Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 842 The tiger is not at home, the monkey dominates!

Chapter 842 The tiger is not at home, the monkey dominates!
But everyone understands that it is not an illusion.

The shouts of killing on the ground are still there, and the desperate struggle is still going on in Mortal Realm.But in the next fight, everyone is no longer desperate, because the devil has destroyed the source, and the number of enemies has been seen, so the meaning is different.

But the king of gods, archangels, demon gods, Ophelia, Tarena, Lucia, Xueyue, Nangongfeng, Yalongjing, Lin Beck, Douglas, Lu Kaiser, Rudolph... Countless and Yuan Feiwu have The people who have had a lot of friendship, but contrary to ordinary people, there is only sadness in their hearts.

The scarred demon king, with the determination to go forward without any hesitation, dedicated himself to bring hope to them.

All of this, from the very beginning, they had already had a premonition in their hearts. The devil king who never knew why he always put others first in his heart always didn't love himself so much.It is precisely because of this that whether it is a god, a human, or a demon among them, they are all fascinated and touched by his charm, and on the contrary want to protect this demon king who cannot help but love.

However, they are not qualified to defend such a beloved demon king!

What rose in everyone's heart was anger and unwillingness and helplessness!

But the war was still going on, and the Eight Great Demon Gods fought back like crazy. With their participation, the disadvantage of Xue Yue and others in the previous battle was quickly regained and turned into an advantage.

Just now, everyone's eyes were searching for the black figure, but they didn't find it. After the energy burst, a faint gray gravel fell down.

Everyone in the mortal world didn't see it, but someone in the passage opened violently from the heaven to the mortal world in the air, someone saw it.He has been lurking there for a long time, and all he has to wait for is this moment!
The golden figure flew out quickly, took the piece of gravel, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It turns out that this is the power of chaos... so wonderful."

The golden light on the golden figure gradually dimmed, turning into a gloomy brilliance.The scales growing on the body gradually became thicker, a pair of gray devil horns grew on the head, and the three pairs of plague-spotted wings on the back were several times larger, and the proportions were terribly out of balance, as if they wanted to cover the sky and block out the sun . .

"Is that Michael?"

It was Lucifer who first noticed something wrong in the air.

He looked at the sky in surprise, the battle angel Michael who used to be his brother and brother turned into a monster that even Lucifer could hardly recognize.The divine power exuding from him was already different.

"Destroyers who came with the ruler of chaos, your master seems to have no time to care about your life and death, why not submit to me, Michael, what do you think? Hahaha..." Michael is like a king of heaven and earth, Soaring proudly in the sky, condescending.

Under him, both the Destroyers and the people fighting against the Destroyers stopped their movements and looked at Michael in the air.

The Destroyers are looking at who is so proud that they dare to betray Lord Chaos Lord and submit to him.

People were amazed at how Michael, the legendary battle angel representing justice and protection, became like this.

"Submit to you? What are you?" The rag-clothed humanoid monster, who was struggling under the siege of Uliyer and Haniya, was the first to shout in disgust.

Michael looked over there coldly, swung the holy sword Hui Yao, and a gray sword aura flew straight towards the monster.The humanoid monster in rags didn't expect the other party to attack without saying a word. Just as he was about to evacuate, he found that his body was completely locked by the Qi machine and could not move. Before he could make any other movements, he was cut into two pieces by the sword Qi!
Uliyer and Haniya, who had been entangled with the monster all this time, hurriedly backed away so that they were not enveloped by the sword energy. When they looked up, they were furious!They were not angry at the monster that was cut in half, but on Michael's holy sword, and the military angel Kamal was hanging on the sword, as if it was Michael's spoils of war!
The six archangels are brothers and sisters, and Kamal has been Michael's deputy for many years, so his relationship should be deeper than that of other archangels. How cold-blooded is Michael to be able to kill him!

"Who dares not to follow? Hahaha... I have mastered the power of chaos, and when this world is destroyed to absorb the power after the world is destroyed, I am also an ancient god beyond the order of the demons and mortals!"

