want you to be the God King behind the Demon King? The Demon King in front of the God King is not dead yet, how can the God King behind the Demon King die?" Yuan Feiwu opened his hands, countless Transparent silk threads flew out, dexterously interweaving and pulling in the air.

The white starlight that disappeared behind the God King suddenly returned!Although most of them have disappeared, the light spots that can still be seen in front of my eyes have all flown back and rebuilt the body of the God King, her wings... Unfortunately, less than half of the wings are left, the incomplete parts It disappeared before Yuan Feiwu returned.

Ordinary people couldn't see clearly, but the angels and demon gods present could clearly see that the scattered brilliance was actually strung up one by one by the demon king with silk thread, and re-stitched like sewing clothes!Even dots of light can be linked accurately? !Countless tiny brilliance can be strung together one by one!Even the shattered divine emblem on the divine king's forehead has been re-fixed. Upon closer inspection, it is covered with black silk threads that are hard to distinguish with the naked eye. It has a sense of sight that has been repaired and left traces!
Damn, is there still such an operation? !The angels began to doubt the healing technique bestowed by their talents, and had a subversive understanding of healing!

Anyway, at least the god-king didn't start fading away anymore!

"I can tie you back even if you turn into ashes!" Yuan Feiwu's creamy jade fingers intertwined beautifully in the air, tying a firm knot on all the threads, "No one can untie them except me, unless I die." gone."

Is this a vow of life and death together... Do you know that if you say that, I will really fall...

The God King looked at those star eyes, tears streaming down uncontrollably.The God King knew that the so-called fall had actually happened a long time ago, and it had fallen to the demon king who wanted to carry the God King on his back a long time ago.After experiencing life and death, the King of God saw through the confinement brought by her identity. She only thought that whether her life was just one more second or ten thousand years, as long as she was tied to the person in front of her, she would have no complaints. .

"What did you just say?"

"It's nothing. I'm just saying that if you tie up a girl casually, you will be held criminally responsible!" The King of God bit his lip, showing a smile that Yuan Feiwu felt familiar with.

"Hey...the ambiguity between what you said 'tied up' and what I said 'tied up' is as wide and deep as the Great Abyss of Stonled!"

It was this kind of familiar scene that wanted to make him feel helpless again, Yuan Feiwu’s smile turned into a wry smile. Didn’t she say that Athena’s avatar had a different personality from the main body on purpose? Why did she suddenly feel The god king Yafeier in front of him has become a bit like Athena!
(End of this chapter)

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