Chapter 841

Seeing Yuan Feiwu being teased, the king of gods couldn't help laughing out loud, and the angels were startled. The king of gods, who has always been holy and serious, would actually laugh. His smile was so pure and lovely.When the angels came back to their senses from that smiling face, they happened to see the contempt of Azazel, the demon god of doom, turning his head back, as if to say, when will you light bulbs be so fucking bright?
No matter how slow the angels reacted, they should have reacted at this time, and flew out one after another to meet the doomsday demon god Azazel and fight back at the nearby enemies.Just now they were in a situation of being beaten in order to protect the king of gods, now with Azazel's help, it's time to fight back!

"Don't waste your divine power to heal my consciousness. If you survive, I will survive. You should heal yourself first." The Divine King pushed Kaiyuan Wuwu and said with a smile.

Shenwang Xinyuan Feiwu knew in her heart that she was worried that she was wasting too much divine power on her and causing too much unnecessary consumption.

"I... I can't recover. If it recovers in this world, or in the nearby world, all the nearby worlds will be wiped out in an instant. After all, it needs too much aura..." Yuan Feiwu also laughed.

But that indifferent smile made the God King cry silently.

Yuan Feiwu's scars are numerous, it's not that Yuan Feiwu can't recover, but that he can't recover!He must hang on to so many injuries and continue to fight without a chance to rest!

"The Chuangshi God said, you are not from this world, so there is no need to carry all of this on your shoulders. Run away, run far away, this is just a doomed catastrophe in the Three Realms of Heaven, Demon and Mortal, and has nothing to do with you! "The King of God couldn't help but said, he was shocked immediately after he finished speaking, he, who was always kind and selfless, turned out to be selfish this time, he would rather sacrifice the life of the whole other world than watch Yuan Feiwu suffer here!

No, it's not selfish!Even with Yuan Feiwu, I'm afraid the whole other world will still be doomed, so why bother dragging someone behind?

"You are right, but there are too many things here that I can't let go. You repair your god immediately, and after your god restores its foundation, you can remove my divine power thread, then you don't have to live with me Died altogether. I tried to make it through the day."

Yuan Feiwu touched the head of the Divine King, the Divine King seemed to have realized something, choked up and cried, and wanted to rub his head into that warm hand, but that hand had already been withdrawn.

Yuan Feiwu flew towards the cloud of gray mist, and many Destroyers who rushed towards him on the way were chopped into ashes by him with a few black divine power.The understated formidable strength gradually made those destroyers fear, and in the end they quietly dodged that killing god!
"Your strength shouldn't be like this. It's just my twenty magic stars that caused you to be seriously injured. Where did the majestic Wuxiangxiehuang go? Hahahaha..." Yuan Feiwu flew close, and the cloud of ashes Wu suddenly laughed loudly, and the magic sound was deafening.

Of course the Lord of Chaos could tell who caused the injuries on Yuan Feiwu's body, and they were all his confidantes.

"Phaseless Evil Emperor..." Yuan Feiwu murmured, and the divine emblem on his body gradually emerged. The exaggerated and complicated divine emblem made the visible parts of his whole body covered with black symbols. The demon gods all want to kneel down to Kamui.

This name is the name of the ancient demon god inherited by Yuan Feiwu.

Although Yuan Feiwu inherited some fragments of the memory of the ancient demon god, but compared to its long and terrifying life, such fragments of memory are too small, and it is impossible to grasp the colorful life of Wuxiangxiehuang at all. Colorful experience.But he couldn't fail to search for the name of the ancient demon god from the inherited memory—Phaseless Evil Emperor, this is the name of the ancient demon god.Formless means that it is superior to tangible power. According to Yuan Feiwu's inference at the time, the cultivation base of Wuxiang Xiehuang is quite powerful even in the vast universe.

"Who are you?" Yuan Feiwu knew that it was the divine power that he radiated, and was recognized by the Chaos Lord as the Phaseless Evil Emperor.

For them, each force has its own unique characteristics, and the Chaos Lord must have dealt with the ancient demon god he inherited.

"You don't even remember me?" The ruler of chaos was a little emotional, as if he was angry, "Forget it, back then you were omnipotent, what ancient god would not avoid you like a plague god? I almost died of In your hands, fortunately, I am lucky! After escaping the catastrophe, I worked hard to cultivate, so that one day I can kill you under my sword!"

"Lie. I wandered away from the misty day and night, trembling, fearing that the Wuxiang evil emperor would come to your door and kill you, right?" Yuan Feiwu saw through the lies of the master of chaos at a glance.

After all, he still has some fragmentary memories of the Wuxiangxiehuang. In the vast universe, Wuxiangxiehuang is like a mafia boss with terrifying power, with a fixed territory that no one dares to break into. Or the God of Creation, they all hid far away.

Moreover, Yuan Feiwu had already figured out the strength of the Chaos Lord when he defeated the 21 magic star. With the strength of this Chaos Lord, it is really not a star behind the Wuxiangxiehuang. According to the system of the Chaos Lord, the Chaos Lord Under Wuxiang Xiehuang's hands, he might be a low-level expert like the Southern Seven Demons.