Michael laughed excitedly, the feeling of being full of power is so wonderful, the spiritual energy that he breathed into his body now, is all dissolved into the primordial form of energy - chaos!With every move of hand and foot, I feel the power to turn everything into nothingness!More importantly, this power can absorb the power to destroy the world, this is the most critical point!What he wants is not only to break through to a higher level of cultivation and go to a wider vast universe, but also to master the ability of this kind of destruction that can make him stronger, so that he can become the overlord in the vast universe!Looking around, who can become a God of Destruction, who doesn't have the ability to gain strength from destruction?

As an archangel, he does not have this ability; he surrendered to the Lord of Chaos, but he still does not have this ability!Now that he has it, his desire for power can finally begin to come true!

"If you don't go on the right path, the evil spirits have nowhere to go! Even if it's me, it's just the law of the jungle absorbing the cultivation of others. Of course, this practice has been corrected by the Lord Demon King. In short, I still think about cultivating myself to achieve Break through the order of the three realms, and become an ancient god with your own cultivation! I, a great demon god, is still within the scope of the righteous path, but you, with the help of the power of the master of chaos, will directly break the order of the three realms and make yourself an ancient god! God, trash!" Beelzebub couldn't stand it anymore, threw away his half-eaten opponent and yelled at Michael.

"Lord of the Flies, even if you are willing to bow your head and beg for mercy, I have no intention of letting you go, so you shut up." Michael flew out another gray sword aura.

Beelzebub had been prepared a long time ago, the source of the curse was held high in front of his chest, and a huge green skull couldn't wait to open its mouth and bite Michael.

The moment the gray sword energy touched the green skull, it smashed the skull into pieces.Beelzebub didn't expect that his super big move would be so vulnerable to the opponent's random blow, and there was no better backhand to fight against. The shaved sword energy hit his chest, and he was sprayed with green blood. It smashed to the ground and fell on the Xingluo Continent.

The human beings looked at Beelzebub, which was ugly and stinking with blood, and was stunned. Although it was ugly, no one dared to deny Beelzebub's strength as a great demon god!

one strike!
The Great Demon God of the Demon Realm was defeated with just one blow!

This kind of power makes everyone speechless!

"Master Michael, we are willing to surrender!" The Destroyers, including the remaining Three Demon Stars, surrendered readily when they saw such strength.

These are all ghost spirits. Since they would surrender to the Lord of Chaos to save their lives, now facing the threat of Michael, who they cannot resist, of course they still choose to surrender.Even if the Lord of Chaos came back again, they had already thought of a self-protection strategy for stabbing Michael in the back. What is there to be afraid of if they can bend and stretch?

"Then destroy this world! Hahahaha... Vast Xingyu, I, Michael, are here!"

Under Michael's roar, the Destroyers started fighting again.Michael was satisfied with their performance, a little slack in satisfaction.

A light and shadow flashed by quickly, Michael was startled, and it was already too late to retreat quickly, the speed of the light and shadow was too fast, if he didn't relax his attention, he wouldn't let the opponent take advantage of it.

After being swept by the light and shadow, the Kamal hanging on Michael's cross sword disappeared.

"Raphael... you fly the fastest every time you fight, what else can you do but escape?" Michael knew that Raphael had been staring at Kamal on his sword early in the morning, waiting for him to relax .Although it is not a big deal to be rescued back to Kamal, it feels like I can't bear the face.

Annoyed, Michael added a sword aura. The gray sword aura was like a poisonous snake, and quickly caught up with Raphael who was fleeing with Kamal in his arms.

At the moment of catching up, a black figure appeared, receiving the sword energy with a calm expression.

Even though he was carried away by the sword energy for a long distance, and even though the thick broken sword in his hand had a few cracks, he still remained expressionless and full of arrogance.

"Brother Lucifer! Even you in your prime are no match for him!" Raphael looked back worriedly.

"Healing Angel Raphael, take Kamal down for treatment, this is your duty, you don't need to take care of other things." Lucifer spat out the blood churning in his chest, without even looking at Raphael, He just looked at Michael with disdain, "It's our job to fight, you are the logistics captain and you can do what your logistics captain should do. Don't think that you are great because you can kill the devil with one move. You are not so good. Far."

Raphael was stunned for a moment, and every time he encountered a strong enemy, the back of this stalwart would always appear in time, and then he said these words.

But Raphael was not angry every time he heard these words, he understood that this was just the gentle way of that person, the rude and brutal gentle way.

(End of this chapter)

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