Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 843 Let go of your reason and fight for victory!

Chapter 843 Let go of your reason and fight for victory!
"Lucifer, I used to live under your shadow, and the god king would always say 'rely on Lucifer' when doing anything... Can't I, Michael, be alone? I hate it, I hate it God King's eccentricity, hating everyone and always putting 'Lucifer' on his lips first! It's different now, you and I can no longer be compared, in my eyes you are really pitifully weak now! But I love you It is still special, I will let you live to the end, watch me destroy this world, and then I will send you on your way!" Michael glanced at Lucifer with those ashen eyes, and then looked away, as if specially for His eyes showed that he was very downcast, "Is there anyone else who wants to surrender? It doesn't matter if it's a human, an angel, or a demon god! Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish! Hahaha!"

surrender?When facing the Lord of Chaos, they still fought to the end. Now the Demon King brought them the hope of divine power by himself. If they surrendered to Michael, who betrayed the heavens, how would they face the Demon King? !
But in the direction of Star Luo Continent, a person covered in a cloak flew into the sky and came in front of Michael.

"Lord Michael, I am willing to surrender to you! Please grant me great strength!" The man pushed back his hood, revealing a pale and haggard face.

It's Sabo Beacon!
Many people in Star Luo Continent recognized that person at a glance!
Before, they tried their best to knock Sabo off the altar, but Sabo escaped without knowing where he was going.It is no longer possible to get along in the mortal world, and this person actually chose to betray the mortal world and bow to the Destroyer!
"In my opinion, you seem to be quite frustrated!" Michael could tell at a glance that Sabo is not a good person, but such a person is the most reassuring for him, because such a person needs strength!As long as you have the power that the other party desires, you will never have to worry about the other party's loyalty!
"Yes, I am depressed! I ask Lord Michael to grant me strength. I will destroy this world with my own hands and make them regret what they have done to me!" Sabo smiled like a madman from the bottom of his heart!
"Yes, your aptitude is good. Everyone, take a look, this is the reward for the first surrenderer."

Michael stretched out his hand happily, and a red divine emblem flew out of his palm and landed on Sabo's forehead.

The gods with this divine power in the emblem, with the strength of the Sabo magister level, it is difficult to bear without special help.For example, Yuan Feiwu, if he hadn't benefited from the protection of the abandoned sword of the ancient gods, his physical body would have been broken long ago.Michael stretched out his hand again and shot out a gray divine power, transforming Sabo's body so that his body could withstand the burst of divine power!

Soon, Sabo's screams resounded through the sky!However, the constantly writhing Sabo's body is also exuding a terrifying divine power!
"That's...the emblem of Vulcan."

The monster in rags was shot down by Michael, and Juliel lost his opponent and was a little free. He had been watching the development of the situation, and he discovered the origin of Sabo's terrifying power at a glance.

The remaining three demon stars that came with the Lord of Chaos were all taken over by the great demon gods who came to support from the demon world, and the situation was very good.Now there is only Michael, the huge unknown, and Juliyer's attention is mostly on Michael's side, carefully calculating the strength gap between them.

Suddenly, Ulier found a figure flashing behind Michael, and Ulier couldn't help shouting: "Be careful!"

"Uriel, you nerd, I am going to sneak attack you and be careful! Michael is no longer the former Michael. From the moment he slapped the king of God and Kamal, we You should break up with him..." Haniya rolled her eyes, but the long sword in her hand did not delay at all, and quickly stabbed Michael in the back.

"Seven Ice Stars!"

A chilling voice sounded behind Haniya. He turned his head and saw a white gun turned into seven snow-white shooting stars, sinking into his body.

Only then did he realize that Ulier's call for caution was meant for himself.

Haniya, whose handsome face was so beautiful that it was almost illusory, fell from the air with a face full of unwillingness.And behind him, Xueyue was standing in the cold air!

Xueyue's eyes have become cloudy!

"Xueyue! What are you doing! You're not just amnesia, why even your IQ has dropped, what are you doing to yourself!"

Nangongfeng chased after him, wanting to ask Xueyue for an explanation, but before he got close, Xueyue's long spear swept over with a burst of icy divine power, Nangongfeng flew back tens of meters before barely avoiding it!
"Good job, God of Ice and Snow." Michael patted Xueyue's shoulder appreciatively. At this time, with Michael's help, Sabo also quickly inherited the god of Vulcan, bursting out with powerful divine power with a ferocious face Looking at the Star Luo Continent.

This Sabo, who just inherited the Vulcan emblem, is actually a bit stronger than the original Vulcan!
Seeing everyone's sluggish faces, Michael smiled with satisfaction: "Have you all forgotten? Ice and Snow Goddess and Vulcan fell when I set out with me, and I brought back the divine emblem."

"The goddess of ice and snow and the god of fire fell because of your conspiracy, and you tampered with their god emblems." Uliyer answered coldly.

"That's right, as smart as you are, why did you only find out now?" Michael laughed.

Juliyer didn't have time to pay attention to Michael's sarcastic remarks, his brows were already wrinkled into a word because of the trouble!
Obviously the Demon King has brought hope to them, but who would have known that a Michael would be killed in the cross!

Michael got the mystery of the divine power of the Lord of Chaos, and became extremely difficult to deal with. At this time, he created a new God of Vulcan, and made the new God of Ice and Snow rebel, and he still has three magic stars on hand!On our own side, the king of gods, Kamal and Beelzebub were seriously injured, Haniya's life and death were unknown, and Raphael had to shoulder the task of healing and couldn't get away. Their remaining combat power was only three archangels and seven great demon gods. Unexpected!

Damn it, Juliyer got angry irrationally for the first time because he came to a conclusion rationally.Could it be that they, who have even passed the level of the master of chaos for a while, will fall in the hands of their own people in the end?Julier couldn't agree!For the first time, Juliyer, who had always been so rational that he ignored human feelings, showed a strong sense of competitiveness!

"Angels, please follow the command of that green-haired human, and I can't spare my energy to command you." Ulier clenched the light sword in his hand, this time he will become a force that focuses on combat , to fight for this difficult victory for them, "Great Demon Gods, please let go of your prejudices, this time we must cooperate with all sincerity, otherwise we will definitely lose."

"Just talking nonsense, what the hell are we not sincerely cooperating with?"

While Yulier was speaking, the demon god of death Samael and the demon god of destruction Abaddon had already cooked up the sword demon without hesitation!
Ulier rarely smiled, it was incredible that he actually felt that these guys from the Demon Realm were somewhat reliable.But because of the incredible guys in this demon world, Julier suddenly felt that the cold calculation might not explain anything. On the balance of victory and defeat, it is only now that their respective weights have really begun to be placed!

Let the Three Realms of Heaven, Demon and Fan go crazy together irrationally!

(End of this chapter)

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