"Phaseless Evil Emperor, I don't know why your strength is so little, and I don't know why you dare to be so proud. You and I both understand that such a plane is just an ant to us. It can be destroyed, so why should I do it myself when dealing with such a plane? I didn’t smash this plane directly, but I was just worried that you would run away. Now, you have nothing to hide from! Hand over your cultivation obediently to Me, Phaseless Evil Emperor!" The Chaos Lord let out a laugh that was close to madness.

In his mind, it was like winning the first prize.He came here this time cautiously, just to find out the truth.Seeing all the wounds left by the 21 magic stars on Yuan Feiwu's body, he was very sure that his judgment was correct, the strength of this ancient demon god is no longer what it used to be!
The Wuxiang Xiehuang must have been severely injured in a certain fierce battle, and his cultivation base has not yet recovered, so he found a world to hide.And he just happened to be competitive with this world, and he sent many masters to be killed. In fact, it was precisely because of this that he suspected that there were any particularly powerful masters in this world.

Unexpectedly, that particularly powerful master turned out to be the Wuxiangxiehuang!
A phaseless evil god who has not recovered from serious injuries is like a sweet bun falling from the sky, how could the Lord of Chaos miss it!

The speculation process of the Lord of Chaos was wrong. The Wuxiang Evil Emperor was not seriously injured, but was directly sealed into the sword, and then he wanted to occupy Yuan Feiwu's body and came out of the mountain again, but he underestimated that the opponent was bombarded in the direct collision of souls. off.But the conjecture of the Chaos Master is correct, the current "Phaseless Evil Emperor" is completely inferior compared to his peak period!

"Come and get it if you want it. Bluff, if you are confident, why use your clone to test it out? No matter how weak I am, I won't be inferior to your clone." Yuan Feiwu raised his head and smiled, and suddenly rushed towards the cloud of gray mist go.

The Lord of Chaos can live in the vast universe until now, so how could it be possible that he didn't have the slightest thought, while he was always on guard, he was also thinking about how to use Yin Yuan to fly around.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu move, several palms made of gray mist immediately grabbed Yuan Feiwu.

The beginning of chaos, the beginning of the universe, the master of chaos controls the power of the beginning of all things!When the chaos first opened, there are all things in the world, rivers, mountains, seas and plains, light and darkness, wind, fire, water and soil, and they are born for it. All energies can be seen as evolving from the power of chaos!

That's why the master of chaos can hold the demon-slaying arrow in his hand without being affected by it, and the power of chaos can blend with all energy bodies!

But under the absolute energy, even the power of chaos can break it!That's what Yuan Feiwu did right now!
Yuan Feiwu spread his wings and flew high in the air. During the flight, he continuously smashed the giant palms coming towards him. The ancient divine power on his body was exerted to the extreme. He turned into a black comet in the air and rushed into the gray fog. Suddenly, the sky became dark. It seems that the end of the world has come!

"Hahaha... This avatar is for you to play with, just wait for my real deity to come, Phaseless Evil Emperor!"

The thick gray fog shrank suddenly, and it was so concentrated that it seemed to envelop the rushing Yuan Feiwu.Yuan Feiwu emitted black flames all over his body, intending to burn the gray mist away, but the burning speed was too slow, the gray mist was the energy of chaos, and his divine power would have to spend many times more energy to consume it!But time was running out, Yuan Feiwu felt that the dense fog was brewing a huge amount of energy, and in the end it was bound to produce a terrifying burst of energy!

"Since your target is me, it would be great. Instead of you coming to me, I will come to you, and let me help you cut off the fear that has been under the shadow of the Phaseless Evil Emperor in your heart!" Yuan Feiwu gave a loud shout, gave up the idea of ​​burning up the gray mist, turned around and flew towards the transparent vortex higher in the sky.

The transparent vortex is still continuously scattering Destroyers, Yuan Feiwu understands that as long as the Lord of Chaos is still there, these low-level Destroyers will be endless!And as long as he is still in the other world, it is impossible for the master of chaos to let the other world go!
This is the catastrophe encountered by other worlds, and it is also the catastrophe that Yuan Feiwu, as the successor of the Phaseless Evil Emperor, will encounter!
In this way, he has no way out.

Since there is no way out, why not face it with a smile?

The figure flying towards Aoyang got higher and higher, covering the entire continent with the shadow reflected in the sun.

The last image he left to the world is free and easy, relieved, decisive, and brave. Everyone has his own opinion in his heart, a unique perception in his heart, a new understanding of the king of the demon world.

But the only consensus among the world is that Yuan Feiwu, the king of the demon world, saved the world.

The dense fog wrapped around Yuan Feiwu's body exploded, bringing Yuan Feiwu along with the transparent vortex, and disappeared into the sky together.

After that, no Destroyer descended from the sky anymore, as if the transparent vortex before was just an illusion, and that great figure was also just an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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